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Peer-Review Reports

Surgery for Psychiatric Disorders

Judy Luigjes1, Bart P. de Kwaasteniet1, Pelle P. de Koning1, Marloes S. Oudijn1, Pepijn van den Munckhof 2,
P. Richard Schuurman 2, Damiaan Denys1,3

Key words Surgery in psychiatric disorders has a long history and has regained momentum
䡲 Addiction
in the past few decades with deep brain stimulation (DBS). DBS is an adjustable
䡲 Deep brain stimulation
䡲 Major depressive disorder and reversible neurosurgical intervention using implanted electrodes to deliver
䡲 Obsessive-compulsive disorder controlled electrical pulses to targeted areas of the brain. It holds great promise
䡲 Psychosurgery for therapy-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. Several double-blind con-
䡲 Tourette syndrome
trolled and open trials have been conducted and the response rate is estimated
Abbreviations and Acronyms
around 54%. Open trials have shown encouraging results with DBS for therapy-
ALIC: Anterior limb of the internal capsule refractory depression and case reports have shown potential effects of DBS on
AN: Anorexia nervosa addiction. Another promising indication is Tourette syndrome, where potential
DBS: Deep brain stimulation efficacy of DBS is shown by several case series and a few controlled trials.
DDS: Dopamine dysregulation syndrome
GPi: Globus pallidus
Further research should focus on optimizing DBS with respect to target location
HDRS: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and increasing the number of controlled double-blinded trials. In addition, new
IPG: Internal pulse generator indications for DBS and new target options should be explored in preclinical
ITP: Inferior thalamic peduncle research.
MDD: Major depressive disorder
mPFC: Medial prefrontal cortex
NAc: Nucleus accumbens
OCD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder studies and the development in technology to schizophrenia (10). Burckhardt claimed
OFC: Circuits connecting orbitofrontal cortex of the last decades— has enabled the imple- success in three of his six patients but his
OFC: Orbitofrontal cortex
mentation of permanent deep brain stimu- unconventional work was heavily criticized
PG: Pathologic gambling
SCG: Subcallosal cingulate gyrus lation (DBS). With DBS, surgically im- by international medical colleagues, and he
STN: Subthalamic nucleus planted electrodes deliver controlled discontinued the project after publication
TRD: Therapy-resistant depression electrical pulses to targeted areas of the of his surgical results in 1891 (66). In 1910,
TS: Tourette syndrome brain. Compared to ablative neurosurgery, the Estonian neurosurgeon Lodovicus Puusepp
VC/VS: Ventral capsule/ventral striatum DBS is reversible and adjustable. The set- (1875–1942) disrupted the “association fi-
Y-BOCS: Yale-Brown obsessive-compulsive scale tings of the stimulation can be changed and bers” between the frontal and parietal cor-
the electrodes can be removed from the tex in three patients with manic depression
From the Departments of 1Psychiatry and
2 brain. The objective of this review is to give or “epileptic equivalents” (86). It was not
Neurosurgery, Academic Medical Center,
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam; and 3The an overview of the recent research in the until 1935 when neurologist Egas Moniz
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, an institute of the field of DBS and psychiatry. We start with a (1874 –1955), regarded by many as the
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, short introduction of the history of surgery
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
founder of modern psychosurgery, and
for psychiatric disorders, a description of neurosurgeon Almeida Lima (1903–1985)
To whom correspondence should be addressed: the procedure, and team requirements for
Damiaan Denys, M.D., Ph.D. [E-mail:] performed the first prefrontal leukotomies
DBS for psychiatric disorders. in 20 psychiatric patients, suffering from
Citation: World Neurosurg. (2013) 80, 3/4:S31.e17-S31.e28. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and anxi-
Journal homepage: ety disorders (75). The American neurolo-
Available online: HISTORY OF SURGERY FOR PSYCHIATRIC gist Walter Freeman (1895–1972) and neu-
1878-8750/$ - see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
DISORDERS rosurgeon James Watts (1904 –1994) began
All rights reserved. At the Berlin Medical Congress of 1889, the performing leukotomies in 1936 (27), and
Swiss psychiatrist Gottlieb Burckhardt their modified lobotomy technique was ad-
INTRODUCTION opted by neurosurgeons around the world.
(1836 –1907) presented his operative find-
Surgery in psychiatric disorders involves ings and outcomes of selective removal of By 1949 it was estimated that 10,000 lobot-
ablative and stimulation techniques and has the left frontotemporal cerebral cortex in a omies had been performed in the United
a long and turbulent history. The signifi- small series of six patients with various di- States, with similar numbers collectively in
cant progress of our understanding of the agnoses, one with chronic mania, one with the United Kingdom (102).
pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders— primary dementia, and four with primäre Moniz was awarded the Nobel Prize in
thanks to preclinical and neuroimaging Verrücktheit, a clinical category equivalent 1949 for the “discovery of the therapeutic



value of prefrontal leukotomy in certain After burr holes are made in the patient’s The surgery is performed by a neurosur-
psychoses,” but, at that time, the procedure skull, stereotactic frame guidance is used to gical team with specific expertise in stereo-
was already regarded as unethical and un- place the leads in the targeted area. The lead tactic and functional neurosurgery. Per-
scientific. Beside the often-expressed fun- is then connected to an extension cable and forming neurosurgery on awake patients
damental moral reservations, the technical tunneled under the scalp and skin of the poses challenges for the surgical team. Psy-
procedure itself, with operations merely neck to a subcutaneous pocket in the sub- chological assistance from the psychiatric
performed by eye, was also discredited. In clavicular or abdominal area that holds the team who is familiar with the patient is
1949, the French neurosurgeon Talairach internal pulse generator (IPG). The IPG’s therefore recommended as long as the pa-
(1911–2007) therefore presented the use of a life depends on parameter settings, after tient is awake.
stereotactic frame to selectively coagulate which it needs to be surgically replaced. DBS programming is carried out during
the frontothalamic fibers in the anterior Since DBS in psychiatric disorders generally regular follow-up visits by an expert psychi-
limb of the internal capsule at the IVth In- requires high amperages, IPGs are often re- atrist and a team including psychologists or
ternational Congress of Neurology in Paris placed after 9 –18 months. The recent devel- specialized nurses. The team has to be
(103). Hereafter, stereotactic psychosur- opment of rechargeable IPGs has pro- trained to assess symptoms and side ef-
gery quickly replaced the prefrontal lobot- longed their life significantly. fects, and has to understand the technical
omy, and was applied for various psychiat- aspects of DBS. For some patients, it can be
ric disorders: anterior capsulotomy for beneficial to optimize the effect of DBS with
general anxiety disorder and obsessive- Administering Stimulation the help of cognitive behavioral therapy, for
compulsive disorder (OCD), cingulotomy The implantable IPG contains a battery for which trained behavioral therapists are
for addiction, bipolar disorder, depression, power and a microchip to regulate the stim- needed.
OCD, schizoaffective disorder and schizo- ulation settings. The activity of the elec- Since DBS for psychiatric disorders is
phrenia, subcaudate tractotomy for depres- trodes can be programmed externally with a still an experimental treatment, systematic
sion, OCD and schizophrenia, anterior cal- portable appliance communicating with investigation of its efficacy, possible side
losotomy for schizoaffective disorder and the pulse generator through telemetry. The effects, and underlying mechanisms of ac-
schizophrenia (see Leiphart and Valone electrodes have various contact points tion are needed (52), and this needs to be
[57] for review), thalamotomy for Tourette (mostly four), which can be stimulated sep- carried out by a multidisciplinary investiga-
syndrome (TS) (36), hypothalamotomy for arately, thereby enabling adjustment of the tional team.
addiction (17), aggressiveness (93) and sex- anatomic reach of the stimulation area. Fre-
ual disorders (89), and amygdalotomy for quency, intensity, and pulse width are also
aggressive behavior associated with mental DBS IN THERAPY-REFRACTORY OCD
programmable. The programming facility
impairment (77). Although stereotactic has the advantage that, after implantation,
psychosurgery in the early years almost ex- Rationale
the stimulation can be optimized to in- OCD is characterized by anxiety-provoking
clusively used ablative lesions, experimen- crease the therapeutic effects and to de-
tal DBS in psychiatric patients was already intrusive thoughts and repetitive behavior
crease side effects. that are severe and time consuming (⬎1
performed in the 1950s by research groups
at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and Tulane hour/day) and causes distinct distress. If
University in New Orleans (8, 37). left untreated, it can have a devastating ef-
Since the introduction of psychoactive Team Requirements fect on occupational functioning, relation-
drugs like chlorpromazine, reserpine, lith- DBS in psychiatric disorders requires a mul- ships, and social activities. Specific treat-
ium, haloperidol, imipramine, and diaze- tidisciplinary collaboration between the de- ments for OCD, such as pharmacotherapy
pam in the 1950s and 1960s, the number of partments of neurosurgery and psychiatry. with serotonin reuptake inhibitors and cog-
patients requiring stereotactic psychosur- Careful patient selection is key in DBS treat- nitive behavioral therapy, provide 40%–
gery decreased enormously. At present, it is ment. Therefore, a psychiatrist with exper- 60% symptom reduction in half of the
only applied in treatment-refractory psychi- tise in the specific psychiatric disorder of patients. Approximately 10% of patients re-
atric disorders. Since the 1987 publication the DBS indication is needed to diagnose main severely affected and suffer from
from Benabid et al. (6) on thalamic DBS in the severity of symptoms, presence of co- treatment-refractory OCD (15). For a small
parkinsonian patients with tremor, DBS morbidity, and to evaluate criteria and their proportion of these treatment-refractory pa-
has virtually replaced ablative lesions in ste- exclusion. Patients should only be included tients, DBS may be appropriate. It is estimated
reotactic neurosurgery for both movement when all other available treatments for the that since 1999 more than 100 patients with
and psychiatric disorders. disorder were administered. In addition, OCD have received experimental DBS in five
psychological and social evaluation is re- different brain targets: the anterior limb of the
quired preferably by psychologists and spe- internal capsule (ALIC), nucleus accumbens
Procedure for Implantation cialized nurses to assess the patient’s moti- (NAc), ventral capsule/ventral striatum (VC/
For electrode implantation, a stereotactic vation, the patient’s support structure, and VS), subthalamic nucleus (STN), and inferior
head frame is attached to the patient’s skull. his/her social functioning. The last step in thalamic peduncle (ITP).
Then, the patient is imaged with the frame the patient selection is to exclude medical Circuits connecting orbitofrontal cortex
on to localize the target(s) on magnetic res- conditions or structural brain abnormali- (OFC), medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC),
onance imaging or computed tomography. ties contraindicative for surgery. basal ganglia and thalamus are central to



Table 1. Overview of Published Studies of Deep Brain Stimulation for Therapy-Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Study Target Number of Patients Period (months) Response

Nuttin et al., 1999 (81)† ALIC 4 Not mentioned In 3 of 4, some beneficial effects were seen
Nuttin et al., 2003 (82)† ALIC 6 3–31 Responder 50%
Abelson et al., 2005 (1)† ALIC 4 4–23 Responder 50%
Sturm et al., 2003 (101) NAc 5 24–30 Responder 60% (Y-BOCS scores not mentioned)
Denys et al., 2010 (16)† NAc 16 21 Responder 56%
Huff et al., 2010 (119)† Right-NAc 10 12 Responder 10%
Greenberg et al., 2006 (32) VC/VS 10 36 Responder 40%
Goodman et al., 2010 (29)† VC/VS 6 12 Responder 33%
Jiménez-Ponce et al., 2009 (41) ITP 5 12 Responder 100%
Mallet et al., 2008 (64)† STN 16 3 months of stimulation Responder* 75%
ALIC, the anterior limb of internal capsule; NAc, nucleus accumbens; VC/VS, ventral capsule/ventral striatum; STN, subthalamic nucleus; ITP, inferior thalamic peduncle.
Responder definition: ⬎35% Y-BOCS reduction.
*Responder definition: ⬎25% Y-BOCS reduction.
†Controlled studies.

OCD pathophysiology (33). OCD is associ- In 1999, Nuttin et al. (81) published the considered responders (ⱖ35% symptom
ated with hyperactivity of this frontolimbic first study on bilateral ALIC DBS in four reduction). A combined study on the
network (72). Although the exact mecha- patients. They reported beneficial effects long-term results from 26 patients with
nism of DBS is unknown, it is hypothesized in three of four patients. Another study ALIC/VC/VS implantation by the same
that DBS inhibits or functionally overrides (82) by the same group in 2003 described American and Belgian groups reported an
this pathological hyperactivity (88). At pres- six patients with DBS in the ALIC for a overall responder rate of 62% after a mean of
ent, DBS neuroimaging studies that may period of 21 months. Four patients partic- 31.4 months of follow-up (31). Refinement of
confirm the inhibitory characteristics of ipated in a crossover evaluation; three the implantation site to a more posterior loca-
DBS are sparse; however, it is suggested showed a 35% or greater reduction in tion, toward the junction of the anterior cap-
that hyperactivity in the OFC correlates with symptoms on the Yale-Brown obsessive- sule, anterior commissure, and bed nucleus
the severity of OCD, and that OFC hyperac- compulsive scale (Y-BOCS) (30). Abelson of the stria terminalis, improved the results. A
tivity normalizes after DBS (1, 56). et al. (1) reported two responders of four study by Goodman et al. (29), using a blinded,
patients in a randomized on– off se- staggered-onset design of six OCD patients
quence of four 3-week blocks, followed by with VC/VS DBS, showed four of six respond-
Efficacy of DBS for OCD
an open stimulation phase. ers after 12 months’ follow-up.
We identified four open and seven con-
trolled studies with a blinded on– off phase. VentralCapsule/VentralStriatum. Subsequently, Nucleus Accumbens. The NAc is located
The inclusion ratio per study ranged from adjacent structures of the internal capsule where the head of the caudate and the ante-
4 –27 patients with OCD (Table 1). Consid- were targeted for DBS. The ventral striatal rior portion of the putamen meet, just be-
ering the amount of larger studies with DBS area contains the ventral caudate nucleus neath the ALIC, and plays a key role in the
in OCD, case studies were excluded. One and NAc, which are thought to be associ- reward circuitry (18, 19, 49, 96). The NAc is
study (31) was omitted from final efficacy ated with motivation and reward. Com- considered a promising target for DBS be-
analysis because of its design that included bined with the ventral capsule it is re- cause there is evidence of dysfunction of the
results from earlier studies. ferred to as the VC/VS region. This brain reward system in OCD. A study by Figee et
Anterior Limb of Internal Capsule. The ALIC target was chosen based on the experi- al. (24) showed attenuated reward anticipa-
contains fibers connecting the prefrontal ence with subcaudate tractotomy (see tion activity in the NAc of patients with OCD
cortex and the subcortical nuclei, including Leiphart and Valone [57] for review) and compared with healthy controls. Sturm et
the dorsomedial thalamus. The choice of gamma knife capsulotomy at the ventral al. (101) published the first DBS results of
the ALIC as a brain target for DBS was based region of the ALIC for treatment-refrac- unilateral, right-sided NAc implantation in
on the experience with the anterior capsu- tory OCD (1). In 2006, Greenberg et al. four patients with OCD. This open study
lotomy for therapy-refractory OCD. This (32) conducted a study with 10 patients considered three of four patients as re-
ablative procedure had shown positive re- who underwent bilateral stimulation of sponders, although no Y-BOCS scores were
sponse in approximately 50% of partici- the VC/VS. Eight patients were observed reported. A subsequent double-blind study
pants (74). for 3 years. Four of eight patients were by the same group in 2010 with 10 OCD



patients reported only one responder at phoria, sometimes to the extent of hypo- tion between ventral limbic regions (includ-
1-year follow-up, although five patients manic and manic symptoms (29). Transient ing anterior insula, hippocampus and subcal-
were considered partial responders (ⱖ25% hypomania is the side effect most com- losal cingulated) and dorsal frontal regions
symptom improvement) (18). In 2010 De- monly observed immediately after stimula- (including prefrontal cortex, premotor area,
nys et al. (16) published a study on 16 pa- tion in DBS for patients with OCD. Tran- parietal cortex), with increased limbic activity
tients with bilateral NAc DBS for OCD. This sient hypomanic episodes seem to occur and decreased cortical activity in MDD. Fur-
study consisted of an open 8-month treat- more often in the VC/VS–NAc region. thermore, reversal of this pattern has been
ment phase, followed by a double-blind, Chronic mood improvement is an unin- found during mood improvement and de-
crossover phase with randomly assigned tended but favorable side effect of DBS in ther- pression remission (14, 44, 99).
2-week periods of active or sham stimula- apy-refractory OCD patients, who often suffer
tion. It ended with an open 12-month main- from comorbid major depression. Antide-
tenance phase. Nine of 16 patients were de- pressive effects were reported after NAc,
Efficacy of DBS for Depression
fined responders during follow-up. ALIC, and VC/VS stimulation (1, 16, 32). Be-
We identified four open studies using a
cause no mood improvement was observed
Subthalamic Nucleus. The STN is part of the unique caseload and one study describing
after STN stimulation (64), this improvement
basal ganglia and is located ventral to the follow-up results after 3 years of treatment
seems to be related to DBS of the ventral stria-
thalamus, dorsal to the substantia nigra, (Table 2). The inclusion ratio ranged be-
tum in particular. Stimulation cessation can
and medial to the corticospinal tract. Stud- tween 8 and 20 patients. At the time of writ-
result in severe worsening of mood. However,
ies of DBS in Parkinson disease highlighted ing, no controlled studies on DBS for de-
this worsening can be reversed by reactivation
the presumable role of the STN in behav- pression have been published.
of the stimulation.
ioral alteration and reducing OCD symp-
Ventral Capsule/Ventral Striatum. The VC/VS
toms. After initial positive results in case
as a potential DBS target for TRD was based
studies (26, 63), Mallet et al. (64) reported
Conclusion and Future Directions on research with this target in OCD (32, 81).
on the efficacy of bilateral STN stimulation
DBS is a promising therapy for treatment-re- Depressive symptoms were improved in ad-
in 16 OCD patients. Twelve of 16 patients
fractory patients with OCD as 44 of 82 pa- dition to those of OCD. Malone et al. (65)
were categorized as responders, although
tients were defined responders, resulting in included 15 highly refractory depressive pa-
responders were defined by a mean de-
an average overall response rate of 54%. Be- tients, in whom electrodes were implanted
crease of 25% or greater in Y-BOCS score in
cause of the various study designs with differ- bilaterally in the VC/VS region following the
this study.
ing outcome measures, duration of follow- dorsal-ventral trajectory of the anterior limb
Inferior Thalamic Peduncle. The ITP links the up, and limited number of subjects, a of the internal capsule (28). They found a
thalamus and the OFC and is part of the clarifying comparison of the efficacy per brain response rate of 40% after 6 months and
orbitofrontal-thalamic system. Because target remains difficult. Further research 53.3% at last follow-up (mean 23.5
these structures are central in the patho- should focus on optimizing this therapy with months, ⫾14.9 months). Remission rates
physiology of OCD (33), it was hypothe- respect to target location, patient selection were 20% at 6 months and 40% at last fol-
sized that electrical stimulation of this and management, and further investigation low-up. The mean Hamilton Depression
white matter bundle could reduce OCD of its mechanism of action. Rating Scale (HDRS) score decreased from
symptoms. The only study on DBS for OCD 33.1 at baseline to 17.5 after 6 months fol-
in the ITP was an open study conducted by low-up.
Jiménez-Ponce et al. (41). They reported a
DBS IN THERAPY-REFRACTORY Nucleus Accumbens. Bewernick et al. (7) se-
100% response rate of the 5 included pa-
DEPRESSION lected the NAc as target for DBS in TRD.
tients on the Y-BOCS after 12 months’ fol-
Similar to the VC/VS area, Denys et al. (16)
Rationale observed a substantial mood improvement
Major depressive disorder (MDD) has a life- in patients with OCD treated with bilateral
time prevalence of 15%–20% (46). With ad- NAc DBS. Furthermore, major depression
Limitations and Safety equate treatment, most patients recover to a appears to be associated with hypoactiva-
Side effects of DBS are related to either the normal level of functioning. However, up to tion of the NAc during reward outcome,
surgical procedure or to the stimulation it- 40% of patients who respond to antidepres- which is thought to be associated with the
self. Bleeding rates of DBS surgery are be- sant treatment develop residual symptoms anhedonic aspects of depression (84). The
tween 0.2% and 5% (94). Other side effects despite optimized treatment (23). Further- NAc receives projections from the ventral
reported related to the operation are wound more, up to 33% of patients do not reach tegmental area, which produces dopamine,
infection and perioperative headache (16). remission criteria after adequate sequenced and from regions involved in emotional
Side effects related to the stimulation vary antidepressant treatment, resulting in ther- processing, including the OFC and
widely. They are usually reversible by cessa- apy-refractory depression (TRD) (91). amygdala (78). Stimulating the NAc could
tion or adjustment of stimulation parame- Although the exact pathophysiology of therefore modulate neural activity in other
ters. Acute mood changes during the first MDD remains unknown, a convincing emotion and motivation centers in the brain
few days of stimulation have been reported, network model has been described (70). (95). Bewernick et al. (7) included 11 TRD
such as transient sadness, anxiety, and eu- This model is characterized by a dysregula- patients for NAc DBS. A response was de-



short- and long-term clinical efficacy be-

Table 2. Overview of Published Studies of Deep Brain Stimulation for Therapy- tween the different brain targets. The fact
Refractory Depression that DBS is clinically effective in different
Number of Follow-up brain targets, together with positron
Study Target Patients Period (months) Response emission tomography findings showing
decreased metabolism in SGC and other
Malone et al., 2009 (65) VC/VS 15 6 Response 40% prefrontal regions after NAc DBS (7), sug-
Remission 20% gests that DBS modulates the pathologic
Last follow-up* Response 53.3% neural network involved in depression.
Remission 40% However, possible clinical improvement
Bewernick et al., 2012 (7) NAc 11 12 and 24 Response 54.5%
due to the placebo effect cannot be ruled
Remission 30% out. Furthermore, DBS patients got more
supportive care compared to non-DBS pa-
Lozano et al., 2008 (60) SCG 20 12 Response 55%
tients, with more frequent follow-up vis-
Follow-up: Kennedy et al., 2011 (45) Remission 35%
its. The attention of health care profes-
SCG 20 36 Response 75% sionals and more frequent visits alone
Remission 50% could be the cause of clinical improve-
Last follow-up† Response 64.3% ment in DBS patients. Therefore, double-
Remission 42.9% blind controlled crossover studies are
Puidgemont et al., 2011 (85) SCG 8 6 Response 87.5% needed to determine whether DBS is an
Remission 37.5% efficacious treatment in DBS. In addition,
12 Response 62.5% neuroimaging and neuropsychologic
Remission 50% studies of DBS in TRD are needed to im-
prove our understanding of the patho-
NAc, nucleus accumbens; SCG, subcallosal cingulate gyrus; VC/VS, ventral capsule/ventral striatum.
physiology of depression and the mecha-
*Mean last follow-up was 23.5 ⫾ 14.9 months.
†Last follow-up between 3 and 6 years.
nism of action of DBS. It is the general
clinical impression that reduction of TRD
symptoms takes longer than OCD symp-
fined as a 50% reduction on 28-item HDRS, HDRS (17-item) score decreased from 24.4 toms after DBS. Another common clinical
and remission as a score of 10 or lower on to 12.6. After 12 months follow-up, they re- observation is that TRD symptoms during
HDRS. Response and remission rates after ported a response rate of 55% and a remis- the stimulation period are more prone to
12 and 24 months were similar; 50% and sion rate of 35%. After 3 years of follow-up, extreme fluctuations, therefore TRD pa-
30%, respectively. The five responders re- response rates were 75%, and remission tients are more difficult to stabilize over
mained responders at last follow-up (maxi- rates 50% (45). At last follow-up (range, time than OCD patients. Given the risk for
mum 4 years). The mean HDRS score de- 3– 6 years), the average response rate was suicide, TRD patients need to be moni-
creased from 32.2 at baseline to 20.2 after 64.3%, and the average remission rate was tored very carefully.
12 months , 19.5 after 24 months, and 22.1 42.9%. Recently, Puigdemont et al. (85) re-
at last follow-up. ported on eight TRD patients with SCG
DBS. At 6-month follow-up, response and DBS IN THERAPY-REFRACTORY
Subcallosal Cingulate Gyrus. The subcallosal remission rates were 87.5% and 37.5%, re- ADDICTION
cingulate gyrus (SCG), which includes spectively, on HDRS 17-item. At 1 year fol-
Brodmann area 25, is a key hub in the low-up, these rates were 62.5% and 50%. Rationale
mood-regulating circuit (69, 97). Depres- Drug addiction has detrimental effects on
sion is associated with increased activity of the affected individuals and their environ-
SCG during rest and during performance of ment and it possess a heavy burden on soci-
emotional tasks (13, 20, 43, 70, 97). Con- Limitations and Safety ety as a whole. Addiction is a new indication
versely, decreased activity in this region af- Side effects directly related to the stimula- for DBS, but the rationale to consider DBS
ter antidepressant treatment, transcranial tion are limited in DBS for depression. as a potentially effective treatment for ad-
magnetic stimulation, and electroconvul- Studies reported an increase of anxiety, ten- diction is similar to that in depression and
sive therapy has been found (3, 71). These sion, hypomania, and insomnia (7, 65). All OCD and can be summarized in three main
findings suggest that the SCG is an impor- of these side effects were transient and reasons. (1) Case reports and animal re-
tant region in the pathophysiology of de- could be stopped by cessation or adjust- search have shown promising results for
pression. Therefore this region became of ment of stimulation parameters. DBS for addiction (e.g., Kuhn et al. [54],
interest for DBS (60). Vassoler et al. [105]). (2) Preclinical re-
Lozano et al. (60) investigated the effects search and neuroimaging studies in the
of DBS in 20 TRD patients by implanting Conclusion and Future Directions past two decades have increased our under-
bilateral electrodes in the SCG. From base- DBS is a promising therapy for therapy- standing of the underlying pathophysio-
line to 12 months of stimulation, the mean refractory depression, with comparable logic mechanisms behind addiction by



Table 3. Overview of Published Studies of Deep Brain Stimulation for Therapy-Refractory Addiction

Number of Follow-up
Study Addiction Target Patients Period (months) Response Comorbid Disorder

Müller et al., 2009 (76) Alcohol NAc 3 12–15 2 resolved —

1 improved
Kuhn et al., 2007 (54) Alcohol NAc 1 12 1 improved DP/AD
Kuhn et al., 2011 (53) Alcohol NAc 1 12 1 resolved —
Zhou et al., 2011 (110) Heroin NAc 1 84 1 resolved —
Kuhn et al., 2009 (51) Nicotine NAc 10 30 3 resolved AD/OCD/TS
7 unchanged
Neuner et al., 2009 (80) Nicotine NAc 1 36 1 resolved GTS OCD
Mantione, 2010 (67) Nicotine NAc 1 24 1 resolved OCD
Ardouin et al., 2006 (4) PG STN 7 40 (mean) 7 resolved PD
Smeding et al., 2007 (100) PG STN 1 42 1 worsened after DBS and PD
stopped after changing
settings ⫹ medication
Bandini et al., 2007 (114) PG, DDS STN 2 6–12 2 resolved PD
Witjas et al., 2005 (109) DDS STN 2 18 2 resolved PD
Knobel et al., 2008 (48) DDS STN 1 18 1 improved PD
Lim et al., 2009 (58) DDS STN 19 16 (mean) 5 worsened PD
8 unchanged
6 resolved
AD, anxiety disorder; DBS, deep brain stimulation; DDS, dopamine dysregulation syndrome; DEP, depression; NAc, nucleus accumbens; OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; PD, Parkinson
disorder; PG, pathologic gambling; STN, subthalamic nucleus; TS, Tourette syndrome.

showing affected salience attribution and were studies on STN DBS in Parkinson dis- dopamine agonist treatment after DBS could
cognitive control in addiction (25, 107). The ease. In patients with Parkinson disease, do- have influenced their addictive behaviors as
main brain structures involved in these pamine replacement therapy can sometimes well. In the study by Lim et al. (58), there was a
processes are the ventral tegmental area, develop into addictive use of medication relation between poor outcome on behavioral
OFC, striatum, insula, amygdala, cingu- called dopamine dysregulation syndrome symptoms and the use of higher postopera-
lated gyrus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, (DDS). In addition, DDS is associated with the tive medication use. It is therefore difficult to
and inferior frontal gyrus (50). (3) Relapse onset of impulse control disorders such as deduce from these reports the direct effect of
rates after treatment for addiction are high pathologic gambling (PG), compulsive shop- STN DBS on addictive behaviors.
(50%–70% after 1 year of completing treat- ping, or hypersexuality (22). The first two case
ment) and many patients do not respond at Nucleus Accumbens. Four studies illustrated
series on this subject by Ardouin et al. (4) and a change in addiction after NAc DBS in-
all to treatments. It is therefore important to Witjas et al. (109) described nine patients with
keep searching for new interventions (73, tended to treat another psychiatric disorder
DDS or PG, who improved or resolved their (51, 54, 67). The first study was a single case
83). addiction after STN DBS. Similarly, Knobel et report by Kuhn et al. (54) who described a
al. (48) described an improvement of DDS af- patient treated for anxiety and depression
ter STN DBS. However, Smeding et al. (100) with NAc DBS who had comorbid alcohol
Efficacy of DBS for Addiction described the opposite effect: a patient with- dependence. Although the DBS treatment
We identified three studies in which the in- out a history of addictive behaviors developed had a negligible effect on the anxiety and
dication of DBS treatment was addiction a pattern of PG after STN DBS treatment de- depressive symptoms, he was able to reduce
and 10 other studies in which the remission
spite a clear reduction of levodopa and dopa- his alcohol intake to moderate amounts,
of addiction was an unintended side effect
mine agonist treatment. Lim et al. (58) de- which lasted during the 1-year follow-up pe-
of DBS in patients who were treated for a
scribed a mixed outcome in 19 patients with riod. In a second report by Kuhn et al. (51)
different disorder (Table 3). No controlled
STN DBS: five worsened on their DDS or PG about patients treated with NAc DBS for
studies on DBS and addiction have thus far
behavior, six resolved their addictive behav- psychiatric disorders (OCD, anxiety disor-
been published.
iors, and in eight patients DDS or PG re- der, or TS) 3 of 10 smoker patients stopped
Subthalamic Nucleus. The first studies to re- mained unchanged. In many of these pa- smoking after NAc DBS and never relapsed
port a possible effect of DBS on addiction tients, changes in the use of levodopa or during the 30-month follow-up period, a



much higher rate than unaided smoking and safety of DBS in addiction, the results of pared the effects of thalamic stimulation, GPi
cessation in the general population. The careful explorative studies have to be stimulation, stimulation in both areas, and
third and fourth studies are case reports awaited. sham stimulation in three patients and found
about patients who quit smoking and re- the best effects for GPi stimulation. Further-
mained abstinent in the follow-up period more, an improvement of symptoms is re-
after DBS for OCD (67) and TS (80). In con- Conclusions and Future Research ported in all but two other studies. One study
trast to the first case report, both patients DBS might be a promising therapy for first reported no change in symptoms in one
showed symptom improvements for the treatment-refractory addiction; however, patient (21) and another reported a worsening
primary diagnosis. at present no controlled trials with DBS of symptoms in one patient (11). Side effects
There are only three published articles for addiction have been published. The that are reported using the different target ar-
who describe addiction as indication for NAc seems a promising target area for DBS eas include psychosis, anxiety, depression, ef-
DBS treatment, all of them using the NAc as in addiction, as we have shown in a recent fects on libido, and decreased energy (39, 62,
target area. The choice of the NAc as target review of both animal and human research 106, 108). In one case report, a suicide attempt
area was based on these reports, animal re- (61). was described after several years of NAc DBS
search (38, 47, 59, 105), and the central role in a patient with TS who had a decrease of
the NAc is thought to play in affected re- 44% on the Yale global tic severity scales (79).
ward processing in addiction (50). A case Together these studies show promising re-
series by Muller et al. (76) reported three sults for the application of DBS in TS; how-
patients with severe refractory alcohol de- TS is a childhood-onset condition charac- ever, the amount of stimulation targets used
pendence receiving bilateral NAc DBS. In all terized by motor and vocal tics that are and the wide variety of stimulation parameter
patients craving disappeared, two patients chronic (duration, ⬎1 year) (55). Psychopa- settings make it difficult to compare studies
remained abstinent during 1 year follow-up, thology is common and includes a wide va- and to decide which target area is most effec-
and the other patient reduced his alcohol riety of disorders, including OCD, attention tive and safe. Additional complications in the
consumption considerably. Using a similar deficit hyperactivity disorder, and various search for best target area are the different
approach, another case report by Kuhn et al. degrees of personality disorders (35). Al- comorbidities that accompany many of these
(53) described a patient with alcohol depen- though symptoms mostly improve by early patients and the phenotypic variability of the
dency who reduced his alcohol use to occa- adulthood, a significant number of patients disorder (35). In further research, larger and
sional consumption after 8 months of DBS fail to respond to standard pharmacologic more blinded controlled trials will be needed
and completely stopped drinking after 1 or behavioral therapies (12). TS is consid- to establish the efficacy of DBS in TS and to
year of treatment. The third case report by ered a movement disorder, but has psychi- decide on which target area is most suitable.
Zhou et al. (110) described a patient suffer- atric components and therefore will be dis-
ing from chronic heroin dependence who cussed in this review. The application of
refrained from drug use after NAc DBS dur- DBS in therapy refractory TS was pioneered
by Vandewalle et al. in 1999 (104). About 60 NEW INDICATIONS FOR DBS
ing a follow-up period of 6 years. Interest-
ingly, the patient remained drug free after patients with TS have thus far been treated Modulating the functionality of brain areas
2–3 years of DBS treatment when the IPG by DBS (Table 4), targeting different areas involved in the regulation of food intake by
was turned off and later removed. of the thalamus, different areas of the inter- means of DBS could be a promising new
nal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi), treatment option in eating disorders like
the NAc, the STN, and the ALIC. The ratio- obesity (34) and also anorexia nervosa
Limitations and Safety nale behind the different targets varies. (AN). In obesity, both the hypothalamus
A major limitation is that most of the re- Some studies target sensimotor areas to me- and NAc are considered as potential targets.
ported patients were treated primarily for diate movement dysfunctionality, whereas Several animal studies have investigated the
another disorder, which makes it difficult others target areas in the corticostriatal net- efficacy of DBS in the lateral hypothalamus
to determine whether the found effect on work to mediate the compulsive element of or in the ventromedial hypothalamus on
addiction is caused directly by the DBS, or the disorder, especially in patients with co- food intake and weight loss in animal mod-
whether it is an indirect result after im- morbid OCD. Three studies (2, 62, 108; with els (9, 90, 92). In 1974, Quaade et al. (87)
provement of the main disorder, such as unique case load) have used a double-blind reported suppression of appetite and mini-
lifestyle changes or altered medication use. controlled design for testing the efficacy of mal weight loss after stereotactic electroco-
Most side effects reported were transient. In DBS, two studies (68, 98) used an open label agulation of the lateral hypothalamus in
the articles describing STN DBS, mild apa- design in a larger group of patients (5 and 18, three obese patients. In addition, Mantione
thy was reported in two patients (4) and respectively), other studies are case reports or et al. (67) reported a 44-kg weight loss in a
emotional instability and vivid dreaming in case series. Two double-blind (2, 62) con- patient with severe OCD who underwent bi-
one patient (100). In the articles describing trolled studies used the thalamus as target lateral NAc DBS. However, hypotheses re-
NAc DBS, a hypomanic episode of 2 weeks area and showed moderate improvement in garding the possible positive effects of DBS
was reported in one patient (76), and mild the blinded condition (14% and 37%, respec- on obesity are mainly generated by animal
confusion and urinary incontinence in the tively), with further improvement in the open studies, and by conceptual frameworks
12 hours after surgery in another patient follow-up assessment phase (44% and 49%). based on the current knowledge of the neu-
(110). To explore and establish the efficacy The third blinded controlled study (108) com- robiology of the regulation of feeding.



Table 4. Overview of Published Studies of Deep Brain Stimulation for Therapy-Refractory Tourette Syndrome

Number of Follow-up Period

Study Target Patients (months) Response (reduction on YGTSS) Comorbidity

Vandewalle et al., 2003 (106)† CM-Pf Voi 3 8-60 Mean

Follow-up: CM-Pf Voi 2 72-120 82% Tic reduction
Ackermans et al., 2010 (111) 85 Tic reduction
Servello et al., 2008 (98) CM-Pf Voi 18 3-18 65% OCD/DEP/ aggression
Follow-up: CM-Pf Voi 15 24 52%
Porta et al., 2009 (122)
Bajwa et al., 2007 (113) CMPf Voi 1 24 66%
Maciunas et al., 2007 (62)* CM-Pf Voi 5 3 Mean OCD/DEP/ ADHD
14% (blinded comparison)
44% follow-up
Vernaleken et al., 2009 (126) CM-Pf Voi 1 6 36% OCD/ADHD/ DEP symptoms
Ackermans et al., 2011 (2)* CM-Pf Voi 6 3 ⫹ 6 (blinded comparison) Mean
12 37% (blinded comparison)
49% follow-up
Lee et al., 2011 (120) CM-Pf Voi 1 18 58%
Ackermans et al., 2006 (112)‡ CMPf Voi 2 12 85% tic reduction
GPi 93% tic reduction
Welter et al., 2008 (108)§* CM-Pf 3 20-60 Mean
and GPi GPi: 78%
CM-Pf: 45%
Both: 60%
Flaherty et al., 2005 (117) ALIC 1 18 23%
Shields et al., 2008 (125)储 CM-Pf Voi 3 46%
Servello et al., 2009 (123) ALIC/NAc 4 10-44 Mean 66% OCD
Burdick et al., 2010 (11) ALIC/NAc 1 30 17% worsening OCD
Kuhn et al., 2007 (54) NAc 1 30 41% on OCD
Zabek et al., 2008 (127) Right NAc 1 28 80%
Neuner et al., 2009 (80)¶ NAc 1 36 44% OCD
Diederich et al., 2005 (116) GPi 1 14 47%
Gallagher et al., 2006 (118) GPi right 1 Several months Improvement of tics contralateral
and continuation of tics ipsilateral
to electrode
Shahed et al., 2007 (124) GPi 1 6 84% PD, impulsivity
Dehning et al., 2008 (115) GPi 1 12 88%
Dueck et al., 2009 (21) GPi 1 12 No benefit Mental retardation
Martinez-Fernández et al., 2011 (68) GPi 5 3-24 Mean 29% Dystonia/ ADHD
Martinez-Torres et al., 2009 (121) STN 1 12 97% tic improvement PD
ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ALIC, anterior limb of internal capsule; CM-Pf, center median parafascicular complex; DEP, depression; GPi, globus pallidus internus; OCD,
obsessive-compulsive disorder; NAc, nucleus accumbens; PD, Parkinson disorder; STN, subthalamic nucleus; Voi, ventralis oralis internus.
*Controlled studies.
†Includes 1 patient from Vanderwalle et al. 1999.
‡Includes 1 patient from Vanderwalle et al. 2003.
§Includes 1 patient from Huerto et al. 2005.
储1 patient receiving DBS two times in different target areas.
¶Neuner et al. 2010 reports suicide attempt in follow-up study.



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