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Employee theft and sabotage have the potential to cost

businesses millions of dollars. Employees who are the focus of
workplace deviance are more likely to be compelled to resign, suffer
from stress-related issues, have worse productivity, lower morale, and
lose time at work.
Employee theft costs between $5 and $10 billion per year, according
to researchers, while all types of deviance cost around $40 billion. As
a result, while avoiding costs related with workplace deviance is a
goal for contemporary research and practise, few studies in this field
have conducted a complete assessment of broad vs narrow factors and
their relative usefulness.
Employee performance, morale, and well-being are all influenced by
such deviant actions, hence organisational deviance has a large human
In 1992, for example, $4.2 billion in legal costs and lost productivity
were incurred. Insurance losses, ruined reputations and public
relations charges, lost repeat business, worker compensation, and
higher turnover are among the additional costs. Organizations and
their members suffer tremendous social and economic damages as a
result of workplace misbehaviour. It is expensive for a company to
compensate staff who are not productive.

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