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The beginning of industrialization

Once upon a time, there was a carpenter called James Watt and a woman
called Agnes Muirhead, they got married and later had a son called James
Watt. James Watt was born in 1736 in Scotland, he had been educated in his
house by his mother and later he went to the Greenock Grammar School.

But, who was James watt? and How did he leave his mark on history?

When he was only eight years old he showed ability in mathematics and
mechanical activities, thanks to his father who had a mechanical workshop,
since he was a child he was interested in steam engines.

It is important to emphasize that the first versión of the steam engine was
created in 1705 by Tomas Newcomen, created to solve the problem of
flooding in mines.

It was until 1764 when James received the charge of repairing the steam
engine created by Tomas Newcomen, and when he was repairing it, he
realized that a lot of energy was wasted and he integrated an independent
condensing chamber, the result was an increase in the performance of the

In the following 25 years he continued adding upgrades to the steam engine

making it reach all industries and become a fundamental tool for the first
industrial revolution.

James Watt died of tuberculosis in 1819 in Hetfield, England. In his honor, the
unit of measurement of electrical power in the International System of Units
was named Watt.

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