7.1 G5 Cause-Effect Essay

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Group 5: Minh Hằng, Nguyễn Diệu Minh Anh,

Chí Bách, Hồ Đức Dũng, Phương Dung.


TOPIC: Teenagers are spending more and more time on social media platforms such
as Facebook, TikTok.... Why is that and what are the impacts of this phenomenon?

1. Introduction:
a, Hook: In this day and age, the use of social media platforms such as Facebook,
Tiktok, ... has considerably increased especially among youngsters.
b, Thesis statement: This trend is ascribed to numerous factors and can exert an
enormous influence on our life. In this essay, I will discuss both the cause and
negative as well as positive effects of this phenomenon.

2. Body paragraphs
a) Paragraph 1: Causes
1) Keep In Touch With Friends:
+ Adolescence is an age that has a constant desire to interact with others,
especially their friends and new people.
+ They relish chatting with friends, interacting with other posts or telling their
daily stories.
+ The work of adolescence is really twofold: to gain a sense of individuality and
identity and to find strong connections with others who are trustworthy and
loyal. Social media can both help and hinder teens in achieving these goals in
their journey toward adulthood.

2) Stay up to date with news and current events

+ An average teen may use Facebook or Tik Tok for 1-2 hours every day. As a
result of their desire to follow current trends, this is accurate.
+ Hot trends pique the interest and curiosity of the youth. Those current events
may certainly come up in their daily conversations with their peers as
youngsters develop their own perspectives and engage in argument.
+ Additionally, their capacity for information absorption is rapid and agile,
enabling them to take in a significant amount of information without a pause.
b) Paragraph 2: Effects
1) Using social media is rather time-consuming
+ Many teenagers claim that they spend an uncontrollably long period of time
dedicated to using social media.
+ This act is time-consuming since there’s so much we can do in a day rather
than just scrolling through Facebook or TikTok, however, teens decided to
waste a large amount of time doing such work.
+ Although they use the excuse of interacting and exchanging with friends, they
are actually wasting time on websites, and watching different irrelevant things.
+ A survey has shown that 90% of the information on social media updated
every day is unnecessary. There is a pile of nonsense gossip spread
spontaneously on these platforms which is rather utterly detrimental.

2) Limit and reduce social interactions

+ Though social media helps to connect people, it also gradually pulls people
+ Teenagers tend to spend their time on these platforms to contact others and
by doing this act, over time, they would only stay in their chat bubbles and
refuse to interact with the outside world.
+ It is reasonable if they spend time on social media to keep up with trends and
other important news, but after a while surfing, they would end up using these
platforms to do other work and get hooked on these, so-called, fun activities
and eventually limit themselves to a single electronic screen.

3. Conclusion:
In conclusion, adolescents are constantly using social media because of many
reasons such as keeping in touch with friends or staying up to date with news and
current events, and it can have a number of far-reaching consequences like a waste
of time or reduced social interactions.

NN Word Meaning Example

1. cybersecurity /ˌsaɪ.bə.sɪˈkjʊə.rə.ti/ things that are done to protect She served as a

a person, organization, or cybersecurity adviser to
country and their computer the White House.
information against crime or
attacks carried out using the

2. clickbait /ˈklɪk.beɪt/ The key finding is that

articles, photographs, etc. on clickbait headlines
the internet that are intended generate an emotional
to attract attention and response that in many
encourage people to click on ways is out of our
links to particular websites. control.

3. kick the habit She used to be a

to give up something harmful
heavy smoker but
that you have done for a long
time: she kicked the habit
last year.

4. be a slave to
She's a slave to fashion.
something to be influenced too much by

5. feed /fiːd/ Your Twitter feed

a web page, screen, etc. that refreshes automatically
updates (= changes) often to to show new tweets.
show the latest information
6. follower /ˈfɒl.əʊ.ər/ She has over 100,000
someone who chooses to see followers on Instagram
a particular person's posts (=
messages) on social medias

7. compulsive /kəmˈpʌl.sɪv/ a compulsive eating

doing something a lot and disorder
unable to stop doing it

8. addictiveness /əˈdɪk.tɪv.nəs/ the fact that you cannot stop Ritalin is a "controlled
doing an activity once you substance" because of
have started it its potential for

9. cyberlaw /ˈsaɪ.bəˌlɔː/ It deals with issues

laws about how people should related to the effects of
use computers, especially the intellectual property on
internet, or one of these laws public health, cyberlaw
and e-commerce, and
competition policy

10. cyberbullying /ˈsaɪ.bəˌbʊl.i.ɪŋ/ In the past ten

the activity of using the years, cyberbullying
internet to harm or frighten has become
another person, especially by increasingly

sending them unpleasant common among

messages: students.

11. viral /ˈvaɪə.rəl/ Within days the film clip

used to describe something went viral.
that quickly becomes very
popular or well known by
being published on the
internet or sent from person
to person by email, phone,
12. cyberculture /saɪ.bər-ˈkʌl.tʃər/ Students of cyberculture
the culture that has emerged engage with political,
from the use of computer philosophical,
networks for communication, sociological, and
entertainment and business psychological issues.

13. harassment /ˈhær.əs.mənt/ Victims of

behaviour that annoys or
harassment are able
upsets someone
to take action in the
courts to obtain

14. prevalent /ˈprev.əl.ənt/ These diseases are more

existing very commonly or prevalent among young
happening often children

15. Self-esteem /ˌself.ɪˈstiːm/ She suffers from low

belief and confidence in your self-esteem and it
own ability and value prevents her from
pursuing her goals.

16. Catfishing /ˈkatˌfiSHiNG/ he was a victim of

the act of creating a false catfishing himself
internet profile in order to
deceive or scam someone

17. Scam /skam/ She was lured into a scam

a dishonest scheme; a fraud. by some of her friends.

18. Influencer /ˈinflo͝oənsər/ She bought this dress from

a person or thing that influences that TikTok influencer.

a person who promotes a

product online to his/her
followers so that they may
purchase it

19. Anonymity /ˌanəˈnimədē/ most people who agreed

the condition of being to talk requested
anonymous. anonymity

lack of outstanding, individual,

or unusual features;

20. Derogatory /dəˈräɡəˌtôrē/ The bullies always send

me texts saying I'm fat
showing a critical or
and are always making
disrespectful attitude.
derogatory remarks

21. Harass /həˈras,ˈherəs/ I was once the target of

subject to aggressive pressure or internet harassment

22. Overuse /ˌōvərˈyo͞oz/ John is overusing his

use (something) too much. phone.

Excessive use

23. Loophole /ˈlo͞opˌ(h)ōl/ Hackers exploit loopholes

an ambiguity or inadequacy in on the internet.
the law or a set of rules.

24. Jump on the scientists and doctors

bandwagon alike have jumped on the
To like something because it is bandwagon
popular with other people

25. Block /bläk/ I blocked my sister from

stopping or banning someone viewing my posts
from interacting with you on
social media or viewing your
posts/ profile

26. Grooming /ˈɡro͞omiNG/ preparing someone online grooming has

(often a minor) over the become a growing cause
internet in order to for concern
eventually commit a
sexual offense

27. Photoshop /ˈfōdōˌSHäp/ the pictures have

alter (a photographic image) obviously been
digitally using Photoshop Photoshopped
image-editing software.

28. Censor /ˈsensər/ Some parts of the text

to keep certain images. Texts, were censored due to its
etc from being displayed or context.
published because it is offensive
or immoral

29. Badger /ˈbajər/ Tom had finally badgered

repeatedly ask (someone) to do her into going
something; pester.

30. Meme /mēm/ Memes are too

a humorous image, video, piece recognizable on the
of text, etc., that is copied (often internet nowadays.
with slight variations) and
spread rapidly by internet users.

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