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Sagun: It is said that our social health and wellness are a vital part of our overall health and

wellbeing. It helps us interact with

people since we meet and interact with people everyday. Maintaining a good level of social wellness lets you build interpersonal
relationships. These relationships include friendships, intimate relationships, platonic, family, and professional (work)

Brazil: For the past few years, we experienced a lot of social health problem such as Fake news, The war on Drugs, Poverty, Lack
of Education and many more.

Clemente: fake news is one of the social problem the philippines have. It existed even before the development of internet and
social media platforms. In the Philippines, fake news articles are very common on social media especially facebook, fake news
about celebrity, politician and may morewere spreading a lot on facebook as it is the most used social media platform in the
philippines. Fake news is a social health problem as it makes misleading information about othere people, it makes other people
be mad at the person who’s victim of fake news, Like Leni Robredo. Leni Robredo is one of the politician who have been most
affected of fake news since the 2016 election. She is a victim of many fake news like the Cheating on 2016 election, Her
statement being cutted to make her and call her dumb, 2022 election vote buying and many more. A lot of the supporter of the
opponent of leni robredo bullies/make fun supporter of her because they think they are right and her supporter are wrong since
they believe the fake news they have watche/read are right.

Adawag: The war on drugs of duterte are very cruel as it kills and have killed a lot of people, to be specific 6,200 admits to be
killed by the polices under duterte, drug addict should’ve given a second chance to change and rehabilitate, The war on drugs
campaign have killed a lot innocent people too like kian delos santos and at least 122 children. It’s a social health problem as it
affects millions of people including the victims of war on drugs, the family of the victims who witness the killing of their love
onces and police and citezen relationship to society.

Jandusay: Due to poverty a lot of filipinos lack education especially the young ones. due to lack of education, They are beinh
sexually assaulted without knowing that they’re being harrased and their body, pictures, videos and etc. Are being sold to
pedophiles and other bad people. Some of the parents of the kids who’s being sexually assualted were the culprit too, they are
trafficking their kids so that they have money to buy their neccessity because they are poor and they don’t have any educational
background to qualifies in any job that could pay them in the right way. It is a social health problem as the children were being
sold to other people, the kids might have a trauma and have a social health problem as they’ll think everyone will make them do
the same thing they’re doing before.

Sagun: we should all socialize with other people in the right way, even if it is in person or in social media platforms, socializing
with other people helps us in many way in our life. Social support is essential for keeping good health. Having someone to talk to
about stress or personal concerns lessens the impact on your health. Social support provides you something to look forward to
every day. A good mindset can help you avoid depression and live longer.

Brazil: How can we improve our social health? Establish good self-esteem, Communicate, Find people that have the same
interest as you, try new things and meet new people, live a healthy lifestyle, avoid believing on fake news, Do what makes you
happy… in the right way.

Brazil: When your social health are in a good condition, these are the benefits of it: It can add years to yout life
Reduce the rish of stroke, boost your immune system, encourage good habits, lower or delay your rish of memory loos, relieve
pain, and many more

Sagun: Having a good social health problem is a good thing to ourselves, to other people and to the society so let’s stop the
killings to make people scared to do certain things as there are other way to avoid particular things, stop the spread of fake news
and stop believing on fake news and make a fact-check before believing somethings, Give poor people an opportunity to learn
and teach them some knowledge that could help them the rest of their lives and gve poor people an opportunity to work so that
they could pay their neccessity without getting the money in a wrong way.
Clemente: That’s how we
Jandusay: can make a
Adawag: good society and
Brazil: make a good social
Sagun: health to all of us.

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