IDP-Ms Maha Saeed

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Individual Development Plan-IDP

Name Of the employee: Ms. Maha Saeed Employee ID: 9612

Date: 02-01-2023 Plan of the period: next 8 months–August-2023

Area of Action Plan Resources Date of Success Criteria

developm Steps will be taken to achieve an area of Training mentor completio
development session, reading n Perimeter/evidence
material, online Tentative that defines that you
Knowledg session, etc. timeline have successfully
e, skill, for achieved your goal
and completio
abilities to n

Differenti My pupils should able to work independently on -ICT equipment 8 months -Students working
ation & ICT devices such as playing educational games All in one and August independently on
Innovatio and use technology to improve their and 21st projector during 2023 programmes like
n century skills. lessons
PPT, MS Word,
Teams, and Google
as a search engine
for subject-related
games, instructive
films, and online
Encouraging students to think creatively.  Training and me By promoting student 
Developing life skills and putting new concepts into p ntoring sessions  goals, drama/plays/
ractise for KUWA, science, and math projects. on how to use so sports, self-created vi
Storytelling and dissemination to a global audienc cial media to pub deos, games, project
e via YouTube, videos, voice recordings, and piaz s, ideas in science an
Thinking licise our student
za decorations. d innovation, short st
out of the s' projects, ideas August ories (fiction), eco-
, and plans and  12th 2023 friendly walks, and w
help them gain r ays to ensure the saf
ecognition. ety and security of pl
ants, the ozone layer, 
global warming, and 

Principal/Head Comment /Recommendation/s:

Principal’s Signature

Note: Consider the following areas to fill in the above details

Lesson Planning
AFL strategies
Teaching Strategies
Time Management
Class Control Management
Thinking out of the box
Follow up with the students
Notebook Checking
Meeting Deadlines
Creating learning spaces
Active learning strategies, group work
Building relationship with learners
Planning and implementing Circle Time
Motivating learners
Differentiation & Innovation
Planning questions according to Bloom’s Taxonomy

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