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from "La Relaciön" Name

Questions Date Hour

1. Summarize: What was life like for the Spaniards on the barges?

- Chaotic, desperate, cold, insufficient.

2. Recall: What happened to Cabeza de Vaca's men when they tried to leave
Galveston Island?
- Waves capsized their boat, and three men drowned.

3. Clarify: Why did the Karankawas enlist the Spaniards as healers?

- To "Be of some use to them" (Cabeza de Vaca 74). Because "Their methods had
no effect" (Cabeza de Vaca 74). And that "Surely extraordinary men like us
embodied such powers over nature" (Cabeza de Vaca 74).

4. Make Inferences: Based on the events and reactions Cabeza de Vaca

describes, what appears to be the Karankawas' view of the Spaniards? Cite
details to support your answer.
- Inspiration, "Surely extraordinary men like us embodied such powers over nature"
(Cabeza de Vaca 74).

5. Evaluate a Primary Source: Review the information you collected about La

Relaciånas you read. In what ways would you consider this account a valuable
and reliable source of information? What are its shortcomings? Explain your
- It's written from a first person point of view, and it's a primary source.
Name Date


Reading Checl«

Directions: Read over the questions below and think about the ideas and events in the

selection. Then answer each question in one or two sentences.

1. How do the Native Americans respond to the Spaniards in the first encounter between
the two groups?

- Peaceful, welcoming, hospitable, ect.

2. What prevents the Spaniards from succeeding in their effort to leave the island?

- The cold climate & the waves.

3. What options do the Spaniards have when their plight becomes desperate and what do
they choose to do?

- Very few other than death. They stayed with the Indians.

4. What do the Native Americans insist that the Spaniards do, and how do the Spaniards


- That they become "Medicine-Men". They complied because the Indians withheld
food from them until they did.

5. What Native American practice does Cabeza de Vaca try on himself? How does he O
describe the results?

- The "Medicine-men". He documents: "I have, as a matter of fact, tried it on myself

with good results" (Cabeza de Vaca 74). o

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