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Theory of Compulation Intvoducion to Theosy of. Compubaton Tntroduction te Finthe fudomota [ Book: Lotveducheon Jo Theesy oF Compula-h on - Michael Sipser Tntesnahonal Student Edition What is Compatahon 2 ~ Malkplication of two numbers ~ Frading i ich onor: yo word in a dictionary > Checking whether there is a path between two Vertes ina gtaeh: Computafional devices * , £g. Calculator , Cellphone , Computer , pen and paper . i + use, Study Computational devices based on the vesouves that us Finite Automata: futon aka | ‘ta is the plural of ne word “auto mater”. pubanato. 64 An electric switch Scanned with CamScanner €g:2- Fan reguladow Operabon: Cea CCA a§ ® fx/xisa binary shing divisible by 4 ¢ Eg. Qe spw ss Binary) Decimal loo 4 a 1lo 6 x 1100 12 ee Obsesve thatthe set of binary numbers divisible. by 4 are etactly these thet hove 00 as & Sun , Start Blube : go Accept State! 90 Scanned with CamScanner &q of Obtain % Ilo x LOG ° bb 1100 Scanned with CamScanner Determinishe Finite Automaton CDFA) Basie Meketon and Grvenhun, OFA Edit Lesson Oefinihiors and Notations: An alphabet is a finite set of symbols dendod by ¥ ox rf. 4 shing over an alphabet is a Sequence of symbols from the alphabet. eq? w= ollol length of a stming \s the no of symbols in the stoing -clenoted as \wl eg: \onot| = 5, The empty shing is the sting consistiag of O symbols. denoted as E. Zo e{ufuwa shing over ¥ and Iwl= ¢ t ss { 00, ol, 10, n¥ Tes. ed! (20 ae Uv xf i7o Language : A language L over an alphabet 3, is a Subset of tah & of & Finite automaton : La fF wfw ends with e it es 7 OP" ie Cr Oefinivion! A deterministic finite automaton Cin short DFA) is 4 5 tuple Q,=,$, 40, F) Where Q is a firite set of Stales X is the alphabet §$:@xzOQts lo € Q is the slosh state F @ A zx Le \ \ (State | symbol) Stake, deden mi nteyic " ‘Whe 44 of Stales in a DFA Partitions the set of al shoings Sel of ie faite Scanned with CamScanner | Computation by OFA Regular Operahuns Computation of a OFA. lee = Caz, §) Fo) F) and lel W= 4,4)... ay where a; € > be say thet M accepks 0 if $F a sequence of sledles Yor Sy My... tn Such trot D Y= Gy Critral Congitton) i ¢ Transi tien Dy 28 O%,,a)) Wes beep Cees 1) %m € F Caccepk Condifion) Note; The Glotes ¥; neal not be distinct. Ut L ¢ =* We say thd M accepts L TE bes foext*/m accepls ot ab 1 eos we say thet Lis reguas if Sa OFA M such thet L= Un) by or { n zo} is not vegular Exacoples: 4) uy = {w/o does not contdin I\ as a substring & a Lav : of Yo: Conteiin IN as a subs Slving Jo: does Not contain il asa subshnog and does not end oth 9,: does not conten i] asa substangand it ends tae 4d Scanned with CamScanner The state s a “damp stale! A dump de is a state fron where, The audomaton aan not yeach an accep! state, X= one one yy tho Ly, Uys Lo w- lel G01 41, 40,2, L- - 100 Yo 1 40) So On 44 is a dump state. , Regular Operations: lee arp ca >* D Urien Operation hop = fa/~xen oy xeBy 2D Concatenation Opesation ; AB = t Hy] EN end Ye a4 also denoted as AP; 9: A= Labs o=f1,2,3, --.4 AB= Lal bl, az, bz, 03,53, CX ane Scanned with CamScanner SD Star Operation : Aa* = P y%-- ~My |r zo and % EA few all iy é 2 g A= Lio, 001" a* = [€, 10,00], lolo, = tooo], 00]] 0, e0l00) Scanned with CamScanner Tintreduchon to Mede Nendetey minis m Nendetes piinism * from a stele 4 , 07 Gm input symbol a, the Automaton car do to multiple states k (ke o) Com putteche > happens Simullentously aleng each of these paths. has € -4yansiions af fheve ls a €- transition » . ‘ ” + then automaton moves to State 4) and a witha sveading the next input bit An input Ts accepted if theres some computation path thet leads to an accept State , ~ Eg: dlondet Rite Automaton 0) i a Z) o, Gn) \ Ce Oo © : ay) ~ C40") > $405.93 (4,121 5 (4,,0) > {494 (4,, 2 T4323 . 2 . he Note: The trarsitiwng ave labeled with symbols from I Set re EU Leh Scanned with CamScanner Considew om input W= Clollo {— Set of States the Bynes) fexd | auto m: 6) [ ( bt 4) T4954, 20% \ {20 40} | £40,9,,9a, 48} | £4041, 92, 20} \ 1 40,40, det Tnput accepted Concepts Covered: Til now we hove Sencar model COFA); Which or a Sfate, veadiag am input symbol Fron jnput shiag goesto single state. Bat here we wil) see ci model which en Yeading a0 japut symbol or not redding ang symbol at all , can go to maltiple, skates. Hence the model is called “ plondeteyministig, finites automoka " Scanned with CamScanner 13 NFA, definition and example Th this leche we state the differences belucen NFA and DFA. We also give firrmal defiailian of an NFA and see some examples of Computation by a0 NEA Fer Shey Differences bekoeen DFA and NFA: OFA (G2) 5 Single state | C4,0) > maltiple Stetes Single computation _ multigle Gmputation “N° € --tbransmihoens -have €- tansmition “accept FF the Computation - accept if one of the compudativs ends at an accept state .| paths ends at an accept State * Rejected if the unique “Rejected TF non oF the computaticn Gorm putation does nok paths ends at an accept State ends atan accept Slate. Definition: A non- deterministic finite automaton (NEA) is the five tople Ne (4,2, 5, %,F). Qiste Fisile Set of 6tetes Zo is the input — alphabek §: QxE—> 2% Jo is The = hawk Gove Fo is the acopk el of accepy Ghedes Uv fet for a cet A, 24 denofea the powes set of A, Recatl thot Ze = Scanned with CamScanner Defiaihon: We say nak N accepls an input Wwca, ay Ay fF we can woe W AB W= hb), be by whe and Ta sequence of slates %,y,, Sn Cro necessarily dishiack) such drat Y= 4, Cinitat condihion) ii a . Do 8 Cx 1 be) He 1,2,...m Chansihen eendinen) "ye F LON) = iy t we =* [Nn accophs wt ¢ 2 §D ue fw efony* | 274 Jask symbol of wis @ L § OST @ Cacceplance Condom) ville: fay ts te gy ts J doy, dek 9 fae.dys 22. £304,933 Klolo: ; $40} {40,49 25 $0,95 L> faa) 0} ie {90,448 Show that Joa Dra fire [. it is Ut = £6 fort * [the hth tagt | \ 4D Lf we £03 [wl te divisible by 2 os by =} Scanned with CamScanner le Scanned with CamScanner Equivalence of NFA and DFA, Closuse Propest es In this lechure we shoo the equivalerme of NFAand OFA by Showing how to construct an equivalent OFA from a given NFA We also discuss closuve pr opesties of Yegular languages undes the union, concatenatun and Star Operations Every OFA is alsoan NFA . Theovens ; let ye CQ, ZS, Io ,F) bean IFA then there exists a DFA O- (a! 12,8! 4), F!) such that LINng= L CD), 2 Gnshruchen of . Q!' = 28 “tA €q@ ten §'(a,a)= U_ &(s,a) 1 ‘EA Jo = £4,% ae fa c@laare dt bbhat about €- transitions 2, let RL@ Define the E-closuse of Ras Oox more. © ~tramsifions J Ece) = VU f4t[ tis reachable from ¥ usiag TER we define 8' te accomodate € - transitions S(na= U ECS¢a)) YEN Example Le fw ford last eymbol in w is | + rom (2 aC) Scanned with CamScanner States that ave not wseochoble lenown as dead states. from the stest state ave, Theevem: LF Ly and la ave yegular dren LULg, Li bo and « Li ave also wegular, Fora “regulor language we can assume thot there Is NFA Acep ting iE witha unique accept state . Longuage | NFA Start State | accept State | uy Ny 2) vy, bo No Dee Vy Lye lLCND lo = Lin) N ey {2 TWN re Y Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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