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VOL. 71 NO. 1 FEBRUARY 2023

Ordination of Pietro Rossini, sx, to the

Diaconate by Bishop Robert Reed,
episcopal vicar of the Western Region
of the Archdiocese of Boston


3 Make the Lord Known and Loved
4-5 The Love of Christ Compels Fr. Eugenio
6-7 Ordination of Pietro Rossini, sx, to the
8-9 Reflections on the Mission Ad Gentes
in North America
10 Fr. Loris Cattani, sx, on the DRC
11 USA News

Official publication of the United States
Delegation of the Xaverian Missionaries
Delegation House
12 Helene Court
Wayne NJ, 07470
Our Lady of Fatima Shrine
101 Summer Street
Holliston, MA 01746
Xavier Knoll
4500 West Xavier Drive
Franklin WI
Fr. Mark Marangone, sx
Communications Board
Fr. Carl Chudy sx
Fr. Rocco Puopolo sx

Fr. Alex Rodriguez sx
Pietro Rossini sx
Editor, Layout, Design
Mary Aktay
AlphaGraphics, Totowa NJ

Please consider donating to the Xaverian

Missionaries through our Communities
listed above or online at https://www.
Please also consider naming the St. Francis
Xavier Foreign Mission Society in your Will.
Together we can help St. Guido Conforti’s
vision to “Make of the World One Family”
become a reality.

Fr. Mark’s Message

“Make the Lord Jesus

Known And Loved!”
Someone said that “if our greatest need had been information, God would have
sent to us an educator. If it had been technology, God would have sent us a
scientist. If it had been money, God would have sent us an economist. If it had
been entertainment, God would have sent us a comedian. However, our greatest
need was and is forgiveness, mercy... That’s why God sent us a Savior.” I like that
reflection because it helps us to pay more attention to something important that at
times we forget. The fact is that all of us on this planet are sinners and we badly need
God’s forgiveness and salvation. However, many don’t consider themselves to be sinners,
and so, they don’t need a Savior. Yet it’s our responsibility to make the Savior known and loved.
You may have heard the story of that woman selling apples at the marketplace in town. Every morning she was
there with her produce. However, day after day the hours would go by and she still had most of the apples unsold.
The lack of results was causing her to get hopeless and sad.
One morning a young man happened by and seeing her sad he asked her what was going on. “Every morning I
come to this market to sell my apples,” she replied, “but by the end of the day I’m still left with most of them. I
guess my apples are not good.”
Immediately and without any request, the young fellow started shouting: “Come everybody and buy the best apples
from the orchard. Just picked ready for your table... Buy them!”
Right away a number of people lined up to buy the apples. In a couple of hours all of them were sold and gone.
“How did you do it?” she asked the young man. “I’ve been coming here for a couple of weeks and I was unable to
sell my product, while you in a matter of hours had it all sold?”
“It was very easy,” he replied. “Your apples were very good, however neither you nor they knew that. Someone
had to tell them!”
We have received a “Treasure,” Jesus the Lord, the one who gives meaning to our existence. He has made a differ-
ence in the lives of so many millions and millions of people over the past twenty centuries in every single country
on this planet. His presence in our midst —which is never ending—changed the course of history... By giving his
life out of love for us he offered us a future full of hope... of a world and humanity more united, more fraternal,
more compassionate, where we feel at home with every person we meet.
We have been called to make him known to as many sisters and brothers we can possibly reach, so that many more
may love him and follow him along the path that leads to Life. Now we are responsible of making him known by
our lifestyle and example and, when needed, by our words. If the Church shows shortcomings and weaknesses,
isn’t it perhaps due to the fact that each of us is not “loving God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and our
neighbor as ourselves”?
We must look beyond ourselves, to think of others and reach out to those most in need, wherever they may be
found, to “make of the world one family” so to be truly missionaries and witnesses of the Crucified and Risen
To each and everyone, have a blessed Lent and a grace-filled Easter Season.
With deep gratitude,
Fr. Mark and the Xaverian Missionaries


The love of Christ compels Fr. Eugenio

Reprinted from Missio Scotland

Fr. Eugenio Montesi, sx, Celebrated his Diamond Jubilee on October 22, 2022

When speaking to Fr. Eugenio Montesi at his “For the first seven years in prison he never
parish of St. Bartholomew’s in Castlemilk, in repented, but Maria Goretti appeared to him
the Archdiocese of Glasgow, it’s difficult to in a dream, giving him flowers and telling him
fathom that this man with the lovely Italian lilt that she was praying for him saying: ‘I pray
to his voice has actually spent far more time that you will be with me in paradise one day.’
away from his native home than he has in it. He changed his life, came out of prison and
Indeed, his mission has seen him spend 30 the first thing he did was come to Corinaldo
years in Sierra Leone, 20 in Scotland, seven in to visit Mamma Assunta to ask forgiveness.
the USA and some short spells in other African She told him that because God forgives him,
countries too. she did too.”
It was in his hometown of Corinaldo, Italy, Priestly path
where his family have a farm, that the seeds A personal struggle in his teenage years
of a strong faith were firmly planted. He was helped Fr. Eugenio to discern his vocation.
raised within a very faith-filled environment. Being housebound for three months due to
His mother was described as a woman of numerous allergies and health concerns, Fr.
‘tremendous faith.’ His father oversaw Catholic Eugenio would often go out onto his veranda,
Action in the parish, and one of his two brothers look up to the skies and ask what God wanted
eventually followed in his footsteps and of him.
became a Xaverian Missionary too. Corinaldo
“Then, one night something inside of me said:
Fr.. Eugenio Montesi sx is also the hometown of St. Maria Goretti and
‘everything or nothing,’ and I wondered what
her mother, Mamma Assunta. The powerful
that meant,” he recounted. “In essence it
example of forgiveness that sprung from the
meant leave everything and go.”
saint’s own tragic story played a pivotal part in
Fr. Eugenio’s own journey to the priesthood. And leave everything he did, joining the
Xaverian Missionaries after being impressed
“The fact that Corinaldo is the birthplace of
by their gentle approach, their motto ‘Caritas
St. Maria Goretti is something that I treasure.
Christi Urget Nos—The love of Christ compels
Everywhere I go,” he explained, “I tell the
us,’ and their desire to make the whole world
story of my hometown, because when we
one family.
were primary schoolchildren, our teacher
used to take us to visit the mother of St. “I think the most beautiful things are not
Maria Goretti, Mamma Assunta always talked taught; they’re caught. A vocation is a gift.
about forgiveness. One day we saw her in It’s a way of life. Having a vocation means
her wheelchair being pushed to the altar rail being someone for other people, because
of the church by Alessandro Serenelli, Maria others are there for you too. It’s a beautiful
Goretti’s killer. As children we were shocked, interchange.”
but it’s beautiful to remember now that Mamma After being sent to Coatbridge, Scotland, to
Assunta pardoned Alessandro after he spent learn English, his lifelong connection with
27 years in prison. Sierra Leone began. During that time, he

and his fellow Xaverian Missionaries were
involved in numerous pastoral activities.
They helped set up Catechetical centers.
They established a leprosy control
program, with Sierra Leone becoming one
of the first countries where it was brought
under control. They established institutions
for children who were suffering from polio.
Being with the people, helping them grow
in faith, while also bolstering his own, is our schools. So, we prayed the Lord’s
what Fr. Eugenio most fondly remembers Prayer. Then we took the sisters. I felt
about his time in the African continent. privileged to be able to drive Bishop
Biguzzi into the forest and bring the
“What struck me most about Africa was
seven sisters—six Italians and one
that it helped me to rediscover faith and
Brazilian—back to safety.”
trust in God and faith in humans,” he said.
“Faith was already there. God was already Generosity and giving
there. We were able to refresh our faith Although he left Sierra Leone in
just by being in touch with the locals. I 2012, he keeps in touch with the
rediscovered my faith in Africa.” people there daily and continues to
That closeness to the people was solidified sponsor projects, schools, clinics
as civil war took hold of Sierra Leone. and hospitals in the country. One of
His services were called upon by Bishop the most recent supported projects
George Biguzzi, sx, who asked Eugenio to centered on helping children with club
accompany him into the forest to rescue a feet to undergo corrective surgery to
group of sisters from rebel soldiers. Faith, allow them to walk again. Fr. Eugenio
as Fr. Eugenio explained, existed even in a was lavish in his praise of Scottish
situation as perilous as that. generosity.
Fr. Eugenio said: “The sisters had been “The two parishes here in Castlemilk
kept in the forest for 58 days, with no help with so many projects, not just in
change of clothes and just a cup of rice a Sierra Leone but in the 19 developing
day for sustenance. The rebels wanted to countries in which we work, from
use them as a bargaining chip. Bangladesh to all over Africa to Latin “Mission is an outburst of life,” he said. “Life
America, the Amazon and so on,” he said. “The is complete when you feel you are giving
“We managed to contact Foday Sankoh,
people here in Scotland are tremendously yourself completely. It reminds me of when
the leader of the Revolutionary United
responsive. I’ve never seen so many generous Jesus said:’ I have come to give you life and
Front. He said: ‘Okay, come and take
people. It’s amazing.” life to the fullness.’ I come so that your joy
them.’ So, at 4 o’clock in the morning we
left Freetown in a big Land Cruiser headed Fr. Eugenio also praised the Pope’s charity, with may be complete. In giving, we receive. As a
into the forest and by 7 o’clock we had the Missio Scotland supporting the construction missionary I think we receive much more than
seven sisters back with us. of the new Love of God Secondary School in we give, thank God!”
Sierra Leone.
“The 15 soldiers that brought the sisters
back to us had walked all night. The bishop Mission and missionaries
said: ‘Before we depart, let’s pray together.’ Fr. Eugenio has been a missionary priest for
The soldiers agreed saying that they knew some six decades and speaks lyrically about
all the prayers because they had gone to the missionary experience.

Pietro Rossini, sx
Ordained a Deacon

he feast of the Epiphany is the Xaverian Missionaries that will cover
missionary celebration of the news and events from any of the 21
Christmas Season. So, it was countries where Xaverians serve.
appropriate that on Saturday,
January 7th during the 5:00 PM Parish The celebration was live streamed on
Liturgy at St. Mary’s Parish, Holliston, Facebook in order that Xaverians and
Bishop Robert Reed, episcopal friends of Deacon Pietro from around
vicar of the Western Region of the the world could witness this joyful
Archdiocese of Boston, conferred the event. An
order of Diaconate on Pietro Rossini, edited video can be found at:
sx, of the Xaverian Missionaries in an
extraordinary celebration filled with joy. GhNDkQ85bKHBtRba8
Bishop Reed was joined by Fr. Mark
Coiro, pastor of St. Mary’s, Deacon ~ Fr.. Rocco Puopolo, sx
Ronald Dowding and Deacon Martin
Breinlinger of St. Mary’s, and eight
members of the Xaverian Community
from our Holliston, Wayne, New Jersey
and Franklin, Wisconsin communities,
led by Fr. Mark Marangone, sx, the
U.S. Delegate Superior and Fr. Rocco
Puopolo, sx, the local superior in

Deacon Pietro’s parents traveled from

their home in Salerno, Italy to witness
this important step for Pietro. Both the
parish community and friends of the
Xaverian Community filled the Church.
A reception in the Parish Hall followed
the Ordination.

Deacon Pietro completed his

theological studies in Italy in 2020
and then came to the USA to study
Communications. This past month
he graduated from Boston University
with a Masters in Communication,
specializing in Video Production. He
will serve as deacon both at the Fatima
Shrine and St. Mary’s, Holliston until
the summer, when he returns to Italy
for ordination to the priesthood. He is
then assigned to a Media Team for the

“ extraordinary celebration filled with joy”

Photos by Nini Mtchedlishvili and Greg


Reflections on the Mission Ad Gentes in
North America
Where are we? Ad gentes, ad extra, ad vitam. Mission and Culture

Fr. Carl Chudy, sx

Reflections on the Mission Ad Gentes The Context of Pluralism in North In light of the dynamics of North American
in North America America pluralism, something needs to be said about
the growing phenomena of deconversion. It
My appreciation of the mission ad gentes in Pope John Paul II, in the last major encyclical
is no longer possible to ignore the fact that a
my life, and how I share that with confreres on mission, Redemptoris Missio, speaks about
growing number of people choose to convert
in the congregation deepens and evolves the “missio ad gentes” among the established
more than once in their lifetime; multiple
through the many experiences I have being churches where entire groups of the baptized
conversions are unavoidable in cultures in
the “stranger,” the “foreigner,” the one have lost a living sense of the faith, or even
which religion is no longer a single tradition in
who is religiously and spiritually “other.” no longer consider themselves members of the
a mono-religious environment but plural in a
These identifiers capture for me one way of Church, and live a life far removed from Christ
pluralistic environment. Multiple conversions,
understanding the missionary of the twenty- and his Gospel. These are churches where the
however, involve deconversion(s) as well as
first century. It positions us in relation to others gospel has been established for a long time–
conversions. Both are extraordinary changes
whom we are sent and underlines the deep and like the churches of Europe or North and South
in the lives and identities of individuals with
rich pluralism that characterizes our lives and America.
deep theological meaning, and both conversion
the many cultures, faiths, and spiritualities we In North America, one way that pluralism can and deconversion are two ways people seek
find ourselves. Sharing Christ across cultural be understood is in how people shape their the Lord and a deep sense of authenticity, in
and religious boundaries means navigating identities both through traditional religious and out of the institutional religion.
through the gift of pluralism, and in doing so, institutions, and/or outside of them. These
creating bridges of “encounter and dialogue.” Although in our Christian vision of the Kingdom
identities were often understood as the way
of God we understand our religious and
Missionary as Stranger people who adhere to traditional religions is in
cultural pluralism of the human community,
communities, particularly Christianity, but also
The experience as “stranger” where human sociologically, and psychologically as gift,
Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, Buddhism,
pluralism abounds, carries rich scriptural pluralism is also a source of anxiety as it tends
and others. Within these traditions there lies
undertones. The tradition of strangers bearing to relativize many certainties. When living side
many layers of differences in the way people
divine gifts is expressed in the Persian magi by side with those who have very different
understand and practice these faiths as well as
and their appearance in Bethlehem. Once worldviews, belief systems and values that may
find a sense of belonging. At the same time,
they deliver their gifts to the child Jesus, they even contradict your own, what is one to do?
studies show the “mass exodus” from these
go back where they came from presumably One response is fundamentalism, which is an
religious traditions of younger and not so young
to resume their roles as Zoroastrian priests. effort to restore certainty by insulating oneself
generations that have occurred for more than
Melchizedek, a Canaanite king, and priest and battling against the realities of pluralism.
60 years. Many who leave religious practice
comes out of nowhere to offer bread and wine Nationalism in politics, and fundamentalism in
behind, do not necessarily leave belief in God
to Abram after a great battle in the fourteenth religion are two examples how this plays out.
behind as well. Why they leave traditional faith,
chapter of Genesis. There, Melchizedek Relativism is another way by underplaying
where they go, and what of their former faith
blesses Abram in the name of their same the importance of differences. The Catholic
they carry with them are crucial questions
God. In return, Abram offers him a tenth of tradition of dialogue finds itself in between
in understanding the evolving dynamic of
everything and becomes “Abraham,” father of the extreme expressions of fundamentalism
religious/secular pluralism. Thus, there are
the nations. Like Melchizedek, the missionary and relativism, thereby maintaining a certain
amorphous and fluid boundaries where
enters the lives of others, is blessed by them, tension between the proclamation of Christ and
dialogue between religiosity, non-traditional
and blesses them, and then without much the necessity of interreligious dialogue.
spirituality, and the culture of unbelief may take
ceremony, departs.

Encounter and Dialogue: A Third Way been shaped by Christianity, and specifically, ad gentes here is not only among those who
Catholicism, and then left the practice of the reflect a division of believers and nonbeliev-
Creating a Culture of Encounter and Dialogue,
sacramental life and church participation. They ers, but a division between dwellers (active
for Pope Francis, goes beyond dialogue to
did not forsake belief in God and Christ gen- parishioners) and seekers (spiritual but not re-
engaging difference with a stance of humil-
erally, or the church’s influence in their prayer ligious). In contrast to pastoral activity with ac-
ity, generosity, and patience towards those
and sense of justice. Instead, they left the insti- tive Catholics, encounter and dialogue among
who think and live differently, drawing on the
tutional church for many different reasons. seekers will connote a third path of the church
fundamental human unity that lies behind our
A few months after the promulgation of Re- with those who left religion behind, or those
political, social, and religious divisions. “Let us
demptoris Missio, a follow up dicasterial docu- who were never part of religion, with a greater
dream, then, as a single human family, as fel-
ment was published entitled Proclamation and detachment from existing institutional and doc-
low travelers sharing the same flesh, as chil-
Dialogue, which highlighted the relationship trinal structures. The goal is not to bring seek-
dren of the same earth, which is our common
between direct proclamation of the gospel ers back to the already existing structures of
home, each of us bringing the richness of his or
and the imperative, as an integral part of the the church but, through mutual dialogue, to
her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his
church’s mission, of interreligious dialogue. enrich and to enlarge the existing structures so
or her own voice, brothers and sisters all.” (FT,
The relationship between proclamation and as to integrate the experiences in the treasure
8) In light of this, the imperative of interfaith dia-
dialogue is shaped in very specific ways by plu- of faith. The greater understanding that oc-
logue in North America is deeply felt across the
ralism of North American culture. Traditionally, curs also enables the church to open wide its
lines of faith everywhere. There is a prolifera-
both proclamation of Christ and interreligious treasures of spirituality to those who seek and
tion of dialogue and collaboration opportunities
dialogue are considered separate experiences in ways that are most relevant to the spiritual
throughout the continent. It is not difficult to join
that are interrelated. But in my experience, needs of seekers’ journeys.
in a much larger dialogue movement that has
a long history. Interfaith America is extraordi- dialogue among religious believers and nonre-
narily vibrant. ligious people brings together both proclama-
tion and dialogue into a one pre-evangelical
The notion of encounter and dialogue in our
enterprise. For those who are non-Christian
pluralistic and cosmopolitan world extends the
and those who are non-ecclesial, mission be-
mission ad gentes of St. Pope John Paul II
comes much more highly differentiated, not
which he entitles a “vast and changing” reality
only between traditional faith lines, but also be-
everywhere. In particular, he attributes “the de-
tween non-traditional lines of spirituality, non-
Christianization of countries with ancient Chris-
religiosity, and multi-belonging.
tian traditions” as part of this dynamic. It is here
where I would recast the idea that we share our Churches and other faith communities in the
faith with our non-Christian friends as further west not only are living in pluralistic cultural
developed to also include our non-ecclesial contexts, but as a result of this, are also bear-
friends. In this sense, there are those who have ing a greater internal pluralism. The mission

World Mission News “Making of the World One Family...”

Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - On the M23 and the soldiers of the during the inauguration ceremony of
January 6, rebels of the March 23 African force,” he adds. “In conclusion, the new President of the Senate.
Movement (M23) officially handed we are in the presence of a situation
over the Rumangabo military base “This is not Rwanda’s problem.
that is not completely clear on the
they seized in the northeastern And we will ensure that everyone
effective fulfillment of the November
Democratic Republic of the Congo realizes that it is not Rwanda’s
(DRC) in October, to the military problem,” added the Rwandan Head
force of East African Community According to a report by a UN of State. A decision that risks further
Regional Force (EACRF), but intelligence unit, the Joint Mission exacerbating relations between Kigali
according to local sources there are Analysis Center (JMAC), the total and Kinshasa.
reports of fighting in other areas of withdrawal from the area of the M23
the Congolese province. has not yet been confirmed and indeed
the report highlights how the M23 has In addition to monitoring peace
“Based on the agreements signed brutally conquered new territories initiatives in the Democratic
on November 25, the M23 officially even after attending the hand over Republic of the Congo, the Xaverian
handed over the Rumangabo military ceremony of Kibumba to EACRF Missionaries direct their attention
base, in the territory of Rutshuru, but forces. “Several clashes involving the to creating prepared Christians.
are still in the localities of Kibumba M23 were reported during the week, We multiplied the mission stations,
and Buhamba,” said Fr. Loris resulting in the insurgents taking built schools, prepared leaders, and
Cattani, sx, a Xaverian missionary, control of further areas, particularly provided for the birth of numerous
a great expert in the area. “While threatening Kitchanga, Mweso, Sake, Christian communities. The first
Rumangabo is located about 35 km Kilorirwe, Mushaki and Nyamilima,” Xaverian martyrs in Africa, Fr. Didone,
from Goma (capital of North Kivu), the UN report said. Fr. Carrara, and Br. Faccin, were
Kibumba and Buhamba are located killed during the civil conflict in 1964.
about 20 km from the city,” the The Kinshasa government claims
missionary points out. “Moreover, that the M23 receives support
according to the agreements, the from neighboring Rwanda, where
Congolese armed forces cannot President Paul Kagame on January
enter the areas under the control 9 announced that his country will no
of the EACRF. And it is not known longer welcome refugees from the
what relationship there is between DRC. “We cannot continue to host
refugees from the DRC,” Kagame said

Join the celebration! The complete video of Pietro Rossini’s ordination to the
diaconate can be accessed at
Pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal
September 2022 we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the presence of the Xaverian
Missionaries in the United States. September 2023 we will celebrate the 75th
anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima Shrine with a pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal! If
you are interested in more information contact us at holliston@xaverianmissionaries.
org, or at 508.429.2144. Reserve your place today!
Welcome Br. Kornel!
We welcome a new staff member here at Our Lady of Fatima Shrine. Brother
Kornelius Glossanto, sx, arrived on January 11th from his home-country of Indonesia.
Brother Kornel, as he would want to be called, served as a missionary on the island
of Mentawai in Indonesia as well as three years in Sierra Leone, West Africa. He
brings his enthusiasm for mission and looks forward to meeting our Mission Family
in Holliston. Welcome Br. Kornel! Welcome to our team!
~ Fr. Rocco Puopolo, sx
Helping Refugees
The Metrowest Interfaith Dialogue Project, which we began in 2018, continues to
bring ways to inspire and bring new levels of understanding among the different
faiths of our community, as well as those that are spiritual but not religious. Recently,
we began to gather volunteers from our different faith communities to work together
to welcome Ukrainian war refugees. Interested in volunteering or donating? Visit
The community of Franklin is delighted to have among us three confreres who are
studying English in view of their missionary assignments. Fr. Everson and Fr. Pablo
will be working in Japan. Fr. Ignacio will be working in Bangladesh. We wish them
a successful year of language studies as they prepare for their missionary work.
(From left to right: Fr. Everson, Fr. Dominic, Fr. Mark, Fr. Hery, Fr. Ignacio, Fr. Pablo,
Fr. Alex)
~ Fr. Alex
Rodriguez, sx

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