GE 3 - Reviewer 2nd Examination

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GE 3: THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD IOS can become influential as independent

LESSON 4: THE UNITED NATIONS AND organizations. Michael N. Barnett and Martha
CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Finnemore listed the powers of IO,namely:
1. Power of Classification - Ios can invent
Ideas of Bentham and Kant and apply categories, they create powerful
Bentham’s principle of & Kant’s Perpetual global standards.
Peace (1975). 2. Power to Fix Meaning- States
-These ideology tries to see the relation of organizations, and individuals view Ios as
human rights, international relation and legitimate sources of information.
democracy ( voice of the people) in perceiving 3. Power to Diffuse Norms – norms are
an achievable concept of an united world and acceptable code of conduct that may not be
society. strict law, but nevertheless produce regularity
- There is no organization that various states in behavior. IOs also spread their ideas across
are accountable to. the world, therefore establishing global
- No organization can militarily compel a state standards.
to obey predetermined global rules - Because of great power IOs can produce
- However, there is some regularity in the great good or great harm.
general behavior of states. - It can promote relevant norms like
Global governance - refers to the various environmental protection and human rights that
intersecting processes that create this order. may suggest countries to be followed.
What if a particular country tries to commit Joseph Stiglitz
aggression on the other? • ONE-SIZE FIT’s ALL Critique to the IMF
- The fact that states in an international order • Nobel prize winner “economics”
continue to adhere to certain global norms UNITED NATION
means that there is a semblance of world order - UNITED NATION’s Brief History
despite the lack of a single world government. - 1 January 1942 || The name "United Nations"
There are many sources of global is coined
governance. - The name "United Nations", coined by United
- International non-government organizations States President Franklin D. Roosevelt was
(NGOs),can lobby individual states to behave first used in Declaration by United Nations of 1
in a certain way. January 1942, during the Second World War,
Internationalization vs. International Law when representatives of 26 nations pledged
- Internationalization refers to the increasing their Govern their Governments to continue
importance of international trade, international fighting together against the Axis Power.
relations, treaties, alliances, etc. Inter-national, - October 1945 || The United Nations officially
of course,means between or among nations. comes into existence
- While International Law is a set of rules, - In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met
norms, and standards generally accepted in in San Francisco at the United Nations
relations between nations. It covers abroad Conference on International Organization to
range of domains, including war, diplomacy, draw up the United Nations Charter. Those
trade, and human rights. delegates deliberated on the basis of proposals
What is an International Organization? worked out by the representatives of China, the
- refers to international intergovernmental Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the
organizations or groups that are primarily made United States at Dumbarton Oaks, United
up of member-states States in August- October 194
• Major fallacy or International Organizations So what is this UN?
are just merely amalgamations of various - created after World War II, The United
states interests. Nations is an intergovernmental organization
• In 1960 s and 1970 s, scholars believed that tasked with maintaining international peace
IOS were just venues where the contradicting, and security, developing friendly relations
but sometimes intersecting, agendas of among nations, achieving international co-
countries were discussed—no more than talk operation, and being a center for harmonizing
shops. the actions of nations.
The Five Organs of United Nations - southeast Asian nations form a regional
1. General Assembly organization called ASEAN.
2. Security Council REGIONALISM
3. Economics and Social Council - of ten seen as a political and economic
4. International Court of Justice. phenomenon
5. The Secretariat - a process, an “emergent, socially constituted
Challenges in UN - it means regions are not natural or given they
- UN is not a world government, and its are constructed and defined by the policy
functions primarily because of voluntary makers,economic actors, and even social
cooperation from states movements.
- If states refuse to cooperate, the influence of REGIONS
UN can be severely circumscribed - for Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V.
- Biggest challenge of UN is related to issues Milner, definitions of regions vary, but there
of security certain features that everyone can agree on.
- Because of P5’s veto power, it is tough for the 1. Regions are group of countries located in
council to release a formal resolution. the same geographically specified area or an
- Late 1990 s, United States sought to amalgamation of two regions- a combination of
intervene in Kosovo War more than two regions- organized to regulate
- Slobadan Milosevic Serbian leader was and oversee flows and policy choices.
committing acts of ethnic cleansing against 2. the words regionalization and regionalism
ethnic Muslim Albanians in the province of should not be interchanged
Kosovo. Regionalization - Regional Concentration Of
- Hundreds and thousands of Albanians were Economic Flows
victims of massacres, mass deportations and Regionalism - a political process
displacement. characterized by economic policy cooperation
- Syria undergoing civil war. 220,000 people and coordination among countries
dead and 11 million displaced. Globalization (Manfred Steger)- the
- Syrian President Basharal-Assad is an ally of expansion and intensification of social relations
Russian dictator Valdimir Putin and consciousness across world-time and
- United Nations sought to invade Iraq in 2001, across world-space.
it claimed that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein had
weapons of mass destruction(WMD) HOW DO COUNTRIES RESPOND TO
- Russia, China and France were unconvinced GLOBALIZATION?
- Forcing United States to lead a small CHINA - offers cheap labor
"coalition of the willing“with its allies. SINGAPORE- first-class transit port


- Global Financial Crisis (2007 - 2008) ORGANIZATION
- Global Trade - formed during the cold war- several western
- Global Peace European countries and the u.s. Agreed to
- Terrorism protect Europe against the threat of the soviet
- Other Global Issues such as Human union.
Trafficking, drug trade, HIV/ AIDS The Cold War (1947–1991)
- Oil Price
- Unemployment SOVIET UNION
- Human Rights Issues - formed regional alliance called WARSAW
- These global challenges have paved way for PACT- consisting of the Eastern European
nation-states to form regional organizations countries under soviet domination.
and networks.
- This is nation-sates way of coping the
challenges of Globalization
- Philippines belongs to Southeast Asia
2. To pool their resources, get better returns for 3. Challenges to Sovereignty
their exports, as well as expand for their -ASEAN members disagree over the extent to
leverage against trading partners. which member countries should sacrifice their
E.g OPEC - Organization of the Petroleum sovereignty for the sake of regional stability
Exporting Countries est.1960 -ASEAN countries disagree on how to relate
Iran. Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela -The Philippines cannot get other countries
- they regulate the production and sale of oil. support on West Philippines sea disputes
3. To protect their independence from 4. Different Visions
pressures of superpower politics - Western Countries see Regional org. Not only
NAM - Non-Aligned Movement 1961 its Economic formations but as instrument of
Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Yugoslavia Democratization.
- they pursue world peace and international - On the other hand, non-western govt. Like
cooperation, human rights, national Singapore, China and Russia see democracy
sovereignty, racial and national equality, non- as an obstacle to the implementation and
intervention and peaceful conflict resolution. deepening of economic globalization because
constant public inquiry and lengthy debate slow
4. Economic Crisis compels countries to come down implementation.
e.g. The Thai Economy’s Collapse in 1996 REGIONALISM TODAY
ASEAN Countries along with China, Japan, - Official Regional Association proliferate
South Korea agreed to establish emergency around the world
fund to solve the crisis. - In 2007, many countries joined the Asia
Pacific Economic Council (APEC)
NON-STATE REGIONALISM - North Korea is part of regional forum,
- Tiny associations that include no more than a discusses security issues in the region
few actors and focus on a single issue, or huge - Countries will find it difficult to reject all form
continental nations that address a multitude of of global economic integration.
common problems from territorial defense to - Regional Assoc. Emerge as new global
food security. concerns arise.
NEW REGIONALISM - is identified with - there is strength in numbers
reformists who share the same values, norms, - we are stronger together as a group than we
institutions, and system that exist outside of the are apart as individuals
traditional, established mainstream institutions
and systems.
E.g. NGOs - Non-Governmental

1. Resurgence of Militant Nationalism and
-E.g Vladimir Putin’s Anti-NATO-Rhetoric
-NATO still exists
-Soviet Union Imploded in 1991
-Donald Trump’s disagreement of NATO’s use
of American Military without giving anything in
- Duterte’s Position against human rights

2. Regional Financial Crisis

-Greece planned leaving European Union

-United Kingdom’s exit

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