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Adler Nicholson

Mrs. Shipley

ACP English Comp


Method What Suffering Does

1) -There is an assumption that the main goal in life is to maximize happiness

-When we remember the past, we remember the ordeals

-Suffering is sometimes only suffering

-Some people are ennobled by suffering

-Suffering reshapes one’s self

-Happiness makes one think of maximizing benefits

-Suffering lets you know your limitations

-“Holiness” is a response to suffering

-People aren’t healed, they become different

-Suffering is an equal gift to happiness

2) There is a repeated emphasis that the character and structure of one’s person is built

by their suffering and their ordeals, and that their greatest traits are linked to it. The

words suffering and happiness are repeated almost to portray that they are necessary

together to complete a person. Additionally, the idea of holiness or that life is some

sort of moral quiz which you must work your way through and learn from seems to be

an underlying concept within many of the statements made.

3) I see the opposing idea that the world seeks to maximize happiness and plans things

around that, yet it seems they are shaped most by suffering. On top of this, there are

opposing views on the importance of suffering. One side states that suffering is

necessary in some part for the shaping of people’s morals and values, while the other

sees it as something to avoid entirely.

4) An anomaly that has occurred to me is that even though it is valued as a gift by some,

those people still fear it. They still seek to maximize happiness even though they

believe in the importance of suffering. It seems to be omitted as to why this is the


5) I want to ask just how much of the suffering the author believes shapes someone’s

self, against how much of it is merely suffering. On top of this, I would like to know

if they believe in such a thing as learning these values and perspectives without the

suffering involved, or if they believe it to be the only answer. I also want to know if

these cases of suffering aid happiness in the long term, or if they impact only


6) The article is trying to say that suffering is an often overlooked part of what shapes

our behaviors and beliefs. While it may still be something to only avoid at sometimes,

the author believes that it is what can enlighten us the most.

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