Tuition Fee 2023 PDF - LC Jakarta (NATIONAL)

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Document Requirements

• Copy of ID Card/Passport (1 copy)

• Copy of Family Card (1 copy)
• Copy of High School Certificate or Paket C or higher (1 copy)
• Copy of Birth Certificate (1 copy)
• Other document that needed*

Proficiency Entry Test

• English Test (Written) • Creative Counseling (Interview and Written)
Monday to Friday Monday to Friday
(office hour - based on appointment) (office hour - based on appointment)

The Intakes
January - May - September

Document Requirements for Equivalency Process

• Transcript • Course outline • Portfolio / assignments

Payment Detail Bank Name :

Beneficiary’s Name : Bank OCBC NISP, Branch Rasuna Said


Sahid Office Boutique Unit C-F (Komp. Hotel Sahid Jaya) Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.86
Ph. 021-57851819 | Mobile. 0812 3881 8184 | Mail:
Full Time (Duration & Payment) Part Time (Duration & Payment)
Year Term Payment per Year Payment per Term Year Term Payment per Year Payment per Term
Fashion Design
Sarjana (Terakreditasi) 3 9 123.334.000 41.112.000 4 12 92.500.000 30.834.000
International Diploma 2 6 141.000.000 47.000.000 3 9 94.000.000 31.334.000
Cert. in Stylish/Illustrator 1,4 4 74.250.000 24.750.000 2 6 49.500.000 16.500.000
Cert. in Pattern Maker 1 3 117.000.000 39.000.000 2 6 58.500.000 19.500.000
Fashion Business
Sarjana (Terakreditasi) 3 9 116.000.000 38.667.000 4 12 87.000.000 29.000.000
International Diploma 2 6 120.500.000 40.167.000 3 9 80.334.000 26.778.000
Cert. in Buyer 1,4 4 87.750.000 29.250.000 2 6 58.500.000 19.500.000
Cert. in Retail Manager 1 3 121.000.000 40.334.000 2 6 60.500.000 20.167.000
Digital Media Design
International Diploma Graphic Design 2 6 122.000.000 40.667.000 3 9 81.334.000 27.112.000
International Diploma Game Art & Design 2 6 122.000.000 40.667.000 3 9 81.334.000 27.112.000
Certificate in Graphic Design 1 3 114.000.000 38.000.000 2 6 57.000.000 19.000.000
International Diploma 2 6 111.500.000 37.167.000 3 9 74.334.000 24.778.000
Certificate in Photography 1 3 118.000.000 39.334.000 2 6 59.000.000 19.667.000
Interior Design
Sarjana (Terakreditasi) 3 9 97.000.000 32.334.000 4 12 72.750.000 24.250.000
International Diploma 2 6 114.500.000 38.167.000 3 9 76.334.000 25.445.000
Certificate in Interior Design 1 3 129.000.000 43.000.000 2 6 64.500.000 21.500.000
Cert. in Interior Decorating 8 Months 2 73.000.000 36.500.000 - - - -
Artistic Make Up
Certificate 8 Months 2 92.000.000 46.000.000 - - - -
Management of Creative Industries
International Diploma 2 6 126.500.000 42.167.000 3 9 84.334.000 28.112.000
Certificate 1 3 129.000.000 43.000.000 2 6 64.500.000 21.500.000

Pre Registration Fee*

Application Fee Rp. 500,000 Please note:
• The above fees are confirmed exclusively for the 2023 enrolment period.
Building & Facilities Fee Rp. 42.500.000 • Tuition fees are subject to change without notice.
Building & Facilities Fee for AMU & Bridging Rp. 37.500.000 • The tuition fee does not include the student books and tools.
• Pre registration fee does not include the student visa fee for the International student.
Student Executive Board Fee/term Rp. 150,000 • The tuition fee must be paid in full amount, all bank expenses would be charged to students.
• Application fee must be paid before making an appointment for an entry test.
* All fees are non refundable and must be paid prior to the commencement

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