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Lecture 7.

Virtual Work Method (Frames)

This lecture focuses on the use of the Virtual Work Method for calculating a frame deflection at a
desired point.
A frame structure consists of a set of members each capable of carrying three types of forces: an
axial force, a shear force, and a bending moment (see Figure 7.56).

Figure 7.56: Internal forces in members of a frame structure

The internal forces in the frame cause the structural members to deform. Generally, each
member undergoes an axial deformation, a shear deformation, and a deformation due to the
bending moment. However, in a typical frame structure, the axial and shear deformations are
significantly smaller than bending deformation and can be ignored. For illustrative purposes in
this lecture, however, we will consider axial deformation as well as bending deformation.

Consider a frame structure subjected to a horizontal point load and a uniformly distributed load,
as shown in Figure 7.57. We wish to determine the horizontal displacement of the frame at point
C. Assume a constant E (modulus of elasticity), A (cross-sectional area), and I (moment of
inertia about the axis of bending) for the frame.

Figure 7.57: A frame structure subjected to a point load and a uniformly distributed load

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.36

We can start by writing the general equation for the Virtual Work Principle:

external virtual work = internal virtual work

Let 𝑊𝑒∗ stand for external virtual work and 𝑊𝑖∗ denote internal virtual work. Then, the virtual
work equation can be expressed as:
𝑊𝑒∗ = 𝑊𝑖∗ [7.126]

Since we are to determine the horizontal displacement at point C, we need to place a virtual unit
load in the horizontal direction at C, as shown in Figure 7.58.

Figure 7.58: A frame structure subjected to a horizontal virtual unit load

Consequently, the expression for external virtual work becomes 1∗ times ∆. That is,

𝑊𝑒∗ = 1∗ ∆ [7.127]

The total internal virtual work can be written in terms of the sum of each member’s internal
virtual work, as follows:
𝑊𝑖∗ = (𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 + (𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 + (𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐶𝐷 [7.128]

Furthermore, the internal virtual work for each member consists of two parts: one part due to
axial deformation and one part due to bending deformation. Equation [7.128] gives the total
internal virtual work in terms of the two terms associated with the internal virtual work for each
frame member.
𝑎 𝑏 𝑎 𝑏 𝑎 𝑏
𝑊𝑖∗ = (𝑊𝑖∗ + 𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 + (𝑊𝑖∗ + 𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 + (𝑊𝑖∗ + 𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐶𝐷 [7.129]
𝑎 𝑏
In equation [7.129], 𝑊𝑖∗ represents the internal work due to axial deformation and 𝑊𝑖∗
represents the internal work due to bending deformation for member 𝑖. To calculate 𝑊𝑖∗ and
𝑊𝑖∗ for each member of the frame, we need to analyze the structure and calculate the axial and
bending deformations for each member.

Given that the frame is statically determinate, we can determine its support reactions by writing
and solving the static equilibrium equations for the entire structure. The support reactions are
shown in Figure 7.59.

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.37

Figure 7.59: The support reactions for a frame subjected to a point load and a distributed load

Figure 7.60 shows the internal forces for the frame members.

Figure 7.60: The member forces in a frame structure

To calculate ∆ (see Figure 7.57), we need to analyze the frame under a virtual unit load placed in
the direction of the horizontal displacement at point C. The analysis results are given in Figure

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.38

Figure 7.61: The member forces in a frame structure subjected to a horizontal unit load

Note that member CD carries a virtual compressive force of −2. We use the negative sign to

indicate that the member is in compression. Therefore, 𝑓𝑐𝑑 = −2.

As shown in Figure 7.60, under the applied load, member CD carries a compressive force of
2𝑃 + 𝑤𝐿/2. Therefore, its axial displacement (𝛿𝑐𝑑 ) can be written as:
𝐹𝑐𝑑 𝐿𝑐𝑑 −( 2 + 2𝑃)(2𝐿) [7.130]
𝛿𝑐𝑑 = =
The internal virtual work for the member can be written as follows:

−( + 2𝑃)(2𝐿) 8𝑃𝐿 + 2𝑤𝐿2
𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐶𝐷 = (𝑊𝑖∗
𝑎 ∗
+ 0)𝐶𝐷 = 𝑓𝑐𝑑 𝛿𝑐𝑑 = (−2) 2 = [7.131]
Note that since member CD does not carry any bending moment, its 𝑊𝑖∗ (deformation due to
bending) is zero.

Member AB carries a virtual tensile force of 2 (see Figure 7.61). Therefore, we can write 𝑓𝑎𝑏 = 2.
Since the member carries a compressive force of −2𝑃 + 𝑤𝐿/2 under the applied load (see
Figure 7.60), its axial displacement (𝛿𝑎𝑏 ) can be determined as follows:
𝐹𝑎𝑏 𝐿𝑎𝑏 −( 2 − 2𝑃)(2𝐿) [7.132]
𝛿𝑎𝑏 = =
The axial component of the internal virtual work for the member is given in equation [7.133].

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.39

−( 2 − 2𝑃)(2𝐿) 8𝑃𝐿 − 2𝑤𝐿2
(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 = ∗
𝑓𝑎𝑏 𝛿𝑎𝑏 = (2) = [7.133]
The bending component of the internal virtual work for member AB can be expressed using the
following equation.
𝑏 𝑚∗ 𝑀
(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 = ∫ 𝑑𝑥 [7.134]
0 𝐸𝐼

In equation [7.134], 𝑚∗ is the bending moment due to the virtual load and 𝑀 is the bending
moment due to the real load. Using the diagrams shown in Figure 7.60 and Figure 7.61, 𝑀 and
𝑚∗ can be written as follows:

𝑀(𝑥) = 𝑃 𝑥 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2𝐿 [7.135]

𝑚∗ (𝑥) = 𝑥 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2𝐿 [7.136]

Therefore, equation [7.134] can be expanded, as shown in equation [7.137].

𝑏 𝑚∗ 𝑀 2𝐿
(𝑥)(𝑃𝑥) 8𝑃𝐿3
(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 = ∫ 𝑑𝑥 = ∫ 𝑑𝑥 = [7.137]
0 𝐸𝐼 0 𝐸𝐼 3𝐸𝐼

The total internal virtual work for member AB is the sum of equations [7.133] and [7.137].

𝑎 𝑏 8𝑃𝐿 − 2𝑤𝐿2 8𝑃𝐿3

(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 = (𝑊𝑖∗ + 𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 = + [7.138]

Member BC carries a virtual tensile force of 1 (see Figure 7.61). Therefore, we can write 𝑓𝑏𝑎 = 1.
This member does not carry any axial forces (𝐹𝑏𝑐 = 0). Therefore, we can write:
𝐹𝑏𝑐 𝐿𝑏𝑐 (0)(𝐿)
𝛿𝑏𝑐 = = =0 [7.139]
The axial component of the internal virtual work for this member is:

(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 = 𝑓𝑏𝑐

𝛿𝑏𝑐 = (1)(0) = 0 [7.140]

The bending component of the internal virtual work for member BC can be expressed as:
𝑏 𝑚∗ 𝑀
(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 = ∫ 𝑑𝑥 [7.141]
0 𝐸𝐼

Using the free-body diagrams shown in Figure 7.60 and Figure 7.61, for member BC, we can
write 𝑀 and 𝑚∗ as follows:

𝑤𝐿𝑥 𝑤𝑥 2
𝑀(𝑥) = − 2𝑃𝑥 + 2𝑃𝐿 − 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝐿 [7.142]
2 2

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.40

𝑚∗ (𝑥) = 2𝐿 − 2𝑥 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝐿 [7.143]

Therefore, equation [7.141] can be rewritten in the expanded form as:

𝑏 1 𝐿 𝑤𝐿𝑥 𝑤𝑥 2 𝑤𝐿4 4𝑃𝐿3

(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 = ∫ (2𝐿 − 2𝑥)(2𝑃𝐿 + − 2𝑃𝑥 − )𝑑𝑥 = + [7.144]
𝐸𝐼 0 2 2 12𝐸𝐼 3𝐸𝐼

The total internal virtual work for member BC is the sum of equations [7.140] and [7.144].

𝑏 𝑤𝐿4 4𝑃𝐿3
(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 = (0 + 𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 = + [7.145]
12𝐸𝐼 3𝐸𝐼
The system internal virtual work is equal to the sum of the internal work expressions for the
three members given by equations [7.131], [7.138], and [7.145]. That is, we can write:

8𝑃𝐿 + 2𝑤𝐿2 8𝑃𝐿 − 2𝑤𝐿2 8𝑃𝐿3 𝑤𝐿4 4𝑃𝐿3

𝑊𝑖∗ = + + + + [7.146]

16𝑃𝐿 4𝑃𝐿3 𝑤𝐿4

𝑊𝑖∗ = + + [7.147]
Equating the external virtual work to the internal virtual work, we get:

16𝑃𝐿 4𝑃𝐿3 𝑤𝐿4

(1∗ )∆= + + [7.148]
Therefore, the horizontal displacement of the frame shown in Figure 7.57 is:

16𝑃𝐿 4𝑃𝐿3 𝑤𝐿4

∆= + + [7.149]
Let’s consider another example. For the frame shown in Figure 7.62, we wish to determine the
horizontal displacement of roller A and the rotation of the frame at joint B. The cross-section
and material properties of the frame are constant.

Figure 7.62: A statically determinate frame subjected to two point loads

We start by analyzing the frame to determine the member forces under the applied load. The
analysis results are shown in Figure 7.63.

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.41

Figure 7.63: Member forces for a statically determinate frame subjected to two point loads

Column AB carries an axial load only. Beam BC has an axial load and a bending moment. Using
the free-body diagram shown in Figure 7.63, the bending moment equation for the beam can be
written as:
200𝑥 0≤𝑥≤4
𝑀(𝑥) = { [7.150]
1600 − 200𝑥 4≤𝑥≤8
To calculate the horizontal displacement of the frame at the roller support, we need to place a
virtual unit load at point A and analyze the frame. Figure 7.64 shows the analysis results.

Figure 7.64: Member forces in a frame subjected to a virtual unit load

Using the free-body diagram shown in Figure 7.64, the moment equation for column AB due to
the unit load can be written as:

𝑚∗ (𝑥) = −𝑥 0 < 𝑥 < 3 [7.151]

For beam BC, the moment equation is as follows:

𝑚∗ (𝑥) = 3𝑥/8 – 3 0 < 𝑥 < 8 [7.152]

To determine the horizontal displacement at point A, the external virtual work expression can be
written as 1∗ ∆, where ∆ is the target displacement.

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.42

The expression for the internal virtual work for the frame can be written as:
𝑎 𝑎 𝑏
𝑊𝑖∗ = (𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 + (𝑊𝑖∗ + 𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 [7.153]

Note that since column AB does not carry any bending moment, under the applied load (see
Figure 7.63), 𝑊𝑖∗ for the member is zero.
To determine 𝑊𝑖∗ for column AB, we need to calculate the axial displacement of the member
under the applied load. This can be done using the following equation:
𝐹𝑎𝑏 𝐿𝑎𝑏
𝛿𝑎𝑏 = [7.154]
Since column AB carries an axial compressive force of 200 N (see Figure 7.63), 𝐹𝑎𝑏 = −200 N.
Therefore, equation [7.154] can be rewritten as:
(−200)(3) −600
𝛿𝑎𝑏 = = [7.155]
The axial force in the member due to the virtual unit load is 3/8 (see Figure 7.64). Since the

member is in compression, we can write 𝑓𝑎𝑏 = −3/8.
Then, 𝑊𝑖∗ becomes:

𝑎 (−200)(3) 225
(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 = 𝑓𝑎𝑏

𝛿𝑎𝑏 = (−3/8) = [7.156]
For beam BC, 𝛿𝑏𝑐 can be determined as follows:
𝐹𝑏𝑐 𝐿𝑏𝑐 (−200)(8) −1600
𝛿𝑏𝑐 = = = [7.157]
And since the axial force in the member due to the virtual unit load is −1 (see Figure 7.64), 𝑊𝑖∗
can be written as follows:

𝑎 −1600 1600
(𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 = 𝑓𝑏𝑐

𝛿𝑏𝑐 = (−1) = [7.158]
To determine 𝑊𝑖∗ for beam BC, we need to use the following equation:
𝑏 𝑚∗ 𝑀
𝑊𝑖∗ = ∫ 𝑑𝑥 [7.159]
0 𝐸𝐼

where 𝑚∗ is the bending moment due to the virtual load and 𝑀 is the bending moment due to
the real loads in the member. The expression for 𝑀 is given in equation [7.150] and the
expression for 𝑚∗ is given in equation [7.152]. Therefore, we can rewrite equation [7.159] as:
4 8
𝑏 3𝑥 3𝑥 −4800
𝑊𝑖∗ = ∫ ( − 3)(200𝑥)𝑑𝑥 + ∫ ( − 3)(1600 − 200𝑥)𝑑𝑥 = [7.160]
0 8 4 8 𝐸𝐼

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.43

The total internal virtual work for the beam BC can be written as:

𝑎 𝑏 1600 4800
(𝑊𝑖∗ + 𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 = − [7.161]
Adding equations [7.156] and [7.161], we get the internal virtual work expression for the entire
225 1600 4800 1825 4800
𝑊𝑖∗ = + − = − [7.162]
Equating the external virtual work to the internal virtual work, we get:
1825 4800
1∗ ∆ = − [7.163]
Therefore, the horizontal displacement of roller A (see Figure 7.62) is:
1825 4800
∆= − [7.164]
The cross-sectional area and the moment of inertia of the members are given by equations
[7.165] and [7.166], respectively.
10 10
𝐴 = × = 100 × 10−4 m2 [7.165]
100 100
1 10 10 3
𝐼 = × ×( ) = 833 × 10−8 m4 [7.166]
12 100 100
Since 𝐸 = 200 × 109 N/m2, ∆ becomes:
1825 4800
∆= − = 9.125 × 10−7 − 2.881 × 10−3 m [7.167]

∆= 0.0009125 − 2.881 mm [7.168]

Figure 7.65 shows the displaced frame.

Figure 7.65: The horizontal displacement of a frame at a roller support

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.44

In equation [7.168], the first term is due to axial deformation and the second term is due to
bending. Clearly, the horizontal displacement at A is mainly due to bending. As was mentioned
before, ignoring axial deformation for a typical frame structure is a reasonable consideration.

To determine the rotation of the frame at joint B, denoted by 𝜃, we place a virtual unit moment
at the joint, as shown in Figure 7.66.

Figure 7.66: A frame structure subjected to a virtual unit moment

The analysis of the frame subjected to the unit moment yields the member forces and moment
equations shown in Figure 7.67.

Figure 7.67: The member forces and moment equations for a frame structure

As shown in Figure 7.67, column AB carries an axial force only; there is no bending moment in
the member. The bending moment equation for beam BC equals 1 − 𝑥/8.

The external virtual work equation for the frame can be written as 1∗ 𝜃. And the internal virtual
work can be expressed in the following form:
𝑎 𝑏
𝑊𝑖 ∗ = (𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐴𝐵 + (𝑊𝑖∗ )𝐵𝐶 [7.169]
For column AB, 𝑊𝑖∗ = 𝑓𝑎𝑏 ∗ ∗
𝛿𝑎𝑏 where 𝑓𝑎𝑏 = 1/8 (see Figure 7.67). The axial displacement for the
member (𝛿𝑎𝑏 ) can be determined using Hooke’s Law:
𝐹𝑎𝑏 𝐿𝑎𝑏 (−200)(3) −600
𝛿𝑎𝑏 = = = [7.170]
Then, the internal virtual work for column AB can be written as:

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.45

𝑎 1 −600 −75
𝑊𝑖∗ = × = [7.171]

For beam BC, 𝑊𝑖∗ can be determined using the following equation.
𝑏 𝑚∗ 𝑀
𝑊𝑖∗ = ∫ 𝑑𝑥 [7.172]
0 𝐸𝐼

Equation [7.172] can be expanded by (1) replacing 𝑚∗ (𝑥) with 1 − 𝑥/8 (see Figure 7.67) and (2)
using equation [7.150] for 𝑀. The expanded equation is as follows:

𝑏 1 4 𝑥 1 8 𝑥 1600
𝑊𝑖∗ = ∫ (1 − )(200𝑥)𝑑𝑥 + ∫ (1 − )(1600 − 200𝑥)𝑑𝑥 = [7.173]
𝐸𝐼 0 8 𝐸𝐼 4 8 𝐸𝐼

The internal virtual work for the frame can be obtained by adding equation [7.171] to equation
−75 1600
𝑊𝑖 ∗ = + [7.174]
Equating the external virtual work to the internal virtual work, we get:
−75 1600
1∗ 𝜃 = + [7.175]
Therefore, the rotation of the frame at joint B (see Figure 7.66) becomes:
−75 1600
𝜃= + [7.176]
Using the known section and material properties for the frame, given by equations [7.165] and
[7.166], we get 𝜃 = 0.00096 radian.

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.46

Exercise Problems: Solve the following problems using the Virtual Work Method.

1. For the frame shown below, determine the horizontal displacement and rotation at roller
support D. The frame has a cross-sectional area of 10 cm by 10 cm. E = 200 GPa.

2. Calculate the vertical displacement at joint D and the rotation at pin support B. The
frame has a cross-sectional area of 10 cm by 10 cm. 𝐸 = 200 GPa.

Chapter 7: Deflection (Virtual Work Method) Page 7.47

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