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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Cagayan

Subject: English 3
Topic: Words with Initial and final Consonant Digraphs/ch/ and /sh /
Competency: Use of Consonant Digraphs/ch/ and /sh /
MELC Code: EN3PWR-IIf-1.1
Scriptwriter: Princess B.Balisi
Teacher III
Baggao South Central School
Hello children! Hello everyone! I am Teacher Princess Balisi, of
Baggao South Central School. Your English Teacher for today It my
pleasure of welcoming you. I am very much overwhelmed that you`re with
us because this lesson is really meant for you.
At the end of our topic, you are expected to read sentences and
phrases consisting of words which have consonant diagraphs /ch/ and /sh/
and identify words which have consonant diagraphs /ch/ and /sh/.

Today we are talking about the Words with Initial and final
Consonant Digraphs /ch/ and /sh in english 3 for the second quarter
module 5
Before our lesson proper, let us see if you have any idea regarding
our lesson. Ok children? Are you ready?
Let us read number 1. Shanah was shocked by the shadow of her
sheep. Now, what are the words with digraph/sh/. Yes! You are correct.
These are Shanah, shocked, shadow and sheep. Now, let have number 2.
She sells sea shells by the seashore? What are the words with digraph /sh/?
Correct!! These are the words she,shells and seashore. Next number 3
sentence, Bash loves her lash. What are the words with digraph /sh/?
Indeed! These are Bash and lash. Now, lets read no. 4, She has a pair of
silk socks and a shiny shoe. What are the words with digraph /sh/? Great!
These are She, shiny and shoe. Lets have number 5. Shelly mashes the
squash for shy Shiela. What are the words with digraph /sh/? Very good!
They are Shelly, mashes, squash, shy and Sheila.
Now, Let us name the pictures inside the apple. What is in the first
apple? Yes it is a shell. What about in the second apple? Very Good, it is a

What ‘s In:
This time let us read a poem and pick out the words that rhymes.
Lets do it.

Mickey the tiny playful rat

Likes to hide in a dusty mat,
He squeaks and squeaks
Until he learns to tweak;

Mickey the tiny playful rat

Hides by a bat;
The boy caught him up, And now
` Mickey the rat calls his pup!

What are the words that rhyme in a poem? You got it! Rat – mat, squeak
– tweak ,rat -bat, then up and pup. These words are what we call? Yes,
they are rhyming words.
Let’s focus on words with initial and final /sh/ and /ch/ sounds.
Read the short passage and identify the words with beginning and ending /sh/ and /ch/
sounds. Write your answers in the correct column.
Let us now read the short passage.

“Cholo and Mario”

The man in the show whose name is Cholo had a pair of shiny shoes. He liked to brush it with shoe polish before he
appeared in the show. One shiny day, his friend Mario invited him to have some snacks such as hot choco paired with delicious
chocolate chips. After they had their snacks, they went to the barber shop to have a haircut. The haircut was done only for a short
period of time. They paid the barber with five shillings. Cholo and Mario went out of the barber shop, happy and satisfied. They
immediately showed their new cut to their wives when they got home. In the evening, Cholo performed again in the show after
brushing his favorite shoes.
Now , Based from the short passage we have read. Who is the man in
the show? YES THE MAN IN THE SHOW IS CHOLO Who is Mario? Correct,
MARIO IS A THE FRIEND OF CHOLO. What did they do one shiny morning?
DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CHIPS. How did they feel when they went out of
the barbers hop? Yes, THEY ARE HAPPY and satisfied. What do you think
made them happy and satisfied? Indeed, THEY ARE HAPPY AND SATISFIED

Ok children now let us recall for the words with /sh/ sound in the passage.
What are they? Let’s start with the words with beginning /sh/ sound. Correct they

are show shiny shoes, shop, short and shillings. How about the words with ending
/sh/ sound? Correct they are brush and polish. Let us read them.

Now let us proceed with the words with /ch/ sound. What are the words in
the short passage with beginning /ch/ sound? Yes , cholo, choco, chocolate, chips.
What about the words with ending /ch/ sound? You are correct, such. Let us read
again the words.
Our lesson is about a digraphs. A digraph is two letters that make a single sound.
It can be made up of vowels and consonants. Many sight vocabulary words use digraphs.
Most common digraphs are /sh/ and /ch/. Digraphs with initial sound can be heard at the
beginning of words, while digraphs with final sound can be heard at the end of words.
Here are the examples of words with digraphs /sh/ and /ch/.

shell chair



Read silently the sentences below and look for digraphs. Identify the
location of the /sh/ sound. Write initial or final. 1. My classmate found my
lost wallet in the shelf. 2. There’s a shark in the shallow sea. 3. Mothers
mash the cooked squash for their babies. 4. There’s a show in the
gymnasium. 5. My father caught some fish this morning.
Let us check if your work are correct. For number 1, shelf- initial.
Number 2, shark- initial and shallow- initial. For number 3, mash- final
and squash- final. Next number 4, show – initial and last number 5, fish-
final. Congrats kids you are amazing.

Lets have another exercises. Identify the words with digraph /ch/ and
tell whether the /ch/ sound is heard at the beginning or end. 1. I had lunch
at the new restaurant in town. 2. We ate a creamy, crunchy chocolate
pinipig iced- drop. 3. Ben has a new watch. 4. Our school has championed
the drum and bugle contest. 5. Mother likes to cook menudo with
pineapple chunks.
Let us check if your work are correct. For number 1, lunch- final.
Number 2, chocolate-initial. For number 3, watch - final. Next number 4,
championed – initial and last number 5, chunks-initial. Good job kids.

With the given examples, I am sure that you can now identify and
perhaps differentiate the proper nouns to common nouns.
Always remember the difference of proper and common nouns.
Proper nouns are specific names we give to people,animals,things and
event starts with a capital letter and the common nouns starts with a small
letter and these are the general names we give to people,animals,things
and events

This has been your podcast teacher, Mrs.Princess B.Balisi leaving
you the message,According yo Lao Tse “to attain knowledgei add things
everyday,to attain wisdom removes
Things everyday . guys I would appreciate much if you like and share this
episode. You might as well message me via my messenger with my name
Princess Baltazar Balisi or my mobile 09178087992 for TM/Globe
subscribers. Be with us again in the next podcast episode. thank you and I
love you all. bye!

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