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Unbroken Webquest

Directions: Answer each question below using complete and logical

1.Visit the following website, and read the timeline of WWII.

2. What event caused the US to enter into war with Japan? When did the US
formally declare war upon Japan? The bombing of Pearl Harbor. December
8, 1941

3.What events involving Japan led to the end of WWII? The atomic bombing
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

4.Visit the following website, and watch the video.

5.What was the purpose of the B-29? To try to prosecute the war in the
pacific against Japan.

6.What happened to excess airplanes during the war? They were used as
targets for the U.S. fighter planes
7.Describe the interior of the B-29. There is a bombadier seat, a co-pilot
seat, a flight engineer station, dual controls, a bomb sight, a radio operator
station, and a navigator station.

8.Visit the following interactive map.

9.How were the Allied forces eventually able to advance on Japan? By

hopping and taking over Japanese controlled islands

10.Listen to General Douglas MacArthur’s speech:

11. What is the main message MacArthur presents?

That no matter how difficult or hard your situation is, never give up

12.Read the notes from the 112th Congress session, located here:
13. What happened on May 30, 2009? The Japanese sent an official apology
from their government apologizing for their damaging actions during
World War II.

14. Summarize the notes from the session.

The 112th Congress First Session came together to discuss Japan’s actions during World War II.
Japan bombed the United States multiple times during the war. The Japanese purposed an apology
during this meeting.

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