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Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

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Reviewing sedimentological and hydrodynamic data of large shallow

coastal lagoons for defining mud depocenters as environmental
monitoring sites
E.C. Bortolin a,⁎, J. Weschenfelder b, E.H. Fernandes a, L.P. Bitencourt a, O.O. Möller a,
F. García-Rodríguez a,c, E. Toldo b
Instituto de Oceanografia – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande, Brazil
Centro de Estudos de Geologia Costeira e Oceânica (CECO), Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul/UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Centro Universitario Regional del Este, Sede CURE-Rocha, Ruta 9 s/n, Rocha 27000, Uruguay

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We reviewed historical data on surface sediment composition/distribution and hydrodynamics of the Patos-
Received 29 July 2020 Mirim lagoonal system, the largest coastal shallow limnological system of the world, located in eastern South
Received in revised form 15 October 2020 America, which is ca.15,000 km2, the maximum length is almost 500 km and maximum depth is around 7 m.
Accepted 16 October 2020
We inferred the geographical position of six mud depocenters in relation to the hydrodynamic conditions
Available online 26 October 2020
evolved from predominant winds and morphometry. Littoral zones of sediment resuspension dominated by
Editor: Dr. Brian Jones sand were identified where current velocity was higher than 0.2 m s−1 and depth was <5 m. In addition, central
zones were susceptible to deposition of fine sediment fractions, where current velocity was close to 0.1 m s−1 and
Keywords: depth was >5 m. Such conditions observed for the central zones represent appropriate morphodynamic controls
Back-Barrier Lagoon for mud depocenter formation. The six permanent Holocene depocenters for the whole Patos-Mirim system
Sedimentology were all dominated mostly by silty clayey facies and exhibited an Mz value equal to or higher than 7.5. Because
Hydrodynamics of the dominance of the fine fraction, we propose them as future potential key-spots for monitoring the
Morphometry environmental quality of the system to assist regional sustainable management.
Mud depocenter
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Gardner and Doyle, 2018) which is particularly interesting in large

coastal shallow systems, because the dynamic distribution involves
The coastal sedimentary prism can be considered as an environmen- resuspension and deposition processes (Gardner and Doyle, 2018),
tal archive containing information about the past conditions of where mud depocenters develop as patches of detached material
depositional environments at different scales of variability (Perez from the source area. Therefore, large coastal shallow lagoons repre-
et al., 2018). Large coastal lagoons are commonly protected from the sent an excellent study case to examine and determine conditions for
nearby normally higher energy ocean by a sandy barrier (Kjerfve, mud depocenter formation in relation to data on dominant winds
1986; Dillenburg et al., 2017). They behave as bypassing or trapping sys- and wind-driven hydrodynamics. Furthermore, knowledge on the
tems of fine-grained sediments depending on the geomorphologic and surface sediment composition and distribution in aquatic systems
hydrodynamic conditions (Vieira et al., 2020) that are modulated by is important for monitoring human impacts in view of conservation
the climate variability (Távora et al., 2019; Ivanoff et al., 2020). and environmental management purposes.
The formation and distribution of sedimentary facies in large Large, medium and small coastal shallow lagoons characterize
coastal shallow lagoons depends on the supply of river suspended the main hydrographic setting of eastern South America, where
material, which is then deposited under low energy hydrodynamic the Patos-Mirim System (PMS) stands out as the most striking nat-
conditions controlled by morphometry (Arfi et al., 1994; Hanebuth ural water reservoir. The lagoon-barrier systems in southernmost
et al., 2015; Petti et al., 2018). In this sense, the surface current circu- Brazil evolved during the Pleistocene to Holocene, modulated by
lation and substrate morphometry exert control on granulometric sea-level changes triggered by high-frequency climatic oscillations
spatial disposal (Toldo, 1991; Arfi et al., 1994; Naya et al., 2004; of the Quaternary period (Villwock et al., 1986; Villwock and
Tomazelli, 1995; Tomazelli and Villwock, 2000; Dillenburg et al.,
⁎ Corresponding author. 2017). The PMS behaves as a back-barrier coastal trap for fine-
E-mail address: (E.C. Bortolin). grained inland sediments (Calliari et al., 2009; Dillenburg et al.,
0037-0738/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E.C. Bortolin, J. Weschenfelder, E.H. Fernandes et al. Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

2017; Weschenfelder and Corrêa, 2018). Most of the sediment load Tomazelli and Villwock, 2000; Rosa et al., 2017). The Quaternary forced
carried by streams and rivers draining the PMS watershed regressions developed incised valleys in adjacent latitudes,
represents the natural source of the limnologeological sedimentary which were partially infilled, with marine and estuarine sedi-
environment (Dillenburg et al., 2017; Bitencourt et al., 2020) ments, during the subsequent sea level rises (Weschenfelder
which is dominated by sandy, silty and clayey facies (Toldo, 1994; et al., 2014; Santos-Fischer et al., 2018; Bortolin et al., 2018,
Toldo et al., 2000; Tomazelli and Villwock, 2000; Weschenfelder 2019). Eustasy is the main forcing factor controlling the depositional
et al., 2014; Bortolin et al., 2018). sequence setting, due to the gentle slope (~1.4 m/km) of both the con-
The Patos and Mirim Lagoon have been studied separately since tinental shelf and the coastal plain (Corrêa, 1996; Tomazelli and
several decades ago by many research groups focusing on the hydro- Villwock, 2000; Weschenfelder et al., 2014; Bortolin et al., 2018, 2019;
logical (Fernandes et al., 2002, 2004; Oliveira et al., 2015, 2019), sed- Bitencourt et al., 2020).
imentological (Toldo et al., 2000, 2006, 2006b; Weschenfelder et al., The autogenic forcing factors such as sediment input, hydrodynam-
2014; Bortolin et al., 2018, 2019; Távora et al., 2019; Miranda et al., ics, and antecedent topography play a secondary control in response to
2019; Vieira et al., 2020), limnological, biological and ecological sea-level change (Bortolin et al., 2019; Ivanoff et al., 2020; Vieira et al.,
(Possamai et al., 2018) point of view. However, there is not a single 2020; Bitencourt et al., 2020). The physiography of the PMS displays
study contemplating the whole system as a unique territorial unit. some aspects inherited from the coastal plain topography preceding
We have compiled a sedimentological and hydrodynamic database the Holocene transgression (Bortolin et al., 2018, 2019) such as buried
for the whole system including thorough studies of Toldo (1994), incised valleys, sandy emerged and submerged spits, terraces, and
Vieira (1995); Fernandes et al. (2002), Oliveira et al. (2019), and related features (Toldo, 1991). Outcomes from high-resolution seismic
studied the surface sediment distribution of the whole PMS in rela- profiles (Weschenfelder et al., 2014, 2016) inferred the transition
tion to the hydrodynamics. A previous effort (Vieira et al., 2020) from the incised valley configuration setting to an upper unconfined en-
did study the dominant hydrodynamic conditions and inferred the vironment, i.e., drowning and partial infilling of the low-lying topo-
processes of sediment deposition and resuspension in Mirim Lagoon. graphic back-barrier region where the modern PMS is set (Bortolin
But given the connectivity between Patos and Mirim Lagoon, and the et al., 2018, 2019).
associated necessity of understanding geographical patterns of The last regressive-transgressive event displays the clearest records,
water circulation and the related distribution of sedimentary envi- with the falling-stage marked by fluvial channels (Weschenfelder et al.,
ronments, this study assessed the surface sediment distribution of 2008, 2010), which reached the most expressive depths during the Last
the whole PMS in relation to dominant hydrodynamic conditions. Glacial Maximum (18 kyr BP), when the sea level fell until the shelf
The objective of this paper was to assess the overall conditions lead- break, about 130 km off the present coastline (Weschenfelder et al.,
ing to deposition processes, to determine the combination of mor- 2014; Bortolin et al., 2018). The following transgression preserved relict
phometric and hydrodynamic conditions for depocenter formation. terraces on the continental shelf, interpreted as sea level stabilizations
With this in mind, depocenters represent key-spots for environmen- (Corrêa, 1986, 1996). The final stage of the transgressive phase enclosed
tal monitoring as they are the final fate of the source-to-sink process the PMS, after the juxtaposition of the Holocene Barrier IV to the
of fine sediment fraction and associated chemical elements. Pleistocene Barrier III (Fig. 1) to establish the modern physiography
with a single estuarine inlet named Rio Grande Channel (Dillenburg
2. Study area et al., 2004; Lima et al., 2013; Santos-Fischer et al., 2016, 2018;
Bortolin et al., 2018, 2019). Since then the back-barrier deposits have
2.1. Depositional system context been accumulating under conditions of low energy and relatively low
accumulation rates (Bortolin et al., 2019). Following marine highstand
The Patos Lagoon is a chocked system, connected to the Mirim conditions, the lagoons become more estuarine due to increasing fresh-
Lagoon by the 76 km long São Gonçalo Channel, forming the world's water input in the late Holocene (Santos-Fischer et al., 2016; Bortolin
largest complex of shallow coastal lagoons (Kjerfve, 1986). The PMS et al., 2018).
is 14,000 km2, with Patos Lagoon representing 10,360 km2 and This lagoon system is characterized by two main sedimentological
Mirim 3749 km2 (Kjerfve, 1986; Toldo et al., 2000; Vieira et al., domains; the shallow submerged banks, which serve as a substrate for
2020). The PMS covers a transboundary territory, located in the con- the development of sandy spits, and the deepwater lagoon floor, where
tinental region of the Pelotas Basin, more precisely on the coastal muddy sediments prevail (Toldo, 1991). Earlier studies report that
plains of southernmost Brazil and eastern Uruguay (Fig. 1). The these fine sediments were accumulated since at least 8000 yr BP, at a de-
PMS is fed by sediments from the Uruguayan-Sul-Riograndense position rate of 0.75 mm/yr (Toldo et al., 2000, 2006). More recent stud-
Shield, but also from Paleo-Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic ies have shown that at deeper zones (paleovalleys), the accumulation
rocks of the Paraná Basin. This siliciclastic material is incorporated rates could even reach 1.8 cm/yr, and were associated to Melt Water
by six main rivers (Fig. 1), i.e., Jacuí and Camaquã within Patos La- Pulse events of the mid-Holocene (Bortolin et al., 2018, 2019). Modern
goon watershed (Tomazelli and Villwock, 2000; Vaz et al., 2006), sedimentation rates varying from 4.4 to 7 mm/yr were determined for
and Cebolatti, Taquari, Jaguarão, and Piratini within Mirim Lagoon different regions of the Patos Lagoon (Bueno et al., 2019; Ivanoff et al.,
drainage system (Oliveira et al., 2015; Vieira et al., 2020). An alluvial 2020).
fan system represents the interface between the highland source
area and the low-lying coastal plain, which alternates deposits of 2.2. Hydrology and hydrodynamics
sands and muds developed during the evolution of four barrier-
lagoon Quaternary depositional systems (Tomazelli and Villwock, The region corresponds to a warm-temperate climate regime, with
2000). interannual variability modulated by El Niño-Southern Oscillation
The main physiographic aspects of the Southern Brazil and Uruguayan Events (Möller et al., 2009; Távora et al., 2019; Ivanoff et al., 2020).
coastal zone result from the Quaternary sea-level changes, as recognized The PMS is oriented SW-NE parallel to the coast as modulated by pre-
worldwide by significant shifts in the coastal depositional systems trig- vailing local NE-SW winds, acting on time scales of 3–15 days along to
gered by eustatic oscillations (Imbrie et al., 1984), whose cycles modu- the latitudinal axis of the system, but with the highest intensity from
lated the coastal sedimentary systems (Dillenburg et al., 2004). Sandy SW during winter (Möller et al., 2001). Both wind directions modulate
barriers preserved on the coastal plain evidence the Pleistocene sea the modern circulation pattern along with the 500 km fetch of the sys-
level highstands associated with Marine Isotope Stages and named from tem, and promote a water level slope (~3 m) between the margin ex-
oldest to youngest, as Barriers I, II, and III (Fig. 1) (Villwock et al., 1986; tremities and waves that can cause erosion (Tomazelli and Villwock,

E.C. Bortolin, J. Weschenfelder, E.H. Fernandes et al. Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

Fig. 1. Upper left panel: regional extension of the Patos-Mirim system catchment area, which includes the Guaíba hydrographic region, the Mirim lagoon, Camaquã River and coastal (CHB)
hydrographic basins. Main panel: The Patos lagoon and the main inflowing rivers, whose water flows through the Rio Grande estuarine channel; and the general geological setting
according to Dillenburg and Barboza (2014).

2000; Fernandes et al., 2002; Toldo et al., 2000, 2003, 2006, 2006b; spring, and moderate discharges during summer and fall (Möller et al.,
Oliveira et al., 2015, 2019; Miranda et al., 2019). The system is shallow, 2001). Moreover, ENSO events affect this region (Fernandes et al.,
about 6 m depth, favoring the occurrence of local 1.6 m height waves 2002), and result in higher (El Niño) or lower (La Niña) freshwater dis-
with a period of 4.8 s (Toldo et al., 2003), mainly along the sandy mar- charges and consequently suspended sediment concentrations (Távora
gins (<5 m depth), in contrast to muddy depocenters (>5 m depth), et al., 2019). During El Niño periods the lagoon can reach peaks of
as described by Toldo et al. (2000). 12,000 m3 s−1 (Möller et al., 1996). Under conditions of river discharge
The Guaíba and Camaquã Rivers, and São Gonçalo channel are the higher than 3000 m3 s−1, the hydrodynamic setting prevents seawater
main tributaries of the Patos Lagoon, with a total mean annual discharge intrusion into the lagoon (Möller et al., 2001; Fernandes et al., 2002).
of 2400 m3.s−1 (Vaz et al., 2006), exhibiting a typical mid-latitude The hydrological discharge of the whole PMS to the Atlantic Ocean
discharge pattern with strong discharges in late winter and early occurs through the Rio Grande Channel, a long and narrow inlet

E.C. Bortolin, J. Weschenfelder, E.H. Fernandes et al. Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

(Möller et al., 2001), which minimizes the tidal effects in the back-barrier selected the arithmetic mean (Mz) to represent trends in grain size distri-
zone (Fernandes et al., 2004). The São Gonçalo channel has a gentle slope bution. The samples with gravel concentration and biogenic particles
allowing the Mirim Lagoon main flow into Patos Lagoon (Oliveira et al., were considered as outliers. The sedimentary facies of Patos Lagoon
2015, 2019), also controlled by a dam built in 1977 to prevent the flow were designated according the terminology proposed by Blott and Pye
of brackish water from Patos into Mirim Lagoon, but also by the SW (2012). Such modern terminology was also extended to the surface sedi-
winds which are stronger than NE summer winds (Gouvêa et al., 2010; ments interpreted by Vieira et al. (2020) aiming to homogenize the com-
Oliveira et al., 2015). The PMS also has paramount importance in the parison between these two interconnected lagoons.
maintenance of areas of ecological interest declared Biosphere Reserve The Telemac-3D Model ( was performed to
by UNESCO, such as the Ecological Station of Taim and the Lagoa do infer the surface hydrodynamic conditions of Patos Lagoon, being this
Peixe National Park (Santos et al., 2004; Corrêa et al., 2009). procedure widely utilized in this system by several authors (Fernandes
The Patos Lagoon hydrodynamics was studied by several authors et al., 2002, 2004; Marques and Möller, 2009; Marques et al., 2010,
using in situ data (Möller and Castaing, 1999; Möller et al., 2001), numer- 2010b). The equations of Navier-Stokes are employed in this model con-
ical modelling (Möller et al., 1996; Fernandes et al., 2002, 2004; Castelão sider the local variation in the fluid free surface, but they ignore the den-
and Möller, 2003; Marques et al., 2010), and remote sensing (Pagot et al., sity variations in the equation of mass conservation and consider the
2007; Fassoni-Andrade et al., 2017; Távora et al., 2019). Several authors approximation of Boussinesq to solve momentum equations (Hervouet,
highlighted the importance of wind and freshwater discharge on the 2007). The partial differential equation outcome, combined with both
Patos Lagoon dynamics (Möller et al., 2001; Fernandes et al., 2002; Vaz initial and boundary conditions, are computed within the model by a tri-
et al., 2006; Marques et al., 2010b). Tides (mixed, diurnal dominance) angular mesh of non-structured finite elements (see Supplementary ma-
are microtidal with reduced mean amplitude (0.23 m) (Möller et al., terial 2). Different mesh resolutions can be introduced by this approach,
2001), being restricted to the coast and lower estuarine zone with an increased resolution for zones where large speed gradients and/
(Fernandes et al., 2004; Marques et al., 2010). According to Möller and or complex floor morphometry are expected. The model efficiency in
Castaing (1999), the lagoon dynamics is controlled by winds (local and predicting the environmental response is increased by the correct repre-
remote effects) in periods of low to moderate freshwater discharges sentation of these features, which also yields a more stable numerical
(<2000 m3 s−1). There is an alternation of winds from NE to S-SW on solution.
a time scale smaller than 15 days due to the passage of cold fronts Oliveira et al. (2019) and Vieira et al. (2020) successfully used this
(Möller et al., 1996). Nevertheless, NE winds dominate throughout the three-dimensional approach for the Mirim Lagoon for 5-yr-long
year (Möller et al., 2001). These authors reported that during NE (SW) simulation. Currently, the same model of calibration and validation
wind dominance, there is a depression (elevation) in coastal sea surface, was performed to the Patos Lagoon for the equivalent period, and its
resulting in seaward (landward) flow between the lagoon and the coast two-dimensional hydrodynamic results (surface current fields) are
as a result of the Ekman Transport acting 90o of the wind direction. used in this study (see Supplementary Material 2).
Previous studies also have identified ENSO impacts on river discharge
patterns (Vaz et al., 2006), winds (Möller et al., 2001, 2009), estuarine cir- 4. Results
culation (Fernandes et al., 2002), biota (Garcia et al., 2003; Möller et al.,
2009) and suspended sediments concentrations (Távora et al., 2019), 4.1. Sediment grain size and bathymetry
mainly due to changes in climatic conditions.
The Patos Lagoon longitudinal axis is partially segmented by sandy
3. Material and methods cuspate spits into four cells that can reach up to 60 km wide. The
sandy spits develop over the shallow (≤1 m) submerged banks, which
The collection of 109 surface sediment samples was carried out aboard are best preserved and represented on the western littoral and consist
several research cruises in Patos Lagoon (Toldo, 1994), and the location of of a prolongation of the margins into the inner portion of the cells.
the samples is shown in Fig. 2 (see Supplementary material). The sedi- More than 70% of the sediments within the margins correspond to me-
ment size classes were grouped according to Wentworth (1922), while dium to coarse sand, reducing their grain size towards deepest zones in
the textural classification followed Shepard (1954). The statistical param- the central portion of each cell (Figs. 2 and 3), where silt and clay
eters were calculated according to Folk and Ward (1957) but we specially depocenters were recognized. The inner zone below the 5 m isobath is

Fig. 2. Morphometry (A- left), surface sediment stations (B- center) and sedimentary facies (C- right) of the Patos Lagoon.

E.C. Bortolin, J. Weschenfelder, E.H. Fernandes et al. Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

Fig. 3. Wentworth size classes percentage of sand (A), silt (B), and clay (C). The fig. D illustrates the interactions between suspended fine sediments through the Patos Lagoon cells, the
Landsat 8 image was modified from Feldman (2018).

set in the same orientation as the longitudinal axis of the system (Fig. 1) is equal to or higher than 7.5 in the northern cell (PMI), the central
and consistently displays about 40 to 90% of silty sediments, up to 40% of cell (PMII) and southern cell (PMIII) (Figs. 2C and 5). Table 1 shows
clay sediments at some stations, and <20% of sandy sediments (Fig. 3). for each depocenter the most representative station displaying the
According to such grain size distribution, the sedimentary facies exhibit highest percentage of fine sediments (Fig. 3A, B, C). For PMI the station
a peripheral region, which extends from the contour perimeter down to PT57 (0.1% sand; 58.1% silt; 41.8% clay) was selected, depositing clayey
the 4–5 m isobaths (Fig. 1). Such a facies corresponds almost exclusively silt facies. The PMII is located in a central low bathymetry depression
to sand and to less extent to sand-silt deposits (Fig. 2). Below the 4–5 m zone, where silty clay facies occur, and it lies around stations PT28 (4%
isobath (Fig. 2), the dominant sedimentary facies corresponds to clayey- sand; 31% silt; 65% clay). Finally, PMIII lies on the southernmost cell,
silt which is set in the same orientation as the maximum length of the where station PT11 was selected due the very slightly sandy silty clay fa-
lagoon. cies (1% sand; 26% silt; 73% clay). The location of PMI through III shows a
The most representative and geologically stable depocenters were very good visual correspondence with the distribution of the water col-
identified for all four cells and named from north to south as PMI, umn fine suspended sediments, which are concentrated in the central
PMII, and PMIII (i.e., Patos Mud-depocenter I through III). The afore- zone lying above the depocenters as shown the satellite image of
mentioned depocenters were determined as zones in which Mz value Fig. 3D.

E.C. Bortolin, J. Weschenfelder, E.H. Fernandes et al. Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

Table 1
Sediment composition of the selected stations for sediment quality environmental monitoring within each inferred mud-depocenter. The geographic coordinates are provided in the
supplementary material. The location of Patos stations are shown in Fig. 2B, while the location of Mirim stations can be consulted in Fig. 2 of Vieira et al., 2020. The depocenters and
monitoring sites are shown in Fig. 5C and D. The sedimentary facies were inferred following Blott and Pye, 2012. PM = Patos Mud-depoceneter, MM = Mirim Mud-depocenter,
PT = Patos station, ML = Mirim station.

Station Depocenter Geographic coordinate Mz Sand Silt Clay Inferred facies

system (phi) (%) (%) (%)

PT57 PMI −51.000000/ 7.7 0.1 58.1 41.8 Clayey silt

PT28 PMII −51.321667/ 9.17 4 31 65 Very slightly sandy silty clay
PT11 PMIII −51.700000/ 9.92 1 26 73 Very slightly sandy silty clay
ML30 MMIV −52,708901/ 7.89 0.8 56.3 42 Clayey silt
ML87 MMV −53.246943/ 8.21 1.9 51.5 46.4 Very slightly sandy clayey silt
ML131 MMVI −53.501871/ 8.32 15.3 24.2 60.5 Slightly sandy silty clay

The mean standard deviation for all Patos Lagoon samples is 2.06, and 4.2. Current circulation patterns and intensity
the average of the asymmetrical parameter (SK) was 0.32. This analysis
excluded biogenic particles. Thereby, the gravel concentration at stations Hydrodynamic model results are presented to show the
PT2 through PT7, PT13, PT30, PT32, and PT47 consists of biogenic calculated surface current velocity vectors under maximum SW
particles. The western margins show standard deviation values slightly (wind velocity 9.8 m.s−1, Fig. 4C) and NE (wind velocity 3.6 m.s−1,
higher than those of the eastern margins, being most evident at the fol- Fig. 4A) winds during a one year (2002) simulation, together with
lowing stations (SD/SK): PT19 (2.97/0.2), PT33 (3.84/0.24), PT55 (3.82/ the corresponding mean frequency distribution (rose diagrams,
0.38), PT 87 (3.12/0.44), PT89 (3.15/0.01), and PT99 (3.65/0.35). Stations Fig. 4B) to illustrate the current magnitude (color scale) and
PT19, PT33, PT87, and PT89 are located next to the main drainage mouths frequency of occurrence (%) for each current direction in each
of Camaquã River, Velhaco Stream, and Guaíba River (Figs. 1, 3). transect.

Fig. 4. Calculated surface current velocity vectors at different Patos Lagoon regions for the maximum northeastern wind (C) and maximum southwestern wind (A) observed
during a one-year simulation period (2002). Center panels (B): monthly frequency distribution of surface currents for extreme North (transect T1), Central (transect T2), and
extreme South (transect T3) regions.

E.C. Bortolin, J. Weschenfelder, E.H. Fernandes et al. Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of velocity vectors under SW winds on sediments arithmetic mean (Mz) to the whole PMS (A- top left), representation of velocity vectors under NE winds
on sediments arithmetic mean (Mz) to the whole PMS (B- top right), sedimentary facies interpreted to the whole PMS, within the mud depocenters (red line) and the environmental
monitoring stations (black dashed line) proposed (C- bottom left), representation of the mud depocenters with the respective stations through the PMS sectors evidencing the interactions
with suspended fine sediments (D- bottom right).

E.C. Bortolin, J. Weschenfelder, E.H. Fernandes et al. Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

Three distinct sectors namely North (T1), Central (T2), and South transported towards the Atlantic Ocean (Calliari et al., 2009). The floccu-
(T3) were defined (Figs. 4A, B, C) based on the established circulation lation process due to brackish water intrusion in the estuarine region
patterns in response to the wind action represented by the vectors. Cur- settles part of the suspended clay at the southern cell of Patos Lagoon
rent vectors show a clear response to the predominant wind direction (Toldo, 1994), increasing the rate of clay/silt.
(i.e., NE and SW). Under maximum NE wind conditions, the natural out- The morphology of the cells influences the current direction and ve-
flow towards the coast is enhanced because wind action is aligned in the locities. The shallow margins show the highest speeds of surface cur-
same orientation of the lagoon maximum length axis. At the North cell, rents as mentioned above, and differences were observed between
currents at the eastern margin (0.4–0.6 m.s−1) were stronger than at eastern and western margins. During SW intense events (Möller et al.,
the western (0.1–0.2 m.s−1), but in the South cell, both margins exhib- 1996), the eastern margin displays higher surface currents velocities
ited similar current speeds of 0.4–0.6 m.s−1. Weaker currents were cal- (~0.9 m s−1) in the northern part of the bay beach of each cell, that con-
culated in the middle sector of both cells (<0.1 m.s−1), where forms to the southern portion of bank-spit structures (Fig. 4), where an
concentric cells with less energy promote calm conditions for fine sed- erosion pattern is observed (Miranda et al., 2019, 2020), what develops
iment deposition. The Central cell showed a smaller cross-section and low bathymetry regions next to the eastern margins (Fig. 2A). Wave
displayed more homogeneous currents from margin to margin (0.1– predictions developed by Toldo et al. (2003) estimate that the east
0.2 m.s−1). A similar behavior occurred under the maximum SW wind side of the Patos Lagoon received at least two times more wave energy
conditions, but in the opposite direction and with stronger currents flux in comparison to the west side. The waves propagating across the
throughout the whole system (Fig. 4A, C). At the North cell, currents lagoon main axis undergo attenuation and refraction by the bank-spit
at the eastern margin (0.6–0.8 m.s−1) were stronger than at the west- structure, such features promote a sheltering effect on its leeward side
ern (0.4 m.s−1), and in the South cell both margins yielded comparable (shadow zone) according to both dimension and orientation, working
currents ranging between 0.6 and 0.9 m.s−1, being stronger at the as a natural protection for coast stability by reducing the energy
Camaquã River mouth. reaching the margins, especially during storms (Miranda et al., 2020).
The rose diagrams represent the prevailing calculated mean surface These submerged banks are best marked in the western margins,
current for all the transect points (Figs. 4B and 5A, B). It is clear that the representing interfluves of paleovalleys (Bortolin et al., 2019), recog-
circulation of the concentric cells calculated for a one-year period nized by Weschenfelder et al. (2014).
(Fig. 4) promotes a wide range of current directions throughout the These velocities (~0.9 m s−1) are mainly recorded in just two regions
transects, with the predominance of E-SE orientation in the North cell, of western margins, i.e., around the Camaquã River mouth and
SW and E-S orientation in the Central and South cells, respectively. A respective bank-spits, but also in the bank-spit where Transect 2 is set
similar behavior throughout the Patos Lagoon cells is observed when (Fig. 4). The shallow area caused by bank-spit structures also changes
considering results from a five-year-long simulation (2002–2006, see the orientation of the currents, according to the refraction principle
Supplementary Material 2), thus suggesting the maintenance of the cir- (Bortolin et al., 2019; Miranda et al., 2020). The narrow sectors of the la-
culation patterns in all cells. goon also promote higher current velocities in comparison to the
broader zones of the cells. This is the most noticeable next to the Guaíba
5. Discussion River mouth and in the extreme southern portion of the lagoon (Fig. 4A,
C). Transect 2 is the narrowest and agrees with this observation and the
5.1. Patos Lagoon corresponding rose chart shows the highest current velocity (Fig. 4B) in
comparison to T1 and T3, which reach 0.7 m s−1 towards NE and 0.4
The natural outflow from Guaíba to Rio Grande is inhibited by ex- towards SW.
treme SW winds, as noted by lowered velocities in Guaíba River The surface sediment composition and distribution are set in rela-
mouth from 0.5 to 0.2 m s−1, compared to NE winds results (see tion to the hydrodynamic conditions described above and show a
vectors in Fig. 4A, C), but also by the increase in current velocities north- very well-developed surrounding sandy littoral zone (Toldo et al.,
wards, from 0.3 to 0.9 m s−1, in the southernmost sector (Fig. 4C) pro- 2003), especially all along the west margin. However, as also inferred
moting a barrier to the flow. Winter storms (SW winds) induce for Mirim Lagoon (Vieira et al., 2020), the composition and origin of
turbulence, but these episodic events can be also intensified during such sandy facies of both margins are different. The east littoral sand-
extratropical cyclones (Saraiva et al., 2003). source consists of reworked material of the sand barrier formed dur-
The surface currents develop concentric circulation cells accord- ing the Pleistocene and contains well-sorted sand with very reduced
ing to the direction of the winds. Such gyres show the highest veloc- silt content (Vieira et al., 2020), while the west littoral sand is sup-
ities next to the shallow margins (0.9 m s−1), in contrast to lower plied by both Camaquã and Jacuí River, but also Velhaco Stream
values in the inner zones. Considering the whole system, NE winds (Fig. 1), and therefore, such a sandy facies are very poorly sorted
generate well defined broad recirculation cells, less turbulent, (SD ≥ 2.97), as described by Martins et al. (1989). The internal
forming ideal low energy conditions necessary to settle mud in boundary of this surrounding external sandy facies extends up to
depocenters (Fig. 4A), whereas SW winds create a large number of the 5 to 6 m isobaths (see the comparison between sedimentary fa-
smaller and more complex patterns (Fig. 4A, C), such less defined cies and morphometry, Fig. 2A and C). The surface current speed at
pattern is likely to develop in response to a more chaotic wind the marginal areas shows maximum values flowing parallel to the
behavior during storm episodic events. The 3 m depth is the annual coast under either NE or SW wind dominance. The morphometric
average where the waves cause turbulent conditions, moving non- and hydrodynamic setting promotes fine particle resuspension in
consolidated sediment under oscillatory water waves, but during the margins (Toldo et al., 2003). Therefore, the shallow bathymetry
strong wind events (>14 m.s −1 ) the movement of the orbital zone presenting particle resuspension is modulated by the interrela-
waves reaches the entire water column in the lagoon, thus allowing tion between morphometry and current speed, mainly parallel to the
the transport of particles in suspension (Toldo et al., 2003). maximum length axis. Similar environmental processes of resuspen-
An important amount of muddy sediments from the large drainage sion have been inferred for Mirim Lagoon (Vieira et al., 2020) and
basins feeding PMS is deposited in the central portion of the cells other similar shallow systems elsewhere (Naya et al., 2004). The cen-
(Bortolin et al., 2019). The silty fraction is predominant, mainly in the tral sedimentary facies located below the 6 m isobath shows domi-
northern cell of Patos Lagoon, thus suggesting that the clayey fraction nance of clayey-silty sediments, where the current velocities are
remains in suspension through such cell. Probably SW storm events clearly lower to those of the peripheral marginal zone (Fig. 4A, B,
do not allow complete clay sedimentation, due to the large fetch that in- C) thus generating calm water conditions. Satellite images (Fig. 3D)
fluences waves in this area (Fig. 3D), therefore clays tend to be show the highest values of total suspended solids within such a

E.C. Bortolin, J. Weschenfelder, E.H. Fernandes et al. Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

calm central region, and the combination of morphometry and cur- the surrounding chemical elements, often non-biodegradable
rent velocity/direction promotes fine sediment fraction deposition, contaminants as organic pollutants found in water bodies, such “as
where de mud depocenters are developed (Fig. 5C, D). Therefore, hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds (e.g. phenols, bisphenyls), poly-
Patos Lagoon shows similar processes modulating the interplay be- cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g. Naphtalene, phenantherene,
tween surface sediment composition, morphometry, and hydrody- pyrene), pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, detergents, pro-
namics, to those already inferred for Mirim Lagoon (Vieira et al., teins and plasticizers” (Awad et al., 2019). The importance of setting
2020). The sediment bed composition depends on the water circula- sediment quality monitoring stations in the PMS is an extremely
tion regime evolved from predominant wind exposure, which pro- timely contribution to the transboundary monitoring and manage-
duces a littoral resuspension zone dominated by sand, and a central ment of this huge geo-limnological system. In this sense, the
deposition zone dominated by silt. Global Environment Facility (GEF) has conferred a 5-yr-project (https://
5.2. The definition of Holocene mud depocenters of the Patos-Mirim System pdf) upon Uruguay and Brazil, with the Food Agriculture Organization
(FAO) as executing agency, in partnership with Dirección Nacional de
Both lagoons cover together a 500-km-long latitudinal section of the Aguas (DINAGUA, Uruguay) and Agência de Desenvolvimento da Bacia
South American continent, being the largest shallow system of the da Lagoa Mirim (ALM, Brazil).
world. The huge dimensions enable the development of stable Holocene Fig. 5C shows the mud depocenters (red line) and the identified
sedimentary structures at a geological scale, i.e., mud depocenters, monitoring sub-area (black dashed line) for assisting the above-men-
which source origin comes from three hydrographic basins (Fig. 1), tioned GEF-project. The Patos Lagoon presented the following stations
transporting and depositing fine material according to the interplay be- as the best monitoring sites (see Table 1, Fig. 5C, D): station PT57
tween hydrodynamic processes and bathymetry described above (PMI), station PT28 (PMII), station PT11 (PMIII). Similarly, (Table 1,
(Toldo, 1991; Miranda et al., 2019, 2020; Vieira et al., 2020). Mainly Fig. 5C, D), from the 142 sediment sampling locations of Vieira et al.
muds are settled in the central calm water deepest portions (≥5 m) of (2020; Fig. 2), station ML30 (MMIV, Fig. 5C, D), station ML87 (MMV,
this huge back-barrier system, and sandy sediments are deposited Fig. 5C, D) and station ML131 (MMVI) are the most appropriate sites
along the shallow margins (≤5 m) where high energy hydrodynamic for monitoring sediment quality. Comparing the sediment grain size of
conditions are observed (Figs. 3 and 5). The geographical distribution the inner areas and depocenters of both lagoons, the Patos Lagoon
of the main mud depocenters of Patos Lagoon indicates that there are holds slightly finer sediments than those of the Mirim Lagoon on the
three depocenters (Fig. 5C), whose sediments contain on average a order of 2 units of phi, as shown more clearly in Fig. 5A and B. In
low sand content, while muddy fractions defined as the combination terms of spatial distribution, the depocenters and fine-grained sedi-
of silt and clay (Folk, 1954; Blott and Pye, 2012) account for 90%, located ments with phi above 7.5 are larger in Patos Lagoon (Fig. 5C). Such fea-
in deep water portions. tures reflect the dimension and consequently the hydrodynamics
The three main Patos Lagoon Mud-depocenters from north to south related to the Patos and Mirim depocenters. Previous studies also iden-
were named as PMI, PMII, and PMIII (Fig. 5C, D, Table 1) following the tified the highest Holocene muddy sedimentation rates of Patos Lagoon
criterion that Mz value is equal to higher than 7.5. In PMI we inferred in the interior of the morphological cells, and others assessed anthropo-
dominance of the clayey silt facies (Mz = 7.7), whereas in PMII and genic pollution in the sediments of Patos Lagoon (Bortolin et al., 2019;
PMII we inferred silty clay facies (Mz = 8). Therefore, the depocenters Bueno et al., 2019; Ivanoff et al., 2020). The present work provides a
are well defined by their high Mz value but also by their finer sediment guide to the following studies focused on contaminants associated
composition as well. These deposits are developed beneath the base with sediments.
level for wave action, usually limited by at least the 4 m isobath
(Toldo et al., 2006, 2006b). Similarly, using the same criterion, we iden-
tified three depocenters for Mirim Lagoon (see Fig. 3 in Vieira et al., 6. Concluding remarks
2020, Table 1), which were also named from north to south as MMIV,
MMV, and MMVI (Fig. 5C, D) and whose sediment composition The inferred modern conditions for fine sediment deposition
corresponded to clayey silt and silty clay facies. The northeastern cell and mud depocenter formation indicate a depth of about 5 m, below
is the largest section, reaching almost the maximum width of the lagoon the base level for wave action, and an associated current velocity of
(~40 km). This cell is limited in the south by a bank-spit structure, acting 0.1 m s−1, together with paleotopographic control.
as an extension of the shallow (≤4 m isobath) sandy margins to the The recognized mud depocenters are geological deposits
inner muddy portion of depressed bathymetry (≥4 m). Southward, infilling paleotopographic depressions throughout the Holocene.
there is an elongated body morphologic section, which is a relatively The morphometry was the main factor controlling the Holocene de-
narrower zone (~20 km), but also reaches >4 m in the deepest portions velopment of mud depocenters in PMS in long-term periods, and
(Fig. 1). the hydrodynamic response to morphometry can be interpreted
as a short-term (current) conditioning to the suspended fine
5.3. The depocenters as environmental monitoring sensitive sites particle.
Both resuspension and deposition zones are set parallel to the max-
The thickest post-Last Glacial Maximum muddy deposits of Patos La- imum length axis of the lagoons and they are distributed in relation to
goon were interpreted as depocenters by Bortolin et al. (2019), also ob- the bathymetric features. Fine particles, mainly clays are trapped in
serving the positive effect of the paleotopographic depressions (unfilled the determined mud depocenters or bypass to the ocean.
paleovalleys) on the high fine fraction accumulation during sea-level ris- The findings of this paper also support the concluding remarks
ings. Mud depocenters occurring in depressions of coastal and continental of Vieira et al. (2020) about surface sediment composition in relation
shelves exhibit a strong local morphology control and the aggradation of to the water circulation regime, with a littoral resuspension zone
such mud depocenters is often characterized by well stratified and lami- dominated by sand, and a central deposition zone dominated by
nated records (Hanebuth et al., 2015; Bortolin et al., 2018). The stations silt. Similarly, conditions for resuspension were a depth <5 m and a
within the Holocene stable mud-depocenters showing the best sorting current velocity of 0.2 m s−1. The six inferred depocenters are pro-
of fine sediments, mainly clays, were selected as potential future environ- posed as sensitive sites for environmental monitoring for regional
mental monitoring sensitive sites because they exhibit the highest capac- management.
ity of chemical adsorption (Awad et al., 2019). The structure (hydrous Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
phyllosilicates) of clays makes them prone to ion exchange, retaining org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2020.105782.

E.C. Bortolin, J. Weschenfelder, E.H. Fernandes et al. Sedimentary Geology 410 (2020) 105782

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