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The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism

effacement in them of the older (essentially high- Emergence of "degraded" landscape of kitsch, of
modernist) frontier between high TV series, of advertising and motels, of the late
culture and so-called mass or commercial culture show and the grade-B Hollywood film, of
paraliterature, with its airport paperback
categories of the gothic and the romance, the
popular biography, the murder mystery, and the
science fiction or fantasy novel: materials they no
longer simply "quote," as a Joyce might have done,
but incorporate into their very substance.

abstract expressionism in painting Andy Warhol pop art and photorealism

existentialism in philosophy deconstruction, new aesthetic of textuality or
Rejection of representation Burroughs, Pynchon, or Ishmael Reed
in the novel
the films of the great auteurs Godard, post-Godard, and experimental cinema
and video, but also a whole new type of
commercial film

the Beatles and the Stones now the moment, in music, of John Cage, popular"
standing as the high-modernist moment styles as in Phil
Glass punk and new wave rock
Frank Lloyd Wright or the international style (Le virtual sculpture,
Corbusier, Mies) aesthetic populism, title of Venturi influential
the destruction of the fabric of the manifesto: Learning from Las Vegas
traditional city and its older neighborhood culture
Van Gogh's well-known painting of the peasant shoes Andy Warhol Diamond Dust Shoes
the photographic negative in contemporary art

Walker Evans, Floyd Burroughs Shoes, 1938 René Magritte, Le Modèle rouge, 1935
Edward Andy Warhol, The Marilyn Diptych (1962)
Munch's painting, The Scream (1893) silkscreen painting by American pop artist depicting
Marilyn Monroe.
repudiated depth models What replaces these various depth models is for
the hermeneutic model of inside and outside which the most part a conception of practices, discourses,
Munch's painting develops and textual play,
(1) the dialectical one of essence and appearance Depth is replaced by surface, or by multiple
(2) the Freudian model of latent and manifest, or of surfaces (what if often called intertextuality is in
repression that sense no longer a matter of depth):
(3) the existential model of authenticity and Wells Fargo Court- depthlessness can be
inauthenticity experienced physically and "literally= great sheet of
(4) the great semiotic opposition between signifier windows, with its gravity-defying two-
and signified. dimensionality like the iconic Monolith from
Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey
the alienation of the subject displaced by the latter's fragmentation

unavailability of the personal style omnipresence of pastiche- the random

cannibalization of all the styles of the past

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