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Struggle Against Values Extinction

2020 - 2023

Culture and Heritage

Across Europe

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents
which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein. 1
The overall aim of the project Struggle Against Values
Extinction, SAVE, is to develop an individual and collective
identity, by promoting the appreciation of cultural heritage
through strategies that foster intercultural dialogue
between European schools.
The objectives pursued are to develop the capacity to
identify and preserve cultural heritage, increase the
acceptance of cultural diversity, promoting democracy,
peace and tolerance, increase the preservation of cultural
heritage by bringing ancient crafts and customs back to
life, improve geographical, historical and architectural
knowledge about European Cities, increase the
understanding of linguistic and cultural similarities
between partner countries, increase the degree of
integration of cultural heritage in education by
interdisciplinary activities and implementing new optional
courses, improve language, ICT and cross curricular skills,
encourage pupils to develop critical thinking, strengthen
their independence and increase self-esteem, self-
confidence and sense of cooperation, and increase the
internationalization of the school by aligning with European
policies in the field of education and culture.
The main beneficiaries of the project are pupils of
partner schools, between the ages of 11 and 15 years and
teachers from Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Portugal
and Turkey whose experience and expertise in the field of
education will prove very valuable in the run-up of this


BULGARIA…………………... 6 - 9
CROATIA……………………...10 - 13
ITALY…………………………..14 - 17
PORTUGAL…………………..18 - 21
ROMANIA……………………..22 - 25
TURKEY……………………… 26 - 29


Varaždin County Međimurje County
Krapina-Zagorje County Koprivnica-Križevci County
City of Zagreb

Zagreb County

The Republic of Croatia (Croatia) is located in the southern part

of Central Europe and in the northern part of the
Mediterranean. It is mostly lowland, it is mountainous to a lesser
extent. Southern Croatia is surrounded with Adriatic Sea and
beautiful coast with many peninsulas and islands. It is rich in flo-
ra and fauna, natural and cultural diversity. Northwestern
Croatia covers the northern, western and a part of central Croatia. It has a good traffic position con-
necting parts of Central Europe with the Mediterranean and with Southeastern Europe. This area is devel-
oped in terms of economy and it is most populated. The
relief of central Croatia is lowland with mountainous are-
as. In this region are Međimurje County, Varaždin County,
Krapina-Zagorje County, Koprivnica-Križevci County, Za-
greb County and the City of Zagreb.

Zagreb is the capital and the largest city of Croatia. It is the

cultural, scientific, economic and administrative center. It
is located on the southern slopes of the Medvednica
mountain with
the River Sava flowing
through it. The city has
numerous monuments and
architectural treasures and
a lot of museums, for
example, the Archaeological
Museum, the Ethnographic
Museum, the Nikola Tesla
Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb Technical Museum etc.
Nikola Tesla Technical Museum
The original Croatian Most known creampie
product known in the throughout Northwestern
world is the necktie, Croatia is Samobor
in Croatia known as creampie. Creampie is
„Kravata“. It was mainly made of eggs,
spread in Europe flour, milk, sugar and puff
during 17th century pastry. Samobor city is
by Croatian soldiers. located near Zagreb.
Creampie from Samobor

The county in which our school is located is Međi-

murje County with its center in the city of Čako-
vec. Međimurje County or just Međimurje is an
area in the far north of Croatia bordered by the
rivers Mura and Drava.

The River Drava

Čakovec is a town in north Croatia, the seat of Međi-
murje County and our First Primary School Čakovec. It
has a rich history and the notable Zrinski Castle, the
former seat of the Zrinski family that significantly influ-
Čakovec enced political, cultural, and social life in Croatia in the
17th century. On the River Mura is a
wooden wheel which was
used to produce flour by
milling wheat. Today is a part
of Mura Ecomuseum. The
Mura Ecomuseum offers an
exceptional mosaic of
biodiversity under UNESCO
Mađerka Hill in Međimurje County protection, as well as a
Mill on the River Mura
Nearby local people and tourists beautiful landscape, cultural
can try and enjoy in traditional Traditional diversity and traditional
cake from Međimurje county cake knowledge. Next to the mill
in on the River Mura, there are
known as „Međimurska gibanica“
made of walnuts, poppies, small ferries that drive
cheese and apples. across the River Mura.
Folk costumes from
Northwestern Croatia are part of
cultural heritage of the Croatian
people with a wide range of
different costumes. Folk
costumes and dances are
associated with the way of life
Costumes from Međimurje County and Krapina-Zagorje
County that are part of Northwestern Croatia

Handmade checkers made of

corn leaves

Varaždin is a city set next to the River Drava. It

is the historical, cultural, educational, economic,
sports and tourist center of Varaždin County. It
is known as a baroque city because it has been preserved in Varaždin
the style of Baroque, Rococo, Classicism and Art Nouveau.

Trakošdan Castle was built in the 13th century as a small defensive fortress. Around the castle lake,
meadows and various types of trees make a wonderful landscape park. There is an educational trail
around the lake where you can see all the
natural values of this forest park and the
surrounding area.


Veliki Tabor is a fortress in the northwest of

Croatia. It dates from the 15th century and it is a
representative of the fortification architecture of
the late Middle Ages.
Croatia has many
beautiful lowlands,
smaller hills and
mountains. There are
several in
Northwestern Croatia.
These areas have a lot
Kalnik Mountain of flora and fauna and
are often visited by
hikers and nature

Medvednica Mountain Ivanščica Mountain

The most known ski

resort in Croatia is
Sljeme, where every
year tourists and local
people can enjoy in
„The Snow Queen“ ski
competition. Sljeme is
highest peak on the
mountain Medvednica
that is located above
capital city Zagreb.
Nature park Žumberak - Samobor Hills

Krapina Neanderthal Museum is located next to Hušnja-

kovo Hill in Krapina-Zagorje County, the world's most fa-
mous site of the Neanderthal man. It is protected as the
first paleontological monument of nature. It provides a
variety of multimedia installations, movies, info kiosks,
virtual walks and holograms that amaze visitors.

Krapina Neanderthal

The Sands of
Ethno village Kumrovec Đurđevac


…… ..a inebriate
forgetfulness of oneself

The most beautiful European underground

Via Caracciolo is a part of the seafront of
Naples, the one that extends from Mergellina
to Santa Lucia. The street name celebrates
the admiral Neapolitan of the Royal
Bourbon Fleet Francesco Caracciolo.
Became supporter of the revolution of 1799.
At the beginning of the seafront, off
Sermoneta, we can admire the seventeenth-
century Sebeto fountain and continuing
along the street Caracciolo we see the port of
Mergellina. Later we can admire the elegant
buildings that you directly overlook the gulf
and then i gardens and trees of the Villa
Comunale, with the sound box, the fountains
and the Dohrn aquarium, the oldest in
Europe and to finish the Castel dell’Ovo.

Castel dell’Ovo is the oldest castle of the city . Its
imposing structure stands out on the small
island of Megaride, connected to the mainland
by a road raised. The most fascinating story it's
definitely about the legend egg, which according
to the chronicles Neapolitan, was deposed by the
magician poet Virgil in the bowels of the castle,
prophesying that when the egg breaks, the whole
city would collapse. From this legend is the
name of Castel dell’Ovo.

The historic public aquarium was
inaugurated in 1874 and is the oldest still
working, designed for show ecosystems and
the biodiversity of the Gulf of Naples. The
its founder, the zoologist Anton Dohrn,
sought to supply and disseminate knowledge
of the world submarine. The journey inside
of the Aquarium will lead the visitor
discovering the sea, between caves and
ravines, along the prairies of posidonia,
passing from the coral to the abyss, from the
rocks Mediterranean to formations tropical.

The Real Teatro di San Carlo, also known as
Teatro di San Carlo or Teatro San Carlo, more
simply called San Carlo, is the opera house in
Naples. Founded in 1737, it is the oldest opera
house in the world still operating, and the first
Italian theatre to establish a school for dance.
Given its size, structure and antiquity, it was a
model for later theatres in Europe. It was the
symbol of a Naples that underlined its status as a
great European capital.

The marvellous Real Bosco di Capodimonte
offers its citizens the opportunity to relax in
large green spaces, spread over 134 hectares
with more than 400 different plant species
planted over two centuries, and to breathe
clean air. The park, which also includes the
Royal Palace of the same name - now a
museum - was used since 1735 for the hunting
activities of Charles III of Spain.

Myth of the Parthenope siren

The origins of the city of Naples are linked to myth of the Parthenope
siren. Homer in the Odyssey he tells us a Story of univocal love e
duration the time of a look: that between the siren Parthenope and
Ulysses. Partenope is approaching to the hero linked to the mast of the
ship to hear the sweet song of sirens. The two looked at each other for a
long time and moving moment, but Partenope, rejected, was destined to
Her body is lifeless it was brought by sea currents to the islet of Megaride
in the place where today Castel dell’Ovo stands. Here the body of
Partenope dissolved, taking the shape of the city of Naples: her head
became the hill of Capodimonte and the her tail settled down the hill of

Disegno su tavoletta grafica

Underground Lines






sh w ith a n area of 106,1
uese pari
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547 in
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It is a v also
in 1 1 4 7 BC, and
Portugal It´s the
th e Go th ic´s Capital.
it a l o f th e district
located in
s 18
gio n o f R ibatejo. Ha

Gastronomy in th
e District of Santar
ém n g o is a musical style
e, with
h a ra cte ri zed by its danc
a n d exhibitionist
frene tic


da Pe ita
dra Fataça fr
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(Fried riv


Tagus River

It is the longest waterway of the Iberian Peninsula. It

rises in the Sierra de Albarracín of eastern Spain, at a
point about 90 miles (150 km) from the
Mediterranean coast, and flows westward across
Spain and Portugal for 626 miles (1,007 km) to empty
into the Atlantic Ocean near Lisbon. The Ta- gus
covers the heart of Portugal and Spain and has been
of vital importance to the modern economic
development of the two nations.

Dinosaurs footprints - Vale de Meios tracksite (Portugal) This place contains dinosaur foot-
prints belong- ing to the Middle Jurassic Period between 161 million and 200 million years
ago , and the footprints are about 170 million years. The owners of such footprints were recog-
nized as theropod dinosaurs ( 2 feet ) and sauro- pods (4 feet ) , the first prevalent in the ter-
restrial life , which are carnivores with 2-3 meters high. These show that the perpetrators of
these footprints were moving in east-west direction
19 at the speed 5-6 km / h.
Portugal has a total area of 92 090 km², formed by a
continental part and two autonomous regions: the
Lisbon is the capi Açores and Madeira archipelagos.
tal of Portugal an
most populous ci d the
ty in the country It is the most western nation on the European continent,
around 544 851 with
inhabitants, loca with around 10 347 892 inhabitants.
the region of Estr ted in

of the
o s w a s b u ilt at the end
Jerónim e
Mosteiro dos M a n u e l I. It is located in th
by the king Lisbon.
15th century a n d m unicipality of
ation m, in th e ci ty
m To w er is a 16 th-century fortific parish of Belé
Belé int of
that served as a po
located in Lisbon r
disembarkation fo
embarkation and
explorers and as a
gateway to Lisbon

Lisbon Oceanarium is the largest indoor aquarium

Pastéis de Belém
delight in Europe. It has a large collection of marine spe-
locals and touris
ts, be- cies: penguins, seagulls and other birds; sea
cause of an ancien
t and otters; sharks, rays, chimaeras, seahorses and oth-
secret recipe.
ers marine animals.

Located in the south of Portugal, it has a soft climate tempered by the Atlantic, soft sandy beaches,
mouth-watering cuisine, exhilarating coastal scenery. Algarve is one of Europe’s favourite holiday

most photographed caves in

Benagil Cave It’s one of the
called Benagi, near Carvoeir
Algarve, in a fishing village
gil is the standout feature
The algar (Grotto) de Bena e
accesible by water. The cav
tge local beach and is only
ur head. The sunlight streams
ceiling is very high above yo ,
ug h na tur al ap ert ures and openings in the dome
tho e
constantly sea-cleaned, fin
acting as spotlight on the
nt water, creating a magical
golden sand and the transluce

Bucovina is a region in north-eastern Romania and corre-
sponds, nowadays, to the Suceava county. The name is originally
Germanic, where “Buchenland” means “The Country of Beeches”.
The landscape is extremely beautiful, its terrain gradually decreas-
ing from west to east. The lands of Bucovina encapsulate a rich his-
tory, ancient traditions and customs, unique monuments and medi-
Bucovina Landscape
eval monasteries and churches, famous for their interior and exteri-
or unique paintings. It is a territory with clean unspoiled nature. It
has a unique landscape: thick forests and imposing crests, branch-
ing off from the Carpathians, which allow a wonderful panorama of
valleys, with houses scattered here and there, with large gardens
and farmyards inviting one to lie down by the haystacks and look up
Painted Eggs
at the blue sky with its marvelous hues. If you want to come face to
face with traditions and lifestyles which are long-gone elsewhere
around the world, BUCOVINA is the place to come.

Marginea Ceramics

Folk Costumes

Bucovina Monasteries

Mocanita Hutulca Painted Houses Lucina Stud Suceava Fortress

Once the capital of Moldavia (from 1388 until
1565), Suceava is an excellent starting point for
trips to the many historical, cultural and
natural attractions travellers can enjoy in the
Bucovina region. The town has some
noteworthy attractions of its own, including Saint George’s Church Ștefan cel Mare University
Saint George’s Church, a UNESCO World
Heritage site, the Bucovina Ethnographic
Museum with its valuable folk costumes
collection and traditional items exhibits and
Suceava’s main tourist site, the remains of the
Princely Court. Other sights in Suceava include
the 14th century Mirauti Church, the Zamca Ethnographic Museum Bucovina Village Museum
Monastery and the Bucovina Village Museum,
dedicated to the woodcraft, ethnography,
history and folk art of the region. The Bucovina
History Museum displays medieval armour,
coins, tools and ancient documents.
Princely Court Bucovina History Museum

Câmpulung Mount Rarău Câmpulung Moldovenesc is the

Moldovenesc fourth largest urban settlement in
Town Suceava County, with a population of
16.105 inhabitants. It was declared
municipality in 1995. The town covers
Orthodox Cathedral an area of 147 km² and it was the capi-
tal of former Campulung County (until
Dragoș Vodă 1950). The town is situated in a
picturesque area, on the river Moldova,
at the foot of Mount Rarau (1651m
altitude). The green of the pine tree
City Hall forests and of the spruce fir forests, the
tumultuous crystal clear water of the
rivers and the fresh ozone air make this
Museum town a very enticing tourist attraction
and a landmark of traditional Romani-
an hospitality.
Sour CHICKEN SOUP à la Rădăuți TOC


Folk Fes
Bucovina tival
HORA from

Traditional wedding
Winter traditions

Turkey, officially the Republic of Turkey, founder Mustafa Kemal Ata-
türk, is a transcontinental country, located mostly on Anatolia in Western
Asia and on East Thrace in South-eastern Europe. The Mediterranean Sea
is to the south; the Aegean Sea is to the west; and the Black Sea is to the
north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Çanakkale (which to-
gether form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Thrace
and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia. Turkey’s location at the
crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrate-
gic importance.
Turkey has 81 province and 7 regions, Marmara region, Black Sea re-
gion, Mediterean region, Egean region, Central Anatolian region, East re-
gion, South East region. And In all the regions ıt has a lot of cultural herit-

Ankara is the capital city of Turkey.
There are Atatürk's Mausoleum, Turkey's
big ethnography museum and lots of
historical places Atatürk's Mausoleum.

Atatürk's Statue

Hittite Monument
Hagia Sophia ISTANBUL Rumeli Hisarı
Galata Tower

Istanbul is a big city in Turkey and with many historical

places, cultural places. And every time of the year you
can find a lot of tourists in this city. Istanbul ıs a trans-
continental city. The Bosphorus divides the city to 2 sides.
Asian part and European part. And there were many civili-
zations in this city. Istanbul is tolerance city. You can find
a lot of mosques, churches, synagogues, monasteries.


Dolmabahçe Palace


Tuz (salt)Lake

Nevşehir-Cappadocia is located
in the Central Anatolian Region
of Turkey. There are Fairy Chim-
neys in there which created by
lava of the Erciyes Mountain. And
you can fly over the city with a
balloon. And near Nevşehir there
is the biggest salt lake of Turkey.
In summers you can walk on it.

Salda lake

Insuyu cave Pamukkale


These pictures above are from the same region.

The Salda Lake is the small Maldives inTurkey. The
lake gets its turquoise colour from the white rocks
of bacterial origin, which started to form in the ar-
chaic period and still continue to form, called stro-
matolite, which forms the lake floor.
Saklıkent Canyon
In the İnsuyu Cave: as a result of the melting and
erosion of the karstic structure over time, stalac- Aphrodisias-Aydı
tites and stalagmites were formed inside the cave.
Pamukkale travertiners: travertines are chemical
sedimentary rocks in the composition of calcium
carbonate (CaCO3). They occur as a result of the
precipitation of calcium carbonate in groundwater
under certain conditions.



In Turkey there are a
lot of ancient cities
from different civiliza-
tions in different re- Göbeklitepe Şanlıurfa
gions of Turkey, East,
Ephesus-İzmir East, North, South.
These pictures are only
some of them. If you
come to Turkey you can
see all the ancient and
historical sites.

Ayder plateau Sümela Monastery


Hello, from Black Sea region, North of the Turkey!These photos are from Trabzon. Ayder
yaylası (plateu) is the best place on hot summer days.
Uzungöl (long lake) is the approximately 1000m. So, ıt's name long lake. And the Sümela
Monastery. The Sumela Monastery is a very important building for Christianity, and the
frescoes in the monastery have an important role in this. In this ancient building, there are
depictions such as the birth of Mary, the birth of Jesus and pictures from the Bible.

Ani ruins

Deyrülzafaran Mardin

Mount Nemrut-


In the east and south-east of Turkey, not only you can see a lot of things, you can put
on much kilos.Because our these regions are famous for their cuisines. First picture is
from Kars -Ani Ruins. Between 961 and 1045, it was the capital of the Bagratid Armenian
kingdom that covered much of present-day Armenia and eastern Turkey. It's Unesco site
like our other sites. Mount Nemrut or Nemrud is a 2.134-metre - high mountain in south-
eastern Turkey, notable for the summit where a number of large statues are erected
around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BC. It is one of the high-
est peaks in the east of the Taurus Mountains.
Deyrülzafaran (Dayro d-Mor Hananyo) is an important Syrian Orthodox monastery. The
monastery is located in the Syrian cultural region known as Tur Abdin, and is located
three kilometers south east of Mardin, Turkey. It is usually better known by its nickname,
the "Saffron Monastery" which is derived from the warm color of its stone.
Balıklıgöl known in Jewish and Islamic legends as the place where Nimrod threw the
Prophet Abraham into a fire.

The participating partner schools

Students and teachers from:

Romania (coordinator) - Școala Gimnazială ,,George Voevidca”,

Câmpulung Moldovenesc
Bulgaria - SU "Otec Paisii", Vratsa
Croatia - l. Osnovna Skola, Cakovec
Italy - Instituto Comprensivo Statale "Aldo Moro"
Portugal - Agrupamento de Escolas D. Afonso Henriques, Alcanede
Turkey - Ozel Sancaktepe Final Akademi Anadolu Lisesi, Istanbul

A concerted effort to preserve our heritage is
a vital link to our cultural, educational, aesthetic,
inspirational, and economic legacies - all of the
things that quite literally make us who we are.

Steve Berry


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