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Lesson plan

Student: Cimpoeru Cristina Gabriela

Teacher: Mărgineanu Simona
From: Colegiul National Pedagogic „Stefan Velovan”
Date: 28.09.2021
Grade: 3A
No. of students: 40
Textbook: Limba modernă-engleză, Clasa a III-a A, Sem. I “Pupils’s Book” + Digital
Pupil’s book.
Grammar: Present Simple

Unit: 1
Lesson: „Present Simple ”

Aims of the lesson:

● to develop pupils’listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills;
● to consolidate the vocabulary and the language taught in unit 1;
● to teach and activate the vocabulary of the unit;
● to practise present simple (affirmative and negative forms)
● to provide guidance in practising the vocabulary and grammar structures;
● to check comprehension.

Skills covered:
● Listening;
● Speaking;
● Writing;
● Reading

● School subjects ;

● Textbook;
● Laptop;
● Blackboard
● Official: The Curriculum for Primary Education

● “Pupils’s Book” + Digital Pupil’s book.


Activity 1:-organise the class

Aim:- to create a proper athmosphere for teaching the new lesson
Procedure:-conversation: the T greets and asks the Ss questions such as: „How are you
today?” ; „What have you done today?”
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Teacher greets the pupils, asks about their mood and the pupils answer. Teacher checks
the attendance.
Timing: 3 min

Activity 2: -updating their knowledge on their last lesson

Aim: -the Ss to remember the Present Simple Affirmative form
Procedure: the T checks the Ss’s homework and shows them the correct answers
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 5 min

Activity 3: - revision exercices

Aim: -the Ss practice Present Simple Affirmative
Interations: T-Ss, Ss-T
T. writes the title and the date on the board and the pupils copy in their notebook.
S. answer the teacher's questions about their last lesson and write The Present Simple
affirmative to full in the gaps in the worksheet. (Appendix 1)
Timing: 5 min

Activity 4: -
Aim: -the T teaches the negative form of Present simple.
Procedure:-the T write on the blackboard the negative form of the Present Simple and
explanins it.
The S. write on notebook the negative form
Interactions: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 10 min
Activity 5:
-to develop the pupils’ speaking skills;
- to present and practice the present simple negative form
The T reads the exercises and de Ss fill in with the corect form of Present Simple
Negative form
EX:Appendix 2
Interactions: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 8 min

Activity 6
Aim: the S. to learn the school subjects
Procedure: The T. writes the school subject on the blackboord and the Ss copy in their
They listen and repeat the school subjects.
Interactions:T-ss, SS-T
Timing: 5 min

Activity 7
Aim: to use the present simple+ the school subjects
Procedure: The Ss form sentences with „I like”/”I don’t like” and the vocabulary of the
school subjects
Interactions: T-ss, SS-T
Timing: 5 min

Activity 8: -feedback
Aim: -checking the understanding of the lesson
Procedure: T asks the Ss some questions about todays lesson and congratulates them for
being active. The T. Gives them homework.
Interactions: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 4 min



1. I ___ (to swim) 
2. We ___ (to walk) 
3. He ___ (to walk) 
4. They ___ (to sing) 
5. She ___ (to read) 
6. My father ___ here. (to come) 
7. The birds ___ fast. (to fly) 
8. The eagle ___ very high. (to fly) 
9. She ___ good things. (to do) 
10. You ___ a blue shirt. (to have) 

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