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Social Studies 20-1 -23- Exam One T-T. Assignment II: Position Paper Suggested time: 50 - 65 minutes Analyze the following source and complete the assignment. Source “Canada will be a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them, We wish nothing more, but we will accept nothing less. Masters of our own house we must be, but our house is the whole of Canada.” Assignment II To what extent should we embrace the perspective(s) of nationalism reflected in the source? Write an essay in which you must: * analyze the source to demonstrate an understanding of the perspective(s) of nationalism/national identity reflected in the source, * establish and argue a position (agree or disagree) in response to the question under discussion, and * support your position and arguments by using evidence from your knowledge and understandings of social studies. Reminders for Writing + Plan your essay. {Organize your essay in a manner that allows you to argue your position strongly. + Proofread and edit your writing Evaluation + Analysis of souree 6 marks + Argumentation 8 marks + Evidence 8 marks + Communication 8 marks ALBERTA DISTANCE LEARNING CENTRE EXAM at

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