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Anonymous Data

Anonymous data is information that cannot be traced back to a specific person, either by the
organization processing it or another individual.
A person can be directly identified from data like their name, telephone number, and address.
The goal of anonymizing data is to remove personal identifiers from data and make it impossible
to identify a specific person from the rest of the data.
How to Anonymize Data
Data anonymization is the action of removing any details that could be used to identify a specific
person, so how can this be achieved?
Substitution is the process of replacing specific data with a new identifier. For instance, you can
replace sensitive information with an alternative identifier, such as “Participant-1,” in place of a
person’s name.
Noise Addition
Noise Addition is often defined as obscuring data by adding or subtracting a small random
number to a piece of numerical data, like weight. For example, you might round a person’s
weight to the nearest multiple of five instead of reporting the exact figure.
Aggregation is grouping people who share components of their personal data while removing

identifying traits. You can group people by region and not their exact places.

Pseudonymous Data
Pseudonymous refers to using a name other than your actual legal name.
Data Encryption
Data encryption alters personal data, making it unrecognizable without a decryption key, thus
securing it. Decrypting the data for use will reverse it to its original form. Most of us use a form
of encryption already, most notably passwords which should typically stored in a safe hashed or
hashed-and-salted forms, rather than in plaintext (literally as it sounds: as plain, easily readable
This method protects data by substituting sensitive personal data with non-sensitive data, known
as tokens. A token can be random numbers or a string of numbers used to identify a person
without compromising their personal data.
Data Masking
Data masking is the process of substituting certain parts of personal information with a symbol
or other placeholder, such as asterisks for your Social Security Number’s first four digits.
Benefits of Data Pseudonymization and Anonymization
Data anonymization and pseudonymization are ways of protecting personal data while allowing
data controllers to benefit from its utility. But what are the actual benefits of pseudonym zing
and anonymizing data?
1. Both anonymization and pseudonymization minimize the potential harm to data subjects
that may result from data breaches. This helps data processors and controllers meet their
data protection responsibilities.
2. Anonymization safeguards the confidentiality of private data, minimizing questions and
complaints regarding the disclosure of information obtained from personal information.
You can also retain anonymized data indefinitely.
3. Pseudonymization not only safeguards data but also helps companies comply with GDPR
and similar data regulations. The technique can also be used on production systems to
temporarily store original personal data during anonymization.
4. If you show customers that you're responsible and complicant with data rulings, they will
likely trust your business more, potentially resulting in repeat custom. A little trust goes a
long way.
Identity Protection
Sometimes you just don't want anyone to know who you really are. Even if you aren't involved
in anything illegal or questionable. There's a level of social safety that comes with anonymity.
And that can be really important for introverts in online communities.
Personal Harassment
Online anonymity also plays an important role in freedom of expression. One of the most
amazing things about the internet is that it can give voices to those who are actively being
silenced. This allows them to speak without fear of repercussion.
Online harassment
 Doxing: When someone releases your personal information on the internet. This often
results in invasive pranks, stalkers, and even death threats.
 Swatting: When someone calls 911 and reports that you are dangerous. This resulting in
police officers busting down your door and arresting you. The police have even shot
people who were "swatted" by someone online.
 Revenge Porn: When someone releases intimate photos or videos of you on the internet
without your knowledge. At best, it's a violation of privacy. At worst, it can obliterate
your reputation, your future, and even your sanity.

Sensitive Issues

One common example is someone who's struggling with their sexuality, hasn't gone public with
that struggle, but has many unvoiced questions and concerns. This person can ask all of their
questions in an online community without revealing their identity and risking premature
 Medical questions are another sensitive area. It's not uncommon to hear stories of young
girls who got pregnant or contracted an STI and want to seek out medical advice without
their parents finding out. The guy who's having weird bowel movements may also want
answers while remaining anonymous.

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