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God the Father

The aspect of God the father is an important attribute of the Christian religion. It implies

that the Christian religion is as a family and the humanity see him as the head of the family. He

is viewed as the provider and as if the earthly father is responsible for all that happens to human

beings. The Christian community is composed of people that share a common heritage. The

Christian religion is based on Jesus Christ and he is considered as the son of God hence God is

the father (Åkerlund 3). The paper will examine the general view of God as a father.

Implications of Personal Views

The depiction of the male aspect of God has been particularly seen as the basic driver of

the human understanding of God. The use of God the Father is a patriarchal reflection that is

characteristic of the ancient societies. The cultural background of the Bible is predominantly

Jewish. The Jewish society can be described as a typical patriarchal society.

Opinion of Others

Majority of the feminist groups see the gender aspect as biased towards the male species.

The groups see the tendency towards masculinity as a threat to the true understanding of the

religion (Fashola 16). The fact has led to some organizations such as the Protestants and the

liberal Catholics to include the aspect of gender sensitivity in their attempts to create a gender-

balanced religious society as well as the doctrines.

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Objections and Weaknesses of the Idea

The major weaknesses that emerge from the arguments are the fact that the religious

aspects cannot be compared entirely to the contemporary standards. They are driven by the

divine beings that require the people to understand the weaknesses of the systems and the

necessary capabilities to discuss them. The use of God the father is a show of the superiority of

God. The effort to bring the overall responsibility of God is what drives the idea of God the

father. The as aspect is driven by the need to understand the weaknesses of the human being and

place God on the highest point and compare him to the father who owns all in the world.
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Works Cited

Åkerlund, Truls. "Son, Sent, and Servant." Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology 2.1

(2015): 1-1.

Fashola, Temitope.” Masculinity and Religion in Nigeria.” Findings from qualitative research


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