NA11 DBX Manual PR - DNP3 - 0250

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DNP 3.0 Communication Protocol User Guide


Version 2.50

Page: 1 of 14 PRON NA11 DNP 3.0


Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 DNP V3.0 Device Profile....................................................................................................................................... 4
3 DNP V3.0 Implementation Table .......................................................................................................................... 7
4 DNP V3.0 Point List .............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.1 BinaryInput Points .......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Binary Output Status Points and Control Relay Output Blocks.................................................................. 12
4.3 Counters ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Analog Inputs ............................................................................................................................................. 14

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This Protocol Manual is for use with Thytronic Protective Relays, such as the DMC, NTG and PRO-N series that
support the DNP 3.0 communication protocol.

1 Introduction
This document, in conjunction with the DNP 3.0 Basic 4 Document Set, and the DNP Subset Definitions Document,
provides complete information on how to communicate via the DNP 3.0 protocol with the Thytronic ProN series
This implementation of DNP 3.0 is fully compliant with DNP 3.0 Subset Definition Level 3, and contains significant
functionality beyond Subset Level 3.

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2 DNP V3.0 Device Profile

The following table provides a “Device Profile Document” in the standard format defined in the DNP 3.0 Subset
Definitions Document. While it is referred to in the DNP 3.0 Subset Definitions as a “Document,” it is in fact a table,
and only a component of a total interoperability guide. The table, in combination with the Implementation Table
provided in Section 3 (beginning on page 7), and the Point List Tables provided in Section 4 (beginning on page 9),
should provide a complete configuration/interoperability guide for communicating with a Thytronic PRON NA11

DNP V3.0
(Also see the DNP 3.0 Implementation Table in Section 3, beginning on page 7.)
Vendor Name: Thytronic SPA, Milan, Italy
Device Name: PRON – PRON NA11
Highest DNP Level Supported: Device Function:

For Requests: Level 3  Master

For Responses: Level 3  Slave
Notable objects, functions, and/or qualifiers supported in addition to the Highest DNP Levels
Supported (the complete list is described in the attached table):

For static (non-change-event) object requests, request qualifier codes 07 and 08 (limited
quantity), and 17 and 28 (index) are supported. Static object requests sent with qualifiers 07,
or 08, will be responded with qualifiers 00 or 01.

Maximum Data Link Frame Size (octets): Maximum Application Fragment Size (octets):

Transmitted: 292 Transmitted: Configurable up to 2048

Received 292 Received 2048
Maximum Data Link Re-tries: Maximum Application Layer Re-tries:

 None  None
 Fixed  Configurable
 Configurable from 0 to 65535
Requires Data Link Layer Confirmation:

 Configurable as: Never, Only for multi-frame messages, or Always
Requires Application Layer Confirmation:

 When reporting Event Data (Slave devices only)
 When sending multi-fragment responses (Slave devices only)
 Configurable as: “Only when reporting event data”, or “When reporting event data or
multi-fragment messages.”

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Timeouts while waiting for:

Data Link Confirm:  None  Fixed at ____  Variable  Configurable.

Complete Appl. Fragment:  None  Fixed at ____  Variable  Configurable
Application Confirm:  None  Fixed at ____  Variable  Configurable.
Complete Appl. Response:  None  Fixed at ____  Variable  Configurable

Others: Transmission Delay, configurable

Select/Operate Arm Timeout, configurable
Need Time Interval, configurable
Application File Timeout, configurable
Unsolicited Notification Delay, configurable
Unsolicited Response Retry Delay, configurable
Unsolicited Offline Interval, configurable

Sends/Executes Control Operations:

WRITE Binary Outputs  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable

SELECT/OPERATE  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable
DIRECT OPERATE  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable
DIRECT OPERATE – NO ACK  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable

Count > 1  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable

Pulse On  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable
Pulse Off  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable
Latch On  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable
Latch Off  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable

Queue  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable

Clear Queue  Never  Always  Sometimes  Configurable

Attach explanation if 'Sometimes' or 'Configurable' was checked for any operation.

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Reports Binary Input Change Events when no Reports time-tagged Binary Input Change Events
specific variation requested: when no specific variation requested:

 Never  Never
 Only time-tagged  Binary Input Change With Time
 Only non-time-tagged  Binary Input Change With Relative Time
 Configurable to send one or the  Configurable
Sends Unsolicited Responses: Sends Static Data in Unsolicited Responses:

 Never  Never
 Configurable  When Device Restarts
 Only certain objects  When Status Flags Change
 Sometimes (attach explanation)
 ENABLE/DISABLE UNSOLICITED No other options are permitted.
Function codes supported
Default Counter Object/Variation: Counters Roll Over at:

 No Counters Reported  No Counters Reported

 Configurable  Configurable (attach explanation)
 Default Object: 20  16 Bits
Default Variation: 5  32 Bits
 Point-by-point list attached  Other Value: 9999
 Point-by-point list attached
Sends Multi-Fragment Responses:
 Configurable (Default Yes)

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3 DNP V3.0 Implementation Table

The following table identifies which object variations, function codes, and qualifiers the Thytronic PRON NA11
Relay supports in both request messages and in response messages. For static (non-change-event) objects,
requests sent with qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, or 08, will be responded with qualifiers 00 or 01. Requests sent with
qualifiers 17 or 28 will be responded with qualifiers 17 or 28. For change-event objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are
always responded.

Object Variation Function Codes Function Codes Qualifier Codes

Description Qualifier Codes (hex)
Number Number (dec) (dec) (hex)
1 0 Binary Input – Any Variation 1 00,01,06,07,08, 17, 28

1 1 (default – Binary Input 1 00,01,06,07,08, 17, 28 129 00, 01,17,28

see note 1)

1 2 Binary Input with Status 1 00,01,06,07,08, 17, 28 129 00, 01,17,28

2 0 Binary Input Change – Any 1 06, 07, 08

2 1 Binary Input Change without 1 06, 07, 08 129 17, 28
Time 130
2 2 Binary Input Change with Time 1 06, 07, 08 129 17, 28
2 3 (default – Binary Input Change with 1 06, 07, 08 129 17, 28
see note 1) Relative Time 130
10 0 Binary Output – Any Variation 1 00,01,06,07,08, 17, 28
10 1 Binary Output 1 00,01,06,07,08, 17, 28 129 00, 01, 17, 28

10 2 Binary Output Status 1 00,01,06,07,08, 17, 28 129 00, 01, 17, 28

12 1 Control Relay Output Block 3, 4, 5, 6 17, 28 129 echo of request

20 0 Binary Counter – Any Variation 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17,
27, 28
20 1 32-Bit Binary Counter (with 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
Flag) 27, 28
20 2 16-Bit Binary Counter (with 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
Flag) 27, 28
20 5 32-Bit Binary Counter without 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
(default – Flag 27, 28
see note 1)
20 6 16-Bit Binary Counter without 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
Flag 27, 28
30 0 Analog Input - Any Variation 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17,
27, 28
30 1 32-Bit Analog Input 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
27, 28
30 2 16-Bit Analog Input 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
27, 28
30 3 32-Bit Analog Input without 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
(default – Flag 27, 28
see note 1)
30 4 16-Bit Analog Input without 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
Flag 27, 28
30 5 short floating point 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
27, 28
30 6 long floating point 1 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 129 00, 01, 17, 28
27, 28
50 0 Time and Date

50 1 Time and Date 1 06, 07, 08 129 07

(default –
see note 1)
2 06, 07, 08 129

51 1 Time and Date CTO

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Object Variation Function Codes Function Codes Qualifier Codes
Description Qualifier Codes (hex)
Number Number (dec) (dec) (hex)
51 2 Unsynchronized Time and
Date CTO
52 1 Time Delay Coarse
52 2 Time Delay Fine 07 129 07
60 0 Not Defined
60 1 Class 0 Data 1 06
60 2 Class 1 Data 1 06, 07, 08

20, 21 06

60 3 Class 2 Data 1 06, 07, 08

20, 21 06

60 4 Class 3 Data 1 06, 07, 08

20, 21 06

80 1 Internal Indications 1,2 (see note 3) 00, 01 129 00, 01

No Object (function code only) 13

(cold restart)
No Object (function code only) 14
(warm restart)
No Object (function code only) 23
(delay meas.)
No Object (function code only) 24
(record current time)

Note 1: A Default variation refers to the variation responded when variation 0 is requested and/or in class 0, 1, 2,
or 3 scans. Default variations are configurable; however, default settings for the configuration parameters are
indicated in the table above.
Note 2: For static (non-change-event) objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are only responded when a request is sent with
qualifiers 17 or 28, respectively. Otherwise, static object requests sent with qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, or 08, will be
responded with qualifiers 00 or 01. (For change-event objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are always responded.)
Note 3: Writes of Internal Indications are only supported for index 7 (Restart IIN1-7)

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4 DNP V3.0 Point List

The tables below identify all the default data points provided by the Thytronic PRON NA11 Relay.

4.1 Binary Input Points

The default binary input event buffer size is set to allow 100 events.

Binary Input Points

Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 1
Change Event Object Number: 2
Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (Binary Input 2 without status)
Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 3 (Binary Input Change with Relative
0 Run 79 2 1
1 EnableState 79 2 1
2 Alarm ThAL1 2 1
3 Trip Th>1 2 1
4 Alarm ThAL2 2 1
5 Trip Th>2 2 1
6 Alarm ThAL3 2 1
7 Trip Th>3 2 1
8 Alarm ThAL4 2 1
9 Trip Th>4 2 1
10 Alarm ThAL5 2 1
11 Trip Th>5 2 1
12 Alarm ThAL6 2 1
13 Trip Th>6 2 1
14 Alarm ThAL7 2 1
15 Trip Th>7 2 1
16 Alarm ThAL8 2 1
17 Trip Th>8 2 1
18 Trip I> 2 1
19 Trip I>> 2 1
20 Trip I>>> 2 1
21 Trip IE> 2 1
22 Trip IE>> 2 1
23 Trip IE>>> 2 1
24 Trip 74TCS 2 1
25 Trip BF 2 1
26 Trip S< 2 1
27 IN1 2 1
28 IN2 2 1
29 IN3 2 1
30 IN4 2 1
31 IN5 2 1
32 IN6 2 1
33 IN7 2 1
34 IN8 2 1

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Binary Input Points
Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 1
Change Event Object Number: 2
Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (Binary Input 2 without status)
Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 3 (Binary Input Change with Relative
35 IN9 2 1
36 IN10 2 1
37 IN11 2 1
38 IN12 2 1
39 IN13 2 1
40 IN14 2 1
41 IN15 2 1
42 IN16 2 1
43 IN17 2 1
44 IN18 2 1
45 IN19 2 1
46 IN20 2 1
47 IN21 2 1
48 IN22 2 1
49 IN23 2 1
50 IN24 2 1
51 IN25 2 1
52 IN26 2 1
53 IN27 2 1
54 IN28 2 1
55 IN29 2 1
56 IN30 2 1
57 IN31 2 1
58 IN32 2 1
59 IN33 2 1
60 IN34 2 1
61 IN35 2 1
62 IN36 2 1
63 IN37 2 1
64 IN38 2 1
65 IN39 2 1
66 IN40 2 1
67 IN41 2 1
68 IN42 2 1
69 IN43 2 1
70 IN44 2 1
71 IN45 2 1
72 Block auto-reclose 2 1
73 K1 1 1
74 K2 1 1
75 K3 1 1
76 K4 1 1

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Binary Input Points

Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 1
Change Event Object Number: 2
Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (Binary Input 2 without status)
Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 3 (Binary Input Change with Relative
77 K5 1 1
78 K6 1 1
79 K7 1 1
80 K8 1 1
81 K9 1 1
82 K10 1 1
83 General start I> 1 1
84 General trip I> 1 1

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4.2 Binary Output Status Points and Control Relay Output Blocks
The following table lists both the Binary Output Status Points (Object 10) and the Control Relay Output Blocks
(Object 12).
The default select/control buffer size is large enough to hold 10 of the largest select requests possible.

Binary Output Status Points

Object Number: 10
Default Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 2 (Binary Output Status)
Control Relay Output Blocks
Object Number: 12
ADDRESS Block Fields
0 Reset LEDs
1 Reset partial counters
2 Open CB
3 Close CB
4 Enable reclose
5 Disable reclose

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4.3 Counters
The following table lists Binary Counters (Object 20). The default Binary Counter event buffer sizes are set to 30.

Binary Counters
Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 20
Change Event Object Number: 22
Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 5 (32-Bit Binary Counter without Flag)
Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (32-Bit Counter Event w/o Time)
0 ParRR79cnt 3 1 0...9999
1 ParSR79cnt 3 1 0...9999
2 ParDR79cnt 3 1 0...9999
3 ParFR79Pcnt 3 1 0...9999
4 ParFR79Ecnt 3 1 0...9999
5 ParThAL1cnt 3 0 0...9999
6 ParTh>1cnt 3 0 0...9999
7 ParThAL2cnt 3 0 0...9999
8 ParTh>2cnt 3 0 0...9999
9 ParThAL3cnt 3 0 0...9999
10 ParTh>3cnt 3 0 0...9999
11 ParThAL4cnt 3 0 0...9999
12 ParTh>4cnt 3 0 0...9999
13 ParThAL5cnt 3 0 0...9999
14 ParTh>5cnt 3 0 0...9999
15 ParThAL6cnt 3 0 0...9999
16 ParTh>6cnt 3 0 0...9999
17 ParThAL7cnt 3 0 0...9999
18 ParTh>7cnt 3 0 0...9999
19 ParThAL8cnt 3 0 0...9999
20 ParTh>8cnt 3 0 0...9999
21 ParStI>cnt 3 1 0...9999
22 ParTrI>cnt 3 0 0...9999
23 ParStI>>cnt 3 1 0...9999
24 ParTrI>>cnt 3 0 0...9999
25 ParStI>>>cnt 3 1 0...9999
26 ParTrI>>>cnt 3 0 0...9999
27 ParStIE>cnt 3 1 0...9999
28 ParTrIE>cnt 3 0 0...9999
29 ParStIE>>cnt 3 1 0...9999
30 ParTrIE>>cnt 3 0 0...9999
31 ParStIE>>>cnt 3 1 0...9999
32 ParTrIE>>>cnt 3 0 0...9999
33 ParStI2ndh>cnt 3 1 0...9999
34 ParTr74TCScnt 3 0 0...9999
35 ParTr74CTcnt 3 0 0...9999
36 ParStBFcnt 3 1 0...9999
37 ParTrBFcnt 3 0 0...9999

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4.4 Analog Inputs

The following table lists Analog Inputs (Object 30). It is important to note that 16-bit and 32-bit variations of Analog
Inputs, Analog Output Control Blocks, and Analog Output Statuses are transmitted through DNP as signed
Analog change events are not supported.
The default analog input event buffer size is set 30.

Analog Inputs
Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 30
Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 3 (32-Bit Analog Input w/o Flag)
0 f 1000 Hz
1 IL1 16000 In
2 IL2 16000 In
3 IL3 16000 In
4 IE 80000 IEn
5 ILmax 16000 In
6 ILmin 16000 In
7 IL 16000 In
8 T1 10 ^C
9 T2 10 ^C
10 T3 10 ^C
11 T4 10 ^C
12 T5 10 ^C
13 T6 10 ^C
14 T7 10 ^C
15 T8 10 ^C

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