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Bolivarian Republic of VenezuelaMinistry of Popular Power for University

EducationExperimental National University "Simón Rodríguez"Core -Maturin

The development of the administration in the story


Omar Gomez -Milano Isbelis

C.I: 27871107

Section R-D

Plan to

DIcember 2022

TheDevelopment of the Administration

¿What is the administration? What are your features? What do you discremelly
interferers for your best application? And why is it necessary to meet it. In order to
understand the administration, the perspective of the history of his discipline must be
known, the facts about what has happened in similar situations before and relate to
other experiences and other current knowledge. That is why the importance of knowing
the history and development of the administration.Administration concepts "Manage is
to foresee, organize, direct, coordinate and control through management". (HenriFayol).
"The administration is a social science that pursues the satisfaction of institutional
objectives through a structure and through the coordinated human effort." (José Antonio
Fernández Arena). "The administration is the systematic set of rules to achieve
maximum efficiency in ways of structureing and managing a social body." (Agustín
Reyes Ponce). This author adds that the administration is the technique of the
coordination of things and people who integrate a company. "The administration is the
direction of a social body, and its effectiveness to achieve its objectives, founded in the
ability to lead to its members." (HaroldKoontzandCyrilOrDonnell).The administration
appears since man starts working in society. The emergence of the administration is an
event of first importance in social history in a few cases, if there are, a basically new
institution, or some new leader group, have arisen as fast as administration since the
beginning of the century. Rarely in the history of humanity an institution has manifested
indispensable as quickly. The administration that is the specific body in charge of
making resources be productive, that is, with the responsibility of organizing economic
development, reflects the essential spirit of the modern era. It is actually indispensable
and this explains why, once created, he grew up so quickly. The human being is social
by nature, therefore tends to organize and cooperate with their like. The history of
humanity can be described through the development of social organizations based on
prehispanic times by nomadic tribes, where the organization for the collection of fruits
and animal hunting begins, and then with the discovery of agriculture gives way to
creationof the small communities. If we could review the whole history of humanity we
would find that, the old peoples worked together in formal organizations (eg Greek and
Roman armies, the Roman Catholic Church, the company of the Eastern Indies, etc.).
Also people have written about how to get organizations to be effective and efficient,
long before theterm"Administration" had appeared and had defined. The companies
have been transforming, since for centuries, it was characterized by having agricultural
predominant forms, where the family, informal groups and small communities were
important. Subsequently, these were transformed into other industrial type, driven by
the industrial revolution and characterized by the emergence and development of large
organizations and industrial centers. The systematic body of knowledge about the
administration begins in the middle of the industrial revolution, in the 19th century, when
the large companies that required new forms of organization and
emergented.practicesadministrative. The large-scale industrial company was something
new. General Administration is the name GenEOR OF THESubject, theAccountants,
productive, mechanical, legal, etc.), the administrative phenomenon is specific and
different from those accompanying. The administration is wherever there is a social
body, although logically it is more necessary, when mAyor and more complex is
this.The success of a social body depends, directly and indirectly, of its good
administration, and only through it, of material, human, etc., etc.with which the organism
counts.For large companies, technical or scientific administration is indisputable and
obviously essential, since, for its magnitude and complexity, they simply could not act if
it were not based on an extremely technical administration. In them it is perhaps, where
the administrative function canIsoast better from others.For small and medium-sized
companies, also perhaps the only possibility of competing with others is the
improvement of its administration, that is, obtain better coordination of its elements:
machinery, market, labor rating, etc., in which, indisputablemind are they overcome for
theirEffort effort ". (George R. Terry). "The administration is a distinctive process
consisting of planning, organization, execution and control, executed to determine and
achieve the objectives, through the use of people and resources."(George R. Terry).
"The administration is a social process that has the responsibility to plan and regularly
plan and regulate the operations of a company, to achieve a given purpose."
(E.f.l.Brech). "The administration is the art or technique of directing and inspiring others,
based on a deep and clear knowledge of human nature" (J.D.Mooney). "The
administration is a technique through which they are determined, clarified and conduct
and the objectives of a particular human group." (Peterson andPlowman). "The
administration is the use of the authority to organize, direct and control responsible
subordinates (and consequently, to the groups they command), in order for all the
services that are provided are properly coordinated in the achievement of the end of the
company." (F.Tannenbaum).Importance of the Administration One of the simplest ways
of the Administration, in our society, is the administration of the home and one of the
most complex administrationpublic. But the administrative phenomenon was not only
born with humanity but extends at the same time to all geographical areas and for their
universal nature, we find it present. And that is in the field of human effort there is
always an administrative side of all planned effort. The importance of the administration
is seen in which it is effectively made to human efforts. Helps get better personal
equipment, equipment, materials, money and human relationships. It remains at the
forefront of changing conditions and provides foresight and creativity. The improvement
is its constant slogan. Reyes Ponce lists the importanceof the Administration as:The
administration is given wherever there is a social body, although logically more
necessary, the greater and more complex is that. The success of a social body
depends, directly and immediately, of its good administration and only through it, of
material, human, etc. with which that organism counts. For large companies, technical
or scientific administration is indisputable and obviously essential, since by its
magnitude and complexity, they simply could not act if it were not based on an
extremely technical administration. For small and medium-sized companies, as well,
perhaps its only possibility of competing with others, is the improvement of its
administration, that is, obtain better coordination of its elements: machinery, market,
labor rating, etc. The elevation of theProductivity, concern maybe the most important
thing in the economic, social field, depends, for that time, of the appropriate
administration of the companies, since if each cell of that economic-social life is efficient
and productive, the society itself, formed by them, will have to be. Especially for
countries that are developing; Perhaps one of the substantial requirements is to improve
the quality of its administration, because, to create the capitalization, develop the rating
of its employees and workers, etc., essential bases of its development, the most
efficient coordination technique of all elements, which comes to be, therefore, as the
starting point of that development. We can conclude the importance of the
administration, with the facts that demonstrate it objectively: the administration applies
to all types of companies. The success of an organism depends directly and
immediately of its good administration. An adequate mannerRise race
productivity.largecompetitors.. The elevation of productivity, probably the most important
concern in the social economic field, depends for the above, of the appropriate
administration of the companies, since if each cell of that economic-social life is efficient
and productive, society itself, formed by them, will have to be. 6. In particular for
developing countries, one of the substantial requirements is to improve the quality of its
administration, because to create the capitalization, develop the grade of employees
and workers, etc., essential bases of its development, the most efficient coordination
technique of all elements, which is to be, therefore, the starting point of this
development..The administration and its relationship with other sciences. Between the
administration and social sciences there are numerous points of contact that in some
way should treat specialists from one and other disciplines, with greater reason as the
administration, as a recent contribution to the field of science and the art, faces various
problems that previously solved social scientists. For example: what is now a basically
administrative element, in other times it was considered partially economic, sociological
or psychological. The administration has an eminently social nature, since all society
needs technical meansof the administration for thecorrect development of its function,
and we observe that during theFirst years of its structuring Most of the principles it used
was taken from sociology, psychology and the economy. In conclusion, it is practically
impossible to study the administration without having a prior knowledge of the social
sciences. The right is part of the necessary structure in which the social rests. Only on
the basis of justice established by law This structure is firmly seated. A unaware society
is unchanged even for private administration. A social body can only be administered
when it is possible to require certain actions of others, whether they have been imposed
by law or that immediately derive an agreement. From this point of view, the
administration is related intrinsically with the right, since the legal structure of the
productive organization is the basis for administrative action. The relationship between
the administration and the economy is very close, especially in terms of the economic
purpose that pursues the productive company. From this perspective, many of the
administrative actions must be signed in economic science, since one of the
fundamental objectives of the coordinated effort and conducted within the socialism is
the production of economic benefit. Between administration and psychology there is a
very important relationship, as is the case of the development of modern administration
theories, where psychology has made valuable contributions in the management and
control of human behavior, emphasizing the need for cooperation that must be given
among the members of the Organization towards administrative strokes and managers.

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