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St. Joseph College – Olongapo, Inc.


“Christus in Centro (Christ is the Center)”

Imperial Rule in the Philippines

(Pro-Independence and Anti-Independence)

The Negative Side of Imperialism;

Yes to Pro-Independence

Group 3:
Asuncion, Christian Aldriane L.
Flores, Carmelo S.
Mila, Benedict D.
Hubilla, Ivan Charles N.
Saludares, Zaccharius D.
San Jose, Tracy Janelle T.
The idea of imperialism has existed throughout global history; it occurs when a nation
expands its power through territorial conquest or through spreading political and economic
dominance to further regions. Filipinos are familiar with the idea, especially given that the
Philippines was one of several nations that endured long periods of imperialism. It has brought
enormous change to the country, specifically to beliefs, religion, practices and many more. Since
1896, Filipinos had been fighting for freedom from Spanish colonial control, and the news that
the US would take over as colonial dictator was unwelcome to many of them. It raises the issue
of pro-independence and anti-independence; the idea of imperialism restricts people's freedom in
many ways, including the ability to practice and uphold tradition and culture. Additionally, it
raises tension between the public and the government, which can result in conflicts, unrest, and
insurrection. Therefore, Imperialism rule should not be commended because it merely preserves
independence and ignores nationalist sentiment in the nation.

Imperialism is when a mother country takes over a smaller nation or colony for political,
social, and/or economic reasons. Imperialism has been a major force in shaping the modern
world. The effects of Imperialism have been interpreted from a variety of viewpoints. This major
Imperialism occurred during the late 19th Century and early 20th century. It had more negative
effects in the modern world today then positive effects.

A negative effect is seen document two-called "Colonization." In the picture you can
see that the colonies doing the mother country’s hard work did not civilize the smaller colonies.
They were put to work as cheap labor. They had no freedom, had to do what the mother country
said since it has so much towering power over them, they were exploited and were taken
advantage of. Another negative effect is seen in document four called "Missionaries." In this
quote you can see that when the white people came to the Africans, they had nothing but power
over them. They came with the Bible and no land, and instead took their land and forced the
religion Christianity upon them. In document five-called "The White Man," another negative
effect occurs. In this little tale or quote, David Diop talks about how the whites came and killed
the innocent. This had many negative effects on Africa such as the African's were put to work as
slaves but more like cheap labor. Many of them dies from this, they were resettled, exploited,
weren't taken at their free will and took all of their land. The last negative effect can be seen in
document seven called "The German Cartoon." This cartoon shows how severely the presence of
imperialism affected such continents as Africa. The man in the machine is being forced to drink
hard liquor and alcohol, they were corrupted and given evil minds, their money was all taken
away, and most of all religion was forced upon them.

Imperialism is never considered as a good cause and effect. At first when it occurs it
may seem as a positive effect, but in the long run, for example in this case it was a negative
effect. All Africans and Asians were heavily exploited and were given no rights to do anything
even though the mother countries gave them modern culture. Colonies inside colonies would
fight because they wanted independence and have their own government and rule. There were
many ethnics group that had nationalistic feelings but could not accomplish anything and
become a free nation because of Imperialism. The mother country's that did the taking over were
only after a few things and unfortunately did happen to accomplish what they were after. They
wanted raw materials, markets for goods, national glory, balance of power and they also felt as
though they needed to help smaller nations as though it was their burden, which Europeans
called "White Man's Burden." In their point of view, they thought they were helping people but
really all they were doing was hurting the smaller colonies. Mother countries were destroying
ethnic groups and causing civil wars between smaller nations. This newer modern Imperialism
was never productive.

When a mother country took over a smaller colony for economic, political or social
reason, they were Imperialistic. As shown, they changed the modern world plenty and pretty
much made it a harder world to live in at that time. It all depends on which viewpoints you may
look at. Some may think it was a positive thing but overall, it only led to things in this world that
were negative. Even thought the modern Imperialism occurred no more then 100 years ago, it
still affects us greatly, and how our nation is broken down. As far as the opponents of pro
imperialist, this side advanced the following arguments; according to them, this course of action
was aimed at subduing people from other countries, but not to free them. It eventually turned
American soldiers into conquerors. As Mark Twain wrote: “I have seen that we do not intend to
free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to
redeem’’ (Bernard Semmel, 77). According to him, the United States should leave the people of
the Philippines alone and let them deal with their problems on their own.

The second argument is that imperialism inevitably leads to ceaseless bloodshed. The
opponents of imperialism believed that this game was hardly worth the candle. From their point
of view, the lives of American soldiers could not be sacrificed. Besides, the soldiers, themselves,
could not understand, what is the purpose of the campaign in the Philippines. For example, one
of the American soldiers wrote to his family the following:” I am not afraid and am always ready
to do my duty, but I would like someone to tell me what we are fighting for’’It is also argued that
the Atlantic Ocean provides lots of distance and security from European powers. Because of this
isolation, no European country will ever interfere in our affairs. Imperialism is when a mother
country takes over a smaller nation or colony for political, social, and/or economic reasons.
Imperialism has been a major force in shaping the modern world. The effects of Imperialism
have been interpreted from a variety of viewpoints. This major Imperialism occurred during the
late 19th Century and early 20th century. It had more negative effects in the modern world today
then positive effects.

Increasing the size of our military is dangerous. Citizens of European countries with large
militaries have fewer rights and freedoms than Americans. A large military is a threat to our
democracy. One thing to put in mind that European countries are constantly at war with each
other over colonial possessions. Let us avoid such wars by not taking colonies.
Our country has plenty of resources within our own borders. There is no need to go abroad. If we
truly believe in democracy and that it is right for people to rule themselves, it would be
hypocritical for us to control other people. Engaging in colonialism is morally repugnant and the
equivalent of piracy. The anti-imperialists opposed forced expansion, believing that imperialism
violated the fundamental principle that just republican government must derive from the
"consent of the governed.”

The Philippines had faced imperialism a lot already and it has had some negative
outcome not only in our country but also with the culture we already had. When Spanish
colonizers arrived on 1521, practices and traditions from Spain were bought in the Philippines
forcing Filipinos to adjust. A lot the Filipino culture and tradition were immediately ruled out
and forced Filipinos to practice a new way of living. Additionally, our resources were taken
granted from the Filipinos. The spices and the gold were taken by Spaniards for their own benefit
with little to nothing left for the Filipinos. Moreover, because of forced labor, the Filipinos
experienced cruelty and injustice. As a result, there were several protests that eventually
culminated in a larger revolution against the Spanish colonial authorities. Filipinos were then
viewed as an inferior race, which led to widespread discrimination. In Spain's more than 300
years of domination, the development of indigenous communities was disrupted and altered by
the outside power of Spanish colonization. Even if the Filipinos revolted against the monarch in
the fall of 1896, its greatest impact was felt by the people and should not be disregarded.

For a long run, Imperialism has indeed dominated multiple countries even ours in the past.
The effects of Imperialism were too negative to be implemented again. It is one of the many
instances where we could say "what happened in the past shall remain in the past". With the
unbeneficial outcomes of the said system, there were traditions that are forcefully changed,
resources were exploited, forced labor, cruelty and injustice among those who are under
imperialism, and even racism and ethnocentrism. Those are the main adverse effects of
Imperialism which are mostly against our free will and violates our rights. Even in the past,
regardless of being under imperial ruling, Philippines could still have improved and our country
would be spared from the killings that other countries do to our people. Even if religion was
brought to us, it does not make one country great. We are a democratic country, with rules and
regulations of the laws being followed while also being independent. We already have corrupt
politicians, we no longer need Imperialism but we should rather protect our rights, our choices,
and our freedom.

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