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May 11, 2016May 23, 2016

Analytical Exposition
The phenomenon of cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is when a person uses digital technology to intimidate, embarrass, humiliate, or harrass
another person. The cyberbullying happens in lots different ways by mobile phone, text messages,
email, online games, etc.

so many effects which can found in cyberbullying. Teenagers who has experience about cyberbullying
can end up being bullied at school. cyberbullying often leaves teenagers with low-self esteem, less
interest in school, low academic achievement, depression, and in the extreme cases, suicidal though.
because the victims of cyberbullying feel they have no safe place.

the example of cyberbullying itself likes : posting or sending messages that can make people down,
spreading rumours online about person, sharing or forwarding another person’s personal information,
posting embarrasing photos or videos to another person, and many more.

so, from the statement above we know that cyberbullying can happens at anytime of the day and night,
and also anywhere there’s internet or mobile access.

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