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As the study of political science encompasses the rightful possession and exercise

of power and allocation of scarce values, it becomes critical to the promotion of

dignity as those who are in the seats of power and entrusted with a national
responsibility could greatly influence and impact the lives of their constituents,
calling the shots for the betterment of the society. To think, it is essential to
build an inclusive relationship between the state and the civil society as the sole
purpose of the former is to serve the common good. Through this, the political
processes, systems, laws, and policies to be enacted must adhere to the
Constitution, to ensure that no rights are violated and such actions are done to
protect the people from injustices. With all of these, understanding political
science equates to understanding the role of the government and politics in
providing the needs of the society as they lead the people to a path towards the
upliftment of human dignity, quality of life, and inclusive development.

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Collapse SubdiscussionBea Anne DELAS ALAS
10:53amSep 5 at 10:53am
Since us youth are the future of our country or the world even, it is important
that while we are still young, we would already familiarize ourselves with and be
aware with what is going on in society and the government, and this can be done
through the study of political science. Through this, we can better fulfill our
roles as citizens of our country and appreciate the laws that we may learn how to
respect and obey them as well as the rights of others, thus promoting human

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Collapse SubdiscussionAlexandra Fatima Cantos
Alexandra Fatima Cantos
11:08amSep 5 at 11:08am
Political science studies human interaction and conflict, relations of state and
human, and power distributions. Meanwhile, human dignity is about how beings
possessed the value of respect to humanity and that they have every right as human
beings. This concept shown by human dignity builds the principal foundation of the
political rights of humans, registered in the laws, the regulations, the basis of
declarations of human rights, and the governance of one's sovereignty. Human
dignity also measures the right allocation of authoritative power within a state.

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