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Anatomy UPPER LIMB-Muscles and their nerve supply, Axillary artery, Palmar arches, Cubital fossa,

Carpal tunnel, Major nerve injuries

LOWER LIMB- Muscles and their nerve supply, Femoral triangle and femoral sheath,
Adductor canal,Popliteal fossa, Gluteal region
Gen. Anatomy- Types of joints, Types of epiphysis, Types of cartilage
Thorax- Intercostal space , Azygous vein, Coronary circulation, Venous drainage of heart,
Position of heart, Bronchopulmonary segments, Root of lungs
Abdomen, pelvis and perineum- Anterior abdominal wall, Inguinal canal, Rectus sheath,
Viscera like liver, kidney, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, urinary bladder, Perineal
pouches, Pelvic diaphragm, Urogenital diaphragm, Perineal body, Portal vein, Inferior
Gen. Embryology complete- Systemic embryology, Development of heart, arterial and
venous system, Development of pharyngeal pouches, cleft and arches, Rotation of gut,
Development of liver, pancreas and spleen, Peritoneum and mesentery, Neural crest cells
derivatives, Development of urogenital system, Derivatives of mesonephric and
paramesonephric ducts
Neuro anatomy- Spinal cord, White and grey matter of cerebrum, Circle of willis, Blood
supply of brain, Brainstem
Head and Neck- Cranial foramens and structures passing, Facial artery and vein, Muscles of
mastication, Tongue muscles and nerve supply, Deep cervical fascia Carotid sheath
Triangles of neck.
Physiology Physiology : body fluids, ICF,ECF etc. Transport across cell membrane: sodium symport,
GLUT. Cardiac cycle phases volume an pressure changes. Pacemaker potential and
conducting pathway, type of blood vessels, regulation of blood flow and Cardiac output.
Baroreceptor and BP regulation.
Git motility, phases of digestion, git hormones, digestion and absorption.
Endocrine Receptors types and actions, insulin regulation and actions GLUT, thyroid
synthesis regulation and synthesis. Growth hormone, JAK STAT pathway. PTH actions.
Layers and hormones of adrenal gland
CNS: Receptors, sensory pathway, hypothalamus, memory, papez circuit. Stretch reflex,
Golgi tendon organ,PT and EPT lesion,Parkinson and basal ganglia.

Kidney: GFR, clearance, PCT transport, counter current system, glucose absorption, ADH,
aldosterone, RAS.
Respiratory: compliance, spirometry, VQ ratio, oxygen Hb curve, regulation of respiration,
Biochemistry Carbohydrate, protein, lipid and nucleotide metabolism..Special emphasis on diseases and
their enzyme deficiencies,Molecular biology.. Including replication, transcription and
translation,Enzymes.. Nature, inhibition,Vitamins and isoenzymes,Minerals

Pathology Complete Genetics(very important), Mediators of inflammation, Tumor markers, Lung

tumors Amyloidosis, Hypersensitivity reactions, Lymphoma, Renal pathology, Anemia

Pharmacology Anti diabetic drugs, Alpha and beta blockers General pharma Antiplatelet and anti
coagulant ACE and ARB inhibitors Bronchial asthma drugs Anti epileptic side effects ,
Antibiotics indications
Microbiology Bacteriology especially marked Q by me in class to be revised , Mycology mycetoma ,
dermatophytes, candida , cryptococcus, aspergillus with zygomycetes.Parasitology only Q
marked , as it comes the least in fmge but plasmodium ,

toxoplasmosis important ones along with rough idea about classification of helminths .
Virology Hepatitis ,HIV , Molluscum contagiosum , HPV , along with Picornaviridae
members . General micro. Microscopy , Stains , Sterilisation disinfection , along with
bacterial growth curve , conjugation , transduction and transformation

FSM COURT PROCEDURES , Ipc and CRPC, Rape, Amendement in recent laws, McNaughton
Law(84IPC for INSANE), Identification of sex,age,race etc. THANATOLOGY÷,Postmortem
Changes,Rigor Mortis, Decomposition TOXICOLOGY-
Organohpsphorus,Opium,Heroine,Cannabis,Gastric Lavage,Preservation

PSM IMPORTANT DS with national program as TB.malaria.filariasis.leishmaniasis.leprosy

aids.polio.rabies.measle DEMOGRAPHY AND CONTRACEPTION health care system of India
nutrition prevention in obstetrics and paediatric with NRHM program ENVIORNMENT as

ENT Otosclerosis , MENIERE'S ds, Glomus jugulare, Inner ear anatomy, Middle ear,
Rhinoscleroma, Rhinosporidiosis Atrohic rhinitis, Lateral wall of nose Vocal nodule,
Ophthalmology Glaucoma, refraction, Retina and uveitis
Medicine RESPIRATORY- Pneumonia .. specific organisms and atypical pathogens, Lights criteria for
Pleural effusion, C.O.P.D - gold criteria for diag, short & long acting bronchodilators,
sacroidosis and tb, criteria for p.c.p
CARDIOLOGY- Basis rythm disorders like AV block, SVT VT , stemi nstemi, murmur , CHF,
ENDOCRINE -diagnosis criteria of dm, pheochromocytoma, cushing/addison, men
syndrome, siadh/di
NEPHROLOGY - neohrotic/nephritic , urinary casts, H.U.S, R.T.A,electronic/light microscopy
/immunofluroscence findings of glonerulopathies, c.t.d small/medium/large vasculitis, h.l.a
& its assiciation, antibodies & assiciation
C.N.S - stroke, seizure, migraine
MENINGITIS ( ORGANISM/PATHOGENS),parkinson alzimer, myasthenia gravis, a.m.l

Surgery GENERAL SURGERY ,Iv lines, Foleys, Trauma - basics, abdominal, thoraci,c and head
trauma , GCS, Burns, Breast - benign and malignant, Hernia - one question, Thyroid -
cancers and surgical complications , Vascular - 2 questions
SYSTEMIC SURGERY(1) GIT, Esophagus- Achalasia/ GERD and it's complications, Stomach-
Peptic ulcer and Gastric cancer, Intestines- Hirschsprungs/ Meckel's/ Intussusception/
Appendicitis and appendicular mass/ Hemorrhoid/ Fistula in ano/ Intestinal polyps

(2)UROLOGY, IVP appearances of Horse sho, polycystic kidney, ureterocele, Posterior

urethral valves and Hypospadias, Undescended testis,Urinary stones, BPH treatment and
complications , Phimosis, Priapism and Penile cancer, Testicular torsion
OBG Pelvis, Labour, Malpresentations, Abnormal Labour, Menstrual irregularities , Urinary
fistulas etc, And whole OBG
Paediatrics Milestones Severe acute malnutrition General neonatology Neonatal jaundice Congenital
heart diseases Neural tube defects Meningitis in children Febrile seizures
Glomerulonephritis , Nephrotic syndrome, Posterior urethral valve Croup and bronchiolitis,
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis Mgm of dehydration in children

Psychiatry Schizophrenia Bipolar disorder, OCD, PTSD Alcohol and opioids Psychoanalysis
Radiology Radiation units Neuro radiology images Radio anatomy Common radiological signs Pleural
effusion Pneumothorax Pneumoperitoneum
Anesthesia Pin index in anesthesia Machine. Endotracheal tube. Complication of spinal n epidural,
Difference between spinal and epidural Names of the drug, What are inhalational,
intravenous, neuromuscular blocker,local anesthetics

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