1996 - ABB Review Article Bremen

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burn off a certain amount of the blast-fur-

Bremen’s 100-MW nace gas. Since the static 100-MW fre-

quency link has been operating in Mittels-

static frequency büren, the blast-furnace gas can be utilized

more efficiently as Stadtwerke Bremen can
convert the traction power into three-phase

link AC power, and vice versa. In the future, it

will be possible to use almost all of the gas
to generate electrical power. Also, any
power which German Railway does not
Static frequency converters are today the equipment of choice for the links want can be converted and fed into the
that exchange energy between railway power supplies and national electric- power system of Stadtwerke Bremen.
ity grids. At 100 MW, the ‘Bremen’ static frequency link in Germany is cur- Hitherto, the environmental benefit ac-
rently the world’s highest rated installation of its kind to employ GTO thyris- cruing from the cooperation between the
tor technology. Further development of the GTO thyristors, which are con- steelworks, railway authorities and electric
nected in series, plus a new type of gate unit, made the high rating and utility has been equivalent to about
good economy of the link – between a 16 2⁄3-Hz and a 50-Hz system – pos- 750,000 t of CO2 per year, this being the
sible. The advantages of the new installation over earlier links include high amount that other power plants would
availability and a considerably better efficiency over the full power range. otherwise have emitted. With the new con-
verter, an additional reduction of 150,000 t

F or historical reasons, traction power

supplies in many countries have frequen-
pipelines with a diameter of up to 1.8 m to
the Mittelsbüren power plant, which is
of CO2 will be achieved each year.
The static frequency link for exchanging
energy between the 16 2⁄3-Hz system and
cies which are different to the frequency of located near the steelworks. The electric the 50-Hz system also helps to secure a
the national grid or, alternatively, are oper- utility Stadtwerke Bremen AG, which owns more reliable supply of power in the two
ated with direct current [1, 2, 3]. Although the power plant, burns the gas in turbines networks, since a power shortfall in one of
the railways have their own power plants, to generate electrical power for German the systems can be compensated for by
the strong fluctuation in power demand Railway. This collaboration, which began in the other.
often makes it necessary for the supply 1964, is of considerable ecological import- With the help of the new system tie, the
systems to also be connected to the ance as it saves coal which would other- traction power units of the Mittelsbüren
national grid. In Germany, for example, ties wise have to be burnt in other power plants plant can be included in the three-phase
exist between the traction power supply to meet demand. CO2 emissions are sub- AC power generation (or power from the
and the national grid at about stantially reduced as a result. 50-Hz system supplied to the 16 2⁄3-Hz
40 locations. Besides meeting about a The drop in traction power demand at system in an economical way) when less or
quarter of the railways’ total power de- weekends made it necessary in the past to even no blast-furnace gas is available, or
mand, these ties also allow the traction when the full power plant rating is not at
power supplies to be stabilized. Also, since disposal for other reasons. This not only
most of them can be used to exchange ensures good matching of the power plant
Rüdiger Boeck
energy in both directions (ie, from the capacity to the actual supply, fuel and cost
Stadtwerke Bremen AG
50-Hz to the 16 2⁄3-Hz system, and vice situation, but also makes sure that the con-
versa), traction power generation can be tractual obligations to German Railway are
Osvin J. Gaupp
scheduled in a more economical way. met independently of the supply of blast-
Peter Dähler
furnace gas.
Eugen Bärlocher
Johannes Werninger
Operation of the frequency link ABB Industrie AG
and environmental protection From rotary to static converters
Blast-furnace gas – a byproduct of pig iron Plinio Zanini Traditionally, converter stations linking trac-
production at the German steel company ABB Power Generation tion power supplies with national grids
Stahlwerke Bremen GmbH – is supplied by have had rotary converters installed in

4 ABB Review 9/10 1996


L d/ 2
1 2 + 3

7 8 9

121 kV
112 kV 13 Y 16 2/3 Hz
50 Hz
Y D 5
LF Rf Lf 12 ×

L d/ 2 12
11/23 5/13

Basic circuit diagram of the 100-MW static frequency link of Stadtwerke Bremen 1

A Three-phase AC power system 6 Smoothing reactor

B Traction power supply 7 33-Hz filter
8 Highpass filter
1 Thyristor converter 9 DC link capacitors
2 DC voltage link 10 Voltage limiter
3 GTO thyristor converter 11 DC link buses
4 Filter (11/23, 5/13) and compensating equipment 12 Summation transformer, 16 2⁄3 Hz
5 Common turn-off circuit 13 Converter transformer, 50 Hz

them. In recent decades, the increasing Static traction power links built in the past changing electrical energy between a
reliability of power semiconductor devices, have featured converter units with a rating 16 2⁄3-Hz and 50-Hz system; the converter
and particularly the successful introduction no higher than about 15 MVA. ABB recent- was to be built with GTO thyristors in series
of gate turn-off (GTO) thyristors, has ly took a first step towards higher ratings connection and have a transmission rating
made static converter installations the with the 2 × 25-MVA installation for Swiss of up to 100 MW in both directions. The
preferred option. The benefits they offer are Federal Railway’s converter station at Giu- feasibility study showed that further devel-
as follows: biasco, in southern Switzerland. This instal- opment of the GTO thyristors, their series
• An improvement in efficiency of about 5 lation was placed in commercial operation connection and use of an innovative hard
percent over the entire power range [2] in 1994 [1, 3]. driven gate unit [4], would allow an econ-
• Lower first-time costs due to the elimin- omical static frequency link to be built that
ation of the costly foundations for rotat- satisfies these conditions.
ing installations A single converter with high rating The main technical data of the Bremen
• Longer intervals between maintenance, for Bremen frequency link are given in Table 1. The
plus shorter downtimes, resulting in In 1991, Stadtwerke Bremen AG awarded installation consists of a single converter
higher availability ABB Power Generation and ABB Industrie rated at 100 MW/MVA. This tremendous
• Modular design of the components, AG a contract to study the feasibility of leap in power rating was made possible
making the equipment easier to service building a high-power converter for ex- by several innovations in GTO thyristor

ABB Review 9/10 1996 5


technology that guarantee highest reliabi-

Table 1: lity.
Main data of the Bremen static frequency link A single converter unit which is ca-

Continuous rating pable of the full power rating offers higher

Energy transmitted in both directions, 100 MVA, cos ϕ = 0.8 efficiency than converters made up of
power measured on 16 2⁄3-Hz side 100 MVA, cos ϕ = 1.0
multiple units. In addition, the smaller
50-Hz grid number of components automatically im-
Operating voltage 112 kV ± 5 %
Operating frequency range 50 Hz ± 0.5 % proves the reliability, while investment and
running costs are also lower. It is worth not-
50-Hz grid perturbations
Voltage harmonics as per VDEW ing, too, that in Bremen all of the necessary

16 2⁄3-Hz
system redundancy is integrated in the converter
Nominal operating voltage (100 MVA) 121 kV itself.
Operating voltage range 97 – 123 kV
Operating frequency range 16 2⁄3 Hz ± 2 %

16 2⁄3-Hz system perturbations

Voltage harmonics Frequency link circuit
Total distortion Pn DU 150 ≤ 0.5 % and configuration
Guaranteed efficiency The main power circuit of the Bremen fre-
Power on 16.7-Hz bus, quency link 1 consists primarily of the
transmitted from 16 2⁄3-Hz to 50-Hz side
thyristor converter on the three-phase AC
72 MW, cos ϕ = 0.8 94.9 %
90 MW, cos ϕ = 1.0 95.6 % side, the DC voltage link, the GTO con-
verter on the 16 2⁄3-Hz side, and the con-

Plan view of the frequency link (ground floor of the converter building) 2

1 Auxiliary transformer 9 Converter room, 50 Hz, T11–T13 Transformers, 16 2⁄3 Hz

2 50-Hz filter with common turn-off circuit T01 Transformer, 50 Hz
3 UPS and AC distribution 10 Cooling plant, 16 2⁄3 Hz L210 PF correction equipment,
4 Battery 11 Converter room, 16 2⁄3 Hz 50 Hz
5 20-kV switchgear 12 Ventilation L401 Smoothing reactor
6 DC distribution 13 Capacitors, 33-Hz filter L433 Reactor, 33-Hz filter
7 Cooling plant, 50 Hz 14 Ventilation ducts
8 Water/air heat-exchangers

8 L 210

T 12 T 13

12 14 12
6 4 3 1


10 7

13 5 2

L 401 L 433
T 11 T 01
Z 50

6 ABB Review 9/10 1996


1 2 3 4

100-MW frequency static link of Stadtwerke Bremen 3

1 Converter building 2 PF correction reactors 3 Water/air heat-exchangers 4 16 2⁄3-Hz transformers

verter transformers. Also shown in 1 is the equipment are accommodated in a two- Transparency and good access to the
filter and compensation equipment for the floor building. All the capacitor banks are station components was given a high prior-
three-phase AC network and the DC link, also located in this building to protect them ity during the planning. In this respect, the
plus the main overvoltage protection gear from pollution caused by the steelworks installation benefits in full from the inherent
and the equipment for protecting the and from salinity in the air, a consequence advantages of the converter’s modular de-
station in the event of ‘shoot-through’. The of the installation’s site, which is close to sign: ease of maintenance, low service
voltage and frequency of the power system Germany’s North Sea coastline. The trans- costs, short repair times in the event of
operated by Stadtwerke Bremen AG re- formers, compensating coils, smoothing equipment failure, all of which add up to
main practically constant. In the traction reactors and filter coils are installed in front high availability. The room in which the con-
power supply, on the other hand, both the of the building 2 , 3 . verter on the 16 2⁄3-Hz side is installed has
voltage (97–123 kV) and the frequency The layout of the rooms in the 54 m by been dimensioned to ensure good access
(16.3–17.0 Hz) fluctuate considerably in 15 m large building is practically the same to all the components. Half of the converter
normal operation. The nominal voltage and on the ground and upper floors, since the modules and the voltage-limiting modules
nominal current of the DC link are 10 kV main components (both converter units, are on each floor of the building.
and 10.5 kA, respectively. the DC link capacitors and the common The control system cubicles are situated
The new installation is located directly turn-off circuits) are evenly divided between on the top floor, in a central position to en-
behind the 110-kV substation of Stadt- the two floors and arranged identically. The sure short cables to the power com-
werke Bremen AG and immediately next to chosen configuration ensures that the con- ponents. Also on the top floor is the MMI
German Railway’s 110-kV substation. The necting buses are kept as short as pos- station for local control.
converter and the control and monitoring sible. The transformers as well as the com-

ABB Review 9/10 1996 7


+ I B maxX T
_ Ud U Bi UB SB
P ∆UT +

- -

ust δ

U Bi max U Bi U B
Principle of operation of the GTO thyristor converter 4

δ IB
a Equivalent circuit

E DC voltage link
F Traction power supply

Ud DC voltage
UBi Internal converter voltage
XT Short-circuit reactance of 16 2⁄3-Hz transformer PB + -
∆UT Voltage drop across XT
UB Traction power supply voltage at connecting point
ZBk Short-circuit impedance of traction power supply
PB , QB , SB Power fed into 16 2⁄3-Hz system
b Simplified vector diagram of GTO thyristor converter
IB Output current of GTO thyristor converter
ust , δ Output variables of control system A, B, C Defined operating points

pensation, filter and smoothing reactors are area). This defines the voltage drop ∆UT The PQ diagram representing the 16 2⁄3-
all located outside of the building, but close and with it the amplitude and phase of the Hz side 5 corresponds to the defined
to their associated power components. current IB. power data (Table 2). The circle for UB =
The availability of reactive power is li- 121 kV includes the three specified oper-
mited by the maximum internal voltage that ating points A, B and C, and corresponds
Principle of operation can be set. This is defined by the direct to the maximum current allowed for the
and equipment layout on the voltage of the DC link and the converter GTO thyristor converter. This also deter-
16 2⁄3-Hz side control procedure described in the follow- mines the maximum power at a lower rail-
The direct voltage of the DC link is kept ing. In connection with this, it should be way network voltage. In the overexcited
constant by the converter on the three- noted that the restrictions on the switching range, the power limit is defined at point B
phase AC side. The GTO thyristor converter time do not allow the full control voltage ust by the maximum possible converter volt-
generates an internal voltage with freely ad- to be utilized (the maximum control voltage age.
justable amplitude and phase and a fre- factor is 0.96). Since an additional antiparallel thyristor
quency which is determined by the inter- The apparent power SB is limited by the converter with the same power rating is in-
connected operation. The reference quan- maximum current IB that can be conducted stalled, the symmetrical operating points
tities for the manipulated variables of the by the GTO converter and the converter A’, B’, C’ are valid for the energy flow from
converter are the voltage and phase relation transformer (small circle in 4b ). Whereas in the 16 2⁄3-Hz side to the 50-Hz side.
at the tie to the traction power supply. the case of the transformer this limit has
The vector diagram in 4b illustrates the only thermal origins, in the case of the con-
principle of operation of the converter verter consideration also has to be given to Control method and output voltage
with GTO thyristors. A key role is played the turn-off capability. In addition, the active The proven PWM (pulse width modulation)
by the short-circuit reactance XT of the power limits (the perpendicular borders of method was chosen for the control, this
single-phase converter transformer 4a . the grey area) depend on the design of the method being used widely today for drive
The internal converter voltage UBi can be infeed circuit (thyristor converter, etc) on systems. The switching commands for the
freely chosen within certain limits (grey the three-phase AC side. individual phase modules (U-modules) are

8 ABB Review 9/10 1996


generated on the basis of a comparison of

the instantaneous values of the sinusoidal Table 2:
control voltage ust with the triangular carrier Power data at the tie point

voltages (auxiliary control voltages uhm and Operating point

uhp) 6 . The carrier frequency corresponds A B C
(underexcited) (overexcited)
to three times the traction power system
frequency. Each GTO thyristor therefore 16 2⁄3-Hz system voltage UB 121 kV 121 kV 121 kV
performs three switching cycles for every 16 2⁄3-Hz system frequency fB 16.2 –17 Hz 16.2–17 Hz 16.2 –17 Hz
period on the 16 2⁄3-Hz side. Active power PB 80 MW 80 MW 100 MW
All twelve GTO thyristor bridges are Reactive power QB – 60 MVAr + 60 MVAr 0 MVAr
controlled using the PWM method; the
Apparent power SB 100 MVA 100 MVA 100 MVA
carrier signals of two adjacent stages are
cos ϕ 0.8 0.8 1
displaced electrically by 15 ˚ (180 ˚/12,
referred to the carrier period). Because of
this there are 12 mutually displaced step
voltages. The summation of these step means of adjustment of the amplitude by key technological advances that are in-
voltages, which takes place due to the of the control voltage ust and its phase corporated in the GTO thyristors used in
series connection of the high-voltage relation δ, referred to the traction system the converter on the 16 2⁄3-Hz side. This
windings in the 16 2⁄3-Hz transformer, voltage UB at the point where the frequency converter consists of 1 :
results in an approximately sinusoidal out- link is connected. • Twelve H-bridges, each with two phase
put voltage with a very low harmonic modules, connected in parallel with the
content 7. No additional filters are Converter on the 16 2⁄3-Hz side DC voltage link
necessary. The high power rating of Bremen’s frequen- • Four voltage limiters in the DC voltage
The output voltage is controlled by cy link was made possible in the first place link
• The DC voltage link, coupled direct and
consisting of a low-inductance busbar
PQ diagram for the 16 2⁄3-Hz side 5 and capacitors
PB Active power, positive when energy flows from 50-Hz to 16 2⁄3-Hz side • The valve base electronics
QB Reactive power, positive during overexcitation
UB Traction power supply voltage at connecting point
fB Frequency of traction power supply voltage
A, B, C Specified operating points Low-inductance phase modules
Each of the phase modules has six GTO
120 thyristors connected in series. The phase
f B = 17 Hz module with the DC link bus and the direct-
U B = 110 kV ly connected capacitors is designed with a
U B = 121 kV
very low inductance to ensure that only
60 B
U B = 123 kV minimal energy is stored in the leakage in-
ductance, thereby minimizing the voltage
20 stress during switching 8 .
QB 0 C
Very low-inductance HV capacitors
– 20 (200 nH per 10-kV unit) are used for the DC

– 40 voltage link. The capacitor elements are

built using self-healing, dry technology. In
– 60
A the event of an internal defect in the insu-
– 80
lation, evaporation of the metal layer is
restricted to the immediate locality, and no
–120 short-circuit occurs.
–100 –60 – 20 0 20 60 MW 100
The power semiconductors, resistors in
the snubber circuits and current-limiting

ABB Review 9/10 1996 9


lation separating them. Since internal

short-circuits could cause considerable
u st u hm
mechanical stress, the structure has been
designed to withstand every conceivable
fault event. After being calculated and
u st u hp simulated, the stress withstand capability
was also tested in ABB’s high power lab-
oratory 9 .
u st > u hp
_ ud u st > u hm u st < u hp u1
u st < u hm Voltage limiter
iB Fast-acting control circuits ensure that the
DC voltage is kept constant by the infeed
thyristor converter. Nevertheless, disturb-
ances in either of the two power systems
can cause transient overvoltages. To pro-
tect the converter, a voltage limiter has
Principle of PWM control 6
been integrated which connects a load re-
ud DC voltage u1 Output voltage of one stage sistor into the DC link the moment the per-
ust Control voltage iB Output current of GTO thyristor
mitted voltage limit is reached. The voltage
uhm , uhp Auxiliary control voltages converter
limiter consists of four parallel GTO thyristor
switches with load resistors. These are, in
reactors are cooled with deionized water. level. If a second thyristor in the same effect, four slightly modified branches of
The reliability of the converter is also in- branch should fail, controlled shut-down of the phase module of the GTO thyristor
creased by this (no fans for forced-air cool- the installation is initiated. The incorpor- converter to which a resistor and free-
ing). ation of redundant semiconductor devices wheeling diodes have been added.
reduces the voltage stress level of all of the
components and significantly improves
Series connection and redundancy their mean lifetime. Protection
The series connection of the GTO thyristors Calculations based on field data show The three-stage protection concept com-
calls for precise timing of the switching, that a converter with GTO thyristors con- prises prevention, protection firing, and
with all of the series-connected GTO thyris- nected in series and with integrated redun- damage containment in emergency situ-
tors capable of being switched within dancy will, on average, suffer a total break- ations. The overriding philosophy is that
200 ns. To this end, ABB developed the down just once in seven years. This figure everything has to be done to prevent fault
so-called hard driven gate unit, which fea- presupposes annual maintenance, during situations from occurring in the first place.
tures a much higher rate of rise and ampli- which any defective redundant com- This end is served by redundant GTO
tude than conventional gate drives [4]. To ponents identified during operation are re- thyristors as well as controlled shut-down
achieve this, the inductance of the gate unit placed. The availability can be significantly in the event of failure of a second thyristor
had to be reduced by a factor of about improved by replacing these components in the same branch. In addition, the two
100, requiring a completely new design in at shorter intervals. branches of a GTO thyristor phase are in-
which the GTO thyristor and gate unit are terlocked to prevent them from becoming
united in a single, compact module. conductive simultaneously.
The nominal direct voltage of the DC link DC link bus connections If the preventive measures fail, shoot-
is 10 kV. Four GTO thyristors connected in The low-inductance design principle also through is detected within just a few micro-
series in each branch of the bridge are suf- applies to those parts of the DC link that seconds by a measuring device (also pro-
ficient for this rating. With six GTO thyris- are closely tied electrically to the converter. vided in redundant mode). To relieve the
tors connected in series, one semiconduc- The voltage link conductors therefore con- defective GTO thyristor phase, all the other
tor device could fail without causing the in- sist of two flat bars running parallel to each phases of the converter are turned on
stallation to perform at less than its full other with just a layer of MICADUR® insu- (protection firing). The design of the con-

10 ABB Review 9/10 1996


verter ensures such that this causes no ance was attached to the verification of the several other tests were carried out. These
damage. Besides, the integrated preventive components and subassemblies used in it. included:
measures ensure that protection firing This was carried out by simulation with • Tests to determine what happens in the
occurs on only very rare occasions. highly sophisticated models and by labora- high-frequency range during transient
The GTO thyristor converter has also tory testing of the different parts of the in- faults in the traction power system.
been designed to withstand faults in the stallation. • Impulse current tests to verify that no
event of failure of the protection system. Al- The program used for the simulation mechanical damage is caused to the
though all of the semiconductor devices was a new one with improved models of components in the event of all the pro-
(GTO thyristors and diodes) in a defective the power semiconductors. The par- tection stages failing.
phase can be destroyed by the full fault ameters were obtained from special • Further impulse current tests to verify
current flowing through a central fault lo- measurements carried out on the hard- that the characteristic data of the semi-
cation, there will be neither mechanical nor ware. In this way it was possible, for conductor devices do not change even
thermal secondary damage as a result of example, to verify the shoot-through and after as many as 100 instances of pro-
this. No plasma is formed and no com- protection firing within the context of the tection firing.
ponents will explode. overall installation and the power systems. • An endurance test lasting longer than
In addition, the influence of the component 100 h under the following conditions:
Verification tolerances could be clarified and worst- 150 % rated current, 120 % rated volt-
Since the GTO thyristor converter in case tests could be carried out. age, 150 % nominal frequency and zero
Bremen is the first of its kind and features Besides the type-tests, which were per- redundancy [4].
largely new technologies, special import- formed in accordance with the standards,

Voltage formation, GTO thyristor converter 7

a Characteristic of voltage u1 (one stage)

b Resultant internal converter voltage uBi at summation transformer output, for control voltage of ust = 0.9

uhm , uhp Auxiliary control voltages

p.u. u hp



u hm

1.25 u Bi b


ABB Review 9/10 1996 11


netic flux in the yoke equal to approxi-

mately 10 percent of the main flux in the
wound yoke during steady-state operation.
Despite this, the return limb’s cross-section
has the same dimensions as the main limb
to allow temporary (eg, during power sys-
tem faults), virtually independent switching
of the two GTO thyristor bridges without
any risk of the transformer becoming satu-
A conventional three-phase AC trans-
former core made of grain-oriented mag-
netic sheet steel and with windings on just
the outer yokes was therefore used for the
1 two-phase unit. Each yoke carries one pri-
mary (16 2⁄3-Hz side) and one secondary
winding in a concentric arrangement. All
2 the primary windings are insulated for the
full test voltage. Two two-phase units share
a common tank.

3 Special attention was paid to the open-

circuit leakage impedance of the individual
phase systems. The spread of these im-
pedances had to be limited as much as
possible as it determines how the traction
power system voltage is divided between
the transformers (and therefore among the
GTO thyristor bridges) when the thyristor
valves are non-conducting. A very uneven
distribution could lead to the amplitude of
the alternating voltage in the bridges with
the largest share of the voltage being
higher than the DC link voltage. This would
cause overloading of the DC link via the
diodes in the H-bridges.
Another recognized problem involves
the DC voltage components that appear in
the output voltage of the thyristor bridges
when the timing of the switching is not opti-
Low-inductance phase module 8
mal. Even a relatively small proportion of
1 Gate unit 2 Semiconductor stack 3 Snubber circuit these components can lead to signs of
transformer saturation or load the bridges
with magnetizing current, and even make
Transformers on the 16 2⁄3-Hz side ary windings of the two phases receive operation impossible. The problem grows
The summation transformer on the traction power from adjacently modulated GTO with the size of the installation and is further
power side consists of six two-phase units thyristor bridges. Although their fundamen- intensified by the series connection of the
with yoke 10 . Since the two phases are tal components are in phase, the har- GTO thyristors. In the Bremen link, a con-
decoupled magnetically by the yoke, they monics are phase-shifted due to the dis- stant error of just 1 µs per phase would
act as individual transformers. The second- placed pulse pattern, resulting in a mag- lead to a DC voltage component of 33 mV,

12 ABB Review 9/10 1996


causing a magnetic bias of approximately

1.4 T. By comparison, the operational in-
duction with a maximum output voltage is 1

1.55 T. To make sure that any DC voltage

component that might occur is limited, an
innovative system was developed which
promptly detects such components and
lowers their value to an acceptable level.

Design of the DC link

The main purpose of the DC voltage link is
to decouple the three-phase AC power
system from the traction power supply. It
has to ensure that the GTO thyristor con-
verter is supplied with a constant direct
voltage and at the same time prevent har-
monics on the 16 2⁄3-Hz side from reaching
2 3 1
the 50-Hz circuit. Also important, for pro-
tection reasons, is the minimization of the
distributed capacitance CD, which is hard- Converter modules (1) with DC link bus (2) and DC link capacitors (3) 9

wired to the converter.

One result of the traction power supply
being a single-phase system is that being more economical than a self-com- by reactors. The reactance coils can also
power oscillation with double the traction mutated converter. be connected into circuit whenever the fre-
power frequency occurs. A tuned 33-Hz The high level of grid cabling results in quency link is not in operation. Filters and
filter therefore has to be incorporated in excessive reactive power, which has to be reactors are switched mechanically to ob-
the DC link. The link rating is defined by compensated for during low-load periods tain the required reactive-power range in
the ripple in the direct voltage that can be
tolerated under the assumption of maxi-
Schematic diagram of one unit of the summation transformer 10
mum frequency deviation in the traction
R, T Phases Φ Magnetic flux
power supply and worst-case filter de-
The traction power converter must also R v1 t2 T
be capable of trouble-free operation in
cases of relatively strong distortion of the ΦA
traction power supply voltage. The 3rd and
5th harmonics, in particular, can reach high
values. To achieve the necessary insensi-
tivity to these harmonics, a damped high- Φ1 Φ2
pass filter is integrated in the DC link in
addition to the 33-Hz filter.

50-Hz-side converter
and compensation equipment
Power is fed into the system from the
t1 v2
Stadtwerke Bremen grid via a line-com-
mutated 12-pulse thyristor converter, this

ABB Review 9/10 1996 13


tribution in the parallel branches is moni-

tored. If one branch does not participate in
A B the current conduction (eg, due to a fault in
the gate unit), the DC link current is limited
2 km 20 km accordingly.
Any surplus energy that is present in the
C traction power supply is fed into
MMI Stadtwerke Bremen’s electricity grid via a
second, antiparallel thyristor converter op-
erating as an inverter. The converter’s con-
trol system allows fast power reversal.
A high priority was given to the protec-
tion of the converter when it is being oper-
RD Control ated in inverter mode. This protection is
( PSR ) Protection provided by a common turn-off circuit
( PSR )
comprising static devices for forced com-
mutation 1 .
Unlike conventional HVDC installations
with current-controlled converters on both
sides, the circuit in the Bremen station
does not allow control of the fault current in
the DC link. Even when the inverter control

F is carefully designed, commutation failures

(eg, during transients in the three-phase AC

DC network) can never be entirely excluded.

link Inverter commutation failures are de-
112 kV 50 Hz 121 kV 16 2/3 Hz tected by two independent measuring cir-
cuits, both sides of the converter being
blocked as soon as a failure is identified.

Hierarchical structure of the supervisory control system 11 A negative reverse current is applied to the
defective inverter valve, which is turned off
A Power plant belonging to Stadtwerke Bremen
B Load dispatching center of Stadtwerke Bremen as a result. Approximately one power sys-
C Frequency link control system tem period is required for the entire turn-off
D Substation belonging to Stadtwerke Bremen
process. After a short time of about 1 s,
E Substation belonging to German Railway
F Filter which is needed to restore the turn-off
function to its original status, transmission
MMI Man-machine interface with DEC workstation based on ALPHA processor
RD Remote diagnostics starts up again automatically. The func-
PSR Programmable high-speed controller (control and protection) tional availability of the common turn-off
VBE Valve base electronics (50-Hz and 16 2/3-Hz sides)
TM, GM Failure monitoring, recording of thyristor and GTO thyristor converter statuses circuit is monitored continuously.
SLK Common turn-off circuit
DC DC voltage link

Valve base electronics

the most economical way. The filter design GTO thyristor converter, this installation can Every converter is assigned an electronics
ensures adherence to the prescribed limits continue to operate unrestricted if one thy- package which generates the pulse tele-
for voltage distortion (< 1.5 %). ristor per branch should fail. Failure of a grams from the firing commands given by
The thyristor converter configuration for second thyristor in the same branch results the controller and transmits them over fiber
the nominal data of the DC link has four in controlled shut-down of the installation. optic wires to the individual semiconductor
thyristors connected in series and three This ensures that the healthy part of the locations, where they are converted by in-
branches connected in parallel. Like the branch is not endangered. The current dis- direct light pulse firing (via the thyristor

14 ABB Review 9/10 1996


electronics) into electrical firing pulses. The In the case of the thyristor converter, this be selected as required. The installation
valve base electronics also monitors, with electronics package also controls the com- itself is unattended.
the help of return signals from the thyristor mon turn-off circuit. Return signals enable Control and protection of the frequency
electronics, the redundancy of the series- the controller to quickly identify com- link are based on ABB’s programmable
connected semiconductor devices, pro- mutation failures when the converter is op- high-speed control system, PSR2 [5].
ducing an alarm or trip signal whenever the erating in inverter mode. PSR2 was developed especially for com-
level of redundancy is reduced. Semicon- plex power electronics systems, making it
ductor devices which have failed are ident- the ideal solution for the Bremen link. It
ified and can be replaced the next time rou- Control and monitoring system combines a high processing speed with an
tine maintenance is carried out. The installation is controlled and monitored extremely user-friendly graphic program-
The overvoltage limiter in the DC link by a S.P.I.D.E.R. MicroSCADA system run ming language (FUPLA 2). The combination
of the GTO thyristor converter is also con- on an ALPHA workstation 11 . This system, of these two features ensures a high level
trolled by the valve base electronics. The which also records status changes and dis- of operational flexibility. Both the graphic
same electronics is further responsible turbances, can be operated from a local programming interface of the system and
for high-speed detection (in redundant control room, from the nearby Mittelbüren S.P.I.D.E.R. MicroSCADA can be accessed
mode) of shoot-throughs and for tripping power plant, or from Stadtwerke Bremen’s over a telephone line for diagnostics pur-
the protection firing of the GTO thyristor load dispatching center approximately poses.
converter. 20 km away. The operating authority can The control system is responsible for se-

Basic circuit diagram of the control concept adopted for the 100-MW static frequency link 12

A Three-phase AC M Measurements Ud , Id Voltage and current in DC link

power system ST Gate control unit of thyristor converter Ust , δ Control voltage and phase angle
B Traction power supply MGTO Modulator of GTO thyristor converter (output variables of control system)
PLL Phase-locked loop UB , IB Traction power supply voltage and current
α Firing angle Ud ref , PB ref, QB ref Voltage and power reference values

112 kV 121 kV
50 Hz Y 16 2/3 Hz

Sync Sync

α δ U st
Control Control UB
50 Hz 16 2/3 Hz

U d ref P B ref Q B ref

ABB Review 9/10 1996 15


The first two tools offer high accuracy and

reproducibility over a wide frequency range,
while the special strength of the simulator is
its real-time capability. This allows the entire
system to be safely tested using real-world
2 control and monitoring equipment.
For example, it was possible to develop
the main functions of the control system on
the physical simulator using the DC link
values of 200 V and 250 mA. Before being
4 5
delivered, the control system cubicles 13
were tied into the simulator configuration
and tested in collaboration with Stadtwerke
Bremen under very realistic normal and
fault conditions.


Cubicles containing the control system for the Bremen static frequency link 13 During commissioning, high priority was
given to step-by-step verification of the
1 Processing and interface units of PSR controller
correct electrical, thermal and mechanical
2 Modulator of converter and I/O units on 16 ⁄3-Hz side
3 Gate control unit of thyristor converter and interface for fiber-optic cables design of all parts of the installation. After
4 Various monitoring and supply units all the standard pre-commissioning tests
5 Local control panel
had been carried out (voltage tests, tests
on the control system and protection, etc),
quential start-up and shut-down of the to measure the traction power system fre- the subsystems were tested in the follow-
installation as well as for ensuring stable quency. ing order:
operation 12 . The protection is designed with two • No-load test, 50-Hz infeed
The main control task on the 50-Hz side channels for full redundancy. If a system The filter and compensation equipment,
is to keep the DC link voltage constant. To fails as the result of a hardware fault, its converter transformer, thyristor con-
optimize the dynamic response and for tripping channels are automatically block- verter and DC link had voltage applied to
protection reasons, a configuration with ed. The installation protection as a whole is them for the first time. Converter control
cascade controller, superimposed voltage not affected by this. The operating staff are system components (eg, the triggering
regulator and subordinate DC current con- informed of the fault and of the defective equipment) were tested by means of a
troller was chosen. Control on this side also equipment involved via the man-machine high-ohm converter load.
includes the switching of the thyristor con- interface. Replacement of the hardware, • Short-circuit test, 50-Hz infeed
verters when the power is reversed. As parameterization and testing of the protec- A continuous test at the maximum direct
with HVDC converter stations, the trigger- tion functions can be carried out for every current of 10.5 kA was carried out to
ing equipment is synchronized by means of protection system with the installation still verify the correct thermal design of all
a phase-locked loop (PLL). in operation. the subsystems, and particularly the 50-
The current (IB) and voltage (UB) Hz cooling plant. Also tested was the
measured on the 16 2⁄3-Hz traction power control, including the supervisory control
side are used to calculate the active and Design and verification system of the thyristor converter.
reactive power. Active power is controlled The Bremen frequency link was designed • No-load test, GTO thyristor converter
according to a load-frequency character- and verified with the help of three tools: The voltage formed by the GTO thyristor
istic, and reactive power on the basis of a • Analytical software converter voltage was tested initially with
voltage/reactive power curve. The pulse- • Simulation software a reduced DC link voltage and with an
width modulator is synchronized by means • ABB simulator (with 50-W scale, for the open circuit-breaker on the 16 2⁄3-Hz
of a phase-locked loop, which is also used physical simulation) side.

16 ABB Review 9/10 1996


• Protection-related tests output, efficiency, mains pollution, etc) References

Vital protection functions, such as pro- were verified. [1] O. Gaupp, G. Linhofer, G. Lochner, P.
tection firing of the GTO thyristor con- The oscillogram in 14 shows, as an Zanini: Powerful static frequency con-
verter, overvoltage limitation in the DC example, the DC link voltage, DC link cur- verters for transalpine rail routes. ABB Re-
link and operation of the common turn- rent and voltage, and current at the point of view 5/95, 4–10.
off circuit in cases of inverter com- connection of the traction power supply [2] D. Lönard, J. Northe, D. Wensky: Sta-
mutation failure, were tested under real- during switching from normal transmission tische Bahnstromrichter – Systemübersicht
world conditions. to phase shift mode. This sequence is ausgeführter Anlagen. Elektrische Bahnen
• Short-circuit testing, GTO thyristor con- switched on automatically whenever there 6/95, 179–190.
verter is a disturbance in the three-phase AC [3] P. Mathis: Statischer Umrichter Giu-
A continuous test was carried out (16 2⁄3- system. The reversal sequence (right-hand biasco der Schweizerischen Bundes-
Hz side short-circuited and a maximum side of the oscillogram) is also automatic, bahnen. Elektrische Bahnen 6/95,
load current corresponding to 100 MVA) being carried out as soon as the AC net- 194–200.
to verify the correct thermal design of work conditions have been restored to [4] P. Steimer, H. Grüning, J. Werninger,
the converter, 16 2⁄3-Hz transformer and normal. P. Dähler, G. Linhofer, R. Boeck: Series
cooling plant. Following successful trial operation of connection of GTO thyristors for high-
• System tests, 16 2⁄3-Hz side the static frequency link, the installation power static frequency converters. ABB
These tests included testing and opti- was handed over to Stadtwerke Bremen Review 5/96, 14–20.
mization of the control system under for commercial service. [5] P. Steimer, P. Hartmann, C. Perrin, A.
real-world operating conditions. In addi- Rufer: PSR – the world’s fastest pro-
tion, all the guarantee values (power grammable controller with function block
language. ABB Review 2/93, 21–28.

Oscillogram of an auto-reclosure lasting 700 ms on the 50-Hz side 14

A Power transmitted to traction power supply: 121 kV, 30 MW, 20 MVAr underexcited
B Tripping of thyristor converter, automatic switchover to phase-shift mode
C 50-Hz side disconnected: phase-shift mode with 20 MVAr underexcited Authors’ addresses
D Automatic reclosure of 50-Hz side, automatic active power start-up
Rüdiger Boeck
uB Traction power supply voltage Stadtwerke Bremen AG
iB Traction power supply current Theodor-Heuss-Allee 20
ud DC link voltage 10 kV, 1 scale div = 1.3 kV
id DC link current D-28215 Bremen
Telefax: +49 421 359 2081

Osvin J. Gaupp
uB Peter Dähler
Eugen Bärlocher
Johannes Werninger
ABB Industrie AG
iB CH-5300 Turgi

ud Telefax: +41 56 299 2579

Plinio Zanini
ABB Power Generation Ltd.
100 ms P.O. box
CH-5401 Baden
B D t Switzerland
Telefax: +41 56 466 6681

ABB Review 9/10 1996 17

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