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London, ON Teacher Forecasts Shark Attack Death of Stella Berry in Australia: BBC/UK
Intelligence Agencies Tacitly Imply Who is to Blame

By: Andrew Kaprusiak (February 6th 2023)

I was in the gym on January 25th 2023; it was the day of a bad snow storm in southern
Ontario. I went to the ab crunch nautilus machine and I noticed a young women with
black hair in black yoga pants on the floor mat talking on her cell phone. I assumed that
she was a teacher because she mentioned she had grades 5 and 6 to someone on her
cell phone. She next proceeded to do some stretches where she laid on her back,
pulled up her knees and conspicuously displayed her behind. There were many facets
to her actions on that day that had many implications in the upcoming days but perhaps
most significantly, her actions forecast the death of a teen Australian girl, Stella Berry,
from Perth on the Swan River near Fremantle.1 Stella was allegedly attacked by a bull
shark on February 4th 2023 after she had jumped in the river off of her jetski to swim

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with a pod of dolphins. Stella was too seriously mauled to be saved and died at the

How is it possible to predict a seemingly completely spontaneous shark attack though?

Although sharks are untrainable it is possible to attract them to an area with blood, seal
blubber and with floating cut-outs resembling seals and to encourage them to go into a
frenzy as a result.2 Perhaps the bull shark was lead up the Swan river in such a manner
from the ocean by a boat feeding it over several days. “Sharks showed mixed reactions
to the towing of a bag of bait away…with some following a long distance, while others
showed no reaction.”3 So some sharks can be led to an area outside of their usual
habitat. Regardless, this is not the first time I have reported on an intentionally-made
shark attack towards a young woman. In 2019 I reported that a California university
student, Jordan Lyndsey’s death was premeditated and carried out by causing three
sharks to go into a feeding frenzy where she was swimming in the Caribbean. 4 Ms
Lyndsey died as a result of her attack. However, on the day of Ms Lyndsey’s attack

4(see page 8)
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Londoners in the city in Ontario where I live, tacitly forecast her attack by sharks and
her death. Londoners even forecast what parts of her body were affected. For example,
on the day of —and right around the actual time of 2pm EST when Jordan Lyndsey was
being attacked— a young woman got on the bus I was taking who was wearing Bum
coverall shorts. The word Bum was prominently displayed on the front of woman’s
coverall shorts. Conspicuously, it was reported that Jordan had sustained injuries to her
buttocks in the attack.5 To put it mildly, it was conspicuous to me that a young London
woman near the same age as Jordan Lyndsey and quite similar in appearance to her,
was wearing Bum coverall shorts across from me on the bus at about 2pm EST. So it
was almost the exact same time that Jordan was being attacked by the sharks and
sustaining injuries to her buttocks that I noticed this woman —who was so similar to
Jordan Lyndsey in so many ways— on the bus in her Bum overall shorts. This woman
on the bus tacitly forecast a seemingly accidental shark attack almost at the exact same
time that the attack was going on, a sure indication that Jordan Lyndsey’s shark attack
was premeditated and pre-planned.

Nevertheless, if it is possible to have 3 sharks attack someone simultaneously, it is

possible for unscrupulous individuals to lead a single shark a mile up river to attack
someone. But how did the woman on the gym mat that I had seen forecast Stella
Berry’s shark attack and death? First of all, the woman on the gym mat was quite young
as Stella was. Also she had dark hair as Stella had. As well, the woman on the “mat”
tacitly referred to Stella’s father, Matt Berry. Next the woman on the gym mat
conspicuously displayed her behind while doing her stretching exercises. As I
mentioned earlier, buttocks in this context was a tacit referral to Jordan Lyndsey who
sustained injuries to her buttocks due to an intentionally-arranged shark attack. So the
woman on the gym mat showing her behind was a tacit forecast of an intentionally-
arranged shark attack to occur. The attack then occurred to Stella Berry about 10 days
after the tacit forecast. Finally, both Stella Berry’s parents are teachers in Australia and it
was allegedly the teacher on the gym floor mat talking about her grade 5 and 6 classes
that caught my attention on January 25th. Due to all of these surreptitious references it
is difficult not to conclude that Stella Berry’s death was an intentionally-arranged and a
defacto premeditated murder. As well, it is evident that intelligence services were aware
of the impending act but could not get word out to prevent it due to corruption in
intelligence services

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Due to such conspicuous circumstances around the death of this female, I decided to
refer to a very prescient forecaster of women’s murders made to appear accidental, that
of Natasha Raskin Sharp, a radio and BBC TV host. Natasha Raskin Sharp has tacitly
forecast and referred to the deaths of many women with her presence on UK television
over the past few years. Her presence on Bargain Hunt forecast tacitly the death of
Canadian Air Force pilot Jennifer Casey in 2020.6 She also tacitly referred to the death
of US Air Force pilot Ashley Babbitt in the storming of the US Capitol building in January
2021.7 Also, on January 25th, 2021 Ms Raskin Sharp tacitly referred to the death of
Libby Squire.8 Ms Raskin Sharp also forecast the cancer deaths of actress Kirstie Alley
and Jeanette Maus through her TV appearances.9 Unfortunately, often when Ms Raskin
Sharp makes an appearance on TV it is to tacitly forecast the defacto murder of a
woman. In fact, Ms Raskin-Sharp made an appearance on the day after Stella Berry
was killed. She hosted Bargain Hunt on the BBC on January 5th and Stella died on the
4th of January. Ms Raskin Sharp was dressed in blue jeans, similar to the jeans-
coverall-shorts I had seen on the woman forecasting the shark attack on Jordan
Lyndsey in one curious reference to the shark attack on Stella Berry. Other than that
jeans reference there did not seem to be any further references to Stella Berry’s death
by Ms Raskin Sharp. I thought that that was curious because Ms Raskin Sharp is so
well-trusted by UK intelligence services. Obviously Natasha is fed a lot of surreptitious
information on women’s deaths by UK intelligence services to be able to forecast and
refer to these deaths on TV, but she did not seem to refer to Stella Berry very much on
January 5th. I decided that I wasn't looking enough for the info on the Bargain Hunt
episode so I analyzed the January 5th episode even more diligently. The setting for the
show was York in the UK. I had also seen the number 33 prominently displayed on the
BBC. So I thought I would see if there was a 33 York Street in Perth, Australia, the
metropolitan area that Stella Berry was from. Sure enough there was a 33 York Street in

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Perth and I took a screenshot of the address. (see screenshot page 5) It was a white
house with red trim. Also there was a green recycling bin nearby on the sidewalk. Again,
I had seen several green recycling bins on the BBC’s Homes Under the Hammer TV
series, so I thought that perhaps 33 York Street, or a house close to it, was involved
somehow in the Stella Berry’s alleged murder. I understand this allegation sounds very
tenuous and far-fetched. Nevertheless, I thought that it was worth mentioning. It only
stands to reason, if the intelligence services are aware that women are being murdered
and having these murders appear accidental, intelligence services would certainly know
who are in on these defacto murders through their surveillance in society.

The next morning I began my regimen of watching the BBC and something truly bizarre
occurred. I watched Homes Under the Hammer and this episode on the 6th of February
completely confirmed my suspicions about the house at 33 York Street in Perth,
Australia! Several times throughout the episode a white house with red trim was shown.
(see screenshot bottom of page 5) That the house on Homes Under the Hammer
appeared so similar to the conspicuous white house with red trim in Perth, could in no
way be coincidental. Both homes even had a green recycling bin by them. Natasha
Raskin Sharp had tacitly referred to York Street in Perth on the 5th of January, a day
after Stella Berry was killed. Next, Homes under the Hammer on the BBC referred to the
house on 33 York Street the very next day! It is obvious that UK intelligence services
and the BBC were tacitly implying, due to such a conspicuous coincidence, that the
house on York Street in Perth, or one close to it, housed residents involved in Stella
Berry’s alleged murder. But the house on York Street was not the only item that the BBC
finger pointed to that day in terms of individuals allegedly involved in Stella Berry’s
murder. Further allegations were made about other people allegedly involved in the
death of this hapless teen. One tacit allegation made on Bargain Hunt on January 6th
2023 with Natasha Raskin Sharp hosting again, was that a convicted flasher was in on
the murder. The flasher was allegedly arrested for exposing himself on a busy central
street in Perth with all sorts of stores on it at some point in the past. Allegedly, the guy is
gay as well and participates in many “tea parties” if the tacit allegations on Bargain Hunt
are correct. Also, it should be mentioned that Natasha Raskin Sharp made another
allegation on the January 6th episode of Bargain Hunt in regards to Stella Berry’s death.
Ms Raskin Sharp visited a UK navy training vessel called the Unicorn. This section of
Bargain Hunt implies that it was, indeed, a boat on the Swan River harbour that led the
bull shark up the river with bait as I alleged earlier on in this article. Higher up the
ladder, the BBC implied that Jewish mafia was in on Stella Berry’s death on January
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6th. A news story appeared on TV about a house cat living in a tube station in central
London. A cat on UK TV is a metaphor for wealthy Jewish mafia families due to the fact
that we, in London, Ontario, are plagued by a Jewish mafia family, the Katzs, who
commit terrible crimes towards Londoners. Most disheartening are the murders of
females that the Katzs allegedly commit for pedophiles and communists in London and
its environs. For example, Alexandra Stemp a girl guide,10 Maija Nenonen, a university
student11 and Victoria Stafford, a young girl who was raped and murdered.12 Also, its
alleged that the Katzs instigated the murder of the Afzal family from Pakistan, framing
this slaughter as an act of caucasian racial intolerance.13 So BBC news running a story
on a cat in the context of a morning in which they were constantly referring tacitly to the

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alleged murder of Stella Berry definitely implies that Jewish mafia likely instigated the
murder of this unfortunate teen. But who in Jewish mafia in Australia could have
instigated this murder? The BBC implied in their cat story that the feline was initially
attracted to the tube tunnel due to the mice that scurried about in it. So a wealthy
Jewish family with a rodent in their name is likely who the BBC and intelligence
agencies are referring to as the instigator of Stella Berry’s death and that can only point
to the wealthy Jewish Pratt (P-rat-t) family of Australia. The Pratts are one of the
wealthiest families in Australia. The patriarch of the family, Anthony Pratt, has dyed red
hair which is yet another coincidental reference to the red-trimmed house in Perth. The
question remains though, why would a wealthy Jewish family instigate the murder of an
Australian teen?

To answer this question, it is apparent from my articles that Jewish mafia went into
league with Chinese communists in the 1970s.14 In order to live in their fantasy-world of
having easy access to money, good careers and fame, Jewish mafia must instigate and
finance the murders of people who have run afoul of Chinese communists and their
pedophile leaders. The Jewish community tacitly admitted that such an agreement had
been made between them and Chinese communists through the subtext of the Willy
Wonka and the Chocolate Factory film of 1971.15 The main character of the film, Willy
Wonka, lives in a wealthy fantasy world, which has been facilitated by communist
pedophiles and in return Jewish mafia causes unnecessary medical procedures such as
amputations and brain operations amongst other serious crimes. Also, Jewish mafia
enslaves the black community to organized crime and is integral to drug dealing around
the world. As well, Jewish mafia causes intentionally-caused cancer in many people
around the world. As I said, all these crimes are tacitly and readily admitted to by the
Jewish community through the Willy Wonka film. So, ultimately Jewish mafia murders
girls such as Stella Berry in order that the Jewish community can continue to live in the
fantasy-world they inhabit provided them by communist terror in society. The Jewish
community essentially receives protection from communist infrastructure, as well as a
license to accumulate wealth with the assistance of communist infrastructure in society
in return for committing atrocities towards ordinary people. In other words, in order to

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live in their fantasy-world of easy wealth and easy fame Jewish mafia must persecute
ordinary citizens for the communists in society. Unfortunately it appears, for all intents
and purposes, that the gay male community are in the same position. In order for them
to live in a fantasy world similar to that of Jewish mafia, they to must carry-out horrible
crimes as well, such as the murder of girls and women. In effect, some in the gay male
and Jewish community receive fame, wealth, good careers and protection in return for
persecuting ordinary citizens in the West and for shoving communism down our throats!
All things considered, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if we remove
Jews and gay males from their fantasy-worlds we will eliminate most of the persecution
that occurs to ourselves and to other people in the West, such as poor Stella Berry. As a
result, if we are ever to halt our persecution in the West, Jewish mafia and gay males
must be taken out of the workforce and segregated from the general population until
they stop propping up communist infrastructure in society.

Unfortunately to get back to Stella Berry, Stella seems to have all the characteristics
that singled-her out for death at the hands of communists. As is apparent from my
articles on this subject, communists go after a certain type of female, usually intelligent,
good-natured and exceptionally attractive females. Stella was exceptionally intelligent
(both of her parents were teachers). She was exceptionally attractive, exceptionally
talented and exceptionally big-hearted from the descriptions of those that knew her.
These types of women often go on to become leaders in their communities and
represent a threat to organized crime/communist hegemony in society, especially to the
leaders of this hegemony, pedophiles. Nevertheless, from the tacit allegations the BBC
made on February 6th, several gay men are alleged to have taken part in the murder of
Stella Berry. For example, one of those leather-clad gay guys living in Perth is alleged to
have taken part in Stella’s alleged murder. The BBC also tacitly alleged that a
transexual known to Stella was in on her murder.

Thankfully, UK intelligence services, UK broadcasters/producers, myself and some

trusted UK TV personalities such as Natasha Raskin Sharp are in a position now, not
only to label these so-called accidental deaths defacto murders, but we are also in a
position to publicly name the alleged culpable in the carrying-out of these murders.
These poor souls such as Stella Berry deserve to have their names recorded in history
not as women who are the victims of accidents, but instead as martyrs murdered by
communists, Jewish mafia, gay men and pedophiles so that these groups can lead a
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Willy Wonka-style existence of riches and even fame and indulge in their debauched
and often illegal sexual acts.

Finally, I would like to gratefully acknowledge former UK prime-minister Theresa May. I

have done an inventory of my articles in which UK broadcasters and UK intelligence
agencies forecast and refer to the deaths of so many females on UK television and to
defacto terrorist acts at the hands of communist China and for the most part, these were
only possible when Ms May was prime-minister. Obviously, Ms May is very well-trusted
by intelligence services in the UK and only she has the power to facilitate their making
public allegations of forecasts of defacto terror acts to transpire. In other words, it is
apparent that if we want UK broadcasters to be able to tacitly forecast terrorist acts by
communist China and the murders of innocent and defenceless females around the
globe, and to have any hope of preventing these acts, Ms May must be in a high-level
government position. Since Ms May has been out of high office, I have basically only
had the security services in London, Ontario and Londoners to help me in identifying
defacto communist terror acts mostly after-the-fact. Only if Ms May is in a high-level
government position will we ever have any hope of being able to actually forecast these
defacto terrorist acts and prevent them before they occur, exemplified by UK
broadcasters in the forecasts, before-the-fact, of Sara Everard’s rape and murder.16 In
fact, Ms May tacitly indicated in parliament recently that a Sikh individual who wears a
turban, harassing Prime-Minister Rishi Sunak, is allegedly a child murderer.
Furthermore, it is tacitly indicated on the google maps image I reproduced on page 5
that the identification of those involved in Stella Berry’s murder was only possible due to
Elizabeth May and UK intelligence services. At the bottom of the image next to the
google logo it reads: “image capture May…”


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