Epp 6-Quarter 1

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College of Teacher Education

Laboratory Elementary School


I. Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. There are things that people cannot live without such as food and water. What do you call
these things?
a. Demands b. needs c. products d. wants

2. There is a need for food. What business satisfy this need?

a. Drugstore b. hospital c. apartment d. restaurant
3. Entrepreneurs need to possess good characteristics. Which of the following
characteristics means taking actions which might have unpleasant or undesirable results?
a. creating b. innovating c. risk taking d. none of the above

4. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. fruits b. jewelry c. school supplies d. water

5. These are goods and events people desire or wish to have.

a. demands b. needs c. products d. wants

6. Communicating online is sometimes dangerous especially when you are not aware with
the threats present. Which of the following refers to users saying mean and hurtful things
about a person online.
a. backstabbing b. bullying c. cyberbully d. cyberbullying

7. Which of the following statement shows Internet Safety?

a. Leo chats with everyone online.
b. Kim says mean things to other people online.
c. Only be friends with the people you know online.
d. Ali is using a lot of different emoticons when talking with her classmates online.

8. While surfing the Internet, we may notice different windows that suddenly pop up. What
do we call of this online threat?
a. cyberbullying b. phishing c. malware d. virus

9. It is a guideline to be followed to ensure safe participation is an online activity.

a. Work online 24/7.
b. Use a strong and unique password
c. Allow anybody to use your online site.
d. articipate in any kind of online discussion.

10. It is a website containing information that can be created, organized, and revised by the
members of the wiki.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

 cte@mmsu.edu.ph  (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education
a. Google Laboratory
b. Internet Explorer Elementary
c. Wiki School
d. Yahoo
11. Which of the following is true about wikis?
a. They are easy to create and set up.
b. They organize information efficiently.
c. There are a lot of free WIFI software online.
d. All of the above.

12. A person can update his or her diary every day to write important reminders or to write
about almost anything that happened during the day. What do you call the website that
can be updated regularly?
a. blog b. Google c. Wiki d. Yahoo

13. It is a collection of data done online or over the Internet.

a. online interview b. online survey c. online test d. all of the above

14. When asking the name of the respondents in Google Forms, what type if question you are
going to use?
a. Dropdown b. linear scale c. multiple choice d. short answer

15. There are available computer programs that we can use to apply the basic functions and
formulas in a given group of data. Which of the following is an example?
a. electronic spreadsheet c. word processing tool
b. multimedia presentation d. all of the above

16. It is an application that allows one to create, edit, and publish a video.
a. electronic spreadsheet c. multimedia presentation
b. movie maker d. word processing tool

17. Electronic spreadsheet tool features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro
programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Which of the
following arithmetic operation symbols is used for multiplication?
a. asterisk b. equal sign c. forward dash d. minus sign

18. These are the preset or readily-made formulas in Excel that perform various operations
on a specific range of values.
a. equal sign b. equations c. functions d. ranges

19. Marta is tasked to present their group's output. The presentation includes text, graphs, and
pictures. What computer program will she be using?
a. MS Excel b. MS PowerPoint c. MS Word d. all of the above

20. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using online survey form?

a. limited access c. easily copied, can be hacked

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

 cte@mmsu.edu.ph  (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph
College of Teacher Education
b. unlimited access Laboratory d. Elementary
fast in relayingSchool
and collecting survey forms

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

 cte@mmsu.edu.ph  (077) 600-2014 www.mmsu.edu.ph

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