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The soldier I have chosen is William Thomas Brown. He

enlisted on December 28th, 1915. He enlistetd at the
age of 26. William Thomas Brown is from Waterford
Ireland, he had then moved to Canada sometime
during his life without his family. After moving to
Canada he lived in Kingston Ontario and pursued
education. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes, and was
5 feet and 7 inches in height. his only family at the
time was his father, his name was John Brown. He
enlisted into the in the 9th Brigade of Canadian Field
Artillary as a gunner. He eventually made it to the rank
of BDR (Bombardier) in his unit. During his time in war
he had moved to England on February 14th, 1916. He
then later moved the France on July 14th, 1916. The
battles he appeared in were mostly trench warfare, a
battle William Thomas Brown had fought in was one of
the battle of Ypres in 1915. Another battle he had
fought in was the battle of mount Sorrel, which was in
1916. An important battle William Thomas Brown had
fought in was at Vimy Ridge in 1917 between April 9th
to the 14th. He was eventually discharged on March
29th, 1919. He eventually earned an Army Class A
Badge after the end of World War 1.
Training and the Trip Over

William Thomas Brown after enlisting was sent to

England to continue his training. After his training
which took around half a year, he was sent to fight in
France. During his training he was trained to fire
explosives and made the rank of ‘Gunner’ before
eventually becoming rank of ‘Bombardier’. He had
lived until the end of the war earning a Class A War
Service Medallion.

Life in the trenches

William Thomas Brown had been in many battles.

Many of the battles he participated in were trench
warfare. During his time in the trenches he had fallen
ill and was hospitalized for nearly two weeks. Other
than his hospitalization there were the common issues
with resources. With his payment he had sent a
portion of it to his father who lived in Ireland. In the
trench warfare he had been assisting with explosives.
He had also assisted with creeping barrages such as
the one that happened at Vimy Ridge in April of 1917.
William Thomas Brown along with his Brigade had
participated in many battles as vital assets providing
assistance with strategie such as the creeping
Major Battles of the 9th Brigade of the Canadian Field

William Thomas Brown had participated in many

different battles. One important battle that he had
taken part in was the battle at Vimy Ridge. This battle
was important as it gave good land to Canadian
troops. It is also one of the places where the creeping
barrage strategy was used. They had eventually
captured the point, with the assistance of William
Thomas Brown assisting with the creeping barrage as
a gunner.

The End of The War

At the end of the war William Thomas Brown survived.
He was awarded with a Class A Millitary Service Medal.
He had returned home back to Kingston, Ontario. He
had returned on March 29th of 1919. He did not have
any family members to return to as his father was still
living in Ireland at this time. He had continued to
pursue getting an education after the war. This were
the events of William Thomas Brown after the hard
fought victory to win the war.

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