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Rock Physics Module 9.

Release Notes

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
New features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Known issues & workarounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Legal notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Copyright © 2009-2015 CGG Data Services AG April 30, 2015

2 Introduction


The 9.0 release of Rock Physics Module™ (RPM) reorganizes the

function help and adds a more consistent approach to GeoSoftware’s
rock physics offerings, RPM, Largo™, and FunctionMod™.

This document describes new features and known issues for RPM.
Additional information on licensing can be found in the GeoSoftware
Installation Guide.

PowerBench/PowerLog 3.5 Release Notes April 30, 2015

New features 3

New features

The 9.0 release introduces the following new features. See the online
function help for detailed information.

• Better coordination is available between our rock physics products,

RPM, Largo, and FunctionMod.

• Jason well integration allows a well log created in RPM to be

used in Largo and FunctionMod.

• Largo and FunctionMod share most of the same function

categories as RPM.

• RPM is connected to PowerLog®, (petrophysics) while Largo

and FunctionMod are connected to Jason Workbench (seismic
properties and inversion).

• Input and output parameter names are mostly consistent between

the three applications.

• All three rock physics applications (RPM, Largo, and

FunctionMod) now have one Function Reference Help.

• Function categories are reorganized toward the creation of a rock

physics workflow, allowing users to quickly find a desired function,
model, or method.

• Function selection is now focused on which model a rock

physicist wants to use and the properties needed to compute that

• Once a model is chosen, you choose the desired output property

from a list of output properties supported by that model. (e.g.
Rho, Vp, Vs)

• “Function Categories” replaces and consolidates the previous 25

“Function Types” into seven descriptive categories:

– Rock Physics Theoretical Models

– Rock Physics Empirical Models

– Rock Physics Jason Models

April 30, 2015 Rock Physics Module 9.0 Release Notes

4 Installation

– Rock Physics Fluid Models

– Math and Trigonometry

– Utilities and Transform Functions

– Curve Tools

• Function Categories are subdivided into models or

subcategories. Models feature well-known names, algorithms,
and functions in rock physics. (e.g. Greenberg Castagna)

• More types of elastic properties are available with each rock physics
model. Previously only one elastic property was available.

• Optional elastic properties are now propagated throughout the GUI.

You can easily check which optional parameter is used for each

• All Fluids Consortium models have been updated to the 2014

version into all three rock physics products. RPM now includes
Batzle & Wang and Han & Batzle models.

• Xu & Payne is available for carbonate velocity modeling.

• Optional and mandatory input parameters are organized into

separate tabs, making it easier for the user.

• Each model only displays input parameters that are appropriate to

that model. Previously input parameters were not updated based on
model selection.


RPM is a module of PowerLog®, and is installed when PowerLog is

installed. Refer to the GeoSoftware Installation Guide for instructions
on installing PowerLog.

PowerBench/PowerLog 3.5 Release Notes April 30, 2015

Known issues & workarounds 5

Known issues & workarounds

Known issues in the RPM 9.0 release are listed in the table below.
Known Issues
Area Problem
Function names Some function names are changed from previous releases. If you open a
project with a function name that is no longer used, RPM automatically
upgrades the name to one used in this release. Once a function name has
been changed, you cannot return to the previous name or use that project in
a previous version of RPM. We recommend you make a backup copy of
RPM projects before loading them into the current release.
Renaming nodes When a node label is renamed, all nodes that depend on the renamed node
are not automatically updated. This can prevent your workflow from
executing. To remedy the problem, go to all dependent nodes and either
double-click on the nodes or right-click and select Edit Node. In the
Function Selection dialog box, click OK. This will update the dependent
node so that it correctly references the renamed node.
Calculating nodes The Calculate Node option will generate an error message if the node
being calculated depends on other nodes that have not been calculated. The
error message will indicate that one or more nodes “have no output.” You
can workaround this error by selecting Calculate Node for all upstream
nodes. In the future, RPM will automatically determine these dependencies
and calculate outputs for all required nodes.

April 30, 2015 Rock Physics Module 9.0 Release Notes

6 Support


As the leading provider of seismic inversion and reservoir

characterization products and services, CGG GeoSoftware has offices
worldwide. Please see our Web site for office
locations and contact information. For general information, please send
a request to

Legal notices

Copyright © 2009-2015 CGG. All rights reserved.

No part of this documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from CGG.

CGG assumes no responsibility or liabilities direct or indirect for any errors or

inaccuracies that may appear in this document or from the use of the information in
this document with the software products described herein.

The software described in this document is furnished under a separate license

agreement and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such

Usage rights for this material are governed by the terms of customer’s written license
agreements with CGG.


3D Grid/CPG Builder™, 3DiQ™, EarthModel®, EarthModel® FT™, EPlus™,

FracRat™, FunctionMod™, GeoSoftware Database™, GeoSoftware Launcher™,
GeoSoftware Suite™, InverMod®, InverTrace®, InverTrace®Basic™,
InverTrace®Plus™, Jason™, Jason Geoscience Workbench®, Jason STS™, Jason
Workbench™, Largo™, PowerBench®, PowerLog®, PowerLog® Enterprise™,
PowerLog® Frac™, Rock Physics Module™, RockMod®, RockScale®, RockTrace®,
Statmin™, StatMod®, StatMod® MC™, VelMod™, and Wavelets™ are trademarks of
Jason and may not be used without permission.

All names of other companies, products, and services are the property of their
respective owners.

PowerBench/PowerLog 3.5 Release Notes April 30, 2015

Legal notices 7

Third-party products

PowerLog uses WinWrap® Basic, Copyright 1993-2009 Polar Engineering and


Baker Hughes Inc. (BHI) is the source of the software used in PowerLog for
laminated sand-shale analysis and the owner of all rights thereto. The Baker software
is used under license from BHI, but neither BHI nor CGG guarantees the
reproducibility or accuracy of answers derived from its use.

April 30, 2015 Rock Physics Module 9.0 Release Notes

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