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Current Literature

In Clinical Science

Psychosurgery, Epilepsy Surgery, or Surgical Psychiatry:

The Tangled Web of Epilepsy and Psychiatry as Revealed
by Surgical Outcomes

Psychiatric Lifetime Diagnoses are Associated With a Reduced Chance of Seizure Freedom After Temporal Lobe
Koch-Stoecker SC, Bien CG, Schulz R, May TW. Epilepsia 2017;58:983–993.
OBJECTIVE: To examine whether psychiatric comorbidity is a predictor of long-term seizure outcome following
temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. METHODS: A sample of 434 adult patients who received temporal lobe resection to
treat epilepsy between 1991 and 2009 and were psychiatrically assessed before surgery were followed for 2 years to
assess seizure outcome. Stepwise multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to assess the impact of psychiatric
variables on complete seizure freedom (Engel class IA), and freedom from disabling seizures (Engel class I). Lifetime
histories of three psychiatric syndromes (PS: psychosis; depression; other) and five personality disorders (PD: DSM-IV
Clusters A, B, and C; organic personality disorder; other) were considered as predictors, complemented by age at onset,
duration of epilepsy, type of lesion (mesiotemporal sclerosis vs. other), and year of surgery. RESULTS: Seizure-freedom
rates were significantly higher (p < 0.001) in patients with no history of PS or PD (N = 138; Engel class IA: 61.6%; Engel
class I: 87.7%) than in those with any PS or PD (N = 296; Engel class IA: 39.5%; Engel class I: 58.8%). Particularly low
seizure-freedom rates were found in patients with a diagnosis of psychosis (N = 32, Engel class IA: 21.9%; Engel class
I: 40.6%), organic PD (N = 48, Engel class IA: 25.0%; Engel class I: 35.4%) or a double diagnosis of PS plus PD (N = 97;
Engel class IA: 27.8%; Engel class I: 45.5%). No other variables emerged as significant risk factors in multivariate logistic
regression analyses. SIGNIFICANCE: Patients with and without psychiatric comorbidities can benefit from temporal lobe
epilepsy surgery; however, psychiatric comorbidities are negatively associated with postoperative seizure-freedom
rates. Surgical outcome is related to the type and extent of preoperative psychiatric morbidity, which underscores the
prognostic value of presurgical psychiatric evaluation. The data support the argument that there are common patho-
genetic mechanisms underlying both epilepsy and psychiatric conditions.

Commentary It is tempting, and perhaps necessary, to briefly revisit the

Have we reached a new age of psychosurgery? Unlikely, history of psychiatry and surgery. In 1949, the neurologist Egas
because at this point, surgically treating psychiatric illness is Moniz won the Nobel Prize for performing leucotomies. The
unsuccessful in all but a few clinical syndromes and unique outcomes were initially intriguing and yielded improvement in
circumstances. But we may have reached a new age of cases where there was little perceived hope for positive prog-
psychiatry and surgery, at least in understanding how psychi- noses. Eventually the procedures were discredited because of
atric conditions complicate surgery. Although psychiatry and the lack of psychiatric specificity and the imprecision of surgi-
surgery mentioned in the same breath brings forth unpleasant cal techniques. Lack of documented baseline function may
recollections of flawed science and lack of reason, their men- have also hampered assessment of the utility of the procedure,
tion today may be an intuitive response after considering the and surely prevented appreciation of nuanced outcomes, posi-
results of Koch-Stoecker et al. To be clear, psychosurgery was in tive or negative, that may have been ascertained.
no way the focus of this paper or this study. The impact of this Surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy was evolving in roughly
paper is in vividly demonstrating the overlap between psychi- the same time frame, the 1960s and 1970s. In many ways, that
atric illness and epilepsy in terms of surgical outcomes. history parallels the evolution of psychiatric neurosurgery,
particularly with the presence of controversy. Contemplating
Epilepsy Currents, Vol. 17, No. 6 (November/December) 2017 pp. 351–352 brain surgery for people with epilepsy who had aggressive
© American Epilepsy Society outbursts involved a serious ethical dilemma a half-century
ago. A profound debate about how much epilepsy surgery
could be construed as psychiatric neurosurgery, and vice versa


was agonizingly considered by Mark and Neville in their JAMA To be fair, questions still remain regarding the true impact
editorial in 1973 (1). of psychiatric illness upon epilepsy surgery outcomes. As the
The debate continues today, though the intersections of authors aptly point out, psychosocial stressors may be worse in
epilepsy surgery and psychiatric impact are better under- patients with psychiatric illness. In theory, a relative lack of social
stood. Koch-Stoecker et al. present data from 434 patients support and potentially inconsistent treatment adherence may
who underwent temporal lobectomies over a 17-year period. also contribute to a worse outcome. Even with the authors’ well-
Each patient had seizure localization in the temporal lobe, reasoned consideration of common pathogenetic mechanisms
though had varying pathology ranging from mesial tempo- for epilepsy and psychiatric conditions, it is unclear if surgical
ral sclerosis (MTS) or tumors, to nonlesional. Each patient procedures may actually have improved the psychiatric status in
received a psychiatric evaluation, which included a semistruc- some cases. Follow-up psychiatric evaluations were not done at
tured interview procedure that yielded “official” psychiatric the 2-year mark, and literature reporting potential emergence of
diagnoses according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual de novo psychiatric illness after surgery cannot be ignored (4, 5)
of Mental Disorders (DSM). This in itself is remarkable given Although the data and analyses are robust, the fact that
that psychiatric evaluation prior to epilepsy surgery is still 358/792 eligible patients were not assessed is also notable.
uncommon in many surgery centers. Psychiatric syndromes Even in this sophisticated center with an embedded psychia-
(depression, psychosis, other) or personality disorders trist, 45% of patients did not receive psychiatric baseline assess-
(clusters A, B, C, or organic) were not precisely specified, but ments. The reason was that the group only had one psychiatrist,
instead were aggregated to account for changes in categoric who obviously could not be available 100% of the time. That
criteria from differing DSM versions. Each patient received a perhaps is the most important lesson of this study, that psychi-
follow-up evaluation 2 years later when Engel outcomes were atric evaluation prior to epilepsy surgery is no longer optional.
established. It is essential, and this point has been made repeatedly (6, 7).
The results were profound. Surgical outcomes for epilepsy One can only hope that center directors and influential resource
depended heavily upon the presence or absence of psychiatric allocators will take heed. In terms of understanding and improv-
syndromes and/or personality disorders identified prior to sur- ing outcomes for persons with medically refractory epilepsy,
gery. Other factors such as age of onset, duration of epilepsy, psychiatry and surgery belong together, intuitively.
side of surgery, or presence of MTS were not associated with
postsurgical seizure freedom. The best outcomes by far were by Jay Salpekar, MD
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