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NCM 104 Lec: Community Health Nursing

MODULE 8 - Filipino Culture, Values and Practices in relation to Health Care of Individual and Family

moving out and severing any financial dependence

Family solidarity on their parents.
● On the other hand, this move to independence also
In sociology, solidarity is defined as the willingness of means that offspring are not compelled to support or
individuals to serve and promote the collective interests provide any assistance to their family
of a group or of society. Any time you express support ● This may of course change as family members start
for a group or the people init, you're showing solidarity to age and require assistance, whether it is slight
with them. The word is used most often to describe a financial support or move into a facility.
sense of unity with political group, a group of striking
workers, or people who havebeen deprived of their SERVICE
rights in some way.
● One of the most popular qualities Filipinos have is
Value that theyarevery hospitable.
● When there are visitors at home, they will do a lot of
● Is vital to the socialization skills of an individual can preparationsfor good entertainment and
be developedand nurtured in the family, school and accommodation so that they will feel at home and
environment. enjoy the stay.
● Values may include obtaining knowledge, ● When there is an occasion at home, there are a lot of
wisdomand necessary skills, using them in your foodandyoucan expect to have take-outs (pabalot)
home and living out the values you acquired within after.
the family.
● Trust is the belief and confidence in the integrity,
● Filipinos will try to express their opinions and ideas reliability and fairness of a person or organization
diplomatically and with humility to avoid appearing and an essential human value that quantifies and
arrogant. The tone of voice varies widely by defines our interdependence in relationships with
language, dialect and region. others.
● When speaking to those who are older or of higher ● Truth – factual, not relying on perception.
status, Filipinos tend to use the polite forms of ● Reliable – consistency, walking the talk,
speech. At the endof phrases, sentences or accountability
questions, they will say ‘po’ to demonstrate this ● Understanding – fueled by empathy.
respect for hierarchy. ● Sincerity – coming from the heart as an example of
● For example, when conversing with an elder or true caring about another person.
someone of higher status, onewill say‘salamat po’ ● Time – developed over a series of moments with
(‘thank you po’). proven reliability


● Filipinos get along with different kinds of people. ● A custom is a commonly accepted manner of
They can easily adjust to any situation and are behaving or doing something in a particular
flexible. This trait fosters cooperation, good and society, place or time. A tradition the
helpful deeds. When their neighbors areintrouble, transmission of customs or beliefs from
they will help them in whatever they can. They generation to generation.
alsodonot let their family members go through hard ● The Filipino family are very traditional people.
times alone, instead, they help each other. They believe in many different kinds of customs
● This trait shows a sense of duty and responsibility. and follow lots of various traditions.
Filipinos know how to repay other people. When ● The Filipino people are known to have close
someone helped us, were turn the favors with family ties. Thisiswhy you may notice that the
goodness. people in a vicinity most of the time know each
other. Actually, they are likely related to each
RESPECT other. Whether short or long and distant, the
Filipino family will choose to live close to each
● One of the precious things Filipinos have is that they
are respectful. Young, youth, people of all ages know
● The Filipino people are very religious as well.
how to show respect and courtesy. Some ways to
Therefore, there are quite a lot of Filipino culture,
show them are the useof “Po At Opo”, “Pagmamano”
customs and traditions for the home and family
or putting the back of an elder’s hand your forehead,
that is based on religious beliefs.
and calling our older siblings or elders Ate or Kuya.
● During the morning, it is also customary for
Filipino people to open their east window. This is
said to bring God’s grace inside the hall through
● Individual grows and develop focus is placed heavily the sun.
on promoting independence and separation fromthe ● It is also very important to make sure that there
family unit. This growth and focus on ‘leaving the are statues of Jesus or Mary in the house.
nest’ is often signified with children maturing,

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NCM 104 Lec: Community Health Nursing
MODULE 8 - Filipino Culture, Values and Practices in relation to Health Care of Individual and Family

BAYANIHAN than anything. Adult children living with their

parents are another Filipino traditional that make
- It is the spirit of communal unity or effort to achieve them exceptional. Unlike in the United States where
a particular objective. A famous example of this is children leave the home after finishing high school or
the neighbors carrying hut or house to a new college, many Filipinos continue living with parents
location. People nowadays use it to describe until they get married
outpouring of community spirit-as people give their
all to the common good, without expecting EATING WITH HANDS (KAMAYAN)
recognition or personal gain.
- In addition to the use of the fork and spoon, eating
SUPERSTITION with your hands kamayan is another common
Filipino tradition. For many Filipinos, kamayan gives
- In the Philippines, superstitious beliefs have grown full taste to the food instead of using utensils. Gather
throughout the country. These beliefs have come a small portion of meat or fish and abite- sized
from the different sayings and beliefsof our portion of rice on your plate. Then use all your
ancestors that aim to prevent danger from fingers togather the food into a small mountain or
happening or tomake a person refrain from doing mound. Pick up the little mound and put it in your
something in particular. These beliefs are part of our mouth using your thumb to gently push the food in.
culture, for one derives their beliefs from the Filipinos usually eat rice that has a slightly sticky
influences of what their customs, traditions and consistency making the little mounds is easier than if
cultures have dictated to explain certain phenomena you were to use jasmine or basmati rice. Of course,
or to scare people. Some are practiced primarily this method of eating doesn't work with soup/stew
because Filipinos believe that there is nothing to lose or noodles and other kinds of food but for your basic
if they will comply with these beliefs. plate of rice, meat/fish and vegetables it works quite
well! Next time you make dinner try eating kamayan.
- Christmas in the Philippines is considered as one of
the biggest holidays in the archipelago. We earned - Some Filipinos leave the Philippines to live and work
the distinction of celebrating the world’s longest abroad. A balikbayan box is a box of items sent by
Christmas season with Christmas carols heard as the balikbayan their family in the Philippines. The
early as September and lasting until Epiphany, the box can be sent or it can be brought by the sender
feast of the Black Nazarene on January 9 or the Feast when they themselves return to the Philippines.
of the Santo Niño de Cebú on the third Sunday of Balikbayan boxes come in all different sizes and
January. In one’s article, Archbishop Cruz told in his dimensions from bulilit (small) to extra large. It can
Christmas message that "the essence of Christmas is be filled with almost anything but it is usually filled
God made flesh, God who has come amongus" inan with items that cannot be found in the Philippines Or
act of love "that joins human kind to the Living God items that may be too expensive for the average
through our Lord Jesus Christ". For many Filipinos, person buy in the Philippines. Common items found
the true essence of Christmas for is not gift giving in balikbayan boxes include: clothes, shoes,
but sharing this special holy day with family. chocolate, nuts, vitamins, basketballs, coffee and tea,
magazines, shampoo/conditioner, soap, body lotion,
- Fiestas in the Philippines are held to celebrate a
patron saint. It ispart and parcel of Filipino culture
through good times and bad times, it must go on. 1. Services is being shown by filipinos on one of the
The biggest and most elaborate festival of all is most popular qualities filipinos have is that they are
Christmas, a season celebrated with all the pomp very hospitable - True
and pageantry where the whole country breaks out
in celebrations that can begin long before December. 2. The filipino family are very traditional people. They
For individual Filipinos, fiestas can be a way of believe in many different kinds of customs and
supplicating the heavens or to make amends for past follow lots of various traditions. - True
wrongs. It is a way tocelebrate their blessings,
commemorate their past and observe solemn 3. Values can be developed and acquired through
religious rituals. Celebrations may take the form of experiences and may not include obtaining
music, dancing, feasting, beauty contests, balls, knowledge and necessary skills. - False
processions, sports challenges or a host of other
4. Filipinos are respectful. Young, youth, people in all
events. Spanish influence is evident in the elaborate
ages know how to show respect and courtesy by
masks, makeup, headdresses and costumes worn by
celebrating fiestas and entertaining their visitors
the revelers; outfits which often take months of
well. - False
5. A custom is a commonly unaccepted manner of
behaving or doing something in a particular society,
- Filipinos highly value the presence of family more place or time. - False

2 | JMB
NCM 104 Lec: Community Health Nursing
MODULE 8 - Filipino Culture, Values and Practices in relation to Health Care of Individual and Family

6. Which of the following shows filipino hospitality? 16. Trust is the belief and confidence in the
- When there are visitors at home, they will do a integrity, reliability and fairness of a person or
lot of preparations for good entertainment and orgaization and an essential human value that
accommodation so that they will feel at home quantifies and defines our interdependence in
and enjoy the stay. relationships w/ others - True

7. Any time you express support for a group or the

people in it, you’re showing solidarity with them. -

8. In the name of service one of the most popular

qualities filipinos have is - that they are very

9. One of the precious things filipinos have is that they

are respectful, people in all ages know how to show
respect and courtesy. One way of showing their
respect is:
- po at opo
- Pagmamano
- Ate at kuya

10. The filipino people have different religions.

Therefore, there are quite a lot of filipino culture,
customs and traditions for the home and family that
are affected by religious beliefs - False

11. It is vital tot he socialization skills of an

individual and can be developed and nurtured in the
family, school and environment - values

12. Filipinos will try to express their opinions and

ideas diplomatically and with humility to avoid
appearing arrogant. The tine of voice varies widely
by language, dialect and region - True

13. A tradition is the transmission of customs or

belief from generation to generation - true

14. INDEPENDENCE is shown by filipinos when

individual grows and develop focus on “leaving the
nest” is often signified with children maturing,
moving out and severing any financial dependence
on their parents. - True

15. Match
- BALIKABYAN BOXES ; is a box of items sent by
the balikbayan to their family in the philippines
- BAYANIHAN : a famous example of this is the
neighbors carrying a hut of house to a new
- KAMAYAN : eating w/ ur hands is another
common filipino tradition. For many filipinos, it
gives full taste to the food instead of using
- FIESTAS : it is a part and parcel of filipino culture
through good times and bad times, it must go on.
It is a way to celebrate their blessings,
commemorate their past and observe solemn
religious rituals.
- SUPERSTITIONS : these beliefs have come from
the different sayings and beliefs of our ancestors
that aim to prevent danger from happening or to
make a person refrain from doing something in

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