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Sets, Statistics, and Probability:

1. Which of the following describes the marked part:

2. Write the elements of M ∪ N and M ∩ N , if M {6,7,8,9 } and N {12 , 8,9,7 }

3. Find the intersection of the following ranges:

a. [ 2,15 )∧¿

b. ¿ and (6.2 ;+∞)

c. [6,10] and ¿

3. Which of the following describes the marked part:

4. If the elements of A are the composite numbers less than 7 and the elements of B are the even numbers
less than 7, find A ∪ B

5. If A={1,2,3,4,5 ¿ , B={0,1,2,6,7 }, find ( A ∪ B)∩( A ¿).

6. If n ( A ∩ B )=5∧n ( A ¿ )=10 , find n ( A ) =?

7. Find n ( B ¿ ) , if n( A ∪ B)=24 ,n (A ¿)=16 , n( A ∩ B)=3.

8. For sets A, B, C, find the sum of n( B ∩C)+n ( AUC ) if n( A)=25 , n( B)=50 , n(C)=100 and
A ⊂B ⊂C .

9. 270 students enrolled in mathematics and physics clubs, 240 are from mathematics, and 190 are from
physics. How many students are enrolled in both subjects?

10. If A={3 ;6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ;10 }, B={1 ; 4 ; 6 ; 8 ;9 ; 11},C={2; 3 ;7 ; 10 ; 12}. Find n( A ( B ∩C )¿ .

11. If n( A ¿)=7, n(B ¿)=5 , n( AUB)=20, find n( A)+ n(B)+n (A ∩B), for sets A and B.

12. 30 students were enrolled in mathematics and physics clubs, including 6 in both clubs. If the number
of students enrolled in the mathematics club is twice as large as the number of students enrolled in the
physics club, how many students are enrolled in the physics club?

13. Find n( B ¿) if the elements of A are all natural numbers less than 220 are divisible by 6 and B are the
numbers divisible by 8.

14. Define matching for sets M ={4 ; 5 ;7 ; 9 ; 10 ;11¿ and K.

1. K={5 ; 7 ; 9 }

2. K={4 ; 6 ; 8 }

3. K={1 ;3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 8 }

a. K ⊂ M

b. M ⊂ K

c. n( M ¿)=4

d. n(M ¿)=5

e. n( M ¿)=3
15. Based on the bar graph, find the number of elements of the set A ∩ B.

16. A survey of faculty and graduate students at the University of Florida's film school revealed the
following information:
51 admire Moe
49 admire Larry
60 admire Curly
34 admire Moe and Larry
32 admire Larry and Curly
36 admire Moe and Curly
24 admire all three of the Stooges
1 admires none of the Three Stooges
a) How many people were surveyed?
b) How many admire Curly, but not Larry nor Moe?
c) How many admire Larry or Curly?
d) How many admire exactly one of the Stooges?
e) How many admire exactly two of the Stooges?

17. A number of deer were surveyed about activities that they enjoy. The results are summarized in the
Venn diagram below
18. A number of whales were asked about things that they dislike.
19 dislike giant squids
6 dislike giant squids and pollution and Captain Ahab
24 dislike Captain Ahab
4 dislike pollution but don't s dislike giant squids and don't dislike Captain Ahab
11 dislike Captain Ahab and giant squids
3 dislike pollution and Captain Ahab but don't dislike giant squids
20 dislike pollution
5 have no dislikes
A. How many whales were surveyed?
B. How many dislike at least one of those three things?
C. How many dislike Captain Ahab but don't dislike giant squids?
D. How many dislike giant squids or pollution?
19. 100 Neanderthals were surveyed regarding their favorite possessions. 13 own a bone and own a stick
32 own a stick 3 own a rock and own a bone and own a stick 30 own a rock 14 own a rock and own a
bone 31 own a bone 12 own a rock and own a stick How many own none of these things?

20. There are 4 black and 5 yellow cards in a box. If 2 cards taken without replacement, find the
following probabilities:
a. Both cards are yellow
b. First one is black and the second yellow
c. Black and yellow cards

21. Twelve batteries were tested after being used for one hour. The output (in volts) is shown below. Find
each of the following.
a) Mean
b) Median
c) Mode
d) Range

22. Find mean, median, mode and range of the following data:
6, 10,8,20,7,30,35,8

23. Find lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and interquartile range of the following:
10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30

28.Find median and Range of the following data

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