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Over the past two decades, depression has become a more common topic. Every year almost

one million people die of this disease. Depression is often presented as a fashionable disease. But where

does depression come from? How does it affects people? Most importantly, how to overcome depression?

To start from the beginning depression is characterized by an illness that negatively affects how you feel

and gives you a feeling of sadness, loss of interest and motivation. It also effects on your behavior and

mindset. Speaking in general there is a big variety of different types of depression but all of them lead to

different emotional and physical problems. However, why depression is the 21 st century disease? Looking

at the events of 21st century, we see how stressful our life was: the global crisis of 2008, COVID and the

global pandemic.

First vole, there is no one official cause of depression. It can occur for a variety of reasons and it

has many different triggers. For example: a family tragedy, negative childhood experiences, physical

health problems, lack of sleep etc. Looking at the causes, you can say that any person can get depressed.

Nevertheless, there are other key factors, which causes depression, and other life problems, that everyone

should work on. First and most important cause of depression is that people do not really pay their

attention on is there personal health. Because everything starts with your health and how do, you treat

yourself. Drug and alcohol use can both lead to and result from depression. Many people with depression

also have drug and alcohol problems. The same goes to when people start smoking. It is said that people,

which smoke, have a higher chance of getting depressed. Another factor that causes depression is a low

self-esteem. Usually people have a low self-esteem if they had gone through a negative childhood

experience in their life or if they had poor academic performance in school resulting in a lack of

confidence. When a person has a low self-esteem, they tend to give up on things easier then ones who have


Depression impacts people lives by having problems at home, stressing out of work, lots of

money, divorces, bullying, relationships, school, dislike your body image, lots of attention, unhappy with

money (rich people), social media, low self-esteem. Depression is technically a mental disorder but also

affects your physical health. It may affect everything from your heart, kidney, nervous system, and
immune system health. People with depression may have trouble maintaining a typical work schedule or

fulfilling social obligations. This could be due to symptoms like an inability to concentrate, memory

problems, and difficulty making decisions. Someone with depression may consciously avoid talking

about how they feel or try to mask the problem. People experiencing depression may also find themselves

preoccupied with thoughts of death or hurting themselves.  People can start to over think about everything

and can lose their sleep, eating less, and make you stop doing activities that you like.

The first thing you should know about overcoming depression is that it is possible. Your choices

matter and can make an impact on the course of your illness. One of the most important ways to

overcome depression is to set a goal in life. Because when a person has a goal in life, he has a vision

where to go and what to do. Setting goals and working to achieving those helps us to define what we are.

Even when a person fails or struggles on his way, he still has something to chase on and move forward to.

For individuals who set goals in life those people become more focused and dedicated, they can overcome

the barriers such as anxiety and off course depression. Having goals in life is a great way to focus your

attention on the things that are important for your own benefits. It’s really imported to be focused and

productive especially nowadays. . If we look at a modern day where a regular person works from the

early morning until the late evening having only little break for lunch. Nowadays people have to

remember many things they have a lot of work to do and if the person does not organize his life or does

not do, everything in time he gets stressed which then leads do depression. No matter how much work we

have we always have to remember our interests, plans and goals in life, family, friends and most

importantly, to find time to rest. Because now we live in a world where every company wants our

attention, where people lose all their time and energy looking at social media. Nowadays information

arrives massively and chaotically which can be dangerous for a child. Uncontrolled access to the Internet

is also harmful to young people with unformed views on life. Because they cannot control the big amount

of information, which comes to them and they become addicted and exhausted due to information

overload. Looking at all this we can surely say that the Internet can make us socially isolated, lonely and

contribute to the emergence of a state of depression - this is an unexpected result of the study. The fact

that the people participating in the experiment actively used e-mail and other means of Internet

communication. The study showed that the increase in time spent on the Internet was accompanied by a
decrease in the time of communication between family members, a decrease in the number of friends and

acquaintances with whom they were supported communication, as well as increasing feelings of

depression and loneliness. Another thing is to control your time that you spend on social media. Human

beings need face-to-face contact to be mentally healthy. Nothing reduces stress and boosts your mood

faster or more effectively than eye-to-eye contact with someone who cares about you. The more you

prioritize social media interaction over in-person relationships, the more you are at risk for developing or

exacerbating mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Social media platforms are created to snare

your attention, keep you online, and have you repeatedly checking your screen for updates. It’s how the

companies make money. However, much like a gambling compulsion or an addiction to nicotine, alcohol,

or drugs, social media use can create psychological cravings. When you receive a like, a share, or a

favorable reaction to a post, it can trigger the release of dopamine in the brain, the same reward chemical

that follows winning on a slot machine, taking a bite of chocolate, or lighting up a cigarette, for example.

The more you are rewarded, the more time you want to spend on social media, even if it becomes

detrimental to other aspects of your life.

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