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Cyclic ​Explosion​ Burning ​Attack

Total Points: 1
Advantages (1 point)

Incinerator Blast Expulsion​ (​Projectile​)

5 (1) points (alternative attack with ​Innate Attack​ [​burning]​ {​Incinerator Coating​} and I​ nnate Attack
[​crushing​] {​Empowered Hyper-Repulsive Impactor​})

Incinerator Blast Expulsion, Default Strike​ (​Projectile)​

Innate Attack​ ​(Exotic, Physical; ​burning​)​ ​1d +5 burn exp 3​ (ignores ​DR​);​ ​½D​ ​N/A​; ​Max​ ​100​; ​Acc
0​; ​RoF​ ​1​; ​Shots​ ​N/A​; ​Recoil​ ​1;​ 3 points: ​Burning (​ ​burn​):​ ​Ignites (1d -1 burning damage/second,
cannot be put out by mundane means) target. ​5 points/​ level.
Partial Dice​: 1d +5 (2.5 dice). ​12.5 points​.

Enhancements (+865%)
Affects Insubstantial​: ​+20%​.

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect)​ : Sets fire that cannot be put out by mundane
means. ​+100%.​

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect)​ : Unstoppable ​Cyclic​ damage. ​+100%​.

Cosmic​ (​irresistible attack​): Ignores ​DR​. ​+300%​.

Cyclic​ (​1× 1-second cycle​); +100%:​ ​Only available for ​Innate Attacks​ that inflict burning,
corrosion, fatigue, or toxic damage. Must specify a reasonably common set of circumstances
that halt any further damage from the attack. Details are up to the GM. ​+100%​ (1-second
interval) +​100%/​ cycle after the first.

Damage Modifier​ (​Explosion​ ​[​exp]​ ​ ​3)​ ; +150%: ​+50%​/level. The attack produces an
explosion at the point of impact (on a miss, check for scatter). The target takes damage
normally; anything nearby receives “collateral damage” equal to basic damage divided (3x the
distance in yards from the blast). If the attack also has an ​Armor Divisor​, it does not apply to
this collateral damage. The attacker can take up to two additional levels of ​Explosion​ if he
desires a blast that isn’t as affected by distance. The second level divides basic damage by
twice the distance in yards and is +100%; the third level divides damage by the distance in
yards and is +150%. ​Explosion​ is usually limited to crushing and burning attacks, but the GM
may permit other combinations. For more on explosions, see Explosions.

Damage Modifier ​(​Incendiary​ ​[​inc​]​): An ​Innate Attack​ other than a burning attack (for such
attacks, move the effective flammability class of anything damaged by the attack up one step
instead of adding the “​inc​” damage modifier) may be ​Incendiary​. This gives the damage a
secondary flame effect that can ignite volatile material (fuel, dry tinder, etc.). ​+10%​.

Increased Range ​(​Increased ​½D​)​ 3​ (10×); +15%: ​+10%​/level. This enhancement may be
added to any advantage that has a range; e.g. ​Innate Attack​ ​or ​Scanning Sense​. Each level
increases ​½D​ and ​Max​. May increase ​½D​ ​or ​Max​ ​individually at half cost (that is, “​Increased
½D​” and “​Increased ​Max​” are ​+5%​/level). However, ​½D​ cannot be increased past ​Max​. At most,
½D​ can =​Max​ – this means the attack has no ​½D​ range. For attacks that already have no ​½D
range, ​Max​ can be increased for ​+5%/​ level.

Long-Range 1​ (​one step more favourable​ [Long-Distance Modifiers]); +50%: ​+50%​/level.

User’s ranged ability uses a better class of range penalties than usual. From worst to best,
these classes are -1/yard like a Regular spell, the Size and Speed/Range Table,
Long-Distance Modifiers, and no penalties at all. Each level of ​Long-Range​ makes the
penalties one step more favorable. The ability's ​½D​ and ​Max​ range don’t change; use
Increased Range​ or ​Reduced Range​ for that. L ​ ong-Range​ affects the cost of ​Follow-Up​.

Underwater​: Attacks are assumed to be usable in air or in vacuum, but ineffective in liquid.
This enhancement lets an attack work underwater at 1/10 range. ​+20%​.

Limitations (-945%)
Accessibility​ (​only on the first 35 seconds of every 60-second cycle starting from the second
user's ​ER​ [Elemental] starts ​Regenerating​ after the expenditure of 489 or 245 points for the first
time since the last time it reached 245 points or more [only applies to activation, not
maintenance]​ {works 58.333333333333333% of the time}): ​-15%​.

Accessibility​ (​only while using ​Injury Tolerance​ [Diffuse] {​Corporeal Dispersal​})​ : ​-10%​.

Accessibility​ (​requires gestures)​ : The hands – and to a lesser degree, the rest of own body –
must be free to move about. If own arms are restrained in any way, or own lower body is fully
pinned or clamped in place, ability cannot be used. ​-10%​.

Accessibility​ (​requires magic words​): Must chant at normal conversation levels. Cannot be
gagged, and stealth is impossible. ​-10%​.

All-Out​: User’s ability requires an All-Out Attack maneuver; he can’t use it with any other
maneuver (e.g., Move or Change Posture). He has no active defense while using it. If it would
let him move more than a step, he’s limited to half his ​Move​ in a forward direction. The user
may attack if the advantage is one that lets him do so, but ​All-Out​ isn’t just for attack abilities
– the user can add it to any advantage that requires a maneuver to use (typically Concentrate
or Ready), replacing the standard maneuver with All-Out Attack. Explain what the user is
doing that limits him: deep concentration, spinning in place, etc. ​-25%​.

Costs Fatigue 168​; -840%: ​-5%​/​FP​/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. ​Innate Attack​), this ​FP
cost (168) must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. ​Flight​), this
FP​ cost must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half
as many ​FP​ (round up) [84] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing
effect only lasts one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the
value of the limitation to ​-10%​/​FP​.

Inaccurate 3​ (-3); -15%: Attack benefits little from careful aiming. Most attacks start with
Accuracy​ (​Acc​) 3. Each -1 to ​Acc​ is a ​-5%​ limitation. ​Acc​ may not be reduced below 0.

Pyrogenic Dispersive Corpus​ p ​ ower modifier (-20%)

Required Disadvantages​: ​Code of conduct​: ​Code of Honor​ (​ Mental; ​informal ​Code​ that applies all the
time​ [​Legendran Code of Chivalry​]​); -10 points: ​-10%​. ​Power disappears​:​ I​ mmediately: ​+0%​. ​Power 
turns against user​: ​-5%.​ ​Restoration requires​: A month out of adventuring, or sacrifices worth a
month’s income; a major quest; or serious harm (4d injury, crippling, or an incapacitating
affliction): ​-5%.​  

Incinerator Blast Expulsion, 3-Chained Strike​ (​Projectile​)

Innate Attack​ ​(Exotic, Physical; ​burning)​ ​ ​+3 burn exp 3​ (ignores ​DR​);​ ​½D​ N ​ /A​; ​Max​ 1
​ 00​; ​Acc​ ​0​;
RoF​ ​1​; ​Shots​ ​N/A​; ​Recoil​ ​1​; 1 points: ​Burning ​(​burn​):​ ​Ignites (1d -1 burning damage/second,
cannot be put out by mundane means) target. ​5 points/​ level.
Partial Dice​: +3 (0.9 dice). ​4.5 points​.

Enhancements (+865%)
Affects Insubstantial​: ​+20%​.

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect​): Sets fire that cannot be put out by mundane
means. ​+100%.​

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect​): Unstoppable ​Cyclic​ damage. ​+100%.​

Cosmic​ (​irresistible attack​): Ignores ​DR​. ​+300%.​

Cyclic​ (​1× 1-second cycle)​ ; +100%:​ ​Only available for ​Innate Attacks​ that inflict burning,
corrosion, fatigue, or toxic damage. Must specify a reasonably common set of circumstances
that halt any further damage from the attack. Details are up to the GM. ​+100%​ (1-second
interval) +​100%​/cycle after the first.

Damage Modifier​ (​Explosion​ ​[​exp]​ ​ ​3)​ ; +150%: ​+50%​/level. The attack produces an
explosion at the point of impact (on a miss, check for scatter). The target takes damage
normally; anything nearby receives “collateral damage” equal to basic damage divided (3x the
distance in yards from the blast). If the attack also has an ​Armor Divisor​, it does not apply to
this collateral damage. The attacker can take up to two additional levels of ​Explosion​ if he
desires a blast that isn’t as affected by distance. The second level divides basic damage by
twice the distance in yards and is +100%; the third level divides damage by the distance in
yards and is +150%. ​Explosion​ is usually limited to crushing and burning attacks, but the GM
may permit other combinations. For more on explosions, see Explosions.

Damage Modifier ​(​Incendiary​ ​[​inc​])​ : An ​Innate Attack​ other than a burning attack (for such
attacks, move the effective flammability class of anything damaged by the attack up one step
instead of adding the “​inc​” damage modifier) may be ​Incendiary​. This gives the damage a
secondary flame effect that can ignite volatile material (fuel, dry tinder, etc.). ​+10%​.

Increased Range ​(​Increased ​½D​)​ 3​ (10×); +15%: ​+10%​/level. This enhancement may be
added to any advantage that has a range; e.g. ​Innate Attack​ ​or ​Scanning Sense​. Each level
increases ​½D​ and ​Max​. May increase ​½D​ ​or ​Max​ ​individually at half cost (that is, “​Increased
½D​” and “​Increased ​Max​” are ​+5%​/level). However, ​½D​ cannot be increased past ​Max​. At most,
½D​ can =​Max​ – this means the attack has no ​½D​ range. For attacks that already have no ​½D
range, ​Max​ can be increased for ​+5%/​ level.

Long-Range 1​ (​one step more favourable​ [Long-Distance Modifiers]); +50%: ​+50%/​ level.
User’s ranged ability uses a better class of range penalties than usual. From worst to best,
these classes are -1/yard like a Regular spell, the Size and Speed/Range Table,
Long-Distance Modifiers, and no penalties at all. Each level of ​Long-Range​ makes the
penalties one step more favorable. The ability's ​½D​ and ​Max​ range don’t change; use
Increased Range​ or ​Reduced Range​ for that. L ​ ong-Range​ affects the cost of ​Follow-Up​.

Underwater​: Attacks are assumed to be usable in air or in vacuum, but ineffective in liquid.
This enhancement lets an attack work underwater at 1/10 range. ​+20%​.

Limitations (-945%)
Accessibility​ (​only if the attacker hits with all three attacks of I​ nnate Attack​ [burning]
{I​ ncinerator Coating​} as part of a series of attacks [on the same or consecutive turns
interrupted only by Move maneuvers] including this attack targeting the same target ​[works
94.4076141% of the time]): ​-0%​.
Accessibility​ (​only on the first 35 seconds of every 60-second cycle starting from the second
user's ​ER​ [Elemental] starts ​Regenerating​ after the expenditure of 489 or 245 points for the first
time since the last time it reached 245 points or more [only applies to activation, not
maintenance]​ {works 58.333333333333333% of the time}): ​-15%​.

Accessibility​ (​only while using ​Injury Tolerance​ [Diffuse] {​Corporeal Dispersal​})​ : ​-10%.​

Accessibility​ (​requires gestures)​ : The hands – and to a lesser degree, the rest of own body –
must be free to move about. If own arms are restrained in any way, or own lower body is fully
pinned or clamped in place, ability cannot be used. ​-10%.​

Accessibility​ (​requires magic words​): Must chant at normal conversation levels. Cannot be
gagged, and stealth is impossible. ​-10%​.

All-Out​: User’s ability requires an All-Out Attack maneuver; he can’t use it with any other
maneuver (e.g., Move or Change Posture). He has no active defense while using it. If it would
let him move more than a step, he’s limited to half his ​Move​ in a forward direction. The user
may attack if the advantage is one that lets him do so, but ​All-Out​ isn’t just for attack abilities
– the user can add it to any advantage that requires a maneuver to use (typically Concentrate
or Ready), replacing the standard maneuver with All-Out Attack. Explain what the user is
doing that limits him: deep concentration, spinning in place, etc. ​-25%​.

Costs Fatigue 168​; -840%: ​-5%/​ ​FP​/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. ​Innate Attack​), this ​FP
cost (168) must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. ​Flight​), this
FP​ cost must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half
as many ​FP​ (round up) [84] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing
effect only lasts one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the
value of the limitation to ​-10%​/​FP​.

Inaccurate 3​ (-3); -15%: Attack benefits little from careful aiming. Most attacks start with
Accuracy​ (​Acc​) 3. Each -1 to ​Acc​ is a ​-5%​ limitation. ​Acc​ may not be reduced below 0.

Pyrogenic Dispersive Corpus​ p ​ ower modifier (-20%)

Required Disadvantages​: ​Code of conduct​: ​Code of Honor​ (​ Mental; ​informal ​Code​ that applies all the
time​ [​Legendran Code of Chivalry​]​); -10 points: ​-10%​. ​Power disappears​:​ I​ mmediately: ​+0%​. ​Power 
turns against user​: ​-5%.​ ​Restoration requires​: A month out of adventuring, or sacrifices worth a
month’s income; a major quest; or serious harm (4d injury, crippling, or an incapacitating
affliction): ​-5%​. 

Incinerator Blast Expulsion, 3-Chained Strike II​ (​Projectile​)

Innate Attack​ ​(Exotic, Physical; ​burning)​ ​ ​+3 burn exp 3​ (ignores ​DR​);​ ​½D​ ​N/A​; ​Max​ 1​ 00​; ​Acc​ ​0​;
RoF​ ​1​; ​Shots​ ​N/A​; ​Recoil​ ​1​; 1 points: ​Burning ​(​burn​):​ ​Ignites (1d -1 burning damage/second,
cannot be put out by mundane means) target. ​5 points/​ level.
Partial Dice​: +3 (0.9 dice). ​4.5 points.​

Enhancements (+865%)
Affects Insubstantial​: ​+20%.​

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect​): Sets fire that cannot be put out by mundane
means. ​+100%​.

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect​): Unstoppable ​Cyclic​ damage. ​+100%​.

Cosmic​ (​irresistible attack)​ : Ignores ​DR​. ​+300%.​

Cyclic​ (​1× 1-second cycle)​ ; +100%:​ ​Only available for ​Innate Attacks​ that inflict burning,
corrosion, fatigue, or toxic damage. Must specify a reasonably common set of circumstances
that halt any further damage from the attack. Details are up to the GM. ​+100%​ (1-second
interval) +​100%​/cycle after the first.

Damage Modifier​ (​Explosion​ ​[​exp​]​ ​3)​ ; +150%: ​+50%​/level. The attack produces an
explosion at the point of impact (on a miss, check for scatter). The target takes damage
normally; anything nearby receives “collateral damage” equal to basic damage divided (3x the
distance in yards from the blast). If the attack also has an ​Armor Divisor​, it does not apply to
this collateral damage. The attacker can take up to two additional levels of ​Explosion​ if he
desires a blast that isn’t as affected by distance. The second level divides basic damage by
twice the distance in yards and is +100%; the third level divides damage by the distance in
yards and is +150%. ​Explosion​ is usually limited to crushing and burning attacks, but the GM
may permit other combinations. For more on explosions, see Explosions.

Damage Modifier ​(​Incendiary​ ​[​inc​])​ : An ​Innate Attack​ other than a burning attack (for such
attacks, move the effective flammability class of anything damaged by the attack up one step
instead of adding the “​inc​” damage modifier) may be ​Incendiary​. This gives the damage a
secondary flame effect that can ignite volatile material (fuel, dry tinder, etc.). ​+10%.​

Increased Range ​(​Increased ​½D​)​ 3​ (10×); +15%: ​+10%​/level. This enhancement may be
added to any advantage that has a range; e.g. ​Innate Attack​ ​or ​Scanning Sense​. Each level
increases ​½D​ and ​Max​. May increase ​½D​ ​or ​Max​ ​individually at half cost (that is, “​Increased
½D​” and “​Increased ​Max​” are ​+5%​/level). However, ​½D​ cannot be increased past ​Max​. At most,
½D​ can =​Max​ – this means the attack has no ​½D​ range. For attacks that already have no ​½D
range, ​Max​ can be increased for ​+5%​/level.
Long-Range 1​ (​one step more favourable​ [Long-Distance Modifiers]); +50%: ​+50%​/level.
User’s ranged ability uses a better class of range penalties than usual. From worst to best,
these classes are -1/yard like a Regular spell, the Size and Speed/Range Table,
Long-Distance Modifiers, and no penalties at all. Each level of ​Long-Range​ makes the
penalties one step more favorable. The ability's ​½D​ and ​Max​ range don’t change; use
Increased Range​ or ​Reduced Range​ for that. L ​ ong-Range​ affects the cost of ​Follow-Up​.

Underwater​: Attacks are assumed to be usable in air or in vacuum, but ineffective in liquid.
This enhancement lets an attack work underwater at 1/10 range. ​+20%.​

Limitations (-945%)
Accessibility​ (​only if the attacker hits with six attacks using I​ nnate Attack​ [burning]
{I​ ncinerator Coating}​ as part of a series of attacks [on the same or consecutive turns
interrupted only by Move maneuvers] including this attack targeting the same target ​[works
89.1279760005451881% of the time]): ​-5%​.

Accessibility​ (​only on the first 35 seconds of every 60-second cycle starting from the second
user's ​ER​ [Elemental] starts ​Regenerating​ after the expenditure of 489 or 245 points for the first
time since the last time it reached 245 points or more [only applies to activation, not
maintenance]​ {works 58.333333333333333% of the time}): ​-15%​.

Accessibility​ (​only while using ​Injury Tolerance​ [Diffuse] {​Corporeal Dispersal​})​ : ​-10%.​

Accessibility​ (​requires gestures)​ : The hands – and to a lesser degree, the rest of own body –
must be free to move about. If own arms are restrained in any way, or own lower body is fully
pinned or clamped in place, ability cannot be used. ​-10%.​

Accessibility​ (​requires magic words​): Must chant at normal conversation levels. Cannot be
gagged, and stealth is impossible. ​-10%​.

All-Out​: User’s ability requires an All-Out Attack maneuver; he can’t use it with any other
maneuver (e.g., Move or Change Posture). He has no active defense while using it. If it would
let him move more than a step, he’s limited to half his ​Move​ in a forward direction. The user
may attack if the advantage is one that lets him do so, but ​All-Out​ isn’t just for attack abilities
– the user can add it to any advantage that requires a maneuver to use (typically Concentrate
or Ready), replacing the standard maneuver with All-Out Attack. Explain what the user is
doing that limits him: deep concentration, spinning in place, etc. ​-25%​.

Costs Fatigue 167​; -835%: ​-5%/​ ​FP​/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. ​Innate Attack​), this ​FP
cost (167) must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. ​Flight​), this
FP​ cost must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half
as many ​FP​ (round up) [84] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing
effect only lasts one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the
value of the limitation to ​-10%/​ ​FP​.

Inaccurate 3​ (-3); -15%: Attack benefits little from careful aiming. Most attacks start with
Accuracy​ (​Acc​) 3. Each -1 to ​Acc​ is a ​-5%​ limitation. ​Acc​ may not be reduced below 0.

Pyrogenic Dispersive Corpus​ p ​ ower modifier (-20%)

Required Disadvantages​: ​Code of conduct​: ​Code of Honor​ (​ Mental; ​informal ​Code​ that applies all the
time​ [​Legendran Code of Chivalry​]​); -10 points: ​-10%​. ​Power disappears​:​ I​ mmediately: ​+0%​. ​Power 
turns against user​: ​-5%​. ​Restoration requires​: A month out of adventuring, or sacrifices worth a
month’s income; a major quest; or serious harm (4d injury, crippling, or an incapacitating
affliction): ​-5%.​  

Incinerator Blast Expulsion, Chained Strike​ (​Projectile​)

Innate Attack​ ​(Exotic, Physical; ​burning​)​ ​+1 burn exp 3​ (ignores ​DR​);​ ​½D​ N ​ /A​; ​Max​ 1
​ 00​; ​Acc​ ​0​;
RoF​ ​1​; ​Shots​ ​N/A​; ​Recoil​ ​1​; 1 point: ​Burning ​(​burn​):​ ​Ignites (1d -1 burning damage/second,
cannot be put out by mundane means) target. ​5 points/​ level.
Partial Dice​: +1 (0.3 dice). ​1.5 points.​

Enhancements (+865%)
Affects Insubstantial​: ​+20%.​

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect​): Sets fire that cannot be put out by mundane
means. ​+100%​.

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect​): Unstoppable ​Cyclic​ damage. ​+100%​.

Cosmic​ (​irresistible attack)​ : Ignores ​DR​. ​+300%​.

Cyclic​ (​1× 1-second cycle)​ ; +100%:​ ​Only available for ​Innate Attacks​ that inflict burning,
corrosion, fatigue, or toxic damage. Must specify a reasonably common set of circumstances
that halt any further damage from the attack. Details are up to the GM. ​+100%​ (1-second
interval) +​100%/​ cycle after the first.

Damage Modifier​ (​Explosion​ ​[​exp​]​ ​3)​ ; +150%: ​+50%​/level. The attack produces an
explosion at the point of impact (on a miss, check for scatter). The target takes damage
normally; anything nearby receives “collateral damage” equal to basic damage divided (3x the
distance in yards from the blast). If the attack also has an ​Armor Divisor​, it does not apply to
this collateral damage. The attacker can take up to two additional levels of ​Explosion​ if he
desires a blast that isn’t as affected by distance. The second level divides basic damage by
twice the distance in yards and is +100%; the third level divides damage by the distance in
yards and is +150%. ​Explosion​ is usually limited to crushing and burning attacks, but the GM
may permit other combinations. For more on explosions, see Explosions.

Damage Modifier ​(​Incendiary​ ​[​inc​])​ : An ​Innate Attack​ other than a burning attack (for such
attacks, move the effective flammability class of anything damaged by the attack up one step
instead of adding the “​inc​” damage modifier) may be ​Incendiary​. This gives the damage a
secondary flame effect that can ignite volatile material (fuel, dry tinder, etc.). ​+10%.​

Increased Range ​(​Increased ​½D​)​ 3​ (10×); +15%: ​+10%​/level. This enhancement may be
added to any advantage that has a range; e.g. ​Innate Attack​ ​or ​Scanning Sense​. Each level
increases ​½D​ and ​Max​. May increase ​½D​ ​or ​Max​ ​individually at half cost (that is, “​Increased
½D​” and “​Increased ​Max​” are ​+5%/​ level). However, ​½D​ cannot be increased past ​Max​. At most,
½D​ can =​Max​ – this means the attack has no ​½D​ range. For attacks that already have no ​½D
range, ​Max​ can be increased for ​+5%​/level.

Long-Range 1​ (​one step more favourable​ [Long-Distance Modifiers]); +50%: ​+50%​/level.

User’s ranged ability uses a better class of range penalties than usual. From worst to best,
these classes are -1/yard like a Regular spell, the Size and Speed/Range Table,
Long-Distance Modifiers, and no penalties at all. Each level of ​Long-Range​ makes the
penalties one step more favorable. The ability's ​½D​ and ​Max​ range don’t change; use
Increased Range​ or ​Reduced Range​ for that. L ​ ong-Range​ affects the cost of ​Follow-Up​.

Underwater​: Attacks are assumed to be usable in air or in vacuum, but ineffective in liquid.
This enhancement lets an attack work underwater at 1/10 range. ​+20%.​

Limitations (-945%)
Accessibility​ (​only if the attacker hits with ​Innate Attack​ [crushing] {​Empowered Hyper-Repulsive 
Impactor​} as part of a series of attacks [on the same or consecutive turns interrupted only by
Move maneuvers] including this attack targeting the same target​ [works 98.1% of the time]):

Accessibility​ (​only on the first 35 seconds of every 60-second cycle starting from the second
user's ​ER​ [Elemental] starts ​Regenerating​ after the expenditure of 489 or 245 points for the first
time since the last time it reached 245 points or more [only applies to activation, not
maintenance]​ {works 58.333333333333333% of the time}): ​-15%​.

Accessibility​ (​only while using ​Injury Tolerance​ [Diffuse] {​Corporeal Dispersal​})​ : ​-10%.​

Accessibility​ (​requires gestures)​ : The hands – and to a lesser degree, the rest of own body –
must be free to move about. If own arms are restrained in any way, or own lower body is fully
pinned or clamped in place, ability cannot be used. ​-10%.​
Accessibility​ (​requires magic words​): Must chant at normal conversation levels. Cannot be
gagged, and stealth is impossible. ​-10%​.

All-Out​: User’s ability requires an All-Out Attack maneuver; he can’t use it with any other
maneuver (e.g., Move or Change Posture). He has no active defense while using it. If it would
let him move more than a step, he’s limited to half his ​Move​ in a forward direction. The user
may attack if the advantage is one that lets him do so, but ​All-Out​ isn’t just for attack abilities
– the user can add it to any advantage that requires a maneuver to use (typically Concentrate
or Ready), replacing the standard maneuver with All-Out Attack. Explain what the user is
doing that limits him: deep concentration, spinning in place, etc. ​-25%​.

Costs Fatigue 168​; -840%: ​-5%/​ ​FP​/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. ​Innate Attack​), this ​FP
cost (168) must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. ​Flight​), this
FP​ cost must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half
as many ​FP​ (round up) [82] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing
effect only lasts one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the
value of the limitation to ​-10%/​ ​FP​.

Inaccurate 3​ (-3); -15%: Attack benefits little from careful aiming. Most attacks start with
Accuracy​ (​Acc​) 3. Each -1 to ​Acc​ is a ​-5%​ limitation. ​Acc​ may not be reduced below 0.

Pyrogenic Dispersive Corpus​ p ​ ower modifier (-20%)

Required Disadvantages​: ​Code of conduct​: ​Code of Honor​ (​ Mental; ​informal ​Code​ that applies all the
time​ [​Legendran Code of Chivalry​]​); -10 points: ​-10%​. ​Power disappears​:​ I​ mmediately: ​+0%​. ​Power 
turns against user​: ​-5%​. ​Restoration requires​: A month out of adventuring, or sacrifices worth a
month’s income; a major quest; or serious harm (4d injury, crippling, or an incapacitating
affliction): ​-5%.​  

Incinerator Blast Expulsion, Chained Aerial Strike​ (​Projectile​)

Innate Attack​ ​(Exotic, Physical; ​burning​)​ ​+1 burn exp 3​ (ignores ​DR​);​ ​½D​ N ​ /A​; ​Max​ 1
​ 00​; ​Acc​ ​0​;
RoF​ ​1​; ​Shots​ ​N/A​; ​Recoil​ ​1​; 1 point: ​Burning ​(​burn​):​ ​Ignites (1d -1 burning damage/second,
cannot be put out by mundane means) target. ​5 points/​ level.
Partial Dice​: +1 (0.3 dice). ​1.5 points.​

Enhancements (+865%)
Affects Insubstantial​: ​+20%.​

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect​): Sets fire that cannot be put out by mundane
means. ​+100%​.

Cosmic ​(​attack with a lingering special effect​): Unstoppable ​Cyclic​ damage. ​+100%​.
Cosmic​ (​irresistible attack)​ : Ignores ​DR​. ​+300%.​

Cyclic​ (​1× 1-second cycle)​ ; +100%:​ ​Only available for ​Innate Attacks​ that inflict burning,
corrosion, fatigue, or toxic damage. Must specify a reasonably common set of circumstances
that halt any further damage from the attack. Details are up to the GM. ​+100%​ (1-second
interval) +​100%/​ cycle after the first.

Damage Modifier​ (​Explosion​ ​[​exp​]​ ​3)​ ; +150%: ​+50%​/level. The attack produces an
explosion at the point of impact (on a miss, check for scatter). The target takes damage
normally; anything nearby receives “collateral damage” equal to basic damage divided (3x the
distance in yards from the blast). If the attack also has an ​Armor Divisor​, it does not apply to
this collateral damage. The attacker can take up to two additional levels of ​Explosion​ if he
desires a blast that isn’t as affected by distance. The second level divides basic damage by
twice the distance in yards and is +100%; the third level divides damage by the distance in
yards and is +150%. ​Explosion​ is usually limited to crushing and burning attacks, but the GM
may permit other combinations. For more on explosions, see Explosions.

Damage Modifier ​(​Incendiary​ ​[​inc​])​ : An ​Innate Attack​ other than a burning attack (for such
attacks, move the effective flammability class of anything damaged by the attack up one step
instead of adding the “​inc​” damage modifier) may be ​Incendiary​. This gives the damage a
secondary flame effect that can ignite volatile material (fuel, dry tinder, etc.). ​+10%.​

Increased Range ​(​Increased ​½D​)​ 3​ (10×); +15%: ​+10%​/level. This enhancement may be
added to any advantage that has a range; e.g. ​Innate Attack​ ​or ​Scanning Sense​. Each level
increases ​½D​ and ​Max​. May increase ​½D​ ​or ​Max​ ​individually at half cost (that is, “​Increased
½D​” and “​Increased ​Max​” are ​+5%/​ level). However, ​½D​ cannot be increased past ​Max​. At most,
½D​ can =​Max​ – this means the attack has no ​½D​ range. For attacks that already have no ​½D
range, ​Max​ can be increased for ​+5%​/level.

Long-Range 1​ (​one step more favourable​ [Long-Distance Modifiers]); +50%: ​+50%​/level.

User’s ranged ability uses a better class of range penalties than usual. From worst to best,
these classes are -1/yard like a Regular spell, the Size and Speed/Range Table,
Long-Distance Modifiers, and no penalties at all. Each level of ​Long-Range​ makes the
penalties one step more favorable. The ability's ​½D​ and ​Max​ range don’t change; use
Increased Range​ or ​Reduced Range​ for that. L ​ ong-Range​ affects the cost of ​Follow-Up​.

Underwater​: Attacks are assumed to be usable in air or in vacuum, but ineffective in liquid.
This enhancement lets an attack work underwater at 1/10 range. ​+20%.​

Limitations (-945%)
Accessibility​ (​only if the attacker hits with two attacks using ​Innate Attack​ [crushing]
{​Empowered Hyper-Repulsive Impactor​} as part of a series of attacks [on the same or consecutive
turns interrupted only by Move maneuvers] including this attack targeting the same target
[works 96.2361% of the time]): ​-0%.​

Accessibility​ (​only on the first 35 seconds of every 60-second cycle starting from the second
user's ​ER​ [Elemental] starts ​Regenerating​ after the expenditure of 489 or 245 points for the first
time since the last time it reached 245 points or more [only applies to activation, not
maintenance]​ {works 58.333333333333333% of the time}): ​-15%​.

Accessibility​ (​only while airborne​): ​-20%​.

Accessibility​ (​only while using ​Injury Tolerance​ [Diffuse] {​Corporeal Dispersal​})​ : ​-10%.​

Accessibility​ (​requires gestures)​ : The hands – and to a lesser degree, the rest of own body –
must be free to move about. If own arms are restrained in any way, or own lower body is fully
pinned or clamped in place, ability cannot be used. ​-10%.​

Accessibility​ (​requires magic words​): Must chant at normal conversation levels. Cannot be
gagged, and stealth is impossible. ​-10%​.

All-Out​: User’s ability requires an All-Out Attack maneuver; he can’t use it with any other
maneuver (e.g., Move or Change Posture). He has no active defense while using it. If it would
let him move more than a step, he’s limited to half his ​Move​ in a forward direction. The user
may attack if the advantage is one that lets him do so, but ​All-Out​ isn’t just for attack abilities
– the user can add it to any advantage that requires a maneuver to use (typically Concentrate
or Ready), replacing the standard maneuver with All-Out Attack. Explain what the user is
doing that limits him: deep concentration, spinning in place, etc. ​-25%​.

Costs Fatigue 164​; -820%: ​-5%/​ ​FP​/use. For instantaneous effects (e.g. ​Innate Attack​), this ​FP
cost (164) must be paid every time ability is triggered. For continuing effects (e.g. ​Flight​), this
FP​ cost must be paid to activate the ability for 1 minute. Once this initial cost is paid, only half
as many ​FP​ (round up) [82] need to be paid/minute to keep the ability active. If continuing
effect only lasts one second, and cost must be paid to maintain it every second, double the
value of the limitation to ​-10%/​ ​FP​.

Inaccurate 3​ (-3); -15%: Attack benefits little from careful aiming. Most attacks start with
Accuracy​ (​Acc​) 3. Each -1 to ​Acc​ is a ​-5%​ limitation. ​Acc​ may not be reduced below 0.

Pyrogenic Dispersive Corpus​ p ​ ower modifier (-20%)

Required Disadvantages​: ​Code of conduct​: ​Code of Honor​ (​ Mental; ​informal ​Code​ that applies all the
time​ [​Legendran Code of Chivalry​]​); -10 points: ​-10%​. ​Power disappears​:​ I​ mmediately: ​+0%​. ​Power 
turns against user​: ​-5%​. ​Restoration requires​: A month out of adventuring, or sacrifices worth a
month’s income; a major quest; or serious harm (4d injury, crippling, or an incapacitating
affliction): ​-5%.​  

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