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The lawyers entered a plea bargain to get their client a lighter charge.

Kevin is still being held in police custody.

The defendant was charged at the arraignment.

Ian was taken to the police station and booked.

The judge decided there was enough evidence to continue at the preliminary

The defense asked to exclude evidence durig the pre-trial motions.


Minor: Someone who is too young to be treated as an adult.

Correctional facility: A place where young people are detained.

Counseling: The process of helping someone with their problems.

Criminal record: a document showing any crimes you have committed.

Victim: A person who suffered as a result of someone´s crime.

Community service: A punishment in wich the person works to help local people.

Probation: A situation in which the person must behave well to avoid further


Assertion: A statement someone believes is true.

Evidence: sing or proof of why something is true.
Testament: A personal account.
chain of custody: The processing of evidence from its collection to presentation in
authenticated: Proven to be the original item.
Prerequisite: Something that is needed in order to continue.
Admisible: being allowed in court.


DNA is kind of biological evidence.
The man left fingerprints when he touched the window.
Evidence must be preserved or else it will not last until the trial.
The police need more trace evidence to convict the suspect.
The fibers came from a wool jacket.
Investigators wear protective clothing to avoid contaminating evidence.
The shoeprints show the suspect has size 12 shoes.

Rory saw the car accident firsthand.
John will testify as an lay witness since he saw the crime.
Repeating what someone said is only hearsay.
An expert witness must have a lot of background knowledge.
Is this recitation of the facts accurate?

The defendant made his confession under inference.
The irrelevant evidence had no probative value.
The police have acomulated a large amount of evidence.
Ann´s story didn´t seem probable until she showed the photographs.
The witness excluded Mr. Tan´s story.
Ms. Franklin´s story caused a emotive response among the jury members.

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