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MCR 3u1 Name: Date: MCR 3U Review Assignment #1 Units 1.8.2 Complete the following questions on separate sheets of paper. Full solutions must be shown inorder to ear full eredit for your work. This assignment will be collected and graded, 1). Simplify cach ofthe following rational expressions. tate any restrictions on the variable. Sn? — 3? 6 a © BP =a oan ©) ise06 Pax 2x? 12x+18 4x — 128 © woIx +10” = 25 Sx tdx+l 2) Given the funtion f(x) (@ Find @F2)— GH) FOe1) (©) Find such that f(s (©) Complete the square to find the vertex of the function. Determine whether the vertex is the maximum ‘or minimum point, and state the value ofthe maximun/minimum. 3) A rectangular flower garden, 7m by Sm, is surrounded by a gras strip of uniform width. Ifthe total atea ofthe garden and the grass stip is 6Om’, what is the width ofthe grass stip, to the nearest tenth ofa metre? Include a labeled diagram with your solution, 4) Simpliy each ofthe following radical expressions (9) D+ 4/H-NA (0) (5-NA)s+445) 2v5 AT O38 © Tia MCR 3U4 Answers To Review Assignments Review Assignment #1 an * @) Fan) 1 Restrictions: n+ 0,4. 95 + Restrictions: + #3,2,-4 “e—2fe8) Na+) Restrictions: x 0,£5,2.3 (0 t= 2) 42 (b) x= 27 Gi) fGx-I)=-452° 4422-8 1 3 - 3) maximum value 2 3 5 (©) sree (a) SF 4. (a) -5/5- 15 MCR 3U1 Name: Date:_ MCR 3U Review Assignment #2 Units 2,3, 4&5 Complete the following questions on separate sheets of paper. Full solutions must be shown in ‘order to earn full credit for your work. This assignment will be collected and graded, 1) So¥ve for x. Leave your answer in simplest radical form. 3x! = 8-2 2) Use transformations to graph each ofthe following functions. State the correct order of transformation for each function, and show your steps graphically, (@) y=3V2e=B 41 3) Find the exact value of each of the following. Include a labeled diagram with your solution, (a) 0s225° (b) sinaso" (0) tan{1205) 4) Solve for x, on the interval 0° x < 360°. (a) tanx = V3 (b) sinx = -0.7934 '5) Determine an equation in terms of sine for each graph given below. @) ©) 6) Find 6 in each triangle, to the nearest degree. (@) (b) tem Review Assignment #2 2. (a) vertical stretch by factor 3, horizanial stretch by factor 0.5; translate right 4 Units and up 1 unit (b) reflect in the x-axis; transiate lefl 9 units and up 2 units, 1 8 3. (a) cos225°= (b) sin agg? =~ @) E (e) 5 4. (a) x= 60°,240° (b) r= 233°,307° (a) y=2sin3(x-30°) (v) waa) ye = isin FX 6. (a) o=47° tb) 9= 65° MCR 3u1 Name: Date: MCR 3U Reviow Assignment #3 Units 2,348.5 Complete the following questions on separate sheets of paper. Full solutions must be shown, 4) Given that (x) =28-+30, find f“\a) 2) Solve the following linear-quadratic system: ye -aee7 Be-y-3=0 3) Determine the equation ofthe parabola in standard form with (6) roots 4 and 3, that passes through the point (2, 7). (0) x-intercepts 23 and 2~ {3 that passes throush the point (4,5). 4) The point (-9, 2) lies on the terminal arm of an angle @ in standard position. Determine the exact values of sind, cosé, and tand. 5) Miss sitting in a rocking chair. The distance, , between the wall and the rear of the chair varies sinusoidally with time, t.Ater 1 second, the chair 18 cm from the wall, which isis closest point o the wall, After 1.75 seconds, the chair is 34 em from the wall, which is its farthest point away from the wall (2) What is the period of the function and what does it represent inthe context of the problem? (©) How far isthe chair from the wall when no one is rocking ini {) Determine an equation to model this function for distance, d, in terms of time, 6) Prove the following trigonometric identity tats Trtan'x "ose Review Assignment #3 Solutions are (5, 12) & (2, 3) ea (a) ye-de gets It takes 1.5 seconds to rock from the position closest to the wall to the position farthest from the wall and back (®) The chair is 26 cm from the wall when no one is rocking on it an (0) d=-8eos9E (-1) 26 of d = Bear Z (r-0.25)+26 (some a5 d= -Beos[240r—)P+ 26 or d= Beos[24ay- 0.25) +26) __'(s) a . | So ieaG) 85-0) as eS) a) RS = sin*s) cos), sn* So) (ws (E8) se (sores Lean! (y i ‘ei = ‘i MCR3uL Review - Exponential Funetions 1. Simplify the following. Write answers as positive exponents @ (-x') (ay) 0) OAstye etsty et (©) 4m’ 3r @ Sama 2. Simplify using exponent rules an then evaluate the following Lys ‘ 3 (z) wo (9 16 3. vauae i AE J aca e(4Y a) 2575 »» (94)" (9) 045 o(-apa(2) oa 4. Simplify. 4) (32m!) y hasex* 5. Solve for in each ofthe fllowing exponential equations. wt 1 vt ott ae (@) 5 a b) 27 ) 6 1 ae oe 5 LEME (aye ey 6. The population of a nest of ants can triple every 35 days. If there are 170 ants now, how many! 8) were there 20 days ago? will there bein 9 weeks 7. Polonium-210 is a radioactive element with a half-life of 20 weeks. How long wouldit take ‘a sample of 192 g 0 decay 10 3 g? 8. Determine the exponential equation for each graph shown, (4 marks) 9. Find an equation that represents the exponential functions whose table of values is given: a) >) °) 4d 4 ot 3 a eal 50 i is 2_|_1250 43 3] 31250 eta! 4 | 781250 =16 405 10. The popelation of Canada, P million, can be modelled by the equation P =24.0(1.014) , where isthe time in years since 1981 2) What isthe inital population in 1981? ) Find the population in 2011 LL, Most chemical regctions take place more rapidly at high temperatures than at low temperatures. The time, # seconds, for a certain chemical reaction to take place ean be modelled as a function ofthe temperature, T degrees Celsius, by the equation 1 =8,72(0.93)" . According to the made!, how long does the reaction equite at O°C,, at 10°C and at 20°C? 12, The temperature of « cooling liquid over time can be modelled by the exponential function re) 2, ot tempt dee Ct ite Answers: 12m? me La) -72x""y" (a 4) an 2a)27 48 3a) 933 4a) 8n'n®™ 5a) re—4 exalt 3 €) x=60r gest 63) 90.78 ) 122819 7.) 120 weeks or 840 days sa y=207 — oy=2($) 9a) y=-(2)' b) y=5(3)" 3) y=2(25' at 364 1h By 4za 204 12.a)80 b)35 MCR 3U1 Unit 7 Test ~ Review Name: 1, For each of the following sequences: i) 54,48, 42, 36, ant 1) Determine the general tem. 12’ 24" b) Determine the eighth term, 6) Determine the sum ofthe first 10 terms 2. Determine 1, in the geometsic sequence where ¢ 3. Determine the sum of the series $49-413+....# 213, 4, nan arithmetic series, the sum ofthe fist 5 terms is 70 and the sum ofthe frst 11 terme ie 352. Determine the fist terms ofthe sei 1). Find the first 4 terms. ) Find the general term. %& Write the expansion for each of the following: 9 (s-4)" » Gry 7, Todd accepts a job with « graphic design firm. His starting salary is $ 34 000, and each year he will receive an annual increase of 2.5%, 4) Write a sequence of his annual salary forthe next five years. Start with Todds inital salary. ) Determine Todd's annual salary atthe end of his tenth year 8. Bob owns asmall recycling company where he picks up empty glass botles from restaurants. ‘A the first estaurant, he picks up 30 bores. At each restaurant alr tis, he picks up 4 more bottles than he picked wp atthe restaurant before, Assume that this plter continues 8) How many bres does he pick up athe eighth restaurant? 'b) If hs wock can hold 2000 empty bots, will he beable o stop athe next resturant aftr he Deku he hes? Answers Layee yee ©) So=270 Lay a a oon-QlZy 384 222 or (5)(2)"* or 4, =(5)(-2)"" 3. S,=5777 4 2484144204, 5. 9) 4=3, 3, f= 23 and 1, = 33 yf, =10n—7 6. a) x 20s» 1603? ~ 6403" +1280x~1024 b) Bix" +216x" +2163? +96x+16 7, a) 34 000, 34 850, 35 721.25, 36 614.28, 37 529.64 2461.34 b) Sy =1760, yes McR3U1 FINANCIAL APPLICATIONS REVIEW, 1. Find the accumulated amount for 4) $4225 invested at 3.25% compounded monthly for 3 % years ($ 4733.27) bb) $ 350 invested at 4.57% compounded quarterly for 2% years (§ 396.59 ©) $ 10-000 invested at 5.25% compounded semi-annually for 42 months ($ 11 988.70) 2, Find the amount of the investment and the value of the interest of $5000 invested for 3 ‘years at 4.25% per annum, compounded monthly. (8 5 678,65, § 678.65) 3. What i the present value for the following amount? $4000 in 5 years at 10% per ancur, compounded quarterly? (§ 2441.08) “4. Maria's grandmother has given her the sum of $10 000 to pay for her college education. ‘When she starts college, she estimates, the cost will total $15 000. If Maria wants to begin college in 4 years, determine what interest rate she must invest the money at, compounded quarterly, to accumulate $15 000. (10.27%) 5. Tricia has inherited $ 5000 from her great aunt and would like to invest it forthe next 10 years. She ean deposit hoe money in a GIC, with interest calculated at 7.5% compounded ‘monthly ore money market for 8.5% compounded yearly. Which investment should she choose? Show all your calculations, ($ 10 $60.32, $ 11 304.92; money market a 8.5%) 6. Johnny wants to save up money to travel to Vancouver and Whistler. His ob pays well {enough that he can commit to putting $100 per month into his savings for the next 4 year. IThis account has an interest rate of 3% per annum, compounded monthly, how much money will he have for his tip? ($ 5093.12) 2X, Clarence wants to create an investment to pay his $230 monthly ear insurance payments {or four yeas, with the first payment due in ane month. How much should he invest now at 8.25% per annum, compounded monthly? ($9 376.10) 8. Sylvia plans to buy a new carin 3 years. If she needs $7 000 forthe down payment, how much should she invest every six months at 5% per annum, compounded semi-annually, have {enough money in 3 years? ($ 1 095.85)

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