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Lecture no .

2 Religioun of the world :

1. Hinduism:
Oldest religion of the world is is Hinduism and this religion is introduced by Aryan and Aryan were
people of Central Asia basically these Aryans belong to Europe ( Germany ) called anglo saxen.(Anglo-
Saxon, term used historically to describe any member of the Germanic peoples who, from the 5th
century ce to the time of the Norman Conquest (1066), inhabited and ruled territories that are today
part of England and Wales).1.2 billion people belong to Hinduism and in india they are 8 caror .thier
majority is in india, Nepal and sout east asia.

Civilizations in Pakistan:
All 5 are part of Indus Civilization

1. Mehargarh civilization: 7000 B.C

Discovered in 1974 by Jarige.

On the bank of Bolan river. (Bolan pass) Balochistan.

2 . Harapan Civilization: 2500 B.C

Discovered in 1920 by Rai Bahadur

Present on the bank of river Ravi. In Punjab near shahiwal.

3. Mohenjo-Daro: 2600 B.C also called Mound of dead

Discovered in 1922 by R.D Banerjee. His surveyor or head was sir John Marshal.

It is present in Larkana (Sindh). Mohenjo-Daro was discovered in 1922 by R. D. Banerjee, an

officer of the Archaeological Survey of India, two years after major excavations had begun at
Harappa, some 590 km to the north. Large-scale excavations were carried out at the site under
the direction of John Marshall. In mohenjo-daro there is present great bath of Indus valley. Sir
John Hubert Marshall (19 March 1876 Chester - 17 August 1958 Guildford) was the Director-
General of the Archaeological Survey of India from 1902 to 1928. He was responsible for the
excavations that led to the discovery of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, two of the key city-sites of
the Indus Civilisation.

4. Kot Diji: 3000 B.C

Present in khair pur district (Sindh)

Discovered in 1955 by S.R Rao.

5. Gandhara civilization: 6th to 5th century:

Center of Buddhism, a religion introduced by prince Siddhartha, also called Gotham Buddha or
Shakyamuni. He didn't practice princeism and started Buddhism. Its epic center was Texla.

Present between sawat river of Pakistan and Kabul river of Afghanistan in the Taxila region. In
1848 Cunningham found Gandhara sculptures north of Peshawar. He also identified the site of
Taxila in the 1860s. From then a large number of Buddhist statues were discovered in the
Peshawar valley.

Ganga civilization: it was flourished in India.

Destruction of civilization by Aryans: in 1500BC

The Civilization in Indian subcontinent destroyed by Aryans in 1500 B.C. They introduce Hinduism books,
and also the caste system. German indologist Max Muller provide the theory of Aryans which provides
the detail about the Aryan invasion in the the India and their supremacy by their language and brutality.
This theory is also called Aryan theory or Muller theory of Indian invasion. Indus Civilization have no
graveyard, and also injured dead bodies scattered under the plains. So he suggested that any external
force eradicate these people from Central Asia.

Language of Aryans was Sanskirt. They belonged to Central Asia and were worrier type of people. They
depends on the agriculture. They came in India for cattlefield. These people destroyed the Indus valley
civilization. They introduced the joint family system. They followed Hinduism which is also oldest
religion of the world. Aryans written Vedas religious books of Hinduism.

1. Rigved

2. Yajerved

3. Samved

4. Athrvaved.

.They also write epic books in which ancient story tell us about history is written like

1. Mahbharat ( it is longest epic poem of the world )

2. Ramayana

Famous book mostly read in india is baghvat Gita.

Kumb market gathering : ‫قنب کا کا میلہ۔‬

Kumb meaning nector here we consider it .‫آب حیات۔‬This was started in the era of Harshvardhna
in 600AD .This is world largest religious occasion and In 12 years held four times .one place is
HAridwar at the bank ganga river which is in utrkand . 2nd time held at ujain place .People of
Hinduism said that for nector a battle is fought between good God and bad GOD for 12 days
and people said that 12 days of GOD are 12years for us and drops of this nector fall into four
rivers ganga , yamuna, gordhravri,and sarasvati .

1. godavari This river is present in Maharashtra

2.ganga. These three river flow from himachel pardesh

and meet in utarkand .where ganga and jamna
meet with each other this place called allah
4.sarasvati abad .

Utarkand , utarpardesh, madheyapardesh , Maharashtra these four cities are important cities of
india where this market gathering held ‫میلہ‬Territory which is linked with Pakistan is called
himachel pardesh. Believe of Indians is that if they take bath in four river in which drop of
nector fall their all sin will be washed away.

Caste system introduce by Aryans ;

Aryans introduce caste system and introduce village councel system ‫پنچایت سسٹم‬and itself
become the head of village ‫سر پنچ‬and they also gave religious interpretation that from lord
Barhma ,1. Brahman produce from head of GOD which are teacher and intellectual .2 Khastry
are produce from the arms of this God and these are worrier and ruler .3 Vash produce from
the thigh of Lod brahma and these are traders .4 Shuder are produce from the fee and are low
cost and untouchable . Aryans were itself become barhaman. They also believe in rebirth. In
Hinduism there is a theory called pentheism , everything is GOD like fire snack cow etc

2.Zorastraism ‫ آگ پرست‬:‫پارسی‬
They are one lack 20 thousand in world .fire temple is thier worship place .This religion is
introduce by a philospher zooraster in iran. Thier book is avesta. Sassanid ompire religion is
zorastraism . this empire is remain from 220AD to 651AD then in 651 AD ‫سعد بن ابی وقاص‬
conqured iran they all people accept islam now mostly these are in india.Quide e azam also
belong to this religion and both of thier wives were also belong to this religion Rattanbai
daughter of dinshapatet and ,Emibai .father of ponja jinah belong to zoorastrism

3.Budhism :
this religion is introduced by Prince Siddhartha budhq also known as Gautam Buddha also
shakiya muni because sakiya was a state in Nepal where he had ruled .thier place of birth is
Nepal and from the name of sidharta a book is written by Herman Hasse.Book of Budhism is
Tripitaka which has three section ,.He left his princeship and introduce religion.This is against
caste system .Their principal believe is reincarnation until he does not received Karma ( good
deeds )

• Monotheism:who believe on one GOD

• Polythesim:who believe on many GOd
• Duelthesim :who believe on two God .

This religion was monotheism.550 million people in world believe in Budhism like in sout east
asia ,combodia, Thailand. Japan.

Sout east Asian countries:

M: Malaysia

B: Brunai

B: Burma

S : Singapore

T. : Thailand


C: combodia

L: loud

I: Indonesia


two buildings stupa and pagoda .There is a Buddhism building in Japan named Kama kura. In Pakistan
Takht Bai in mardan is also place of Buddhists. Singadar stupa is in Swat. Land of Golden Pagoda Japan
also consist of remains of Buddhism. Religions of Japan are Shintoism and Buddhism.

4 .jannism:599BC
This was introduced by Mahavira (jain) he was also prince.this religion was reflection of
Buddhism.They believe in rebirth.this believe on polythesim and only 60 lack people belong to
this religion in India.thier book is Agam Sutras.

5.Confuciusm : philosophy not religiou.

60 million believe on this philosophy mostly in china.this philosophy given by Confucius also its
name Mong Qui in 600BC it is also followed in japan .He said that what should be the
relationship of

1. ruler and suber

2. Father and son
3. Husband and wife
4. Friend and friend

6.Shintoism :600AD
Followed in japan .kama kura is stopa in japan kama kura was a ruler of kama kura dynasty from
1100 to 1300AD.He mix up Shintoism and Budhism Japan is the only country e where people
believe on shintoism and Buddhism.50% Budhism and 50% Shintoism.there is no founder off
Shintoism. Their only festival is that they put themselves in cold water and said that this cold
water will purify them. 60 million people follow shintoism in Japan.

Ibrahimic religion:
Allah procreate hazrat Adam and Amma Hawa both of these have two son habeel and kabeel
and Kabeel killed habil. Then Allah bless them with hazrat shees alaihis Salam which is second
prophet then hazrat idrees then hazrat nooh , hazrat hood , hazrat saleh and then Hazrat
inbrahim.three ‫صحیفہ‬revealed on hazrat Ibrahim.two wives of hazrat Ibrahim .

Hazrat sara ‫سارا‬ Hazrat hajra ‫حاجرا‬

After 13 years of hazrat ismael birth Allah Allah bless them with ‫حضرت اسماعیل‬at the age
bless hazrat sara with hazrat ishaq when age of 86 .
of hazrat Ibrahim was 99.
From this generation no prophet arrived then
All phophet arrive from this generation that's final our prophet hazrat Muhammad .
way called ibrahimic religion . Allah said
hazrat Ibrahim ‫للا‬
‫خلیل ہ‬. On their name 14
surah in Quran surah ibrahim

1.Judaism: ‫یہودیت‬
There profit was hazrat Musa .Torait befall on hazrat Musa which is oldest religious book which
is in Hebrew language ‫عبانی‬‫ ر‬which hazrat Saad bin sabit learn in 7 days on the command of
hazrat Muhammad. English people called torait +zaboor as old testament which include 39
books from book of Genesis ‫(بنیاد‬in which all stories of origin of earth arewritten )to book of
Detronmy.New testament include 34 books ,gospel ‫ انجیل‬Gospel is written by four people
Gospel of Matthew ,Gospel of luke, Gospel of John. Nation called bani Israel it was nation of
hazrat Musa .Bani isreal was the title of hazrat yaqoob. Hazrat yaqoob was the son of hazrat
Ishaq and hazrat yaqoob has 12 sons and the elder son name was yahooda and from his name
today yahoodi is attributed. These are monothes .Torait was written on stones these are given
10 commandments also mention in Quran. Bani Israel was the nation of hazrat Musa firon
‫فرعون‬in agypt at that time was a brutal ruler on them. Hazrat Musa save them from firon and
by passing that red sea day stay on Sinai peninsula ( in 18 ) ‫کوہ طور‬69 Swiss canal is formed
between Sina peninsula and Egypt. Allah give order to hazrat Musa to come on Sinai peninsula
and stay far 40 days and give ten commandments to hazrat Musa. Allah said to the nation of
hazrat Musa to conqure Jerusalem but they don't follow the order then in next generation in
the supervision of ‫طالوت‬they conquer Jerusalem and deafeat ‫جالوت‬killed by hazrat dawood
when thier age was 13 years and with a catapult hit on his forhead. then hazrat dawood( david
in English) and hazrat suleman become their king and build first Temple for them. First king of
jues was hazrat dawood first prophet which is king of jeruselam( today phalestine). Zaboor
befall on hazrat dawood which is in Hebrew language. Miracle of hazrat dawood was his voice .
When they recite a book in zaboor ( song of Solomon) then mountain and birds also recite with
them. Hazrat Salman build first temple for them in 957 BC then a king of Babylonian empire
which become ruler in 609BC Nebucat nazar ‫بخت نصر‬Destroy first temple in 586 BC and and 2
lack jeus ‫یہودی‬prisoner come with him in iraq . After 586 BC new dynasty built called achmanid
empire and his rulers was very kind Cyrus the great ‫ت ذوالقرنیی‬‫حض ی‬. Cyrus the great gave him
money to build second temple in 516 BC. In 753BC there were Roman kingdom that are formed
by Romulus who discover roman .In 509BC lokias gave him name the Roman republic( republic
has its own constitution) . In 27 BC Roman republic convert into to Roman empire.julius sessior
was his last ruler who was killed in 44BC then agustias octavian convert it into roman empire in
27 BC. befor him there was a ruler called Titus who destroyed second temple in 70 AD.In 14 july
1948 they come again here David Ben-Gurion First Prime Minister and established an izreal
state and those people who established state called zionist.

2 . Christianity: ‫عیسائیتہ‬
Hazrat Isa was born in city of roman empire called syria ‫شام‬in Bethelm which is under
izrael .Prophet of Christian is hazrat Isa book of Christianity is injeelin English we ca lled it
Bibel .and it is in Hebrew languageBible called as new testament which is written from 50AD to
100AD.Gospel of matew , gospel of john ,are part of this book. Hazrat Isa has shortest age as a
prophet of 33 years.Hazrat isa born in roman empire and all people were jues and they don't
believe on hazrat isa .Ruler at that time was Pontius pilate was also against hazrat isa.Hazrat isa
was eating food with his 12 apostle ( ‫حواری‬Leonardo da vinci painter of Italy form a painting of
hazrat isa with his 12 apostle , the last super .one of them the Judas Iscariot was defector
. ‫غدار‬Then Pontius Pilate give punishment to Hazrat essa the crucifiction. ‫ سویل پر لٹکانا‬.Allah
uplit hazrat isa and iscariot was given the face of hazrat isaa.
• Catholics
First ‫فرقہ‬was Catholics .these are 1.2 million in population.their first poop‫ پادری‬was Peter in
30AD.Now a days 266th pope is pope francis which form in 2013 before him Was pope
Benedict .trnity is in their believe father ( Allah) son ( hazrat isa) and holy spirit ( hazrat
jibrael) .church has order


Cardinals: 193 Cardinals in every country .





Priest .

• Eastern orthodox .
They don't believe on Peter and form thier own church Saint George( church of Eastern
orthodox ) and Hagia Sophia ( church of Catholics) which recently tayab urdgan change into
mosque in Turkey.

In 295 AD a ruler of roman empire become christian in 330AD and change cristanity from thier
own point of view.First head quarter of roman empire was room when he become christian
then he also change the haed quater of roman empire to bazantize due to shifting of
haedquater then this empire called Bazantine Empire ,people change bazantine name into
constantinople which is now a days called as Istanbul . Bazantine Empire is conquer by sultan
Muhammad fateh ‫سلطان محمد فاتح‬in 29 may 1453 and they shift into the cities of italy Florence
and Venice where all people were Catholics .

• Protestant sect:
In 1570 a person in Germany Martin Luther King write a book Ninty five thesis.He decline to
accept Catholics church and wrote its own Lutheran Bible also translate it . He was first person
who translate Bible.He also form Protestant sect.

• Evanglical Christian:
Catholics victimized Protestant sect.At that time Christopher coloumbus in 1492 discover
america and for that people was very difficult to live in Europe that's way they shift to
America.and in america thier believe becomes more liberal and become evenglical Christan
and from 30 crore population 20 crore are Evanglical Christan in USA. Their majority is in
Europe .50 carore people don't believe‫ی‬on‫ی‬any‫ی‬religion‫ی‬and‫ی‬are‫ی‬.atheist”‫ی‬Montesty‫ی‬a‫ی‬philospher‫یی‬
after first world war he said that GOD is Dead.bcz of this philosophy most people leave their

Sikhism ;1469 to1539

Guru nanak Dev is founder of this religion from 1469 to 1539 ang guru nank dev is thier
founder . population of Sikhism is 12 to 15 crore in india, canada. Thier birth place is in nankana
saheb in 2013 given the rank of district and thier worship place called gurdwara. and died place
is darbar saheb which is in kartar pur and shakargarh (tehsil ) located in narowal district .4km
away from india

• sikh have 10 guru

• First guru is guru nank dev
• 5th guru is Arjun dev( wrote book guru granth sahib)
• 6th hargobind ( firstly start political issues in sikh )
• 9th guru tej bahadur executed by orangzeb
• 10 guru guru gobind which is base of khalsa ( sikh army )died in 1708 also name and
compile a book guru garanth sahib and this book is thier 11th guru.

Golden temple real name is harminder saheb form in 1589 is thier worship place in Amritsar
whose foundation stone is by mian meer which is soofi spiritual guide ‫پب‬
‫ ی‬in lahor .they are
monotheism believe in one God .

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