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A write up highlighting three specific design choices you made

in light of your audience, and an explanation of why you made

those choices
- I made a calendar like heatmap, so the audience can get a sense about the birth
frequency of a specific date. The calendar format helps the user understand everything
- I created a bar chart to show the frequency of the star signs. I used custom shapes in
visualization to be more creative and fun without making it hard to understand.
- I used year filters in both story points, so the user can select a smaller range, or a
specific range to examine the frequencies

A URL to your final viz or data story on Tableau Public

A short reflection on how your final project compares to your

original project proposal. Did your plan change? What did you
notice or learn during the process?

The plans changed in the end. The final project is for an online magazine, not a printed one,
because I needed the interactivity. Also I replaced the radar chart (I made the radar chart
too, but it was a bit complicated) with a bar chart, because bar sizes were easier to compare.
I learnt a lot in this project, like creating proposals, and personas, and managing a project
from start to end with feedbacks. Also a lot of tips and tricks while using Tableau.

Your original project proposal

Executive Summary
My topic is about finding the most common, or rare birth dates. I found this dataset on For this project I wanted to choose something that is not too serious (ex.
accidents, or death rates, or sales of some companies). I chose this topic, because I think it
is fun and interesting. Comparing birth dates and horoscopes can be entertaining and a
great way to get to know others.

I personally found this topic interesting. Also I would like to combine it with horoscopes, to get the
most common or rare sun sign (if any exists).

I created a persona for a junior journalist, who wants to make an article about is. The project will
be for the magazine she works for. The Persona document is on the second page of this

Dataset for US births, from 1994-2014. It has clean dates, no outliers.
The columns are: year, month, date of month, day of week, births
You can find the data source here:

Maybe heatmap for the dates, and radar chart for the horoscopes

- Assign horoscopes to dates
- Making the radar chart

Name: Summer
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Role: Journalist

Goals: To create a great visualization for a magazine about birth dates, and
Context: This is Summers first project. The project is a great chance for a promotion.
If she does great work, she can write interviews, and articles on a more serious
Challenges: Summer is not an expert in astrology.

Persona Photo:

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