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Abstract Instructions for:

-Case Report / Case Series

-Original Research / Meta-Analysis
Abstract Submission Topic
1. Imaging
2. Valvular
3. Infective Endocarditis/Rheumatic Heart Disease/Post-surgery
4. Arterial and Venous Disease
5. Electrocardiography and Arrythmia
6. Congenital
7. Pulmonary Hypertension
8. Hypertension
9. Emergency
10. Heart Failure
11. Others (please specify)

*Will be required to be filled during submission, except for medical student/general practitioner.
** You may choose more than 1 topic for your abstract
- Case Report
- Case Series
Abstract Instruction
for Case Report / Series
• Abstract title in sentence case, bold the entire title and avoid abbreviation.
Example: This is a properly formatted title: a case report

• List of author(s), institution(s), city, and country should be written immediately below the
title. Institute(s), city, and country should be written in Italic and Authors name should be
listed by initials followed by family name only. First author name should be underlined.
Example: E. J. Topol1, P. Libby2, 1Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta,
Indonesia; 2National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita, Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract Instruction
for Case Report / Series
• Oxford English spelling
• Times New Roman font, use Symbol for the Greek and special characters.
SI units of measurement should only be used, double-spaced, margin 2.5cm on all sides.
• Should not exceed 250 words excluding titles and authors, using the following format:
1. Background,

2. Case Summary,

3. Discussion,

4. Keywords between 3-6 words may be submitted.

Abstract Instruction
for Case Report / Series
• Maximum number of authors is up to 4 and 8 authors for case report and series,

• Supported file formats are word document (.doc or .docx)

• Learning points (2-3) should be provided during submission in the allocated box,
formatted as single sentences. Learning points should not be longer than 1-2 lines each.
Abstract Instruction
for Case Report / Series
• High resolution figures and images (optional, max 1 figure/image) no larger than
125mm x 180mm (height x width) are to be uploaded separately. Supported file
format is JPG or JPEG.

• Informed consents are not to be submitted, instead held by the treating

institutions following local guideline.
*Should be made available to journal editors if specifically requested.
- Original Research
- Meta-Analysis
Abstract Instruction
for Original Research and Meta Analysis
• Abstract title in sentence case, bold the entire title and avoid abbreviation.
Example: This is a properly formatted title

• List of author(s), institution(s), city, and country should be written immediately below the
title. Institute(s), city, and country should be written in Italic and Authors name should be
listed by initials followed by family name only. First author name should be underlined.
Example: E. J. Topol1, P. Libby2, 1Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta,
Indonesia; 2National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita, Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract Instruction
for Original Research and Meta Analysis
• Oxford English spelling
• Double-spaced, Times New Roman font, use Symbol for the Greek and special characters.
SI units of measurement should only be used.
• Should not exceed 250 words excluding titles and authors, using the following format:
1. Aims,
2. Methods and Results,
3. Conclusion,
4. Keywords. A maximum of six keywords may be submitted.
Abstract Instruction
for Original Research and Meta Analysis
• Use zeros before decimal points, use dot (.) for making decimal points, use lower case ”p”
values. Example: p<0.05

• Provide manufacturer name and location in parenthesis for all brand or trade names. For
brand drugs, include generic name in parenthesis. Do not include references, credit, or
grant support.

• High resolution figures and images (optional, max 1 figure/image) no larger than 125mm
x 180mm (height x width) are to be uploaded separately. File format JPG /JPEG.
- Abstract Policies and Procedures
Abstract Policies and Procedures
for Original Research, Meta Analysis, and Case Report / Series

• All submission must be done through our official website Please contact our technical WA hotline for any
trouble while accessing the submission page.

• There is no limit to the number of abstracts a person may submit.

Abstract Policies and Procedures
for Original Research, Meta Analysis, and Case Report / Series

• Corresponding author will get an email for recognition of abstract

submission. The abstract will then be reviewed, and once approved,
authors will receive an email of abstract acceptance along with the
e-poster instruction.

• Abstract grading is blinded, and abstracts are selected based on merit.

Abstract Policies and Procedures
for Original Research, Meta Analysis, and Case Report / Series

• Corresponding author must be registered as a participant of the


• Please email to revise information, correct

typographical errors, figures, or withdraw an abstract.
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