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Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

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Effects of microplastics on lentil (Lens culinaris) seed germination and

seedling growth
Y. Sanath K. De Silva a, b, Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan c, *, Hirofumi Kadono a, Danyang Li a
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama, 338-8570, Japan
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Hapugala, Galle, 80000, Sri Lanka
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, 3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto City, Tokyo, 135-8548, Japan


• The effect of polyethylene microplastics

on lentil was investigated using Bio­
speckle Optical Coherence Tomography
• bOCT is sensitive enough to observe the
adverse effect of PEMPs on seed germi­
nation at an early stage before the
• A significant reduction of bOCT contrast
was observed after 6 h for all PEMPs
exposure, and the effect was dose-
• Physical parameters and antioxidative
enzymes were measured and compared
with bOCT results.


Handling Editor: Michael Bank Widespread use of plastics and mishandling has resulted in severe environmental issues affecting seed germi­
nation and seedling growth. This study investigates the effect of polyethylene microplastics (740–4990 nm
Keywords: PEMPs) on lentil (Lens culinaris) seed germination and seedling growth using Biospeckle Optical Coherence
Microplastics Tomography (bOCT), a technique that we successfully demonstrated earlier in visualizing the internal activity of
Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
plants. Lentil seeds were exposed to PEMPs bioassay for seven days with 10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1 concentrations.
The average speckle contrast was calculated after 0 h, 6 h, 12 h, and 24 h of exposure, and statistically significant
Seed germination
Seedling growth differences were observed just after 6 h of exposure under all the treatments. However, with conventional pa­
rameters, germination viability, germination rate, root and shoot lengths, fresh and dry seedling weights, and
antioxidative enzymes, no significant effect was observed until 2 d of exposure. The results revealed that the
presence of PEMPs significantly reduced the internal activity at the initial stages that could be visualized only by
the use of bOCT, which has never been observed till now. Our results demonstrated for the first time the effect
that microplastics indeed could hinder the internal activity during germination of the seeds, possibly resulting
from the physical blockage of pores leading to stunted growth at later stages.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y.S.K. De Silva), (U.M. Rajagopalan), (H. Kadono).
Received 16 March 2022; Received in revised form 24 May 2022; Accepted 27 May 2022
Available online 30 May 2022
0045-6535/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

1. Introduction The adverse effect of MPs on soil organisms such as earthworms

(Lwanga et al., 2016) and snails (Song et al., 2019) has been reported by
The effects of microplastics on plant growth, seed germination, the many studies in which their weight, growth, activity, feeding behavior,
health of animals and humans are getting worldwide attention due to its and reproduction were highly affected (Zhu et al., 2018). Furthermore,
widespread usage, and mismanagement. Microplastics (MPs) are plastic earthworms have been recorded transporting MPs from the surface to
particles with a diameter less than 5 mm are classified as primary or the groundwater level, contaminating groundwater and exposing other
secondary microplastics based on their formation (Nel and Froneman, soil biotas (Rillig et al., 2017). Recently, the micro and nanoplastics
2015). The primary MPs are small plastic debris initially manufactured have been found in edible fruits (apple, pear), vegetables (broccoli,
with a particle size of less than 5 mm. In general, primary MPs exist in lettuce, carrot, and potatoes) (Oliveri Conti et al., 2020), and table salt
cosmetics, textiles, scrubbing agents, and toiletries (Boucher and Friot, (Yang et al., 2015), emphasizing the potential threat to human health
2017). Secondary MPs are the most common source of pollution, formed due to the transmittance of MPs through the food chain.
when the fragmentation of larger plastic particles is fragmented by Agro-ecosystem, polyethylene (PE) is frequently used as agricultural
natural forces such as photodegradation, biodegradation, thermoox­ material, especially plastic mulching. Therefore, there is a high possi­
idative degradation, mechanical degradation, and physical stress bility of accumulation of an excessive amount of PEMPs in the terrestrial
(Andrady, 2011). They mainly arise from waste incineration and land­ ecosystem, which greatly impacts seed germination. Investigation per­
fills (Dris et al., 2016). formed by Pignattelli et al. (2020) on garden cress (L. Sativum) suggested
Because of overwhelming usage and mismanagement, MPs accu­ the acute and chronic toxicity induced under different microplastics
mulate at an alarming rate in aquatic and terrestrial environments, exposure in which the PE showed the highest acute toxicity compared to
significantly impacting plant growth (De Silva et al., 2021b). It is a other microplastics tested in that study. A significant negative effect of
well-known fact that the ocean behaves as the main sink for microplastic PE debris on soybean (Glycine max) plant growth and germination
accumulation through various sources such as effluents from wastewater viability was examined (Li et al., 2021a). Moreover, PEMPs can accu­
treatment plants (WWTP) (McCormick et al., 2014), commercial ship­ mulate on the root of hydroponic maize plants and inhibit the water and
ping processes (Barnes and Milner, 2005), and atmospheric deposition nutrient uptake causing the growth reduction (Urbina et al., 2020).
(Szewc et al., 2021). Therefore, the aquatic ecosystem is greatly affected Furthermore, PEMPs have a great tendency to adsorb different organic
by MPs inhibiting seed germination and aquatic plant growth (Yuan pollutants inducing a reduction in leaf development and a 30% reduc­
et al., 2019). Microplastics can be adsorbed onto the root of duckweed tion in seed germination in L. sativa, whereas 70% growth reduction was
species (Dovidat et al., 2019; Kalčíková et al., 2017) and are largely left recorded as the effect of PEMPs alone (Martín et al., 2021).
accumulated in mosses (Capozzi et al., 2018), and the mechanical Lentils are economically substantial legume crops cultivated world­
blockage results in lack of water and nutrient uptake inhibiting the wide that contain a high amount of protein, fiber, low calories, essential
growth of root and shoot. Reports have shown that uptake of MPs gets amino acids, fatty acids, and trace minerals (Alam et al., 2019). In
internalized in plants (Bandmann et al., 2012) depending on the root addition, lentils help in controlling diabetes, boosting metabolism,
and xylem characteristics (surface area, volume), plasma membrane preventing cancer, improving digestion, and lowering the risk of car­
potential, organic and geometric properties of plastic debris (material, diovascular diseases (Danihelová and Šturdík, 2012). Therefore, it be­
size, and geometry) (Trapp, 2000). Moreover, the growth and photo­ comes the most common pulse in day-to-day life, and human
synthesis activity of algae species could be significantly affected by MPs consumption is relatively high, especially in West Asia, East, and North
inducing oxidative stress (Bhattacharya et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2017; Africa. In 2018, the estimated global lentil market was 6.3 million tons,
Mao et al., 2018). and it is predicted to reach up to 8.4 million tons in 2024 (Asia, 2020).
At the beginning, there was less focus on investigating the effect of Moreover, the lentil species have been extensively used to observe the
MPs on the terrestrial ecosystem. However, recently, due to the rapid toxicity of different environmental stressors on seed germination and
increase of microplastic accumulation by anthropogenic activities and plant growth (De Silva et al., 2020, 2021a; Hossain et al., 2020). Many
different environmental sources such as plastic mulching, road dust (Su research studies reported the impact of engineered nanoparticles on the
et al., 2020), sewage sludge (Gao et al., 2020), atmospheric deposition germination of lentil seeds and seedling growth (Khan et al., 2019;
(Szewc et al., 2021), and landfilling (Sun et al., 2021) attention has been Siddiqui et al., 2018).
shifting toward the terrestrial ecosystem (Feng et al., 2021). Subse­ Effects of the external agents on seed germination and the seedling
quently, MPs could pose potential threats to terrestrial biota inhibiting growth were mainly assessed by conventional measurements such as
the growth of plant and soil organisms. Bosker et al. (2019) found that germination viability, germination rate, shoot length, root length,
the vascular plant Lepidium sativum could accumulate MPs on pores seedling weight, and chemical analysis. However, these are destructive
resulting in physical blockage of the seed capsule, thus delaying the post-harvesting measurements that require relatively long periods to
germination and root growth due to inhibition of water and nutrient obtain reliable results. Consequently, there is an urgent requirement for
uptake. futuristic methods that could monitor the impact of an external stressor
Polystyrene nanoplastics (PSNPs) were adsorbed and deposited on on the seed germination at an early stage.
the spore surface of Ceratopteris pteridoides while reducing spore size and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a well-known optical
germination ratio (Yuan et al., 2019). Under MPs exposure, the seed interferometric method that facilitates obtaining a non-invasive struc­
germination and the shoot height of Lolium perenne were reduced, and tural image of a biological sample in vivo up to micrometer-scale spatial
the root biomass and the shoot to root ratio significantly differed be­ resolution with high speed (Huang et al., 1991). A low-coherence light
tween treatments (Boots et al., 2019). In wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), source is used in OCT, and its applications have been widely spread in
above and below ground sections were impaired during vegetative and biomedical fields due to non-contact and non-destructive observation
reproductive growth (Triticum aestivum L.) (Qi et al., 2018), where MPs potential (Davis et al., 2019; Rebolleda et al., 2015). Recently, efforts
were taken up and transferred to the stem and leaves through the xylem have been made to use OCT in agriculture, plant biology, and botany
(Lian et al., 2019). Moreover, MPs could induce cytotoxic, genotoxic, (Wijesinghe et al., 2017; Rateria et al., 2019). Moreover, our group has
and oxidative damages to Vicia faba and Allium cepa, inducing significant proposed the bOCT and has investigated the response of plant leaf to
growth reduction and particle internalization in the cellular compart­ ozone (Srimal et al., 2013, 2015; Srimal, 2015), change of internal
ments. The toxic effect was significantly enhanced by nanoplastics, in biological activities in seed germination under different environmental
which the growth reduction was more significant for the microplastic in conditions (Lim et al., 2019), the impact of gibberellic acid (GA3) on
comparison to that of nanoplastics (Jiang et al., 2019; Giorgetti et al., plant leaf (Rajagopalan et al., 2020), micronutrient and toxic effect of
2020). increasing Zn concentration on the seed germination and the seedling

Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

growth (De Silva et al., 2021a), and impact of Acid Mine Drainage compare with the conventional measures.
(AMD) on seed germination (Li et al., 2022).
Many researchers have investigated the impact of MPs on seed 2. Materials and methods
germination and seedling growth and reported different adverse effects
emphasizing the need for more studies to fully understand the effects 2.1. Microplastics particles and characterization
(Bosker et al., 2019; Jiang et al., 2019). Nevertheless, there exist a few
limited studies and methods that are able to monitor the internal bio­ In this study, polyethylene microspheres were used to investigate the
logical activity changes under the exposure of MPs. Therefore, this study impact of microplastics on lentil seed germination with specified parti­
investigates the effect of (740–4990 nm) PEMPs on lentil seed germi­ cle sizes of 740–4990 nm. The polyethylene microspheres were pur­
nation and seedling growth by monitoring the changes in internal ac­ chased from Cospheric LLC (Santa Barbara, California 93160, USA) in
tivity using bOCT under different PEMPs concentrations and also dry powder form. The small size and pure polyethylene formulation (no

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of fiber-based experimental biospeckle Optical Coherence Tomography system (a). Photograph of practical experimental setup
constructed on optical bench utilizing optical fibers (b). Illumination of seed by laser beam for the scan (c). Time sequence speckle images for calculation of bio­
speckle OCT contrast (d). The system includes an SLD: superluminescent diode, PC: polarization controller, L1–L6: objective and collimating lenses. Incident power
given to the seed sample was around 5 mW, which was well below the damage threshold of seeds.

Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

additives, colorants, or solvents) are advantageous for use in micro­ spectrometer consists of a grating, line scan camera (L104k-2 k, BASLER,
plastics (MPs) to observe the individual effect of microplastics on seed Germany), and a lens L6 with a 200 mm focal length. After k-λ con­
germination and plant growth. The emulsion solution of 0.05% Tween version, the spectral interference signal was Fourier transformed to get
80 was made to overcome the hydrophobic characteristics of particles the depth-resolved reflectivity profile of the sample. At each scanning
and achieve proper dispersing ability. Tween is a non-ionic, bio- position total of a hundred frames of 2048 (x) 512 (z) pixels were
compatible surfactant often used for dispersing hydrophobic particles in recorded at a rate of 7.4 frames per second while scanning the probing
aqueous solutions. Different concentrations of 10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1 beam with the Galvano mirror in x-direction using custom made soft­
PEMPs were prepared, and the following protocol was applied to ach­ ware by LabVIEW. Therefore 13.5 s were taken to calculate one bOCT
ieve the high dispersity and uniformity of the emulsion. First, the solu­ scan from 100 OCT cross-section images. bOCT images calculations
tions were vortexed for 1 min, centrifuged for 5 min, and sonicated at 28 using MATLAB, and the processing time took around 8 s totaling to 21.5

C for 10 min. The same protocol was repeated six times until all the s to obtain a single bOCT image.
particles were appropriately dispersed and no clusters of PEMPs The OCT scans were performed after drying the lentil seeds properly
appeared in the solutions. The relevant concentrations were selected with paper towels to eliminate the effect of moisture on the seed coat.
based on the concentrations used in similar studies (Jiang et al., 2019; For each PEMPs treatment, six replicates were used for the OCT obser­
Guo et al., 2021). vations. The bottom surface area close to the meridian of the lentil seeds
has the highest contact with PEMPs solution due to its natural curvature.
Therefore, all the seeds were fixed and adjusted in a proper orientation
2.2. Plant materials and treatments
where the center of the seeds could be successively scanned to ensure
that OCT images of all the seeds were acquired from the same position. A
Lentil seeds were bought from an organic seed-producing firm
photo of the seed illuminated by the probing beam for the scan is shown
(Greenfield Project Co., Ltd.) and stored in a dry spot until use. Healthy
in Fig. 1c. The CCD camera used to get this photo has a sensitivity in the
seeds around an approximate weight of 35 mg, had the surfaces cleaned
infrared (IR) region.
and through a disinfection process before the germination to ensure
actual germination ability. The disinfection process was done by
immersing seeds in 2.5% H2 O2 solution for 15 min. After that, seeds 2.4. Biospeckle phenomena and contrast
were thoroughly washed thrice and exposed to PEMPs concentrations of
10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1, with distilled water being used as the control. The biospeckle technique is a non-destructive and non-invasive
For the OCT experiments, six seeds of lentils were placed in a Petri dish method based on the optical phenomenon, occurring when a biolog­
and kept inside a growth chamber (Conviron, Controlled Environmental ical object is subjected to the illumination of coherent laser light.
Ltd, Canada) maintained at an air temperature of 25 ◦ C/20 ◦ C, a light Because of the interference of backscattered light from the biological
intensity of 260–350 μmol m− 2 s− 1/0 μmol m− 2 s− 1, and relative hu­ object, a random granular speckle pattern is formed, and that phe­
midity of 55–65% following a 12 h/12 h day/night cycle. The bOCT nomenon is called a biospeckle (Aizu and Asakura, 1996). A static object
contrast images were taken after 0, 6, 12, and 24 h of exposure to has stationary scattering centers that produce granular interference
PEMPs. patterns when illuminated with laser light. Nevertheless, a biological
object has many scattering centers that can change with time; thus the
speckle intensity varies with time. A static speckle pattern could be
2.3. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) experimental system
observed for a static object in time. Conversely, intensity fluctuation is
observed for a dynamic object such as living biological objects due to
Fig. 1 (a) and (b) show the schematic diagram of the OCT system and
continuous movement of the scattering centers. This phenomenon is due
practical experimental design developed on the optical bench using
to the random interference between the scattered lights from cyto­
optical fibers used for the image acquisition, respectively. The system
plasmic streaming, organelle movement, cell growth, cell division, and
consists of a sample arm, reference arm, custom-built spectrometer, data
biochemical reactions. These dynamic speckle patterns are known as
processing unit, and low coherent light source (SUPERLUM, SLD-371-
biospeckle. Useful information regarding the biological and physiolog­
HP3-DBUT-SM-PD, Ireland) of 836.1 nm wavelength and 55.2 nm
ical activity of biological objects could be extracted from biospeckle, and
bandwidth. In the free space (in the air), the lateral (Δx) and axial (Δz)
it plays a vital role as a bioindicator. Several studies have been per­
resolution of the system was estimated as 22 μm and 6 μm respectively.
formed on the use of biospeckle in monitoring the effect of seed priming
According to the following equations,
treatments (Singh et al., 2020), disease inspection on seed (Braga et al.,
[ ]
4λ0 f 2005; Rabelo et al., 2011), and as a novel non-destructive approach for
Δx = , (1) food quality and safety detection (Pandiselvam et al., 2020).
π d
The speckles due to the random interference of multiply scattered
2 ln 2 λ0 2 light within the coherence volume appear in OCT as well, even when a
Δz = , (2) low coherence light source is utilized, and these speckles vary over time.
π n Δλ
The time sequence speckle images which are used for the calculation of
where n is the refractive index of the tissue (n = 1.4) (Seyfried and biospeckle OCT contrast are illustrated in Fig. 1d.
Fukshansky, 1983), λ0 is the central wavelength, Δ λ is the bandwidth, f The temporal variation of the collected OCT structural images was
is the focal length, and d is the beam diameter. evaluated in this work using a quantity representing as to biospeckle
The illuminated light from the source was split into sample and contrast (γ), which is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation of the
reference arms using the 2 × 2 50/50 fiber coupler (TW850R5A2-2 × 2 intensity to the mean value at each pixel along the temporal axis, was
Wideband Fiber Optic Coupler, 850 ± 100 nm, THORLABS, UK) after calculated given by,
passing through a circulator (AC Photonics, Inc. USA). In the sample
arm, the light was focused onto the sample in which the light beam was [ ]1
laterally scanned by galvano scanning mirror (Model_GVS012, THOR­ 1 1 ∑
{ ( ) }2 2
γ (x, y) = IOCT x, y; tj − < IOCT (x, y) > ,
LABS, UK) to obtain 3D OCT structural images. The sensitivity roll-off < IOCT (x, y) > N j=1
was around 7.94 dB/mm, and the measured sensitivity was 96 dB at a 1 ∑N
( )
depth of 0.24 mm. The lights backscattered from the sample and refer­ < IOCT (x, y) > =
N j=1
IOCT x, y; tj
ence arm were combined by the coupler and directed to a custom-made
spectrometer where interfering light was collimated by lens L5. The

Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

where pixel coordinates are represented by x and y, scan number is supernatants were used to analyze CAT, SOD, H2O2, and MDA content,
represented by j, and total number of scans is represented by N (N = and the absorbance was measured using a spectrometer (UVmini-1240
100). A larger temporal variation or speckle contrast shows that the Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). A commercial assay kit was used
seeds have experienced significant changes throughout time. Conse­ to measure the H2O2 (CL-204, National Diagnostics, Atlanta, Georgia)
quently, the changes in speckle contrast magnitude could be a useful and SOD (S311-WST, DOJINDO, Japan) content in which CAT and MDA
measure for predicting the biological activity of seeds under the pres­ content were measured using standard procedures (Aebi, 1984; Heath
ence of external substances. and Packer, 1968). After the treatments, the absorbance value of H2O2
and SOD were measured at 560 nm and 450 nm, respectively, as
described by the technical manual of each assay kit.
2.5. Growth parameters analysis
The CAT activity was measured spectrophotometrically (Aebi,
1984). The decrement of the absorbance values was measured for 3 min
As a comparison to the bOCT results, the effect of different PEMPs
with a 1 min interval at 240 nm after the treatments. The MDA contents
concentrations on traditional metrics such as enzyme activities, seed
were observed according to the thiobarbituric acid test proposed by
germination parameters, root length, shoot length, fresh and dry weight
Heath and Packer (1968), where the absorbance was recorded at 532
of seedlings were measured with triplicates for all of the measurements.
nm, subtracting the absorbance at 600 nm and 450 nm, respectively.
2.5.1. Seed germination
2.7. Statistical analysis
Generally, lentil seeds started to germinate after 24 h of exposure to
PEMPs solution. When the radical extension of the seeds reached around
The results of each triplicate sample are presented as the mean ±
2 mm, they were considered as germinated (Turk et al., 2004). If fungi
standard deviation of the mean. Significant differences between the
grew on the seed coat, it was considered a dead seed and was discarded
treatments and control were determined by one-way analysis of variance
from the petri dishes. Seed germination occurs within 48 h or two days.
(ANOVA, p < 0.05), followed by a Tukey’s post hoc test using SPSS 16.0.
With PEMPs exposure, the germination got delayed, and we wanted to
Origin 9.5 was used to create and modify all the graphs and histograms.
test the prolonged effects. Once the seeds germinate, then root formation
All the OCT image data were acquired using custom-made software of
happens, and it is no longer a seed. Hence, the experiment lasted after 7
LabVIEW (13.0.1f5), and the bOCT data analysis of the acquired OCT
d, and the germination parameters were determined.
data was performed with the help of MATLAB (R2016b) software.
Ng at day 2
Germination Viability (GV, %) = X 100%, (4)
Nt 3. Results

Germination Rate (GR, %) =

Ng at day 7
X 100%, (5) 3.1. OCT structural images
In this study, the main objective was to observe the change of bio­
where Ng is the number of germinated seeds at particular days of
logical activity inside the lentil seeds during the germination process
exposure, and Nt represents the total number of seeds used in the
under exposure to PEMPs. Hence, to make sure whether OCT is capable
respective batch.
enough to visualize the changes of internal activity under varying
PEMPs concentrations, OCT images acquired under control were
2.5.2. Growth of seedlings
compared with those obtained after 24 h of exposure to 10, 50, and 100
Seedling growths were recorded after 7 d of PEMPs exposure. Six
mg L− 1 PEMPs concentrations as shown in Fig. 2 a-d. However,
seedlings from each sample treated with PEMPs and control samples
noticeable distinguishable changes were not found from OCT structural
were harvested and properly washed five times by distilled water to
images even after 24 h of exposure. With the acquired OCT images ob­
remove unnecessary surfactants. After that, seedlings were cut at the
tained after 24 h of exposure to 0, 10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1 MPs con­
root-shoot junction to measure the shoot and root length with the help of
centrations, bOCT images were calculated using Equation (3) and
ImageJ software (NIH, USA).
illustrated in Fig. 2 e-h. In the biospeckle images, the blue and red colors
In order to measure the fresh weight of seedlings, all the separated
indicate lower and higher contrasts, respectively, as shown in the scale
roots and shoots were weighed separately using an analytical balance
bar. The bOCT images with higher red color density imply the higher
(AUX 320, UniBloc, Shimadzu, Japan). Thereafter, separated roots and
activity or movement inside the seed. In contrast, a higher blue color
shoots were kept in the oven (SOFW-450S, AS ONE, Japan) under 105 ◦ C
density indicates lower biological activity or lower movement inside the
for 15 min, followed by 70 ◦ C until a constant weight was obtained and
seed. Interestingly from bOCT images, for all the PEMPs treatments,
weighed to acquire the dry weight.
significant reductions of the biospeckle contrast could be seen as
compared to that of the control. Further, such difference could not be
2.6. Biochemical indices assay seen in the conventional OCT images obtained for different PEMP
The antioxidant enzyme activity for reactive oxygen species and
oxidative damages are important conventional measures for the envi­ 3.2. Biospeckle contrast over shorted durations
ronmental stress and determining the detrimental effect of MPs on plant
growth. Therefore, in this study, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase The bOCT images were found to be even sensitive for shorter imbi­
(CAT), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels bition durations. The observations of bOCT following exposure to
were measured for comparison with bOCT results. The measurements of different MPs concentrations taken at 0 h, 6 h, 12 h, and 24 h are shown
enzyme activity, H2O2 concentration, and MDA level were performed in Fig. 3. The first row of the figure (a–d) is related to the control samples
with triplicates. at each observation time frame within 24 h. With increasing time, the
In the experiment, lentil seedlings were harvested after 7 d of natural germination process sets in, and the gradual spread of the red
exposure to different PEMPs concentrations (0, 10, 50, 100 mg L-1) and region, or in other words, the enhancements of internal activity, could
weighed after washing the sample properly with distilled water. be observed. This is due to the activation of the energy metabolic process
Thereafter, samples were homogenated with phosphate buffer (0.01 and the expansion of seed size from water absorption during
mol/L, pH = 7.4) and blended in a pre-chilled motor in an ice bath. The germination.
mixture was centrifuged at 3000 rpm and 4 ◦ C for 15 min. The On the contrary, for seeds in a medium containing variable amounts

Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

Fig. 2. First row indicates OCT structural images after 24 h exposure of control (a) and different PEMPs concentration of 10 mg L− 1 (b), 50 mg L− 1 (c), 100 mg L− 1
(d). Second row indicates bOCT contrast images after 24 h exposure of control (e) and different PEMPs concentration of 10 mg L− 1 (f), 50 mg L− 1 (g), 100 mg L− 1 (h).
A clear significant reduction of biospeckle contrast could be seen for all the MPs treatments compared to the control from bOCT images, which is not seen in the
conventional OCT images.

Fig. 3. Comparison of bOCT images of lentil seeds treated with several PEMPs at 0 h, 6 h, 12 h, and 24 h. Control samples (a)–(d); Samples treated with 10 mg L− 1
MPs (e)–(h); Samples treated with 50 mg L− 1 MPs (i)–(l); Samples treated with100 mg L− 1 MPs (m)–(p). A reduction of internal activity could be seen for all PEMPs
treatments, and the effect is more significant when the concentration increases.

PEMPs concentrations, 10 mg L− 1 (e-h), 50 mg L− 1 (i-l), and 100 mg L− 1 et al., 2019; Urbina et al., 2020).
(m-p), the spread of red regions was relatively lesser, indicating a In order to evaluate the effects of changes in the biospeckle contrast
reduction of internal activity. The reduction of the red region was more images with increasing concentrations of PEMPs, the contrast images in
pronounced when the concentration was increased, emphasizing the Fig. 2 e–h and in Fig. 3 were used to conduct quantitative analysis.
dose-dependent adverse effects of PEMPs on seed germination. The
mechanism for this internal activity reduction is believed to be that 3.2.1. Quantitative analysis
PEMPs could accumulate near the seed coat and block the pores of the A region of interest (ROI) was first chosen in the biospeckle contrast
seed coat, inhibiting the imbibition of water and nutrient uptake (Bosker image so that the regions do not fall on the surface and also do not lie

Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

deep. During the calculations, special attention was devoted to specific 3.3.1. Seed germination indices
local rectangular sections between the seed coat and the cotyledon, The germination viability (GV) and germination rate (GR) are key
which were designated as a region of interest (ROI). Six ROIs were indicators used to measure seed vigor and germination ability under the
chosen from each bOCT image for this calculation, and the mean of local presence of different environmental stressors. After two days of expo­
contrast with ROIs was determined as average local contrast (ALC). The sure, the number of germinated seeds of each treatment was recorded to
grand average of contrast was then obtained by averaging six sets of ALC calculate the germination viability (Equation (4)), and the final germi­
over the six seeds under the same treatment condition. nation rate was calculated after seven days of exposure according to
Equation (5). A significant reduction of germination viability could be
3.2.2. Normalized bOCT contrast seen for both 50 mg L− 1 (P < 0.01) and 100 mg L− 1 (P < 0.01) PEMPs
To prevent individual variation of seeds between treatments, the ALC concentrations compared to that of control, where the reduction was not
of each treatment at various time frames was first normalized by those significant for 10 mg L− 1 PEMPs concentration. The same tendency was
obtained at 0 h or before the imbibition condition, and the result was observed for the final germination rate, where the effect was significant
referred to as normalized contrast (NC). The average normalized for both 50 mg L− 1 (P < 0.05) and 100 mg L− 1 (P < 0.01) concentrations
contrast (ANC) for each treatment was calculated by averaging the NCs (Table 1). Therefore, a dose-dependent adverse effect was examined
over six seeds. Fig. 4 shows the comparison of ANC between all of the between PEMPs and lentils, whereas the lowest germination rate was
treatments. Clear reductions of ANC could be seen for all the PEMPs observed for the PEMPs concentration of 100 mg L− 1.
treatments where all the reductions are significant (p < 0.05) compared
to that of control at 6 h with the respective reduction rates of 9.6%, 3.3.2. Growth of lentil seedlings
23.3%, and 27.2% for 10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1 MPs concentrations, In this study, averaged root and shoot lengths were also measured
respectively. The same tendencies were observed for the reductions of after 7 d of exposure to PEMPs as a conventional parameter to compare
ANC after 12 h of exposure with the reduction rates of 7.9%, 15.2%, and the bOCT results. The root length was inhibited to varying degrees as the
19.4% for 10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1 PEMPs concentrations, respectively. PE concentration increased (Table 1). The inhibition was more signifi­
After 24 h of exposure to different PEMPs concentrations, significant cant for the higher PEMPs concentration, as shown in Fig. 5a. The
reductions (p < 0.001) of ANC contrast were observed for the 10, 50, strongest significant inhibition was recorded at a PE concentration of
and 100 mg L− 1 MPs concentrations with the reduction rates of 17.5%, 100 mg L− 1 (P < 0.01). There was a consistent tendency for the inhi­
23.7%, and 30.2%, respectively. The reduction is more significant when bition of shoot length, same as the root length and the inhibition was
the concentration is higher, emphasizing the dose-dependent adverse more significant when the PEMPs concentration increased compared to
effect of microplastics. Interestingly, the significant reductions of ANC the control. Thus, the strongest significant inhibition of shoot length was
were observed just after 6 h of exposure for all the microplastics con­ recorded for a100 mg L− 1 (P < 0.01) PEMPs concentration.
centrations highlighting the speed and reliability of the proposed bOCT Fresh weight (FW) and dry weight (DW) of seedlings have often been
method for the observation of the effect on seed germination by external utilized as essential indicators of acute toxic effects on plant growth
stress. (Alam et al., 2019; Janas et al., 2010). The effect of increasing PEMPs
concentration on FW and DW of the lentil roots and shoots was illus­
3.3. Conventional measurements to compare with bOCT results trated in Fig. 5b to compare with those obtained by bOCT results. Sig­
nificant reductions of the FW and DW of the lentil roots was monitored
To compare the results obtained from bOCT experiments with con­ with respect to those of control conditions. The reductions of root FW
ventional measurements such as germination viability, germination and DW were more significant when the PEMPs concentration increased
rate, shoot length, root length, fresh and dry weights of seedlings, and highlighting the dose-dependent adverse effect. Almost the same ten­
enzyme activities were also measured after exposure to PEMPs. dency for the reductions of shoot FW and DW was observed where all the
PEMPs treatments showed significant reductions compared to those of
control. The reductions of shoot FW and DW were also more significant
when the PEMPs concentration increased. The highest significant re­
ductions for both root and shoot (FW and DW) were observed for the
highest PEMPs concentration of 100 mg L− 1 (P < 0.01).

Table 1
The effects of four varying PEMPs concentrations (0, 10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1) on
different conventional growth parameters such as germination viability in 2
d old lentil seedlings, seed germination rate, average root length, and shoot
length in 7 d old lentil seedlings. Data reflects mean ± SD (n = 3), * denotes a
significant reduction of growth parameters compared to the control (*P < 0.05,
**P < 0.01).
PEMPs Germination Germination Average Average
concentration viability (GV) rate (GR) (%) root length shoot
(mg L− 1) (%) (mm) length

0 80.6 ± 4.81 83.3 ± 8.33 48.6 ± 74.2 ±

2.70 4.52
10 66.7 ± 8.33 77.8 ± 12.73 38.4 ± 50.5 ±
3.4* 1.18**
Fig. 4. Averaged normalized bOCT contrast of lentil seeds subjected to varying 50 50.0 ± 8.3** 58.3 ± 8.33* 28.2 ± 53.2 ±
PEMPs concentrations of 0, 10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1 throughout a 24 h period. 1.75** 4.20**
100 38.9 ± 9.62** 50.0 ± 8.33** 26.1 ± 23.9 ±
Reductions of ANC could be observed for all the PEMPs treatments where
1.89** 1.28**
significant reductions of ANC was monitored just after 6 h of exposure.

Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

Fig. 5. Image of lentil seedling treated by PEMPs for 7 d (a). Effects of varying PEMPs concentrations (0, 10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1) on different conventional growth
parameters of root fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight in 7 d old lentil seedlings (b). Significant reductions of root length, shoot
length, FW and DW of lentil roots and shoot were monitored with respect to those of the control conditions. The adverse effects were significant when the PEMPs
concentration increased. Data reflect mean ± SD (n = 3), * denotes a significant reduction of growth parameters compared to the control (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01).

3.4. Enzyme activities and oxidative damage SOD, and H2O2 content when the concentration of PEMPs were
increased. The increments were significant for both 50 mg L− 1 and 100
To characterize the change of antioxidant enzyme activities induced mg L− 1 compared to those of control. The highest significant increment
by the PEMPs and compare those results with those obtained by bOCT was observed for the concentration of 100 mg L− 1. The MDA activities
observation, the measured SOD, CAT, H2O2, and MDA activities after 7 were also enhanced for all the PEMPs treatments compared to those of
d of exposure to different PEMPs treatments are shown in Fig. 6. It control, and the highest significant increment was recorded for the
should be noted that to have a reliable change in the enzymes, longer concentration of 100 mg L− 1, emphasizing the degree of cell membrane
exposure times are required. The results showed the increment of CAT, damage induced by the PEMPs at highest concentrations.

Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

Fig. 6. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content of lentil seedling after 7 d exposure to different
PEMPs concentrations (0, 10, 50, and 100 mg L− 1). Data reflect mean ± SD (n = 3), * denotes a significant reduction of growth parameters compared to the control
(*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01).

4. Discussion et al., 2019). Moreover, in our previous study, bOCT was able to
investigate both positive and negative effects of increased Zn concen­
The main objective of this study was to demonstrate the optical tration on lentil seed germination at an early stage before the germi­
method named biospeckle optical coherence tomography (bOCT) in nation (De Silva et al., 2021a). In several scientific domains, the
investigating the PEMPs effect on the lentil seed germination and to conventional OCT images are frequently employed as a strong tool to
conduct measurements for comparing bOCT results with conventional visualize the interior structure (Rebolleda et al., 2015), including agri­
measurements, germination viability, germination rate, shoot length, culture (Wijesinghe et al., 2017). Nevertheless, it is not able to visualize
root length, seedlings fresh, dry weight, and antioxidative enzyme ac­ the change of internal activity of biological objects as compared to the
tivity. While the conventional measurements rely on lengths, weights for bOCT contrast images (Fig. 2).
the effective estimation of the seed germination, bOCT by its principle Rapid increment of ANC could be observed within the first 6 h of
rely on the monitoring of the internal activity of the seeds. This in turn exposure for all the treatments. This is because water diffusion within
implies, it is possible to visualize the germination process, and this the lentil seed reaches a maximum of around 6 h, enhancing internal
makes the observations of germination process between stages possible activity and then plateaus (Seyhan-Gürtas et al., 2001). During the start
while waiting for the seed to germinate, usually after 24 h. Thus, in this of germination, water will be absorbed to hydrate the seed, and the
study, to observe the acute toxicity effect of PEMPs, bOCT observations metabolic process will be initiated enhancing respiration and protein
were taken at 0, 6, 12, and 24 h. The bOCT results revealed that sig­ synthesis. Following that, stored food in seed will be digested and
nificant reductions of internal activity for all the PEMPs treatments were translocated to the embryo, resulting in cell division and growth as a
recorded just after 6 h. This demonstrates the potential of the observa­ result of seedling development (Bareke, 2018). Therefore, for all the
tion speed by bOCT. treatments (without and with PEMPs) enhancement of internal activity
The reduction of internal activity was more significant when the could be examined as a function of time. This results in the alternation of
concentration was increased indicating the possibility of the method to the dynamic properties of the biospeckle originating from each struc­
monitor the dose-dependent adverse effects of the microplastics. During ture. These phenomena were used in this investigation to test the in­
the germination process, bOCT contrasts were used to measure the fluence of various PEMPs concentrations on lentil seed germination as
changes in internal activity of seeds, with red and blue indicating high an ultra-high-speed measuring technique.
and low internal activity (Fig. 2). The speckle generated from OCT im­ Microplastics can adsorb to the seed surface and root hair in nature
ages could be utilized to evaluate the change in internal activity of and accumulate on the pores in seed capsule and delay the germination
biological substances in the presence of an external agent (Rajagopalan and root growth while inhibiting imbibition of water and nutrient up­
et al., 2020). The decrement of internal biological activity was found for take through the physical blockage (Bosker et al., 2019). Therefore, the
the boiled seed in comparison to that of control by using bOCT (Lim presence of PEMPs can reduce the germination and seed internal activity

Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

compared to the control (Fig. 4). There exists report where the micro­ the highest concentration of 100 mg L− 1, highlighting the degree of cell
plastic accumulation in the seed coat, root, shoot, and root hairs were membrane damage. Those results of enzyme activities and oxidative
investigated using fluorescent microplastics followed by its imaging damage are primarily consistent with previous results (Guo et al., 2021;
with LSM confocal laser microscope (Zeiss, reference and model) Jiang et al., 2019).
(Bosker et al., 2019). The scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Zhang Interestingly, significant influences of MPs on all the conventional
et al., 2021), transmission electron microscope (TEM), Fourier trans­ parameters, germination viability, germination rate, enzymatic activity,
form infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) ( 2021b), and gas chromatography shoot length, and root length, as well as FW and DW, were observed
mass spectrometer (GC-MS) (Park et al., 2021) were also used to observe compared to those of the control owing to the inhibition of water and
the distribution characteristics of microplastics. There are various pros nutrient through the mechanical blockage of pores in seed capsule and
and cons of these technologies. Specially, TEM, SEM and FTIR all require root hair by microplastics (Bosker et al., 2019; Urbina et al., 2020).
destructive inspection and not in vivo. However, confocal can be in vivo Hence, the growth of the lentil seedling was significantly reduced
but requires labeling. compared to control. Consequently, a significant reduction in the fresh
In OCT, the changes in reflectivity from structures are mapped. and dry weight of root and shoot could be observed. Moreover, the ef­
Therefore, when PEMP and water exist in seed coat, the varying fects of microplastics on plant growth were shown for some plant spe­
complexity of the seed tissue structure is enhanced. Their reflectivity cies, including lentils. The results imply that the presence of
differences would result in the structural OCT image as given in Fig. 2. microplastics reduced plant growth and promoted the enzymatic activ­
The role of refractive index would result in difference reflectivity of the ity. Additionally, roots may have suffered physical damage by adsorbing
OCT signal. However, if the PEMPs are bound to the surface without any microplastics. Hence, the presence of microplastics in the ecosystems
movement, then this would result in scattering from the particles within could be recognized by the plant as a stressor.
the coherence volume partially contributing to the OCT reflectivity The surface texture and pore structure have an important role in the
signal. As the particles themselves are assumed to be stationary, when penetration of PEMPs. In some research studies, the microstructural
the OCT images were obtained over 13 s and within this duration, the difference between lentils and other food legumes was monitored in
variation from the particles themselves could be considered as not examining the seed coat surface. The seed coats of other legumes appear
contributing to any changes in the bOCT images. Instead, we suggest the relatively smooth, though generally possessing a characteristic pattern
changes would be due to the particles on the surface influencing changes and often being covered with pits and pores or varying amounts of
in the activities within the seed tissue as observed in Figs. 2 and 3. surface deposits. Lentils, in contrast, possess an uneven seed coat surface
The bOCT results of the current research corroborate with the study covered with distinctive conical papillae. For lentil seed coats, the
performed by Bosker et al. (2019) and Li et al. (2021a), where they papillae appear mushroom-shaped. However, careful examination re­
confirmed the short-term, transient adverse effect of PEMPs on seed veals that the mushroom-shaped papillae are merely conical papillae
germination and seedlings growth. Hence, there could be an obvious with disc-shaped debris attached to their tips (Hughes et al., 1986). The
inhibitory effect of germination within the first 24 h of exposure to average pore size of lentils was experimentally observed, and it could be
PEMPs, and the bOCT observations were also taken at 0, 6, 12, and 24 h varied in the range 4–8 μm (Aouaini et al., 2015). In the present study,
after exposure to PEMPs. Interestingly, a significant inhibitory effect of the particle size of polyethylene microspheres ranged from 0.744 to
lentil seed germination was observed just after 6 h of exposure for all the 4.990 μm. Therefore, PEMPs could block the pores of seed capsules
PEMPs treatments from bOCT which could not be revealed by any of the while inhibiting the imbibition of water and nutrient. Consequently, the
existing studies (Guo et al., 2021; Bosker et al., 2019). reduction of internal activity, germination viability, germination rate,
According to the existing literature, the contrasting effect of plastic root length, shoot length, fresh and dry weight of seedling could be
debris was reported on seed germination and seedling growth. The effect observed. The effect is more significant when the concentration of
of plastic residue on seed germination and plant growth depends on PEMPs is increased.
numerous factors such as type of plastic, size, geometry, aging time, A significant effect on germination viability was observed after 2 d of
environmental factors, and plant species. However, in this study, the exposure to PEMPs, whereas all other physiological parameters required
proposed optical method, bOCT, was able to monitor the influence on 7 d to make a distinguishable impact on lentil seedling growth for
the seed germination and growth with a high sensitivity within a fairly varying PEMPs concentrations. The same effect was examined just after
short period of exposure if the MPs have negative effect on seeds. In 6 h of exposure to PEMPs using the proposed bOCT technique before the
addition, our method could reveal the difference in toxicity of MPs due germination emphasizing the observation speed and the reliability of the
to its size and shape etc. In the present study, the seed germination proposed method. Moreover, many research studies describe the adverse
viability was monitored as a conventional measurement after 2 d of effect of MPs on seed germination and seedling growth with none
exposure, and significant inhibitory effects were observed. The same available on the observation of the changes within the seed before the
tendency could be observed for the final seed germination rate calcu­ germination under the exposure of microplastics.
lated after 7 d of exposure (Table 1). Hence, the effect was not transient
until the whole observation period of 7 d. Moreover, significant re­ 5. Conclusions
ductions of shoot length, root length, fresh and dry weight of seedlings
were also observed after 7 d of exposure. This kind of inhibitory effect of This research represents the first paper that highlights the reduction
MPs on seed germination and seedling growth was consistent with of biological activity by microplastics during seed germination resulting
previous results (Guo et al., 2021; Li et al., 2021a, Pflugmacher et al., in the inhibition of germination and seedling growth. There are some
2021). studies that described the different effects of MPs on seed germination.
To compare with bOCT results, the level of conventional parameters However, there are no studies that could be able to observe the internal
SOD, CAT, H2O2, and MDA were measured after 7 d of exposure to biological activity of seed under the exposure of MPs before germina­
PEMPs. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) maintained a tion. Here, bOCT was applied to monitor the effect of PEMPs on lentil
dynamic balance in plants. When the ROS level exceeds the anti­ seed germination and significant reductions of bOCT contrast were
oxidative activities of the plants, oxidative damage will occur. In this observed just after 6 h of exposure for all the tested concentrations
study, SOD, CAT, and H2O2 contents were significantly increased when emphasizing the dose-dependent adverse effect. The conventional pa­
the concentration of PEMPs increased, emphasizing the adverse effect of rameters, germination viability, germination rate, root length, shoot
PEMPs on lentil seed germination and seedling growth. Furthermore, length, root FW, shoot FW, root DW, shoot DW and oxidative stress
the MDA level was also enhanced for all the PEMPs treatments compared markers, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), hydrogen
to that of control, and the highest significant increment was recorded for peroxide (H2O2), and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration were also

Y.S.K. De Silva et al. Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135162

measured for comparison. With conventional measurements, similar Davis, A., Levecq, O., Azimani, H., Siret, D., Dubois, A., 2019. Simultaneous dual-band
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effects of PEMPs were observed only after 2 d of exposure in comparison
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De Silva, Y.S.K., Rajagopalan, U.M., Kadono, H., Li, D., 2021a. Positive and negative
Author contribution statement phenotyping of increasing Zn concentrations by Biospeckle Optical Coherence
Tomography in speedy monitoring on lentil (Lens culinaris) seed germination and
seedling growth. Plant Stress 2, 100041.
Y. Sanath K. De Silva: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, stress.2021.100041.
Methodology, Writing – original draft. Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan: De Silva, Y.S.K., Rajagopalan, U.M., Kadono, H., 2021b. Microplastics on the growth of
Conceptualization, Project administration, Supervision, Validation, plants and seed germination in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Glob. J. Environ.
Sci. Manag. 7 (3), 1–22.
Writing – review & editing. Hirofumi Kadono: Conceptualization, Dovidat, L.C., Brinkmann, B.W., Vijver, M.G., Bosker, T., 2019. Plastic particles adsorb to
Funding acquisition, Project administration, Supervision, Writing – re­ the roots of freshwater vascular plant Spirodela polyrhiza but do not impair growth.
view & editing. Danyang Li: Data curation. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett.
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Feng, S., Lu, H., Liu, Y., 2021. The occurrence of microplastics in farmland and grassland
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