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02-04 08:43:06.

023 1774 2067 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:

onPointerEvent ev:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0,
x[0]=959.0, y[0]=1522.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1,
historySize=0, eventTime=21492855, downTime=21492589, deviceId=4, source=0x1002,
displayId=0, eventId=334833470 }
02-04 08:43:06.515 1774 2067 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:
onPointerEvent ev:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0,
x[0]=915.0, y[0]=1642.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1,
historySize=0, eventTime=21493347, downTime=21492589, deviceId=4, source=0x1002,
displayId=0, eventId=1001264197 }
02-04 09:44:14.542 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 133472 tx_bad 28
rx_good 1856009 tx_retry 23181 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 11:05:32.186 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 226168 tx_bad 84
rx_good 2334745 tx_retry 35944 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 11:10:47.376 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 233474 tx_bad 88
rx_good 2375838 tx_retry 37278 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 13:03:31.597 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 334722 tx_bad 115
rx_good 2934158 tx_retry 50791 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 13:03:34.619 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 334780 tx_bad 115
rx_good 2934269 tx_retry 50794 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 13:25:16.179 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 383433 tx_bad 115
rx_good 3003347 tx_retry 55938 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 14:13:20.389 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 427597 tx_bad 115
rx_good 3123347 tx_retry 60183 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 14:55:50.538 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 533476 tx_bad 116
rx_good 3262713 tx_retry 72745 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 15:21:06.059 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 579280 tx_bad 116
rx_good 3334768 tx_retry 77244 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 17:04:11.715 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 773347 tx_bad 144
rx_good 3853172 tx_retry 102034 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 17:47:29.953 1774 7640 D _V_NotificationService:
DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NOTIFY:enqueueNotificationWithTag pkg=com.facebook.mlite
notification=Notification(channel=com.facebook.mlite.DefaultChannelId shortcut=null
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x18
color=0xff0084ff category=msg actions=2 vis=PRIVATE internalType=0
internalPriority=0 internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0) userId =0
02-04 18:31:55.422 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 946460 tx_bad 144
rx_good 4313347 tx_retry 107560 tx_retry_times 0
02-04 20:24:12.069 1774 2067 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:
onPointerEvent ev:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=1,
x[0]=475.0, y[0]=1007.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1,
historySize=0, eventTime=59846596, downTime=59844209, deviceId=4, source=0x1002,
displayId=0, eventId=533479855 }
02-04 21:33:15.394 1774 2067 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:
onPointerEvent ev:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0,
x[0]=209.0, y[0]=804.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1,
historySize=0, eventTime=63828993, downTime=63828878, deviceId=4, source=0x1002,
displayId=0, eventId=334798675 }
02-04 21:46:38.088 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 173429 tx_bad 46
rx_good 5103347 tx_retry 14525 tx_retry_times 0
02-05 11:07:55.285 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 53347 tx_bad 34 rx_good
6723676 tx_retry 7893 tx_retry_times 0
02-05 12:17:37.345 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 116214 tx_bad 62
rx_good 6873347 tx_retry 16333 tx_retry_times 0
02-05 12:32:43.685 1774 2067 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:
onPointerEvent ev:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0,
x[0]=623.0, y[0]=535.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1,
historySize=0, eventTime=85484954, downTime=85479154, deviceId=4, source=0x1002,
displayId=0, eventId=373703347 }
02-05 12:37:47.968 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 150642 tx_bad 64
rx_good 6933478 tx_retry 20589 tx_retry_times 0
02-05 17:13:08.056 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 663862 tx_bad 80
rx_good 8433477 tx_retry 81018 tx_retry_times 0
02-05 18:33:52.085 1774 2067 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:
onPointerEvent ev:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=1,
x[0]=452.0, y[0]=869.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1,
historySize=0, eventTime=107153347, downTime=107153179, deviceId=4, source=0x1002,
displayId=0, eventId=184683464 }
02-05 20:31:54.061 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 893466 tx_bad 111
rx_good 9323347 tx_retry 104889 tx_retry_times 0
02-05 20:35:01.600 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 895265 tx_bad 113
rx_good 9334796 tx_retry 104988 tx_retry_times 0
02-05 21:02:36.397 1000 31821 E _V_sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:44,
win_orient_sample: ts=178890833471220 ns; value = -1.000000
02-05 22:15:09.581 17572 18141 E OpenGLRenderer: JankTracker::calculateLegacyJank
expectedDequeueDuration > 0 expectedDequeueDuration=3212513,
DequeueBufferDuration=684323, forgiveAmount=684323, totalDuration=2334727
02-05 22:45:54.832 1000 25297 E _V_sensors-hal: vsen_ssc_ticks2systemtime:923,
sensor alsps Ambient Light Sensor Non-wakeup[5] event 1025 [2.835899 71.000000
71.000000 5.000000 46.000000 0.000000 6.321732 32.714676 334700.000000 ] count
51/0/51 ssc time=51:24:53.852
02-05 22:58:05.313 7643 15727 E OpenGLRenderer: JankTracker::calculateLegacyJank
expectedDequeueDuration > 0 expectedDequeueDuration=957686,
DequeueBufferDuration=4077239, forgiveAmount=957686, totalDuration=11334784
02-05 22:58:09.092 7643 15727 E OpenGLRenderer: JankTracker::calculateLegacyJank
expectedDequeueDuration > 0 expectedDequeueDuration=665421,
DequeueBufferDuration=4334739, forgiveAmount=665421, totalDuration=11974210
02-05 22:58:29.791 7643 15727 E OpenGLRenderer: JankTracker::calculateLegacyJank
expectedDequeueDuration > 0 expectedDequeueDuration=644693,
DequeueBufferDuration=4358646, forgiveAmount=644693, totalDuration=13347646
02-05 23:10:18.900 1000 20135 E _V_sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:44,
win_orient_sample: ts=186553347882939 ns; value = -1.000000
02-05 23:20:28.702 1000 30355 E _V_sensors-hal: vsen_ssc_ticks2systemtime:923,
sensor icm4x6xx Gyroscope Non-wakeup[4] event 1025 [0.002335 0.107182 -0.334780 ]
count 800/0/800 ssc time=51:59:27.721
02-05 23:29:59.744 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1213347 tx_bad 215
rx_good 10147768 tx_retry 142680 tx_retry_times 0
02-05 23:37:58.569 1000 30355 E _V_sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:715,
GYRO_ROTATE_DEBUG 1 cali (21.550690, 111.659027, 585.795959) uncali (-767.933472, -
939.159973, 546.256226) interval(10.005521, 10.005521) count(10 10)
02-05 23:38:01.262 1000 30355 E _V_sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:715,
GYRO_ROTATE_DEBUG 1 cali (31.886692, 145.876495, 574.317078) uncali (-758.859802, -
906.314819, 534.743347) interval(10.005468, 10.005521) count(32 32)
02-05 23:47:50.688 1000 7792 E _V_sensors-hal: vsen_ssc_ticks2systemtime:923,
sensor rotation_vector Non-wakeup[11] event 1529 [0.273733 -0.334794 0.610953
0.663114 ] count 799/0/1599 ssc time=52:26:49.690
02-05 23:48:19.635 1000 28699 E _V_sensors-hal: vsen_ssc_ticks2systemtime:923,
sensor gravity Non-wakeup[9] event 1025 [7.469904 -0.492042 6.334730 0.063121
0.004792 -0.008570 ] count 800/0/806 ssc time=52:27:18.655
02-05 23:53:43.026 1000 7792 E _V_sensors-hal: vsen_ssc_ticks2systemtime:923,
sensor rotation_vector Non-wakeup[11] event 1025 [0.334772 -0.374416 0.622262
0.600442 ] count 800/0/1600 ssc time=52:32:42.033
02-06 00:07:59.872 1000 18083 E _V_sensors-hal: vsen_ssc_ticks2systemtime:923,
sensor icm4x6xx Accelerometer Non-wakeup[1] event 1025 [6.843347 -1.287721 6.976105
] count 400/0/400 ssc time=52:46:58.893
02-06 00:34:02.393 1000 16713 E _V_sensors-hal: vsen_ssc_ticks2systemtime:923,
sensor rotation_vector Non-wakeup[11] event 1025 [-0.308800 -0.334730 -0.557297
0.694275 ] count 801/0/1602 ssc time=53:13:01.398
02-06 00:37:39.439 1774 2067 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:
onPointerEvent ev:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0,
x[0]=546.0, y[0]=667.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0,
classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1,
historySize=0, eventTime=126353347, downTime=126342248, deviceId=4, source=0x1002,
displayId=0, eventId=605393881 }
02-06 00:38:18.467 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1628049 tx_bad 215
rx_good 10851771 tx_retry 163347 tx_retry_times 0
02-06 00:48:05.685 1000 28699 E _V_sensors-hal: vsen_ssc_ticks2systemtime:923,
sensor gravity Non-wakeup[9] event 1025 [8.324441 -0.722149 5.133475 0.042809 -
0.182494 -0.170677 ] count 800/0/806 ssc time=53:27:04.705
02-06 00:54:19.777 1000 18083 E _V_sensors-hal: vsen_ssc_ticks2systemtime:923,
sensor icm4x6xx Accelerometer Non-wakeup[1] event 1025 [8.318174 4.970722
0.133477 ] count 278/0/278 ssc time=53:33:18.321
02-06 00:58:42.593 28938 28888 E BLASTBufferQueue: releaseBufferCallbackThunk
bufferId:124287763613347 framenumber:57 blastBufferQueue is dead
02-06 01:01:43.878 28423 29201 E OpenGLRenderer: JankTracker::calculateLegacyJank
expectedDequeueDuration > 0 expectedDequeueDuration=2631699,
DequeueBufferDuration=2018906, forgiveAmount=2018906, totalDuration=3347833
02-06 01:03:20.274 1000 20127 E _V_sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:59,
light_optimize_event: ts=193334726588739, (2.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000),
(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
02-06 01:04:16.894 1447 1447 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 53347 tx_bad 0 rx_good
11014064 tx_retry 3972 tx_retry_times 0
02-06 02:24:32.374 1774 2067 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:
onPointerEvent ev:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_POINTER_UP(2), actionButton=0,
id[0]=0, x[0]=257.0, y[0]=2251.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, id[1]=1,
x[1]=497.0, y[1]=786.0, toolType[1]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, id[2]=2, x[2]=499.0,
y[2]=688.0, toolType[2]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE,
metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=3, historySize=0,
eventTime=132766282, downTime=132765235, deviceId=4, source=0x1002, displayId=0,
eventId=334738573 }
02-06 03:15:38.970 764 764 D Zygote : Forked child process 3347
02-06 03:15:38.971 1774 2107 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3347:com.google.android.apps.nbu.files/u0a179 for broadcast
02-06 03:15:38.992 3347 3347 E .apps.nbu.file: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-06 03:15:38.994 3347 3347 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam
detection failed: Invalid argument
02-06 03:15:39.013 1774 2127 D _V_AppMemcgController: create process
com.google.android.apps.nbu.files 10179 3347, newGroup=in_active_bg
02-06 03:15:39.014 1774 2127 E JNITool : L200 jni createProcessGroup
pkg=in_active_bg, pid=3347, uid=10179
02-06 03:15:39.024 3347 3347 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10179; state: ENABLED
02-06 03:15:39.029 3347 3347 D _V_SystemFonts: verifyDefaultFont path:
02-06 03:15:39.030 3347 3347 D _V_Typeface: create typeface: b400006eda263180
with style 1
02-06 03:15:39.071 3347 3347 D nativeloader: Configuring classloader-namespace
for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=33,
02-06 03:15:39.071 3347 3347 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries:
02-06 03:15:39.227 3347 3347 W ziparchive: Unable to open
855zhWXb15Cq1hXGOVH1Ag==/split_config.arm64_v8a.dm': No such file or directory
02-06 03:15:39.227 3347 3347 W ziparchive: Unable to open
855zhWXb15Cq1hXGOVH1Ag==/split_config.arm64_v8a.dm': No such file or directory
02-06 03:15:39.227 3347 3347 W .apps.nbu.file: Entry not found
02-06 03:15:39.228 3347 3347 W ziparchive: Unable to open
855zhWXb15Cq1hXGOVH1Ag==/split_config.en.dm': No such file or directory
02-06 03:15:39.228 3347 3347 W ziparchive: Unable to open
855zhWXb15Cq1hXGOVH1Ag==/split_config.en.dm': No such file or directory
02-06 03:15:39.228 3347 3347 W .apps.nbu.file: Entry not found
02-06 03:15:39.229 3347 3347 W ziparchive: Unable to open
855zhWXb15Cq1hXGOVH1Ag==/split_config.xxhdpi.dm': No such file or directory
02-06 03:15:39.229 3347 3347 W ziparchive: Unable to open
855zhWXb15Cq1hXGOVH1Ag==/split_config.xxhdpi.dm': No such file or directory
02-06 03:15:39.229 3347 3347 W .apps.nbu.file: Entry not found
02-06 03:15:39.237 3347 3347 D nativeloader: Configuring classloader-namespace
for other apk
855zhWXb15Cq1hXGOVH1Ag==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk. target_sdk_version=33,
02-06 03:15:39.242 3347 3347 W .apps.nbu.file: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exist.
02-06 03:15:39.242 3347 3347 W .apps.nbu.file: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exist.
02-06 03:15:39.242 3347 3347 W .apps.nbu.file: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exist.
02-06 03:15:39.266 3347 3347 I _V_VPerformance: Connecting to vperf service.
02-06 03:15:39.286 3347 3347 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for
'com.google.android.apps.nbu.files' set to: 'default'
02-06 03:15:39.286 3347 3347 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
02-06 03:15:39.288 3347 3347 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security
Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-06 03:15:39.291 3347 3347 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security
Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-06 03:15:39.446 3347 3485 W ziparchive: Unable to open
No such file or directory
02-06 03:15:39.446 3347 3485 W ziparchive: Unable to open
No such file or directory
02-06 03:15:39.851 3347 3518 I FA : App measurement initialized, version:
02-06 03:15:39.852 3347 3518 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
02-06 03:15:39.853 3347 3518 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
02-06 03:15:39.853 3347 3518 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.google.android.apps.nbu.files
02-06 03:15:46.711 3347 4273 W .apps.nbu.file: Accessing hidden field
Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (max-
target-o, reflection, denied)
02-06 03:15:46.712 3347 4273 W .apps.nbu.file: Accessing hidden method
(max-target-o, reflection, denied)
02-06 03:15:46.712 3347 4273 W .apps.nbu.file: Accessing hidden method
Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
02-06 03:15:46.952 1774 3356 W _V_ActivityManager:
getHistoricalProcessExitReasons callingPid:3347 callingUid:10179
02-06 04:02:27.454 3347 6024 E lfj : Trace GrowthKitJob timed out after
2408350 ms. Complete trace: # lfu@beea7706
02-06 04:02:27.454 3347 6024 E lfj : lfy:
02-06 04:02:27.454 3347 6024 E lfj : at tk_trace.INSERT WITH ON CONFLICT
promotions(Started After:1)
02-06 04:24:15.425 3347 3903 E lfj : Trace WorkManager:TikTokListenableWorker
startWork timed out after 3118571 ms. Complete trace: # lfu@dfb4462d
02-06 04:24:15.425 3347 3903 E lfj : lfy:
02-06 04:24:15.425 3347 3903 E lfj : at tk_trace.INSERT WITH ON CONFLICT
files_classification_table(Started After:190)
02-06 04:32:14.214 1408 2397 V MediaPlayerService: Create new media retriever
from pid 3347
02-06 04:32:15.370 1408 16186 V MediaPlayerService: Create new media retriever
from pid 3347
02-06 04:32:15.747 1408 16186 V MediaPlayerService: Create new media retriever
from pid 3347
02-06 04:32:16.975 3347 3526 W A : TikTokListenableWorker was cancelled
while running client worker:

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