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I. Word level
1. Synonyms
Many women are choosing to have children when they are older.
Many -> a large number of

choose -> opt

have children -> give birth


A large number of women are opting to give birth when they are older.

2. Antonyms

Cultures around the world are becoming more and more similar.

More and more similar -> less different/distinct


It can be seen globally that cultures among countries are becoming less different.

3. Terminology explanation
Many people are bilingual in European countries.
Bilingual -> can speak two different languages
A large number of European people can speak two different languages.
4. Definition
Governments around the world should be responsible for protecting wild animals
Governments -> national leaders
National leaders around the globe should be responsible for protecting wild animals.
5. Change word form
Both governments and individuals should be responsible for protecting wild animals.
be responsible -> take responsibility
protecting -> (the) protection
Both governments and individuals should take responsibility for the protection of wild animals.

II. Sentence level

1. Change subject
Students learn far more with their teachers than other sources.
Learning with teachers is more effective for students than learning from other sources.
2. Active / Passive voice
Human activities are destroying natural habitats.
Natural habitats are being destroyed by human activities.
3. Use dummy subjects
Some people believe that smoking should be banned.
It is believed that smoking should be banned.

• Combine both ways to paraphrase effectively

Both governments and individuals should be responsible for protecting wild animals as human
activities are destroying their habitats.
It is the responsibility of both national leaders and individuals to protect wild animals because
their natural habitats are being damaged by human activities.
1. Many children CANNOT read or write because the quality of education is decreasing.
Tip: Use “find it difficult”, or “struggle”

2. If children are maltreated, when they grow up, their health will not be good.
Tip: Use “who, those who”

3. There are many online shops these days, so consumers are often tempted to buy items
that they do not really need.

4. Technology saves us more and more time. This time can be used to do other things.

5. Many people find life in a big city less enjoyable than in the countryside.

6. The government needs to spend more money on building cheap houses.

Tip: Use “invest”
7. The government has launched many educational campaigns. The purpose of these
campaigns is to raise public awareness of environmental issues.

8. Most workers think that a stable job is very important

9. Some students tend to play computer games rather to do sports.

10. Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment.

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