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Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2022) 000–000
Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2022) 000–000

Transportation Research Procedia 63 (2022) 1781–1789

X International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum

X International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum
Creation of conditions for the effective implementation of
Creation of conditions for the effective implementation of
innovations in the field of personnel management in the railway
innovations in the field of personnel management in the railway
Olga Mubarakshinaa,a,*, Natalya Marchenkoaa, Olga Mulenkobb
Olga Mubarakshina *, Natalya Marchenko , Olga Mulenko
Siberian Transport University, 191, Dusi Kovalchuk str., Novosibirsk, 630049, Russia
Rostov State TransportaSiberian
University, 2, Rostovskogo
Transport Strelkovogo
University, 191, DusiPolka Narodnogo
Kovalchuk Opolcheniya
str., Novosibirsk, Sq., Rostov-on-Don,
630049, Russia 344038, Russia
Rostov State Transport University, 2, Rostovskogo Strelkovogo Polka Narodnogo Opolcheniya Sq., Rostov-on-Don, 344038, Russia

The article deals with topical issues of effective introduction of innovations, including in the practice of personnel management
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divisions. in innovations to ensure long-term results in the company's activities, including in the context of other structural
© 2022 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
© 2022an
This The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
This is
is an open
open access
access article
article under
under the
the CC
BY-NC-ND license license (
This is an
Peer-review open access
under article
responsibilityunderof the CC BY-NC-ND
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee committee license
of of (
thethe X International
X International Scientific
Scientific Siberian
Siberian Transport
Transport Forum
Peer-review under responsibility
Keywords: innovation; of the scientific
innovation introduction; committee
innovation of the
introduction X International
system Scientific
model; innovations in theSiberian Transportmanagement;
field of personnel Forum
innovation innovation;railway
Keywords: efficiency; innovation introduction;
industry; railway innovation introduction
transport; railway system model; innovations in the field of personnel management;
innovation efficiency; railway industry; railway transport; railway holding.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-913-382-2355.

* Corresponding
E-mail address:author. Tel.: +7-913-382-2355.
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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
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1782 Olga Mubarakshina et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 63 (2022) 1781–1789
2 Olga Mubarakshina et al / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2022) 000–000

1. Introduction

In modern conditions of fierce competition, the development of digital technologies, increasing efficiency of human
resource management, companies face the need to constantly improve their activities, products, services, search for
new ways not only to hold the achieved positions, but also to attract new customers, expand business. In the conditions
of information availability, the organization's reputation becomes important, for the preservation of which innovative
solutions are also required, acting as the main means of obtaining meaningful and long-term competitive advantages
in the labor market and in economic activity. And the value of innovations' implementation is directed not only to the
external environment for the organization, but also to the internal, solving the issues of personnel management and
creating a stable basis for increasing labor productivity, satisfaction with various aspects of labor of employees, as
well as forming loyalty and participation of its employees.
The subject of the research concerning innovations is diverse: history of emergence, typology, managerial,
organizational, financial aspects of innovation activity, comparative analysis of domestic and foreign practices of
innovation management, assessment of their effectiveness, etc.
Literature review. A modern view of innovation processes in the economy can be noted in a number of works
devoted to the development of innovation and innovation potential [Cohen et al., 1990; Santo, 1990; Powell et al.,
1996; Vishnevsky et al., 2010], innovation activity [Drucker, 1985; Takmasheva et al., 2019], innovation systems and
technologies by industry [Myers Set al., 1969; Gokhberg, 2003; Mahlerb, 2007;], strategies and models [Mensch,
1979; Schumpeter, 1942; Kuznetsova et al., 2013], the formation of an innovative environment [Boyko, 2003;
Nemlioglu et al, 2021], innovation efficiency [Glisman et al., 1998; Ebersberger et al, 2021], HR innovation [Sorin
M.S.Krammer, 2021; Yang et al] and others.
Nevertheless, despite numerous scientific works, there are still controversial issues of implementing innovative
solutions in the practical activities of organizations. Many enterprises are faced with the inability to determine
completely and organize the conditions for successful innovation implementation, as well as to guarantee the staffing
of these processes at the enterprise.
By innovations we will understand development and implementation of innovations, investment of money in
innovations, i.e., new ideas, products, projects, and creation of conditions for their successful implementation both in
production and management spheres.
This definition, in our opinion, reflects the origin of innovations, i.e., they do not appear by themselves, but from
new ideas, new models of action, etc.
For the purpose and methodological support of innovations' implementation and creation of objective conditions
for their effective implementation, including in the sphere of personnel management, we offer an adapted model of
innovations' implementation system formed on the basis of change management model (Villa et al., 2000), which
consists of a number of elements:

 Vision. The need to formulate the final result covers all innovation projects, and in the field of personnel
management, due to the huge influence of the human factor on their effectiveness, the ability to clearly imagine
what should be obtained at the "output", to indicate the representation of the result through the criteria or indicators,
which can be used to evaluate their achievement becomes especially important;
 Skills. Here we are talking not only about the formation of innovation management skills among the leaders of the
organization and structural divisions, in the field of personnel management we can talk about the need to form a
set of skills, contributing to the effective implementation of innovations, among all employees. The indicators of
this element's development at an enterprise can be availability of rationalization proposals from the employees,
including those implemented, participation in professional contests, etc.;
 Incentives. This is an important element of the effectiveness of implemented innovation projects. Employees may
have formed skills of innovative activity, but lack motivation to use them and implement individual components
of employees' labor potential, if the enterprise does not provide measures to support innovative activity of the labor
collective both from material and non-material incentives, as well as if no conditions are created, in which
employees' development is possible. Within the framework of assessing the availability or development of this
element it is possible to use motivation to training of employees, availability and assessment of stimulation
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efficiency of innovative activity of personnel, willingness of employees to innovations, loyalty of employees to the
organization, etc.;
 Resources. When assessing this element, there is an analysis of all necessary for the implementation of innovation
and available resources, i.e., everything that is used in the target human activity - labor, material and financial
resources, machinery, equipment, information, software, legal support, etc.;
 Plan. A predetermined detailed algorithm of actions or activities aimed at achieving the goal by a predetermined
date is a necessary condition for implementing innovations in both production and management spheres. It is the
plan, broken down into individual components, will allow to ensure the achievement of the overall objectives of
innovative projects.
Let us consider various combinations of the listed elements in the absence of the implementation of at least one of
them, in order to investigate the completeness of the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of
innovations in the sphere of human resources management.
 Vision + Skills + Incentive + Resources + Plan (lack of vision) = Confusion/chaos
Innovation is quite a trendy concept today, and many organizations rush to implement it without a clear idea of
what they want to end up with and what they want to achieve. That said, they have the skills to innovate, the incentives
they can use to influence their staff. And they have the resources whereby they have the ability to innovate, and they
have a clear action plan. In this case, the vision falls out of the chain. But if there is no clear vision of what we want
to get as a result of innovation, then there is a certain confusion. And in this case, the process of implementing the
innovation is hardly possible.
 Vision + Skills + Incentive + Resources + Plan (missing skills) = Anxiety/fear.
In this case, if there is a clear idea of what we want to get "out", there is an incentive, resources and a plan of action,
but we do not have certain components of the practical activities we need to implement, then we may have doubt, fear
and anxiety: "will we be able to handle the innovation implementation?"
 Vision + Skills + Incentive + Resources + Plan (no incentives) = Resistance.
In the third case: we have a well-established vision of the desired outcome, skills, resources, and a plan, but no
leverage on staff, no mechanisms to get staff interested in implementing innovation. In this case we get staff resistance
to innovation. Employees should be interested in innovation; they should understand what they can get as a result of
innovation - what benefits and/or satisfaction of what needs.
 Vision + Skills + Incentive + Resources + Plan (lack of resources) = Disappointment.
The next option: we have a vision, skills, something to interest the staff, there is a clear plan of action, but lack of
human and material resources. In this case, the innovation implementation is doomed to failure, and in the end, we get
only disappointment.
 Vision + Skills + Incentive + Resources + Plan (lack of plan) = false start.
The fifth scenario is also possible: we have all the ingredients for successful innovation, except for a detailed action
plan. And since a plan is an algorithm of actions aimed at achieving the goal, then, not having it, it is hardly worth
starting to implement innovations. Successful innovation implementation will occur only when the chain presents all
the necessary elements of the innovation process. In this case we get staff resistance to innovation. Employees should
be interested in innovation; they should understand what they can get as a result of innovation - what benefits and/or
satisfaction of what needs.
 Vision + Skills + Incentive + Resources + Plan (lack of resources) = Disappointment.
The next option: we have a vision, skills, something to interest the staff, there is a clear plan of action, but lack of
human and material resources. In this case, the innovation is doomed to failure, and in the end, we get only
 Vision + Skills + Incentive + Resources + Plan (lack of plan) = false start.
The fifth scenario is also possible: we have all the ingredients for successful innovation, except for a detailed action
plan. And since a plan is an algorithm of actions aimed at achieving the goal, then, not having it, it is hardly worth
starting to implement innovations.
Successful implementation of innovation, will occur only when the chain presents all the necessary elements of the
innovation implementation: "Vision + Skills + Incentive + Resources + Plan = Innovation!".
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The most important thing, in our opinion, before introducing innovations, it is necessary to determine - what element
is missing in the chain. And do not start this process in the absence of at least one of them, because in the absence of
more than one of these elements of the model, the probability of failure in the innovation process increases even more.
It should be noted that two elements acquire the greatest importance in the sphere of personnel management - these
are skills and incentives, i.e., what personnel management has a direct impact on, including in the introduction of
innovations, whether they are carried out in the production or managerial areas.
Below we will consider the innovation implementation in personnel management on the example of one of the
structural divisions of JSC "Russian Railways" (hereinafter - structural division N) which main activity is passenger
transportation, shunting work and repair of electric trains.

2. Research methods

To analyze the implementation of innovations in the field of personnel management in structural unit N, the
following methods were used: document analysis, a survey in the form of a questionnaire and an expert interview.

3. Research results

Based on the research objectives, an analysis of documents in which the main documents concerning the
implementation of innovations in the sphere of personnel management were considered and studied was carried out.
It showed that JSC "Russian Railways" has a large regulatory base of documents that regulate innovation activity. The
documents that contain information on innovations in the area of personnel management that have been adopted and
are being implemented in the holding company were reviewed.
A pilot project was launched in the field of recruitment - the chat-bot "Vera" - an artificial intelligence system for
selecting candidates for vacant positions. The chat-bot "Vera" performs recruitment for certain positions: ticket
cashiers, typists, etc., and determines the candidate's compliance with the primary requirements of the vacancy.
There are innovations in training, such as "network" training, which involves training not only at the university, but
also in production; as well as a mobile library of the Corporate University. In addition, the holding company has
introduced the Service Portal, to which all employees of Russian Railways are connected. Training opportunities in
author classes are actively used to develop competencies and build skills for implementing innovative projects. Various
types of remuneration are provided for the authors of rationalization proposals.
As for employee adaptation, a target program "Russian Railways Youth" has been developed to involve young
people in innovative activities. There is also an electronic adaptation course for young employees of JSC "Russian
Railways" in the form of a quest containing useful and important information about the company for young specialists.
With regard to the talent pool, new competencies have been introduced and reflected in the updated model of
Russian Railways' corporate competencies, namely the "Innovativeness" competency. It has been strengthened by the
new indicators related to effective change management and the ability to provide an innovative environment around.
These qualities are especially necessary for reservists to implement the company's digital projects.
There were also amendments to the Collective Agreement of Russian Railways that concern insurance pensions for
employees who have already retired or are about to do so. Participation in physical culture clubs as a form of employee
motivation was developed.
Thus, the process of introducing innovations at the holding company is comprehensively regulated, and innovations
are present in many personnel management processes.
In order to find out how the process of innovations implementation takes place, what innovations in the sphere of
personnel management have been implemented in the structural subdivision, as well as what restrictions exist on
innovations implementation, an expert interview with the deputy head of subdivision N for human resources and social
issues was conducted, during which we managed to find out what innovations in the sphere of personnel management
have been implemented in the structural subdivision, how the process of innovation implementation takes place and
how employees feel about innovation implementation.
First of all, the Deputy Head of Personnel and Social Affairs reported that over the past three to five years, the
following innovations were implemented in the division:
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 with respect to staff training and evaluation, a new knowledge assessment is being implemented - testing in the
form of DAT battery tests;
 with regard to the personnel reserve - formation of the reserve on the basis of the ЕКТ system (unified corporate
requirements) and updated model of corporate competencies, a unit for the unified personnel reserve was
introduced in the UCASLRM program (unified corporate automated system for labor resources management),
where the results of Business IQ and RZD Business Profile tests are automatically reflected, and an assessment of
competencies is formed and sent for approval to the Central Directorate of Locomotive Rolling Stock for the
position of an employee;
 regarding career planning for employees - career planning is carried out for prospective young specialists and
employees on the reserve list;
 with regard to document management, an innovation was introduced, such as the Service Portal, which allows
employees to receive information promptly and remotely;
 personnel selection and recruitment - the use of the above-mentioned chatbot, conducting a career guidance
 motivation and stimulation of personnel - when comparing personnel motivation at the moment and five years ago,
bonuses and motivational fund have changed, there were rank rewards, three-stage bonus system.

Innovations are implemented by issuing local regulatory acts on the basis of orders and directives, which are
adopted in the CDLRS and by higher management.
When asked about the readiness for innovation, the deputy head of human resources and social issues said that
about 30% of all personnel of the department are ready to implement innovations. This is due to the fact that quite a
large part of the staff in this structural subdivision are people in the age category of 36 years and older, who are difficult
to convince of the need for innovation.
When answering the question about the innovations that the structural subdivision needs, it was said that the main
limitation in the field of work with personnel is the adaptation of personnel - in the field of its documentary support.
It should be noted that the management of the structural unit attaches great importance to the problem of the young
professionals' adaptation process in the organization and work with new employees on the part of their mentors.
Regarding the development of skills necessary to implement innovations, the expert noted that the structural
subdivision N, as well as in the whole holding of JSC "Russian Railways", has accumulated quite a lot of experience
in implementing innovative solutions and projects, including in the practice of personnel management. At the same
time, the Corporate University on an ongoing basis implements training programs aimed at the formation of leadership
qualities and development of skills in the management staff to implement innovations.
The next method of our research was a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The purpose of the survey was to find
out the attitude of employees to the implementation of innovations. For this purpose, we developed an author's
questionnaire of 10 questions. Seventy respondents took part in the survey.
The hypothesis is the opinion that improving the innovations' implementation in the sphere of personnel
management in the railway industry through the readiness of the five elements of the innovation implementation
system model creates the necessary conditions for the innovations' efficiency, i.e., contributes to obtaining significant
and long-term competitive advantages on the labor market, and provides a solid foundation for productive
management. To substantiate this hypothesis, a study of the innovation implementation in the field of personnel
management in the structural subdivision N was conducted. Fig. 1 shows the results of the survey.
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Fig. 1. The attitude of employees of the structural subdivision N to innovation, people. Figure compiled by the authors.

Figure 1 shows that only 34 employees out of 70 respondents are interested in innovations. At the same time, 32
employees responded that they are open to everything new. This indicates that the positive attitude of employees and
their interest in innovation and new things allows them to quickly implement innovations that will not cause rejection,
but fewer than half of the employees with such an opinion.
Next, the respondents answered the question about the sources of information from which they would feel
comfortable to learn about innovations. Based on the data obtained from the survey, we can conclude that 43% of
employees (30 people) would like to learn about the innovations at technical sessions and planning meetings, which
they have to attend once a month. This is due to the fact that at these classes there is a detailed discussion,
familiarization with the order, analysis of situations. Another 40% of employees (28 people) would prefer to learn
about innovations from the Internet and advanced training courses. A slightly smaller share (14%, 10 people) is taken
by such a source of information as the newspaper "Gudok". Only two employees out of those surveyed (3%) would
like to receive information about innovations from their manager.
At the moment, JSC "Russian Railways" is looking for "innovators" among the employees who are ready to move
the process of train traffic and maintenance "forward". Therefore, the next question addressed to the employees of the
structural subdivision was about familiarity with the latest innovations adopted in JSC "Russian Railways", about their
readiness to master and use innovations. The answers of the respondents are presented on Fig. 2, which shows that
prevailing majority of the respondents 91% (64 people) are familiar with the latest innovations in the holding, also
83% (58 people) feel ready to adopt innovations and 86% (60 people) are ready to use innovations in JSC "Russian
Railways". Such results make it possible to introduce the innovations that do not cause rejection of the employees, and
the employees actively use them.

Fig. 2. Distribution of respondents of structural subdivision N regarding the willingness of employees to use innovations, people. Figure compiled
by the authors.
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Then we tried to find out from employees what obstacles stand in the way of mastering innovations. Fig. 3 shows
that only 23 employees have no barriers to the adoption of innovation. The main obstacles to the adoption of
innovations are, first of all, the lack of free time (45 people), poor awareness of innovations (13 people). Twenty six
employees responded that they have no incentive to master innovations. So, the third variant of the innovation system
model under consideration is implemented, which causes resistance on the part of employees.

Fig. 3. Distribution of respondents' answers of structural subdivision N concerning obstacles in mastering innovations, people. Figure compiled
by the authors.

The following data (Fig. 4) show that employees are informed about the implementation of innovations in the
organization. To the question: "What could be an incentive for you to master innovations?" the respondents' answers
are arranged as follows: for the greatest number of surveyed employees such incentive is the interest in innovations
(55.7%). Slightly fewer respondents (51.4%) chose "need for self-improvement" as the incentive.

Fig.4. Distribution of respondents' answers of structural subdivision N concerning their incentives to adopt innovations, people. Figure compiled
by the authors.

Having analyzed the employees' answers, it can be concluded that it is necessary to maintain interest in innovations
among the employees of a structural subdivision, using all the incentives that received the highest value.
According to the survey results, we managed to find out limitations to the implementation of innovations in N
division: only 40% of respondents are interested in innovations, i.e., they are ready to be "drivers" of innovations; the
main obstacle to mastering of innovations is lack of free time of employees; incentives for mastering innovations are
"interest in innovations", "need for self-improvement" and "support and approval from the management", therefore, it
is necessary to focus management attention on these aspects; weak induction of innovations is the main obstacle to the
innovation development.
Summarizing the results of the study of innovation in the structural subdivision N in the context of the model under
consideration, we have identified a number of positive points and limitations. Table 1 summarizes them.
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Table 1. Assessment of availability/development of innovation system model elements in the structural subdivision N.
Research Method Element of the innovation system model
Document analysis/survey It is fully present in the organization and is expressed in a comprehensive regulation of the process of
(questionnaire) innovation implementation, which affects almost all the sphere of personnel management. At the same time
the majority of employees are aware of the latest innovations in the holding and are ready to master innovations
Survey (interview) There is experience in developing and implementing innovations, including in personnel management
practices, the skills of the management team to implement innovations are developed and are constantly being
improved through training at the Corporate University and practical activities
Survey (questionnaire) There are limitations - lack of time and incentives to master innovations, poor awareness of innovations among
some employees. Only 40% of employees show interest in the innovations' implementation. The greatest
resistance to innovation occurs in older people. Only a small percentage of employees are ready to implement
Analysis of financial The financial position, net profit, as well as reserve and development funds of JSC "Russian Railways" provides
condition (statements of for the availability of all necessary resources: organizational, labor, material, financial, information,
JSC "Russian Railways") communication, etc.
Document review There is a Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Railways holding company for
the period till 2025 and for the perspective till 2030, including the plans of innovative projects implementation

Thus, the model of innovation implementation system in N division considered by us is presented in the third variant
of its implementation, i.e., there is no availability of the element "Incentives" in the presence and preparedness of all
other elements. Consequently, the recommendations to improve the effectiveness of innovative solutions'
implementation in the subdivision N should be aimed primarily at the development of this element, which has

4. Conclusion

We will consider the ways of solving a number of restrictions, which were identified in the course of the study.
These measures will help to increase the efficiency of innovations' implementation in the sphere of personnel
management taking into account the development of JSC "Russian Railways".
It is important to remember that such functions of personnel management as motivation and development of
personnel come to the foreground within the framework of personnel policy implementation in the conditions of
strategic changes introduction, including the innovations integration (Mubarakshina et al., 2019).
Within the framework of recommendations, it seems possible, first of all, to supplement the system of motivation
and stimulation of holding employees with the methods influencing their interest in implementation of innovations.
Various options of tangible and intangible incentives for the employees who show innovative activity, participate in
innovative developments, projects, and training programs can be used here. Mobile applications can be actively used
to accrue points for such activity, or the recording of employees' activity by heads of departments in the ways used in
the organization. Cafeterias of benefits are becoming increasingly popular, allowing employees to choose their own
rewards based on the achievements and personal preferences of those that the organization is ready to provide. These
can be a variety of non-material incentives with different "prices" for the employee (sports passes, compensation for
travel, meals, an extra day of vacation, etc.), i.e., the employee, having accumulated a certain number of
points/coins/bonuses, can exchange them for a position in the "benefits cafeteria". In this case the innovative activity
of the employee can be evaluated by an increased number of points.
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Comparing with the elements of the innovation implementation system model, it is necessary to pay attention to
the activation of incentives that are of special interest to employees of the unit under consideration, it will be "interest
in innovations", "need for self-improvement" and "support and approval from the management", which can be shown
by the attention of heads of units to the achievements of employees or their display of innovation activity (public
recognition, gratitude, certificates of merit, souvenirs with the organization symbols, etc.).
At the same time, it should be noted that the necessary resources for such incentives are already provided in the
In addition, we suggest developing a Program to familiarize older employees with innovations, which would include
elements of training in the use of these innovations, taking into account the age limits for such training, which may
require additional resources (in the form of engaged coaches, additional time for practicing skills, etc.), as well as the
attention of management.
In order to get a new employee into the position as quickly as possible and to solve the related problems, it is
recommended to use the capabilities of mobile applications for adaptation, which contain the necessary information
for the employee, as well as templates of documents to be filled out by the mentor. This reduces the paperwork and
increases the speed of obtaining and processing data, allows for online monitoring of the adaptation process of
In our opinion, the above-mentioned measures will increase the efficiency of implementing innovative solutions in the
organization and, in particular, in personnel management practice by reducing personnel resistance, increasing the
efficiency of incentives and the growth of personnel interest in innovations, which ultimately creates the conditions
for their successful implementation.


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