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A. Approach and Type of Research

The researcher uses quasi-experimental research which two classes as the

sample. Two classes will be given pre-test and post-test to find out the difference

between experiment class and control class.

B. Population and Sample

The population in this research is all of the students at Seventh grade of the

MTs 3 Mataram. The total population is 190 students spread over five classes. The

numbers of samples as many as 76 students will be taken using purpose sampling.

The sample of this research consist 38 students in the class A (control class) and 38

students in the class B (experimental class) at Second grade of MTs 3 Mataram.

C. Setting and Time of research

The research is quasi experimental research which is aimed to compare

between control class and experimental class. The research will be conducted in four

meetings to take the students’ data. It is including one meeting for pre-test, two

meetings for treatment, and one more meeting for post-test. The research will be

conducted in MTs 3 Mataram. The school is located on Jl. Lingkar Selatan No. 191,

Jempong Baru, Sekarbela District, Mataram City, West Southeast Nusa Province. The

school is surrounded by house and minimarket. The location of this school is beside

the main street. But it doesn’t make the situation of teaching learning process crowded

and it still conducive and comfortable.

D. Variables of research

According to Sugiyono, a variable is something that can be the focus of study

to learn what there is to know about it and come to a conclusion. 1 There are two

Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R & D, (Bandung: AlfaBeta, 2014), p. 38
variables in this research there are independent variable and dependent variable.

Independent variable is the major variable which investigated. It is the variable that is

selected, manipulated, and measured in this research. The consequence of the

independent variable is dependent variable. 2 In this research, the researcher uses Cake

Application as independent variable (X), and vocabulary mastery as dependent

variable (Y).

E. Design of Research

In this research, the researcher uses a quantitative method. The objective of

this approach is to take and collect the data. According to Sugiono, the quantitative

method is called by the traditional method because this method has been used for a

long time so that it has become a tradition as a method for research. 3 Meanwhile,

Mahmud states that quantitative research is the use of data in the form of numbers as

evidence that use to test hypotheses by showing the difference, comparison, and

correlation between one data and another. 4

The design of this research is quasi experimental research. It uses two classes

as experimental class and control class. The students in experimental class will be

taught by using Cake application as treatment methods of the study. It is dissimilar for

the control class. There will be not treatment methods implemented in teaching

vocabulary mastery. Quasi experimental is the designation of experimentation which

is not confronting rules and regulation to control the effect of unknowing variables.5

John W. Creswell, Research design (Pendekatan Metode Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Campuran). pp.
Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R & D, (Bandung: AlfaBeta, 2014), p. 38
Mahmud, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: pustaka Setia, 2011), p.29.
Larry B. Christensen, Research Methods, Design, and Analysis, (England: Pearson Education Limited,
2015), p. 290.
F. Instrument of Research

The instrument of this research is vocabulary test. Test is one of the data

collecting techniques to know the students’ ability. There are two kinds of test that

use in this research, which are pre-test and post-test. Below is the explanation of the


1. Test

The test is a data collection technique that measures student ability. Two types

of tests will be used in this study, pre-test and post-test.

The pretest is designed to measure students' vocabulary performance before

applying the Cake application in the class and will be conducted in the first session.

There are a total of 20 questions in the pre-test, which can be divided into four forms.

The first is a multiple choises with a total of 5 questions, and the second is translation

with a total of 5 questions, the third is matching the words with a total of 5 questions,

and the last is completing sentences with a total of 5 questions. In this experiment,

students are asked about the meaning of words that are given. The last time we meet,

the researcher will give them a post-test.

The post-test will be used to measure how well students perform in vocabulary

after Cake application used in class. Students will be given post-tested after treatment.

Students take a written test. The test is designed to find out after class using Cake

application to master students' vocabulary. The test same as in Pre-test, but with some

new questions added. There will be 20 questions that consisting of multiple choises

with a total of 5 questions, and translation with a total of 5 questions, matching the

words with a total of 5 questions, and the last is completing sentences with a total of 5

questions. Finally, the researcher will compare the results for both classes with pre-

and post-tests.
G. Procedure of Data Collection

In this research, the researcher uses quasi experimental design. In this research

needs support by experimental and control class for getting the data. The researcher

uses a Test technique for collecting the data. In other to find out the effect of using

Cake application technique toward students’ vocabulary mastery, the researcher will

give the test to the students. The test consists of pre-test, treatment and post-test.

1. Pre-test

Pretest aims to measure the students’ vocabulary before the treatment

applied in the class and it will be given at the first meeting. The pre-test

contains 20 questions which could be divided into four forms, namely:

multiple choises, translating, matching the words, and completing sentences.

Every form of test consists of 5 questions. In the test, the students are asked

to answer the questions from the test that is given to them. The pre-test will

be given for the experiment and control class to know the students’

vocabulary mastery.

2. Treatment

The treatment is given only to the experiment class based on the

activity in Cake application technique. The treatment will be given to the

experimental class to know the effect of Cake application technique

toward students’ vocabulary mastery. The researcher will teach vocabulary

in two meetings by using Cake application as the treatment.


a. The researcher starts the class and talks about several things. The

researcher selects the relevant words for the lesson’s topic.

b. The researcher gives some questions and inform the students about the


1) Have you ever heard Cake Application before?

2) Have you ever downloaded that Cake Application?

c. The researcher explains the topic that will be learnt by the students.

1) Now we are going to learn about Countable and Uncountable Noun

d. The researcher shows one of the materials from Cake Application

which is related to:

1) Countable Noun

2) Uncountable Noun

It is shown through LCD in each meeting. Moreover, the students will

be asked to analysis the words.

e. The researcher asks the students to answer the quiz that avaible on

Cake Application and instruct them to write the vocabulary.

3. Post-test

After conducting two meetings, then the post-test will be given for the

experiment and control class. Post-test is used to measure how the

students’ vocabulary mastery after Cake application technique applied in

the class. After the different treatment has been given, so the post-test will

be shared to students both experimental and control groups. The test is

aimed to measure the students’ achievement in vocabulary test. After

scoring both the pre-test and post-test, the data will be compared to

determine whether the treatment can improve the students’ vocabulary to

prove the hypothesis.

H. Techniques of Data Analysis

To analyze the data of this research, the researcher uses the data of pre-test

and post-test of the experimental and control groups. These scores will be

analyzed by using statistical analysis. The data will be analyzed by using T-test

(independent sample T-test). Before calculating the independent t-test formula, the

sample uses the prerequisite analysis. There are normality test and homogeneity


a. Normality test

A normality test is performed to determine whether the sample under

study is normally distributed. Normality Kolmogorov-sminor tests and

Shapiro-wilk tests are performed using SPSS. Before running the test,

statistical assumptions were determined as follows:

1) Ho = sample is from non-normally distributed data.

2) Ha = sample from normally distributed data.

The criteria for determining statistical hypotheses are as follows:

1) If its significance (p-value) is more than 0, 05 so the data is normal.

2) But if its significance (p-value) is less than 0, 05 the data is not normal.

After using normality test, we must know the homogeneity test.

b. Homogeneity test

Homogeneity is performed to determine whether the data from the two

groups have the same variant. Leavene’s test is tested using SPSS.

Therefore, the basic decision of making processes were:

1) If the significant value > 0, 05 then the data distribution is

2) If the significant value < 0, 05 then the data distribution is not


The formula of homogeneity test is:6

var .tertinggi
var . terendah

c. Normal gain

Gain is different from pre-test and post-test results. Gain indicates an

increase in a student’s understanding or mastery of a concept after being

taught by a teacher. Normal gain test formula is:7

(g) =Posttest Score – Pretest Score

The following table is the gain index criteria:8

Table 3.1

Normalized Gain Score Criteria

Gain Score Interpretation

0,70 < g < 100 High

0,30 < g < 0,70 Moderate

0,00 < g < 0,30 Low

g = 0,00 There is no increase

Tulus Winarsunu, Statistic Dalam Penelitian Psikilogi dan Pendidikan, (Malang: Universitas
Muhammadiyah, 2006), hal 100
Marhami, Rohantizani, and Nuraina, “Improving Students’ Critical Mathematical Thinking Skill
Through SAVI Approach on Number Theory Lectures At Mathematics Education Department of Malikussaleh
University”, International Journal of Education and Vocational Studies, vol. 2, No. 1, 2020, p. 15.
Rostina Sundayana, Statistika Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2014), p.151
-1,00< g < 0,00 There is decrease

If the researcher found the result of normality and homogeneity test, the

researcher continues to the independent t-test analyzes to know the effect of the result

of this research. The test will be calculated using test formula as follow that

developed by Arikunto.


Mx= the mean of experimental group

My = the mean of control group

dx2 = standard deviation of control group

Nx= the total number of experimental group

Ny= the total number of control group

The T-table is used to see whether or not there is significant different between

the mean score both of experimental and control groups.

I. Validity and Reliability

A good instrument should be valid and reliable.9 The researcher needs to

analyze the validity and the reliability of the instruments which is used in this

research. The terms “validity” and “reliability” are described as follows:

1. Validity

Validity means the extent to which an instrument measure what should

be measured.10The instrument is valid while the instrument which is used in

the research can be used to measure the researcher wants to measure. 11 So that,

Arikunto Suharsimi, Proedur Penelitian(Jakarta: RinakaCipta, 1975), 143
Donald Ary, et. Al, Introduction to Research in Education (Wadsworth: Cengage Learning, 2010),
Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R & D, (Bandung: AlfaBeta, 2014), p. 38
the validity and the instrument of this research is validity could be done by

comparing the contents between instruments with the subject matter that has

been taught.12

Validity according to Sudijono, A. is the determination to measure that

an item has to measure what should be measured. The aspect that is measured

is the students' thematic learning outcomes. Based on good questions for the

pretest, it ss used to determine the normal distribution and homogeneity of the

experimental group and the control group. Based on good questions for the

posttest, it is used to measure student learning outcomes in the experimental

group and the control group.

The item validity index according to Wardani Naniek Sulistya, et al is

divided into five interpretations, namely very high, high, sufficient, low, and

very low. A more detailed explanation is presented in the following table:13

Table 3.2

Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient Product Moment

Coefficient correlation Information

0, 800 – 1, 000 Test have Very high validity

0, 600 – 0, 800 Test have High validity

0,400 – 0, 600 Test have Moderate validity

0, 200 – 0, 400 Test have Low validity

0, 000 – 0, 200 Test have Very low validity

Wardani Naniek Sulistya, 2012. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran, Salatiga:Widya Sari Press,
2. Reliability

Reliability is a measure of how good a reliable instrument is used as a

means of collecting data. A good tool will guide respondents to a specific

answer without bias. Reliable also means dependable, repeat it several times,

regardless of whether the results remain the same or consistent.

Arikunto said “reliability shows as instrument that can be trusted use

as a toll of collecting the data because it has already a good enough.14A test

should be reliable. According to Arikunto, the reliability refers to the

consistency of the test elements.15 It means that when the test has already

given to the students of the research on different action, the result of the test

must be consistent.

According to Arikunto, the criterion of instruments’’ reliability can be

classified as follows.16

Table 3.3

Interpretation of Test Reliability Coefficient

Size of coefficient r Category

0. 0 – 0. 02 The Reliability is Very Low

0. 20 – 0. 40 The Reliability is Low

0. 40 -0. 60 The Reliability is Enough

0. 60 -0. 80 The Reliability is High

0. 80 -1. 00 The Reliability is Very High

Arikunto Suharsimi, Proedur Penelitian(Jakarta: RinakaCipta, 1975), 143
Arikunto S, “Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan, 2010, …p.221
Arikunto, S, “Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan, 2020…p.245
There are said that the basic for a decision in the reliability test’s as


1) If the value of Cronbach’s Alpha > 0.600 the questionnaire items

dictated reliable

2) If the value of Cronbach’s Alpha < 0.600 then dictated

questionnaire items unreliability.

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