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A journey of success with English

Letícia Oliveira da Silva

A journey of success with English

Trabalho desenvolvido para a Wizard

Campina Grande, PB em virtude da
conclusão do estágio W8.

Teacher: Fábio Alves Prado de Barros Lima


A journey of success with English

Nowadays we have noticed that there is a big demand, at the job market, about the
inclusion of English as a second language. This fact implies on the emergence of language
schools, platforms that allow the student to speak with native speakers and teachers making
them more prepared and consequently to their professional success. Just like Wizard made
and allowed the inclusion of a second language on my life.

In Brazil we have portuguese as our native language however we can see people
looking foward to learn a second language and usualy they search English schools instead of
other languages both to improve and for learn since the beggining.

For anyone who wants to be fluent in another language, is very important that you
know how to speak, write and read well and if you don’t have a good basis it will be harder to
have a fluid access and that’s why people search for those schools I told before. Mostly
latterly with all the technology we’ve got, it is easier and easier to practice and learn.

Many researches, interviews we can notice that more than 80% of the people who
were interviewed said that it is essencial to have at least an advanced knowledge in English.
So we can conclude that this knowledge is a big deal or even an prerequisite. Our country
isn’t bilingual and when we search for those datas we can see that less than 5% of the adult
population knows English.

With all this information, you can notice that when you have English as second
language you can take advantage of many benefits such as higher salaries, networking, be
informated, improve our intellectual development and also be more sociable since you will be
able to speak with anyone from any country.

Researches shows that 70% of the people who speaks English in Brazil have an
average salary a lot higher than people who doesn’t. So, learning this language is a very nice
investment on your career and life. Also, about networking and connections, we can interact
with professionals similar to us, colleagues, a large group of people in general and improve
us to another level os socializing.

Still about knowledge, besides you upgrade you will be always updated to everything
that happens in the world. Because all cientific studies and articles, important magazines all
over the world are in English. We also have in this technological age the expansion of the
marketing and communication, so if you want an improvement on those areas, English fits
this situation because it’s the source of communication. From the moment you can speak in
English you can talk to more people and be a better professional and also have more
information about tactics and tecnologies that make the difference.

So after all those positive points regard to the benefits that English can bring to your
career and life, there is no doubts that it make the difference to your future and where you
want to be. It is believed that if you still aren’t on your desirable fluence, you should give a
step forward.

I would like to thanks Wizard

for making these moments come true,
it is a huge thing in my life because I
feel it is like a major because it gives
you many opportunities, not only
because you can learn a second
language but also because you can
meet incredible people on this journey
and it should be celebrated.

I also would like to thanks to

the coordination for all the support and
guidance they gave me all those

Thanks to my teachers Fábio

and Camilo, without them there
wouldn’t have knowledge. I would like
to say that teacher Camilo was such
an inspiration for me and had a key
role in this journey.

Last but not least, I would like to thanks my classmates for all thursdays we were together
and I wish them the best.

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