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‘Jargon: a spec ialized vocabu- lary used to de- seribe things in a specific field of study. © Prentice-Hall, Inc ci INTRODUCTION Welcome to science, whippersnapper! Wilshere A. Smith here, and I have the distinct privilege of being your host as you study graphing. Actually I'm a cartoon character with a lot of personality, but don’t let that fool you, I’ve got this science stuff down pat. I'd like to introduce you to Ophidia, a good friend of mine. She is generally a good helper, but as you'll find out, sometimes she can be quite a bother. So, Ophidia my friend, if you would be so kind as to get out of the way, we'll proceed. ) As your host, I'm going to help you out two ways. First, I need to be sure that we can communicate with one another, so to do that you'll need to learn the scientific jargon (jar + gun) + for this unit, Look at the left margin, That’s where I'll define all of your vocabulary words, which are printed in boldface. ‘Also, each main idea I want you to Jearn is found in the margin. And just to be sure you don’t miss these babies, I'l put stars by them. There is a catch though—these ideas are asked as questions that you need to find the answer to. Once Science Graphing Skills. 3 Scientists use data all the time. Data helps predict the weather, improve stereo equipment, and aid in the fast recovery of patients in hospitals. But it doesn’t stop there, the list goes on and on. ¢ How is data valuable to scien- As scientists, you'll need to be able to record information, tists? evaluate experiments, and draw conclusions. To do all of this, you need to know how to use data tables and draw graphs, which is exactly what this unit is about. BRAIN STRETCHER +41, © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 5 DATA TABLES If we collect just a little bit of data it’s no problem to keep track of it. But what happens when we get a lot? Right, our cramer hind organization improves real fast and to organize data we use a to organize data acne: in columns so it is neat and read- able. Here is a data table constructed for an imaginary science ‘experiment, Heating of Compound X eaninutes) | of 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] 8] 9fi0 Temperature?) [20 | 21 [23 [27 [35 | 45 [61 [69 [71 [73 [74 Title: a brief way to describe the content of a book, graph, or data table, Data tables begin with a title. ‘The tile of this data table is “Heating of Compound X.” The title tells the reader exactly what the data in the table refers to. Without a title, it’s possible that the person studying the data table wouldn't be able to figure out what all the numbers meant. And that can be very frustrating. When you construct a data table always be sure to begin with a title that describes the data it contains. 6 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Variable: a word used in a data table to de- scribe what in- formation is being collected. Unit: a word or symbol used in a data table that tells how the in- formation was measured. XK Why is it im- portant to have variables and units included in a data table? A © Prentice-Hall, Inc. ‘A data table includes variables and units. A variable (vary * a+ bull) describes what information you are recording. A unit tells how you are going to measure that variable. VARUABLE (uniT)) CS waar (How) Heating of Compound X “Time (minutes) 10 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] 8 23 [27 [35 [45 [61 Joo [71 ‘emperawure CC) 74 In this data table, the first column of data is the time variable, which is recorded in units of minutes. It's easy to figure out the units because they-are always in parentheses. The second column is for the temperature variable measured in degrees Celsius. Think of variables and units in these terms: VAR i [coins Science Graphing Skills 7 ‘Ordered pairs: two pieces of data directly corresponding to one another. Data is organized in a data table. If you look carefully, you'll find the numbers are organized in groups called ordered pairs. ‘They are called ordered pairs because the numbers always go together. It's easy to tell ordered pairs in a data table because they're piled on top of one another. Look at the data table and you'll see that the combination of 2 minutes and 23 degrees Celsius (2 min, 23°C) is one ordered pair. Heating of Compound X Time (min.) of if 2h 3 8 10 Temperature) [20 [2i\{23 [27 9 | 71 8 Science Graphing Skills 5 minutes and 45 degrees Celsius is another ordered pair (5 min, 45°C). ‘There are 11 ordered pairs in this data table: 1. (0 min, 20°C) 7. (6 min, 61°C) 2. (1 min, 21°C) 8. (7 min, 69°C) 3. (2 min, 23°C) 9. (8 min, 71°C) 4, (3 min, 27°C) 10. (9 min, 73°C) 5. (4 min, 35°C) 11. (10 min, 79°C) 6. (5 min, 45°C) © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Now, if for some reason you find a data table that runs up and down instead of across, the ordered pairs are still there, just side by side now. Heating of Compound X ‘Time (minutes) ‘Temperature (°C) 0 20 21 3 27 35 45 61 69 7 73. 74 weloolafo|or|a los Whaat is the best way to iden- tify an ordered pair? © Prentice-Hall, Inc, Science Graphing Skills 9 A COMPLETE DATA TABLE A properly constructed data table follows these guidelines: . a descriptive title 2. variables describing what information has been collected 3. units telling how those variables were measured . data collected in ordered pairs . all work done neatly ae Each time you construct a data table check it against these guidelines to be sure everything is there. Not only will you be getting great grades, but pretty soon you won't need the guidelines and you'll be producing perfect work without even crying : BRAIN STRETCHER +8) “THE ONLY PLAGE WHERE Succes anes PEFORE whet, {5 IN THE DICTIONARY. 10 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. READING A GRAPH By now you're an expert at reading and constructing data tables. Now it’s time to master reading a graph. A graph is an Graph: a picture exact picture of information in a data table. It’s usually a line of information that shows a relationship between all of the numbers in a data in a data table. table. The following data table and graph are for the Heating of Compound X. Heating of Compound X Time (minutes) | Of 1] 2] 3| 4] 5] 6] 7] 8] 9]10 “Temperature (°C) [20 | 21 | 23 | 27 | 35 | 45 [61 [69 | 71 | 73 | 74 What are the similarities be- tween a data table and a graph? x Heating of Compound X 100 90 80 70 60 ‘Temp. 40 30 20 10 0 012345678910 Time (minutes) © Prentice Hall, Inc Science Graphing Skills 11 Here’s the kicker, if a graph is an exact picture of the data table, then everything that’s in the data table has to be in the graph—everything!! Check it out 1. The same descriptive title—The es Heating of Compound X. pes 2. The same variables and units—time ee. (min) and temp. (°C). One on each side. 3. The same data. ‘ Horizontal axis: the axis that goes across the bottom of ‘The secret is knowing what to do with the ordered pairs. the graph ‘Take the second ordered pair (1 min, 21°C) and split them up. Place the 1 minute along the horizontal axis labeled “Time” at Vertical a: the 1 minute mark. Put the 21°C on the vertical axis labeled reeeenrtal aah “Temperature” at the 21°C mark. Now follow each line into the middle until they both meet. runs up and down on the side of the graph. 12 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Intersection: the crossing of two lines when graphing. “The point where these two lines cross is called the intersection of the lines. And the point showing the location of that intersection is called a data point. Data point: the place where the two data lines cross (or inter- sect). ‘Temp. ec) (1 min, 21°C) Temp. (ec) © Prentice-Hall, Inc. — Intersection for ordered pair (1,21) ‘Time (Minutes) «Data point for ordered pair (1,21) 1 2 ‘Time (minutes) Science Graphing Skills 13 A To read a graph find a data point. Simply trace the How do you find horizontal and vertical lines back to each axis and you've found the ordered pair the ordered pair for that data point. given only the data point? CAG! dee) ely ore Plotting: finding Locating the data point by finding the intersection of the two the data point lines is called plotting. Once all the data points are plotted and for an ordered a line drawn to connect them, you have a simple way to “read” pair, all the data in a data table quickly. brain stretchers ee Ea 14 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice Hall, nc PLOTTING A LINE GRAPH In order to plot a line graph, you'll need the materials listed below (be sure your brain is plugged in, too). We're going to use Heating Compound X for our example. 1. Graph paper (naturally) 2, Ruler 3. Pencil with an eraser (pens make permanent mistakes) You'll also need some guidelines: 1. Always use graph paper when constructing a graph. It’s easier to plot and more accurate than notebook paper. 2. Draw all lines with a ruler. It gives the graph a professional appearance and reduces the chance of error. 3. When drawing the horizontal and vertical axes start no less than three squares from the bottom of the paper and three squares from the left side. This gives you enough margin to label the axes legibly. 4, Do all your work in pencil. Pens don’t erase, and neatness does count. 5. A complete graph has a descriptive title, both axes labeled correctly, data points plotted neatly, and a line connecting data points drawn with a ruler. 6. Use the whole piece of graph paper to do a graph. It is easier to read than a minigraph. © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 15 If you follow these simple guidelines then making a graph is, easy. First, draw the horizontal and vertical axes using your ruler. Be sure to indent three spaces. Vertical Axis ao Horizontal Axis v Next, look at the data table and decide which variable is the most consistent. In our example it’s time. The mast consistent variable is labeled on the horizontal axis. Label the vertical axis with the other variable. ‘Time (minutes) 16 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Ine Intervals: an even Third, number each axis in even intervals. Intervals are spacing of the determined by looking at the smallest and largest numbers in numbers along the the data table. Devise an even way to space them along the axis. axis of the graph. Here's our data table. Heating of Compound X Time(minuresy) | Of 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7| 8} 9/10 Temperature) [20 [21 [23 [27 [35 [45 [61 ]69 | 71 | 73 | 74 For time, the smallest number is 0 and the largest is 10. The numbers between are in even intervals of 1’s. Because the work is already done, label the horizontal axis straight off the data table. Temp. eo) 012345678910 ‘Time (minutes) © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 17 To determine the labels for the vertical axis we need to think a bit. The smallest number is 20, the largest number is 74. The rest of the numbers between are hardly what you would call : even. If we label the axis by 10s and then plot the data points, we'll get a good picture of the data. You will most always satisfy your needs if you label the axis in intervals of 5, 10, or 100. co P50 012345678910 Time (minutes) archon 6 18 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Once the axes are drawn and labeled it’s time to plot the data points. Using the data table below, split up the ordered pairs, Find each half of the pair on the respective axis, and follow the lines until they intersect. You can see how alll of the ordered pairs should be plotted. Heating of Compound X 100, 90 80 70 ‘Temp. e i « 40 30 20; 10 0 012345678910 ‘Time (minutes) © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 19 Line graph: a After all the data points are plotted, get out that hot little graph drawn using pencil. Line up the data points with a ruler, and connect the data points. dots. When all the points are connected, you'll have a line graph like the one below. Heating of Compound X 100 90 Explain why an 80 accurate relation Hd ship between the ordered pairs is ‘Temp. °° shown only if eo 50 even intervals 40 are marked on the 30 axes. es 10 0) GO1ae3s4 678910 Time (minutes) Be sure to copy the descriptive title from the top of the data table onto the top of the graph. BRAIN STRETCHER 7 20 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. READING MULTIPLE LINE GRAPHS When there is just one line on the graph it is called a single line graph. That makes sense. But, if there are two or more lines on a single graph it’s called a multiple line graph. The data table below can be used to produce one of these graphs. Multiple line graphs are especially helpful when comparing several different experiments utilizing similar data. Heating of Compounds X, Y, Z Time (minutes) | 0] 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6 Temp.XCC) [20 a 27 [35 [45 [oi [ 7374 Temp.¥ CC) [25] 30 [32 [33 [33 [35 | 40 | 60 [70 [80 | 83 Temp.Z0C) [28 [35 55 | 56 [57 [57 | 69 | 75 | 78 | 78 | 79 ‘There are still only two variables; time and temperature. So, the graph is still constructed the same as the first example. The tricky part comes in figuring out the ordered pairs because there are three temperature columns and only one time column. ‘The answer is to recycle the time variable by matching it to the temperatures directly below it each time. WBF, we (028 Y UNE (0,26) 2 UNE (0,28°) GRAINESSRebeliante) © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 21 ‘Temp. ec) CONSTRUCTING A MULTIPLE LINE GRAPH ‘The easiest way to construct a multiple line graph is to plot one line at a time. Using this method reduces the chance of error. Here’s how it works, step-by-step. First plot the ordered pairs for time and temperature X, We'll call the line you produce line X. Heating of Compounds X, ¥, Z Time (minutes) | 0] 1] 2 4] 5] 6[ 7[ 8] 9fi0 ‘Temp.xc) [20 [21 [23 [27 [35 [45 [61 [69 [71 [73 | 74 Temp.¥ (°C) [25 [303233 [33 [35 [40] 60] 70 [8083 Temp.Z¢c) | 28[35 [55 [56 [57 [57 [69 [75 [78 [78 [79 100 90 80 70 60 40 30 20 10 0 012345678910 Time (minutes) Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall nc. Now that line X is complete move on to line Y. Plot line Y on the same graph. 100 90 80 70 60 es 0 40 30 20 10 0 012345678910 Time (minutes) Lines X and Y are on the graph. As soon as line Z is plotted the graph will be finished. Heating of Compounds X, ¥, Z 100 90 70 60 es 40 30, 20: 10 0 012345678910 Time (minutes) ‘© Prentice-Hall, inc Science Graphing Skills 23 eK What are the And there you have it, a finished line graph. For the sake of advantages to clarity, you may wish to use a different color for each line or using a multiple different symbols. line graph? A 24 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. BEST FIT GRAPHS A line graph is a very precise way of recording data: Sometimes though, scientists prefer to find an average or would Best fit graph: like to be able to predict what might happen. To do this they a graph with a line use a best fit graph. passing through many A best fit graph is a guesstimate, somewhere between a but not all plotted guess and an estimate, or an educated guess. You construct the points. Best fit graph and plot the data exactly as you would for a line graph. graphs allow scientists ‘The difference is the way you draw the line. You can see that to predict various the best fit line in the graph below is smooth and continuous. unplotted points on The line flows through most of the data, but doesn’t necessarily a graph. have to touch all of the data points. Heating of Compound X Time (minutes) | 0] 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6[ 7] 8] 9fi0 Temperature) [20 | 21 ] 23 | 27 | 35 | 45 ]61 [69 [71 | 73 [74 Heating of Compound X 012345678910 ‘Time (minutes) ee en © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 25 The best fit line goes through as many of the data points as possible, but remains a smooth curve. The advantage to this kind of graph is that it allows us to predict data that we did not collect. ‘The prediction may not be exact, but it will be very close. For example, what would be the temperature after 4 1/2 minutes of heating? We didn’t directly measure the temperature at that point, but we can look at the graph and make a good guess at the probable temperature. Heating of Compound X 100 90 80 70 ‘Temp. 60 co (0 40 30 20 10 0 012345678910 ‘Time (minutes) The answer to our question is probably close to 40°C. 26 — Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. What are the Best fit graphs are valuable for two reasons: differences be- tween a line 1. Best fit graphs allow us to predict graph and a best information by showing a representative fit graph? curve of the data collected. 2, Best fit graphs save time because they can be plotted using a small sample of data. Ar BRAN STIREICHERS 0 3 | © Prentice-Hall, Inc, Science Graphing Skills 27 Name Class Date BRAIN STRETCHER*2, Directions: Flip a penny 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 times separately. Record the number of times the coin lands heads up for each test. Organize your data here below. There is no right or wrong way to organize your data. Just make sure you record it accurately. Vocabulary: Define the following words. 1. Jargon— 2. Data— Question: Answer the following question. How is data valuable to scientists? © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 29 Name Class Date Directions: Identify the different parts of the data table by answering the questions that follow it. High Daily Temperature Time (days) 1] 2] 3] 4] 5[ 6] 7] 8] 9fio[ufig 14] 15 ‘Temperature (C)| 27 | 28 | 31 | 30 [ 34 | 38 [42 | 18] 20[ 24] 21 | 29[ 33 [28 | 38 1. The title is 2. The two variables are —__________ and. 3. The unit for time is _______ and for temperature is — 4, List the ordered pairs. 5. The highest daily temperature was _____, which oc- curred on day 6. Day 10 had a temperature of 7. On two days, the temperature recorded was 28°C. One was day ________ and the other was day © Prentice-Hall, Inc. ‘Science Graphing Skills 31 Vocabulary: Define the following words. 1. Data table— 2. Tite— 3. Variable— 4. Unit— 5. Ordered pair— Questions: Answer the following questions. Why is it important to have variables and units included in a data table? What is the best way to identify an ordered pair? 32 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. BRAIN STRETCHER +8} Directions: Using the guidelines in your graphing booklet, correct each of the following data tables. = Height of Corn Plants Time 1T273[4] 5] 6] 7 8 Height 5_| 25 [70 [82 [120[306 [420 [570 2. Time (weeks) | 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6| 7] 8 Height(em) | 5 [25 [70 [82 [120[306|420/570 % Time tT273/4| 5] 6 7] 8 Height 5 | 25 | 70 | 82 |120/306]420 570] 4. Height of Corn Plants Height (cm) 3 Height of Corn Plants (weeks) [1 [ 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] 8 (cm _| 5 [25 [70 | 82 [120[306|420 [570 © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 33 Name Directions: Using the graph, answer the questions that follow it. Cooling of Substance Z 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 012345678910 ‘Time (minutes) 1. The title of the graph is 2. The two variables are________and. 3. The unit for time is____and for temperature is, 4. At_3_minutes it was____ > 5. At__9_minutes it was. en 6. At_Z0°C the time was___minutes. 7. At 30°C the time was. minutes. 8. At what temperature did substance Z level off for 4 minutes? 9. What was the starting temperature of substance Z?, 10. The total temperature loss for substance Z. was. © Prentice-Hall, Ine. Science Graphing Skills 35 Vocabulary: Define the following words. 1. Graph— 2. Horizontal axis— 3. Vertical axis— 4, Intersection— 5. Data point— 6. Plow— Question: Answer the following question. What are the similarities between a data table and a graph? 36 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Directions: Using the following graph, construct a data table in the space below. Remember the guidelines in the graphing booklet, Water Flow Overa Dam 100 90 80 70 Water 60 50 40 30 20 10 millions) 123456789 101112 Time (months) Question: Answer the following question. How do you find an ordered pair given only the data point? © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 37 ‘Name Class Date Directions: Compare the data table with the two graphs and answer the questions. Average Daily Temperatures ‘Time (days) 1] 2[ 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] 8] 9}10 ‘Temperature(°C) | 10 [15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 40 | 35 | 25 5 Average Daily Temperatures 40 35 Graph A ‘Temp. ee 20 345678910 ‘Time (days) Average Daily Tempcratures s| 15 25 35 : 40 a? a0 30 Graph B 20 15 10 738910 ‘s) © Prentice-Hall, Inc Science Graphing Skills 39 1, What does the line in graph A show the temperature doing over 10 days? 2. What does the line in graph B show the temperature doing over 10 days? 3. What is the major difference in the lines of the two graphs? 4, Look at the data for temperature in the data table. Describe what happens to the temperature. 5. Which graph shows an accurate picture of the data? 6. How would you change the graph that does not show an accurate picture of the data? 40 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. ‘Name Class Date % BRAIN STRETCHER 7 Directions: Using the data tables below, construct a line graph for each. Use a separate sheet of graph paper for each graph. Average Rainfall in Willamette Valley Time(months) | 1{ 2] 3] 4/5 | 61718 | 9 [10] 11] 12 Rainfall(mL) [15 [21 ]28 24] 16] 8 [2 [1 [2 [ 3[ sfio High Daily Temperatures rime (days) 1] 2] 3[ 4] 5] 6] 7[ 8] 9fio[n fig “Temperature @C) [27 [28 [31 [30 [33 [37 [36 | 18 [20 [21 [24 [30 ‘© Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 41 Name Class Date ANT GRABS Directions: Using this graph, answer the following questions. Growth of Three Pea Plants Height (cm) 012345678910 ‘Time (weeks) 1. For the weeks given, record the heights of the three plants, Week Plant A Plant B Plant C 3 7 10 2. How many weeks did it take for plant A to reach 90 cm?__ 3. Which plant remained at about 30 cm for 4 weeks?___. 4. Which plant remained at 90 cm for 2 weeks?. 5. When plant A was-50 em tall how tall was plant C?___. 6. Which plant grew the most?, 7. Which plant grew the least?. 8. Which plant was probably sick? 42 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Ine A Directions: Construct a multiple line graph for each of the two data tables below. Use a separate piece of graph paper for each graph. Gain in Mass of Young Mice Time (weeks) | 1] 2{ 3{ 4] 5] 6] 7| 8] 9 10 Mass I (mg) _| 25 [115|140]210|400|720 |780 18101830 |900 Mass 2(mg)_| 20 [120[125]200|250]300 |400|520 [540 [570. Mass 3(mg) | 30 [140[160]220[380]680 [690|770 |800 |950. High Temperatures For Three Cities “Time (days) 1{ 2] 3[ 4] 5] 6] 7] 8] 910 ‘Temp. (LA) CC) | 28 | 29 | 22 | 27 | 26 | 27 | 29 | 31 | 30 | 24 ‘Temp. (SF)(°C) [is 22 [20 [17] 21 [21 [20 [18 [21 | 19 ‘Temp. (PD) °C) [11 [10 [14 | 13 15 [16] 15 [11 | 15 | 17 Question: Answer the following question. What are the advantages of a multiple line graph? © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Science Graphing Skills 43 Directions: Practice making a smooth curve on the following graphs. . Caer . . ace + * . c . .. : eo. . * . 2 . . ee ie, Question: Answer the following question. ‘What are the differences between a line and best fit graph? 44 Science Graphing Skills © Prentice-Hall, Inc. Name Class Date * BRAIN STRETCHER +414, Directions: Construct a best fit graph for each of the two data tables below. Use a separate piece of graph paper for cach graph. Height of Corn Plants a Time (weeks) | 1 [ 2] 3 - 5] 6] 7 3 Height (cm) 25 | 70 120 [306 |420 [570) High Daily Temperature 12 13 [14 ‘Time (days) 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] 8] gholu Temperature?) | 27 | 28 [31 | 30 | 34 [37 [37 | 18 [20 [4 [21 29 32 [37 © Prentice-Hall, In.

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